How do the non-spiritual explain it?

The miracle of the lady of the sun, the lady of Fatima and mass delusions. People that were not any were in the area of Michael Brown swore they saw him put his hands in the air. Science say otherwise. Funny about facts.

What is funny is how you can so casually dismiss the human spirit, spiritual connection to something greater than self and our long-standing intrinsic spiritual awareness as some "mass delusion" our species has suffered with all it's existence. It's actually HILARIOUS!
What's hilarious is your imagined "spiritual connections" when you can't even identify what that is.

You mean the thing 95% of us are intrinsically aware of and have no problem identifying? The single most defining attribute of our species is not the product of imagination or delusion. There is absolutely no science to support the idea that man invented spirituality. It's an opinion and a rather stupid one.
Repeating your silly 95% slogan is pointless. You've never been able to support that nonsense yet you keep repeating it in order to convince yourself it's true.

Repeating a fraud doesn't make the fraud true.
When you die, part of your brain is a effected. You start having delusions about a bright light down a tunnel and beauty and things, things start getting strange after a while. What is conscience, self awareness? My dog that got hit by a car had that. One day your cell phone might have a soul too till you drown her in the toilet . Or the computer that drives your driverless car...
The miracle of the lady of the sun, the lady of Fatima and mass delusions. People that were not any were in the area of Michael Brown swore they saw him put his hands in the air. Science say otherwise. Funny about facts.

What is funny is how you can so casually dismiss the human spirit, spiritual connection to something greater than self and our long-standing intrinsic spiritual awareness as some "mass delusion" our species has suffered with all it's existence. It's actually HILARIOUS!
What's hilarious is your imagined "spiritual connections" when you can't even identify what that is.

You mean the thing 95% of us are intrinsically aware of and have no problem identifying? The single most defining attribute of our species is not the product of imagination or delusion. There is absolutely no science to support the idea that man invented spirituality. It's an opinion and a rather stupid one.
Repeating your silly 95% slogan is pointless. You've never been able to support that nonsense yet you keep repeating it in order to convince yourself it's true.

Repeating a fraud doesn't make the fraud true.

It's well documented, you're free to try and present something to refute it.
The miracle of the lady of the sun, the lady of Fatima and mass delusions. People that were not any were in the area of Michael Brown swore they saw him put his hands in the air. Science say otherwise. Funny about facts.

What is funny is how you can so casually dismiss the human spirit, spiritual connection to something greater than self and our long-standing intrinsic spiritual awareness as some "mass delusion" our species has suffered with all it's existence. It's actually HILARIOUS!
What's hilarious is your imagined "spiritual connections" when you can't even identify what that is.

You mean the thing 95% of us are intrinsically aware of and have no problem identifying? The single most defining attribute of our species is not the product of imagination or delusion. There is absolutely no science to support the idea that man invented spirituality. It's an opinion and a rather stupid one.
Repeating your silly 95% slogan is pointless. You've never been able to support that nonsense yet you keep repeating it in order to convince yourself it's true.

Repeating a fraud doesn't make the fraud true.

It's well documented, you're free to try and present something to refute it.
It's another of your frauds. You're free to try and present evidence for your fraudulent claim. But we know you've been required to do so many times before and you scurried away.
What is self awareness or conscience? Animals we eat have that to, what is going to keep a us from endowing machines with it, too? Not a science fiction question. Reality.
I am sorry, I am having a asthma attack here. Missed work and GOD isn't helping me here. Otherwise I would be at work and nobody would care one way or da udder.
What is funny is how you can so casually dismiss the human spirit, spiritual connection to something greater than self and our long-standing intrinsic spiritual awareness as some "mass delusion" our species has suffered with all it's existence. It's actually HILARIOUS!
What's hilarious is your imagined "spiritual connections" when you can't even identify what that is.

You mean the thing 95% of us are intrinsically aware of and have no problem identifying? The single most defining attribute of our species is not the product of imagination or delusion. There is absolutely no science to support the idea that man invented spirituality. It's an opinion and a rather stupid one.
Repeating your silly 95% slogan is pointless. You've never been able to support that nonsense yet you keep repeating it in order to convince yourself it's true.

Repeating a fraud doesn't make the fraud true.

It's well documented, you're free to try and present something to refute it.
It's another of your frauds. You're free to try and present evidence for your fraudulent claim. But we know you've been required to do so many times before and you scurried away.
what is really odd is repudiating Spirituality for all other living beings, existing only for (95%) his own species ... and claims not to be a bibleist.

what is really odd is repudiating Spirituality for all other living beings, existing only for (95%) his own species ... and claims not to be a bibleist.

But I've never repudiated this. We've been over this before, I agreed with your idea in principle and admitted it is very possible. Several times I have stated that this is far more plausible than the idea of no spirituality. The problem is, I am a Republican and you are a Democrat. You like Big Government. liberal policies and Hilary Clinton... I like Conservatism, small government and Sarah Palin. Because you hate my political views, you've decided to behave like a 13-year-old girl and hold that against me.
I am sorry, I am having a asthma attack here. Missed work and GOD isn't helping me here. Otherwise I would be at work and nobody would care one way or da udder.

How much time did you spend praying for God to help you? How much faith did you have that spiritual nature could potentially resolve your problem?
What is self awareness or conscience? Animals we eat have that to, what is going to keep a us from endowing machines with it, too? Not a science fiction question. Reality.

Self-awareness and consciousness is not spiritual connection. We don't eat animals which worship God. Machines don't spiritually worship and are not spiritually connected.

And I really hate to be such a hair-splitter here, but you can't really tell us something that you imagine can possibly happen but hasn't, and call that "reality." The things which theoretically happen in your mind are certainly not reality.
The people who made your computer actually do exist and we can visit them and touch them. Your god? Not so much. Total speculation. Or wishful thinking. There MAY be a Master with his plan, but such a thing or person has yet to be proven.

You were talking about the need for a god in order to have reincarnation. Now you are back to rejecting God based on lack of physical proof. Did you stop believing in reincarnation in the midst of your argument? :uhh:
Reincarnation doesn't necessarily need a god to happen, not that I can tell anyways.

Doesn't need a "God" per say, but it does require spirituality.
How so?

Well, it's obvious isn't it? What the hell are we "reincarnating" if not the spirit? The physical body is dead... it doesn't reanimate. New people don't sprout up out of the ground where we bury dead people, so what kind of reincarnation were you thinking about? I assumed you meant our spirit, soul, the essence of who we are... but those are all non-physical (i.e.; spiritual) things.
I never said that a spirit reincarnates. If a spirit itself reincarnated wouldn't that spirit have access to all its past lives and experiences? Which is currently not the case.
Life on the planet. There's your evidence.
Boss?'s another candidate for your dictionary entry on Circular Reasoning.....
Did you ever figure out how marsupials got from Oz to Noah's raft and back?
yes.....but after I explained it to you, you simply asked again.......made you look rather silly, but that isn't my fault......
So they magically flew over like in a cartoon?
no child, that was not my answer.....
There was one supercontinent at the time?
You were talking about the need for a god in order to have reincarnation. Now you are back to rejecting God based on lack of physical proof. Did you stop believing in reincarnation in the midst of your argument? :uhh:
Reincarnation doesn't necessarily need a god to happen, not that I can tell anyways.

Doesn't need a "God" per say, but it does require spirituality.
How so?

Well, it's obvious isn't it? What the hell are we "reincarnating" if not the spirit? The physical body is dead... it doesn't reanimate. New people don't sprout up out of the ground where we bury dead people, so what kind of reincarnation were you thinking about? I assumed you meant our spirit, soul, the essence of who we are... but those are all non-physical (i.e.; spiritual) things.
I never said that a spirit reincarnates. If a spirit itself reincarnated wouldn't that spirit have access to all its past lives and experiences? Which is currently not the case.

I guess we need to have you define what you think "reincarnation" means? :dunno:

Then, we need to find out what kind of science you are using to determine what spirits can or can't do, have access to, or what is and isn't the current case.
When you die, part of your brain is a effected. You start having delusions about a bright light down a tunnel and beauty and things, things start getting strange after a while.

Uhm, when you die, ALL your brain is effected. If your brain is still functioning, you are not dead yet. There have been numerous people who's brain stopped working and heart stopped beating, who were clinically dead, but were able to be revived. It is fascinating they all report a similar experience and it has absolutely nothing to do with their personal spiritual view.

And I've about reached the end of my patience with the "delusions" dodge. Every time an Atheist is cornered without an answer, it's fucking delusions man, yeah, that's it! Delusions can explain away everything! When you drop a ball and it hits the ground, that is just your mind being delusional! Einstein came up with a theory of relativity but he was just being delusional! Darwin proposed evolution, he was obviously delusional! See how wonderfully convenient that word can be?
When you die, part of your brain is a effected. You start having delusions about a bright light down a tunnel and beauty and things, things start getting strange after a while.

Uhm, when you die, ALL your brain is effected. If your brain is still functioning, you are not dead yet. There have been numerous people who's brain stopped working and heart stopped beating, who were clinically dead, but were able to be revived. It is fascinating they all report a similar experience and it has absolutely nothing to do with their personal spiritual view.

And I've about reached the end of my patience with the "delusions" dodge. Every time an Atheist is cornered without an answer, it's fucking delusions man, yeah, that's it! Delusions can explain away everything! When you drop a ball and it hits the ground, that is just your mind being delusional! Einstein came up with a theory of relativity but he was just being delusional! Darwin proposed evolution, he was obviously delusional! See how wonderfully convenient that word can be?
If you actually took the time to review the details you would discover that people report similar experiences near the cessation of heart rhythm due to our biology. As the brain is starved for oxygen and the blood chemistry is thrown into disorder, a whole array of processes is disturbed.

Learn a bit of science and biology.
When you die, part of your brain is a effected. You start having delusions about a bright light down a tunnel and beauty and things, things start getting strange after a while.

Uhm, when you die, ALL your brain is effected. If your brain is still functioning, you are not dead yet. There have been numerous people who's brain stopped working and heart stopped beating, who were clinically dead, but were able to be revived. It is fascinating they all report a similar experience and it has absolutely nothing to do with their personal spiritual view.

And I've about reached the end of my patience with the "delusions" dodge. Every time an Atheist is cornered without an answer, it's fucking delusions man, yeah, that's it! Delusions can explain away everything! When you drop a ball and it hits the ground, that is just your mind being delusional! Einstein came up with a theory of relativity but he was just being delusional! Darwin proposed evolution, he was obviously delusional! See how wonderfully convenient that word can be?
Yeah. When the mind is affected by illness, drugs or intoxicants, let alone oxygen starvation, folks start having (Take a big breath) DELUSIONS. They see bright lights down tunnels, they hear angels singing and all sorts of stuff. Ever Read Dostoyevsky's "The Idiot"? It's all about a man that has epileptic seizures and he thinks he is communing with god, with orgasms even. Delusional pegs religion well, as far as I am concerned. I also have epilepsy, and I understand. No mortal human being can pretend to understand GOD, if there is one.
Boss?'s another candidate for your dictionary entry on Circular Reasoning.....
Did you ever figure out how marsupials got from Oz to Noah's raft and back?
yes.....but after I explained it to you, you simply asked again.......made you look rather silly, but that isn't my fault......
So they magically flew over like in a cartoon?
no child, that was not my answer.....
There was one supercontinent at the time?
sorry, that was not my answer either......
Yeah. When the mind is affected by illness, drugs or intoxicants, let alone oxygen starvation, folks start having (Take a big breath) DELUSIONS. They see bright lights down tunnels, they hear angels singing and all sorts of stuff. Ever Read Dostoyevsky's "The Idiot"? It's all about a man that has epileptic seizures and he thinks he is communing with god, with orgasms even. Delusional pegs religion well, as far as I am concerned. I also have epilepsy, and I understand. No mortal human being can pretend to understand GOD, if there is one.

Sorry, but you cannot have delusions if you are DEAD! When people are near death and they report seeing lights in tunnels, angels singing, etc., you have absolutely no scientific proof they aren't having a spiritual experience. NONE! How do I know this? Because physical science has no means to examine spiritual nature at this time. If something spiritual is happening, science has no way of knowing. You may speculate they are having delusions, but it's amazing how these "delusions" can include specific details about the room they are in, which they couldn't know unless they saw the room from outside their body.

No mortal human being can pretend to understand GOD, if there is one.

I actually respect this opinion and it's very similar to my own viewpoint. There is a supreme spiritual force which we can loosely define as "God." It doesn't have humanistic attributes because it doesn't need them. Although man is intrinsically connected to this spiritual force, we can never fully understand it. Mainly because it is something beyond our human ability to perceive. We don't have the imaginations to conceive it in our brain. It's beyond words we have to define things. It doesn't matter that we can't verify it physically, we all know it's there intrinsically. Some people adamantly deny this but they're lying.

Religions are a completely different topic. While they do serve as clear evidence humans do make a profound, serious and important spiritual connection to something greater than self, they are creations of man and inherently flawed as a consequence. Some more so than others. Religions do good things and bad things, we should focus on appreciating the good and condemning the bad.
When you die, part of your brain is a effected. You start having delusions about a bright light down a tunnel and beauty and things, things start getting strange after a while.

Uhm, when you die, ALL your brain is effected. If your brain is still functioning, you are not dead yet. There have been numerous people who's brain stopped working and heart stopped beating, who were clinically dead, but were able to be revived. It is fascinating they all report a similar experience and it has absolutely nothing to do with their personal spiritual view.

And I've about reached the end of my patience with the "delusions" dodge. Every time an Atheist is cornered without an answer, it's fucking delusions man, yeah, that's it! Delusions can explain away everything! When you drop a ball and it hits the ground, that is just your mind being delusional! Einstein came up with a theory of relativity but he was just being delusional! Darwin proposed evolution, he was obviously delusional! See how wonderfully convenient that word can be?
Yeah. When the mind is affected by illness, drugs or intoxicants, let alone oxygen starvation, folks start having (Take a big breath) DELUSIONS. They see bright lights down tunnels, they hear angels singing and all sorts of stuff. Ever Read Dostoyevsky's "The Idiot"? It's all about a man that has epileptic seizures and he thinks he is communing with god, with orgasms even. Delusional pegs religion well, as far as I am concerned. I also have epilepsy, and I understand. No mortal human being can pretend to understand GOD, if there is one.
the apex of knowledge is the central figure, not the understanding of the Almighty and knowledge is indeed meant to be understood to the fullest, as a necessary ingredient to accomplish Admission to the Everlasting.

Yeah. When the mind is affected by illness, drugs or intoxicants, let alone oxygen starvation, folks start having (Take a big breath) DELUSIONS. They see bright lights down tunnels, they hear angels singing and all sorts of stuff. Ever Read Dostoyevsky's "The Idiot"? It's all about a man that has epileptic seizures and he thinks he is communing with god, with orgasms even. Delusional pegs religion well, as far as I am concerned. I also have epilepsy, and I understand. No mortal human being can pretend to understand GOD, if there is one.

Sorry, but you cannot have delusions if you are DEAD! When people are near death and they report seeing lights in tunnels, angels singing, etc., you have absolutely no scientific proof they aren't having a spiritual experience. NONE! How do I know this? Because physical science has no means to examine spiritual nature at this time. If something spiritual is happening, science has no way of knowing. You may speculate they are having delusions, but it's amazing how these "delusions" can include specific details about the room they are in, which they couldn't know unless they saw the room from outside their body.

No mortal human being can pretend to understand GOD, if there is one.

I actually respect this opinion and it's very similar to my own viewpoint. There is a supreme spiritual force which we can loosely define as "God." It doesn't have humanistic attributes because it doesn't need them. Although man is intrinsically connected to this spiritual force, we can never fully understand it. Mainly because it is something beyond our human ability to perceive. We don't have the imaginations to conceive it in our brain. It's beyond words we have to define things. It doesn't matter that we can't verify it physically, we all know it's there intrinsically. Some people adamantly deny this but they're lying.

Religions are a completely different topic. While they do serve as clear evidence humans do make a profound, serious and important spiritual connection to something greater than self, they are creations of man and inherently flawed as a consequence. Some more so than others. Religions do good things and bad things, we should focus on appreciating the good and condemning the bad.
You posit an opinion as fact. But AT least you are a gentleman about this. You take away from this there IS a GOD, I am not seeing that. But when you die and see God put a good word in for me. If meet him first, I owe you a coke. Deal?

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