How do the non-spiritual explain it?

yes.....but after I explained it to you, you simply asked again.......made you look rather silly, but that isn't my fault......
So they magically flew over like in a cartoon?
no child, that was not my answer.....
There was one supercontinent at the time?
sorry, that was not my answer either......
Noah only needed a few of each species because they later evolved into the millions of species we have now?
finally you remembered my answer.........
Scientists have never been able to produce life from inorganic material. All life comes from life.
But all life is made up from naturally occurring inorganic molecules, so all life comes from inorganic material.

Life comes from life. Provide evidence to the contrary.
Life comes from organic organisms. There are a number of pathways that science has discovered whereby the elements of life that are abundant in the universe could spark life.

Identify how your gawds suddenly *poofed* life into existence.
organic chemicals are not organic organisms.....if it is an organism it is already chemicals are called the building blocks of life....they are never called the builders of life.......
What you did was classic "quote-mining". It's a common practice among religious zealots who take edited, parsed and out of context "quotes" and then attempt to portray the authors intent as having some connection with your religious beliefs.

No, the quotes were not out of context, they clearly state that the universe is finely tuned for life and they can't explain why. This has nothing to do with religious beliefs. Stephen Hawking is an Atheist. His quotes are pretty fucking clear on what he means since he doesn't communicate vocally. It's difficult to take Hawking out of context.

This debate has raged on for 20 pages! You have yet to produce one physicist who doesn't believe the universe is finely tuned. Okay, so some smarty pants posted some bullshit opinion by some pinhead who disagrees, but even in his own works he is agreeing the universe is finely tuned, he just thinks he can explain why. I think I can explain why too, the problem is proving it.
If the constant of gravity is different then the effect of gravity is also different. This effects quarks, leptons, electrons... all kinds of things at the subatomic level which are not as they are because the gravitational constant told them to be.
But that would make the gravitational constant the "tuner" not the tuned!

No more than your radio is the "tuner" because it happens to be on a station when you turned it on.
But your radio IS the tuner! That is why a radio is called a tuner.
My belief the universe is finely tuned is based on science and physics.
Impossible, as you understand neither.

I understand them better than you even with the observatory avatar. I presented a rather impressive list of noted physicists who agree the universe is finely tuned and you produced diddly-squat to refute that.
Appeal to Authority is a fallacy with the following form: Person A is (claimed to be) an authority on subject S. Person A makes claim C about subject S. Therefore, C is true.

The fallacy of appeal to authority is NOT science! You lack the scientific capacity to understand that.

I produced a number of different valuations for the gravitational constant, all of which were capable of producing stars and planets, etc., thus proving that even "fine tuning" has a "tuning" range.
Scientists have never been able to produce life from inorganic material. All life comes from life.
But all life is made up from naturally occurring inorganic molecules, so all life comes from inorganic material.

Life comes from life. Provide evidence to the contrary.
Nothing lives that is not made of inorganic material. Provide evidence to the contrary.
You have yet to produce one physicist who doesn't believe the universe is finely tuned. Okay, so some smarty pants posted some bullshit opinion by some pinhead who disagrees
Actually PHYSICIST and "smarty pants" Victor Stenger produced a whole BOOK debunking your "fine tuned" OPINION.

Don't you ever get tired of lying, or is your lying spirit tireless?
Scientists have never been able to produce life from inorganic material. All life comes from life.
But all life is made up from naturally occurring inorganic molecules, so all life comes from inorganic material.

Life comes from life. Provide evidence to the contrary.
Life comes from organic organisms. There are a number of pathways that science has discovered whereby the elements of life that are abundant in the universe could spark life.

Identify how your gawds suddenly *poofed* life into existence.
organic chemicals are not organic organisms.....if it is an organism it is already chemicals are called the building blocks of life....they are never called the builders of life.......

Your Sunday school lessons are a poor substitute for formal biology classes.
What you did was classic "quote-mining". It's a common practice among religious zealots who take edited, parsed and out of context "quotes" and then attempt to portray the authors intent as having some connection with your religious beliefs.

No, the quotes were not out of context, they clearly state that the universe is finely tuned for life and they can't explain why. This has nothing to do with religious beliefs. Stephen Hawking is an Atheist. His quotes are pretty fucking clear on what he means since he doesn't communicate vocally. It's difficult to take Hawking out of context.

This debate has raged on for 20 pages! You have yet to produce one physicist who doesn't believe the universe is finely tuned. Okay, so some smarty pants posted some bullshit opinion by some pinhead who disagrees, but even in his own works he is agreeing the universe is finely tuned, he just thinks he can explain why. I think I can explain why too, the problem is proving it.
You rely on your own limitations to infer that your "quote-mining" is representative of scientists suggesting that your invented gawds in your invented spirit realms are responsible for magically creating existence.
You have yet to produce one physicist who doesn't believe the universe is finely tuned. Okay, so some smarty pants posted some bullshit opinion by some pinhead who disagrees
Actually PHYSICIST and "smarty pants" Victor Stenger produced a whole BOOK debunking your "fine tuned" OPINION.

Don't you ever get tired of lying, or is your lying spirit tireless?

Yes, if you read Victor Stenger's book, he admits on page one that the universe is finely tuned. His book is about explaining it, not debunking it. None of his speculations on why we have a finely tuned universe is testable or observable.
My belief the universe is finely tuned is based on science and physics.
Impossible, as you understand neither.

I understand them better than you even with the observatory avatar. I presented a rather impressive list of noted physicists who agree the universe is finely tuned and you produced diddly-squat to refute that.
Appeal to Authority is a fallacy with the following form: Person A is (claimed to be) an authority on subject S. Person A makes claim C about subject S. Therefore, C is true.

The fallacy of appeal to authority is NOT science! You lack the scientific capacity to understand that.

I produced a number of different valuations for the gravitational constant, all of which were capable of producing stars and planets, etc., thus proving that even "fine tuning" has a "tuning" range.

Really? Where is this universe you produced with Special Ed Gravity? You can calculate all kinds of formulas and values but formulas and values don't produce universes at all.

Also, I don't think you comprehend what "appeal to authority" means. That would be me stating that Stephen Hawking says we have a fine tuned universe so we must have! That was not my argument, Hawking is introduced to support my argument. That's called citing credible references to back what you're saying and I totally understand why such a concept is over your head. We're not all blessed with the ability to create our own special gravity and universe like you.
Scientists have never been able to produce life from inorganic material. All life comes from life.
But all life is made up from naturally occurring inorganic molecules, so all life comes from inorganic material.

Life comes from life. Provide evidence to the contrary.
Nothing lives that is not made of inorganic material. Provide evidence to the contrary.

DNA. It's organic.
If the constant of gravity is different then the effect of gravity is also different. This effects quarks, leptons, electrons... all kinds of things at the subatomic level which are not as they are because the gravitational constant told them to be.
But that would make the gravitational constant the "tuner" not the tuned!

No more than your radio is the "tuner" because it happens to be on a station when you turned it on.
But your radio IS the tuner! That is why a radio is called a tuner.

I've never called a radio a tuner. A radio is an inanimate object, it can't tune anything. A radio is an example of something that is not finely tuned, it requires a component for tuning it manually to different frequencies. Yes, we've invented new technologies to automate this process but the radio still depends on human input.

Can we stop being obtuse and childish now?
if you read Victor Stenger's book, he admits on page one that the universe is finely tuned. His book is about explaining it, not debunking it. None of his speculations on why we have a finely tuned universe is testable or observable.
You just can't stop yourself from lying. He admits no such thing on page 1 or any other page, in fact he asserts the exact opposite. While he mentions such thing as the multiverse and string theory as arguments against fine tuning, he uses only conventional physics to debunk fine tuning. You just think you can lie with impunity because you have anointed your self as God and therefore made yourself the final authority on EVERYTHING in the universe.

Amazon gives a sample of the book which includes page 1 of the preface and page 1 of chapter 1. Page 22 of the preface shoots down your lie entirely!

The Fallacy of Fine-Tuning Why the Universe Is Not Designed for Us Victor J. Stenger 9781616144432 Books
Scientists have never been able to produce life from inorganic material. All life comes from life.
But all life is made up from naturally occurring inorganic molecules, so all life comes from inorganic material.

Life comes from life. Provide evidence to the contrary.
Nothing lives that is not made of inorganic material. Provide evidence to the contrary.

DNA. It's organic.
Made of inorganic material.
If the constant of gravity is different then the effect of gravity is also different. This effects quarks, leptons, electrons... all kinds of things at the subatomic level which are not as they are because the gravitational constant told them to be.
But that would make the gravitational constant the "tuner" not the tuned!

No more than your radio is the "tuner" because it happens to be on a station when you turned it on.
But your radio IS the tuner! That is why a radio is called a tuner.

I've never called a radio a tuner. A radio is an inanimate object, it can't tune anything. A radio is an example of something that is not finely tuned, it requires a component for tuning it manually to different frequencies. Yes, we've invented new technologies to automate this process but the radio still depends on human input.

Can we stop being obtuse and childish now?
A radio has ALWAYS been called a "tuner," just as a radio with a built-in amp is called a "receiver." You know less about electronics than you know about science, and you know nothing about science.
if you read Victor Stenger's book, he admits on page one that the universe is finely tuned. His book is about explaining it, not debunking it. None of his speculations on why we have a finely tuned universe is testable or observable.
You just can't stop yourself from lying. He admits no such thing on page 1 or any other page, in fact he asserts the exact opposite. While he mentions such thing as the multiverse and string theory as arguments against fine tuning, he uses only conventional physics to debunk fine tuning. You just think you can lie with impunity because you have anointed your self as God and therefore made yourself the final authority on EVERYTHING in the universe.

Amazon gives a sample of the book which includes page 1 of the preface and page 1 of chapter 1. Page 22 of the preface shoots down your lie entirely!

The Fallacy of Fine-Tuning Why the Universe Is Not Designed for Us Victor J. Stenger 9781616144432 Books

I suppose you need to read the book and not the excerpts. Stenger begins by cleverly changing the argument he is challenging to "a universe finely tuned by God" and that isn't the argument. Who fine tuned it has no bearing on whether it is fine tuned. His own argument admits there is a finely tuned universe, he seeks to explain how this is the case without the need for God.

Ultimately, his argument is a form ofcircular reasoning.. The universe is fine tuned because it has to be.
if you read Victor Stenger's book, he admits on page one that the universe is finely tuned. His book is about explaining it, not debunking it. None of his speculations on why we have a finely tuned universe is testable or observable.
You just can't stop yourself from lying. He admits no such thing on page 1 or any other page, in fact he asserts the exact opposite. While he mentions such thing as the multiverse and string theory as arguments against fine tuning, he uses only conventional physics to debunk fine tuning. You just think you can lie with impunity because you have anointed your self as God and therefore made yourself the final authority on EVERYTHING in the universe.

Amazon gives a sample of the book which includes page 1 of the preface and page 1 of chapter 1. Page 22 of the preface shoots down your lie entirely!

The Fallacy of Fine-Tuning Why the Universe Is Not Designed for Us Victor J. Stenger 9781616144432 Books

I suppose you need to read the book and not the excerpts. Stenger begins by cleverly changing the argument he is challenging to "a universe finely tuned by God" and that isn't the argument. Who fine tuned it has no bearing on whether it is fine tuned. His own argument admits there is a finely tuned universe, he seeks to explain how this is the case without the need for God.

Ultimately, his argument is a form ofcircular reasoning.. The universe is fine tuned because it has to be.
Repeating your lie does not make it any less of a lie. But at least you dropped the "page 1" bluff part of your lie, of course, after I posted enough of the book to expose it as a lie, even a God like you had to back down.
if you read Victor Stenger's book, he admits on page one that the universe is finely tuned. His book is about explaining it, not debunking it. None of his speculations on why we have a finely tuned universe is testable or observable.
You just can't stop yourself from lying. He admits no such thing on page 1 or any other page, in fact he asserts the exact opposite. While he mentions such thing as the multiverse and string theory as arguments against fine tuning, he uses only conventional physics to debunk fine tuning. You just think you can lie with impunity because you have anointed your self as God and therefore made yourself the final authority on EVERYTHING in the universe.

Amazon gives a sample of the book which includes page 1 of the preface and page 1 of chapter 1. Page 22 of the preface shoots down your lie entirely!

The Fallacy of Fine-Tuning Why the Universe Is Not Designed for Us Victor J. Stenger 9781616144432 Books

I suppose you need to read the book and not the excerpts. Stenger begins by cleverly changing the argument he is challenging to "a universe finely tuned by God" and that isn't the argument. Who fine tuned it has no bearing on whether it is fine tuned. His own argument admits there is a finely tuned universe, he seeks to explain how this is the case without the need for God.

Ultimately, his argument is a form ofcircular reasoning.. The universe is fine tuned because it has to be.
Not because it has to be but because of your ".... because I say so" nonsense.

And still, you continue to follow the path of your mentors at the ICR by fabricating the "quotes" of others to fit your fundamentalist agenda.
Not because it has to be but because of your ".... because I say so" nonsense.

No that is Stenger's argument and it's circular reasoning. Stating the universe is finely tuned because it has to be is no different than saying because God did it.

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