How do those on the left defend this?

My solution is obvious. Men in men's rooms and women in women's rooms.

Trust the Science....

Not that I have any strong understanding or opinions on this, but as I wonder, what would be the best way to handle a person who was transitioning, still had a penis, but also had breasts and was wearing dresses?
If they have a penis they use the men's room. Men are the stronger gender/sex and don't care if men or women change there. We need to protect women IMO.

I suspect, from my interactions with men, that they also have different attitudes and viewpoints toward modesty and privacy than women do.
All I know is that my wife and daughters would be upset and mad and quit going to the spa and demand money back. It is pretty disgusting. Now would OldLady be okay with this because she claims this would not happen.
My solution is obvious. Men in men's rooms and women in women's rooms.

Trust the Science....

Not that I have any strong understanding or opinions on this, but as I wonder, what would be the best way to handle a person who was transitioning, still had a penis, but also had breasts and was wearing dresses?
If they have a penis they use the men's room. Men are the stronger gender/sex and don't care if men or women change there. We need to protect women IMO.

I suspect, from my interactions with men, that they also have different attitudes and viewpoints toward modesty and privacy than women do.
All I know is that my wife and daughters would be upset and mad and quit going to the spa and demand money back. It is pretty disgusting. Now would OldLady be okay with this because she claims this would not happen.

No, she'd be just as upset as your wife and daughter and I would be, but she would just justify it to herself by saying, "He's not a REAL transgender, because he's not behaving the way I have decided that real transgenders do".

A woman at Los Angeles-area spa Wi Spa yelled at employees after suffering a traumatic event of a man (unclear if the person was a trans woman) walking through the women's locker room with "his penis hanging out." The video showed another woman asking for a refund from the spa with the woman behind the camera supporting her.

#1) 100% political --- biological male using a women's locker room and walking around with their junk for little girls to see? Don't care how they identify, this is not OK

#2) How is that not spitting in the face of women's rights?

#3) Yet another reason people are fleeing California.

Let's see Leftists defend this. The country is falling apart. This lady is 100% right! Yet another reason why the Democratic Party has gone utterly insane.

Thank you....

Trust the Science
Truth over Facts

You say you don’t know if this guy is “trans” but your clear assumption is that he is. No man would is attempting to pass as a woman ever expose his penis in a locker room or bathroom. Because the last thing trans people want to do is have you see them as male.

This man should be arrested for indecent exposure and have his name put on the list of sex offenders. His picture should be posted at spas around the areas where he lives so that he can’t pull this bullshit ever again

Logic and common sense are really not your strong suit. Neither are critical thinking abilities.

You’re driven entirely by paranoia and hate.
Did you watch the embedded video? Spa said he was allowed in there as he identifies as a woman.

Well clearly he lied. If he genuinely was a trans man he would not of exposed himself as a man in the women’s locker room. Period. End of story.

He should be arrested for indecent exposure and charged because it is still illegal for men to expose their genitals to women in a public setting.

Allowing trans people to use the washroom of their identity, does not allow them to legally expose their penises to women.

And once the game is Azog is obsessed with with spreading lies about trannies.
we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?

A woman at Los Angeles-area spa Wi Spa yelled at employees after suffering a traumatic event of a man (unclear if the person was a trans woman) walking through the women's locker room with "his penis hanging out." The video showed another woman asking for a refund from the spa with the woman behind the camera supporting her.

#1) 100% political --- biological male using a women's locker room and walking around with their junk for little girls to see? Don't care how they identify, this is not OK

#2) How is that not spitting in the face of women's rights?

#3) Yet another reason people are fleeing California.

Let's see Leftists defend this. The country is falling apart. This lady is 100% right! Yet another reason why the Democratic Party has gone utterly insane.

Thank you....

Trust the Science
Truth over Facts

You say you don’t know if this guy is “trans” but your clear assumption is that he is. No man would is attempting to pass as a woman ever expose his penis in a locker room or bathroom. Because the last thing trans people want to do is have you see them as male.

This man should be arrested for indecent exposure and have his name put on the list of sex offenders. His picture should be posted at spas around the areas where he lives so that he can’t pull this bullshit ever again

Logic and common sense are really not your strong suit. Neither are critical thinking abilities.

You’re driven entirely by paranoia and hate.
Did you watch the embedded video? Spa said he was allowed in there as he identifies as a woman.

Well clearly he lied. If he genuinely was a trans man he would not of exposed himself as a man in the women’s locker room. Period. End of story.

He should be arrested for indecent exposure and charged because it is still illegal for men to expose their genitals to women in a public setting.

Allowing trans people to use the washroom of their identity, does not allow them to legally expose their penises to women.

And once the game is Azog is obsessed with with spreading lies about trannies.
How did he clearly lie? Prove that he wasn't transgender. You have to prove intent, there is nothing in the law that says a transgender person cannot expose their genitals in a locker room.

Clearly the guy is a perv, but there is no legal standing to stop him, he says he is a woman trapped in a man's body, it is not his fault.

If this get to court, he would win but it will never go to court, this is the new norm.

Many tried to warn about the slippery slope and now you got what you wanted. Congrats!
we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?
The spa let him in, they supported him, the are legally obligated to. He was an intruder, he was a client.

A woman at Los Angeles-area spa Wi Spa yelled at employees after suffering a traumatic event of a man (unclear if the person was a trans woman) walking through the women's locker room with "his penis hanging out." The video showed another woman asking for a refund from the spa with the woman behind the camera supporting her.

#1) 100% political --- biological male using a women's locker room and walking around with their junk for little girls to see? Don't care how they identify, this is not OK

#2) How is that not spitting in the face of women's rights?

#3) Yet another reason people are fleeing California.

Let's see Leftists defend this. The country is falling apart. This lady is 100% right! Yet another reason why the Democratic Party has gone utterly insane.

Thank you....

Trust the Science
Truth over Facts

You say you don’t know if this guy is “trans” but your clear assumption is that he is. No man would is attempting to pass as a woman ever expose his penis in a locker room or bathroom. Because the last thing trans people want to do is have you see them as male.

This man should be arrested for indecent exposure and have his name put on the list of sex offenders. His picture should be posted at spas around the areas where he lives so that he can’t pull this bullshit ever again

Logic and common sense are really not your strong suit. Neither are critical thinking abilities.

You’re driven entirely by paranoia and hate.
Did you watch the embedded video? Spa said he was allowed in there as he identifies as a woman.

Well clearly he lied. If he genuinely was a trans man he would not of exposed himself as a man in the women’s locker room. Period. End of story.

He should be arrested for indecent exposure and charged because it is still illegal for men to expose their genitals to women in a public setting.

Allowing trans people to use the washroom of their identity, does not allow them to legally expose their penises to women.

And once the game is Azog is obsessed with with spreading lies about trannies.

Yet another one who thinks she gets to judge "real transgenderism" based on her ASSumptions about what transgenders MUST be like, because it justifies her worldview.
we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?
The spa let him in, they supported him, the are legally obligated to. He was an intruder, he was a client.

Did they? I don't know.

A woman at Los Angeles-area spa Wi Spa yelled at employees after suffering a traumatic event of a man (unclear if the person was a trans woman) walking through the women's locker room with "his penis hanging out." The video showed another woman asking for a refund from the spa with the woman behind the camera supporting her.

#1) 100% political --- biological male using a women's locker room and walking around with their junk for little girls to see? Don't care how they identify, this is not OK

#2) How is that not spitting in the face of women's rights?

#3) Yet another reason people are fleeing California.

Let's see Leftists defend this. The country is falling apart. This lady is 100% right! Yet another reason why the Democratic Party has gone utterly insane.

Thank you....

Trust the Science
Truth over Facts

You say you don’t know if this guy is “trans” but your clear assumption is that he is. No man would is attempting to pass as a woman ever expose his penis in a locker room or bathroom. Because the last thing trans people want to do is have you see them as male.

This man should be arrested for indecent exposure and have his name put on the list of sex offenders. His picture should be posted at spas around the areas where he lives so that he can’t pull this bullshit ever again

Logic and common sense are really not your strong suit. Neither are critical thinking abilities.

You’re driven entirely by paranoia and hate.
Did you watch the embedded video? Spa said he was allowed in there as he identifies as a woman.

Well clearly he lied. If he genuinely was a trans man he would not of exposed himself as a man in the women’s locker room. Period. End of story.

He should be arrested for indecent exposure and charged because it is still illegal for men to expose their genitals to women in a public setting.

Allowing trans people to use the washroom of their identity, does not allow them to legally expose their penises to women.

And once the game is Azog is obsessed with with spreading lies about trannies.
Says you? The spa said differently. Trannie is a transvestite. Not the same as transgender. You’re so uneducated
we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?
Did you not read the story and watch the video? The spa said he was a woman. Islamists cant watch videos now?
we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?
Did you not read the story and watch the video? The spa said he was a woman. Islamists cant watch videos now?

I couldn't get the video to work.
we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?
The spa let him in, they supported him, the are legally obligated to. He was an intruder, he was a client.

Did they? I don't know.
Yep. You didn’t watch the video. You’re such a dishonest Islamist.
we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?
Did you not read the story and watch the video? The spa said he was a woman. Islamists cant watch videos now?

I couldn't get the video to work.
I knew it! Islamists suck at using tech. Others didn’t have that issue. The video shows the spa stating the man has the right to do so as he identifies as a woman.
we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?
The spa let him in, they supported him, the are legally obligated to. He was an intruder, he was a client.

Did they? I don't know.
Have you watched the video, they acknowledge he was there legally and they said they could not discriminate.
Allowing trans people to use the washroom of their identity, does not allow them to legally expose their penises to women.

Guys expose their penis in the mens room with no problems. Why is it a problem in the women's room? On yeah, that's right, they're not supposed to there in the first Fn place.

Also - which I realize LizardTwat wouldn't understand, since she's illiterate and therefore couldn't read the OP article, even if she had any interest in getting facts that might interfere with what she's busy "knowing" - we're not talking about a washroom; we're talking about a locker room and changing area for a gym. The entire purpose of the room is to get naked, because you're changing clothes and showering.
we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?

My God, do ANY of you people bother to find out what you're talking about before you start talking? Do you even understand the concept?

It's a gym. The penis-bearer in question is a member of the gym. He identifies as a woman, so he does his showering and changing in the women's locker room, rather than the men's. The gym staff refused to do anything about the female member's complaint because he identifies as a woman.
we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?

My God, do ANY of you people bother to find out what you're talking about before you start talking? Do you even understand the concept?

It's a gym. The penis-bearer in question is a member of the gym. He identifies as a woman, so he does his showering and changing in the women's locker room, rather than the men's. The gym staff refused to do anything about the female member's complaint because he identifies as a woman.

Thanks.. Sounds like the woman should quit and ask for her money back.
we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?

My God, do ANY of you people bother to find out what you're talking about before you start talking? Do you even understand the concept?

It's a gym. The penis-bearer in question is a member of the gym. He identifies as a woman, so he does his showering and changing in the women's locker room, rather than the men's. The gym staff refused to do anything about the female member's complaint because he identifies as a woman.

Thanks.. Sounds like the woman should quit and ask for her money back.

Apparently, she and another woman did. But what happens when the next gym has the same issue, and the next, and the next, because dipshit leftists in California have made it illegal for women to have private spaces separate from delusional penis-bearers?
we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
It sounds like some asshole was showing off his penis, but you want to elevate it into something else.
That "asshole" is identifying as a woman and the club is defending him as I understand it.

Where is the evidence of that? There’s nothing in the story indicates that the spa was defending him or what happened as a result of this intrusion.

Once again you’re projecting your own paranoia and assumptions onto the situation because TRANNIES!!!!!!!

Sounds like an intruder. Why wasn't he arrested? Do they have security?

My God, do ANY of you people bother to find out what you're talking about before you start talking? Do you even understand the concept?

It's a gym. The penis-bearer in question is a member of the gym. He identifies as a woman, so he does his showering and changing in the women's locker room, rather than the men's. The gym staff refused to do anything about the female member's complaint because he identifies as a woman.

Thanks.. Sounds like the woman should quit and ask for her money back.

Apparently, she and another woman did. But what happens when the next gym has the same issue, and the next, and the next, because dipshit leftists in California have made it illegal for women to have private spaces separate from delusional penis-bearers?

Hmmm .. Maybe she should see a lawyer .. Her rights are being trampled.

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