How do those on the left defend this?

Why send them to a hospital, they aren’t hurting anybody.

Denying the very real harm that every sane person can clearly see is being caused by this madness does not make it go away.
What’s the real harm? Explain it to me
My daughter playing lacrosse against a biological boy who checks her and she goes flying and hurts herself...real harm. Would you like me to simplify that for you or did that suffice?
You’re talking about sports which I said is a valid debate… granted I’m sure there are other large and athletic girls that can check and injure other girls… but that’s a different debate and wasn’t the harm I or Bobby boy here was talking about.
But that is real harm and yes there could be large girls but few if any are large and quick a boys can be. You also mentioned some she males or whatever. If you look at female body builders they look like men too but they are females!
Understood, which is why I’m saying sports is a valid debate to have. Olympics and other sporting events have standards to qualify people. But I’m not talking about that kind of harm. We should discuss and debate the proper time and place for trans people to play sports and use gender specific facilities. But Bobby was talking about a societal harm and that’s what the discussion was about
The harm that creates is confusion for little kids. Tough to measure but the whole pronoun thing and such is bizarre to many. We won't see the real harm for years IMO, but soon kids who become adults and regret their decisions to transition and such will become prevalent and create a whole new set of issues IMO.
Confusion comes from adults when some tell kids that men can't be woman and others say that men can be women and then the kids get mixed up in these ridiculous kind of arguments that we see on message boards like this. Kids don't care, they just want to play and do their thing. Once the world can accept that Trans is a real thing and then move on to rationally find ways to integrate them into our society then it will be less confusing for children and easier to handle. Unfortunately I think we are decades away from that.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Not a surprise. Kids do care. My kids find these kids to be weird and odd.
Well I wonder why... Do you think the fact that their parents find these kids weird and odd might have something to do with it? Do you think that if they had parents that taught them how to be understanding and accepting of those who are different then perhaps they wouldn't be concerned about it?
How holier than thou of you. Many do find this odd. I spoke to a lady who has five kids and one is trans and I asked her how it feels. Her response "It is like losing a child". It is interesting how you on the LEFT and you are on the LEFT, vilify those that think disparately from you. Kids think its weird when a biological girl or boy states they are the opposite gender. That is simple human nature. I find it odd. I believe these kids need to speak to a specialist to make sure that there are no other underlying issues. Funny how you don't see that side of the coin.
I vilify those who label, judge, discriminate, shame and try to ostracize others whom are innocent. It’s not a holier than thou thing as much as it’s sticking up for the “little” guy thing… I do think it’s a shame if parents are teaching their kids to be bigoted against others and I think it’s even sadder then it translates to parents who can’t accept their children for who they are. Children being gay has broken up families for decades now. Thankfully parents are growing more accepting

Why send them to a hospital, they aren’t hurting anybody.

Denying the very real harm that every sane person can clearly see is being caused by this madness does not make it go away.
What’s the real harm? Explain it to me
My daughter playing lacrosse against a biological boy who checks her and she goes flying and hurts herself...real harm. Would you like me to simplify that for you or did that suffice?
You’re talking about sports which I said is a valid debate… granted I’m sure there are other large and athletic girls that can check and injure other girls… but that’s a different debate and wasn’t the harm I or Bobby boy here was talking about.
But that is real harm and yes there could be large girls but few if any are large and quick a boys can be. You also mentioned some she males or whatever. If you look at female body builders they look like men too but they are females!
Understood, which is why I’m saying sports is a valid debate to have. Olympics and other sporting events have standards to qualify people. But I’m not talking about that kind of harm. We should discuss and debate the proper time and place for trans people to play sports and use gender specific facilities. But Bobby was talking about a societal harm and that’s what the discussion was about
The harm that creates is confusion for little kids. Tough to measure but the whole pronoun thing and such is bizarre to many. We won't see the real harm for years IMO, but soon kids who become adults and regret their decisions to transition and such will become prevalent and create a whole new set of issues IMO.
Confusion comes from adults when some tell kids that men can't be woman and others say that men can be women and then the kids get mixed up in these ridiculous kind of arguments that we see on message boards like this. Kids don't care, they just want to play and do their thing. Once the world can accept that Trans is a real thing and then move on to rationally find ways to integrate them into our society then it will be less confusing for children and easier to handle. Unfortunately I think we are decades away from that.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Not a surprise. Kids do care. My kids find these kids to be weird and odd.
Well I wonder why... Do you think the fact that their parents find these kids weird and odd might have something to do with it? Do you think that if they had parents that taught them how to be understanding and accepting of those who are different then perhaps they wouldn't be concerned about it?
How holier than thou of you. Many do find this odd. I spoke to a lady who has five kids and one is trans and I asked her how it feels. Her response "It is like losing a child". It is interesting how you on the LEFT and you are on the LEFT, vilify those that think disparately from you. Kids think its weird when a biological girl or boy states they are the opposite gender. That is simple human nature. I find it odd. I believe these kids need to speak to a specialist to make sure that there are no other underlying issues. Funny how you don't see that side of the coin.
I vilify those who label, judge, discriminate, shame and try to ostracize others whom are innocent. It’s not a holier than thou thing as much as it’s sticking up for the “little” guy thing… I do think it’s a shame if parents are teaching their kids to be bigoted against others and I think it’s even sadder then it translates to parents who can’t accept their children for who they are. Children being gay has broken up families for decades now. Thankfully parents are growing more accepting
It says much about you that you characterize the man exposing his penis as the innocent one, and not the women and children towards whom he exposed it.

If he REALLY thought he was a woman, there would be no penis to expose. It would have been removed as the obvious evidence that he wasn't.
To leftists they want to make 99.9% uncomfortable to make the .01% comfortable and if you disagree with their lunacy they call you a bigot as Slade3200 just did and try to shame you to thinking like they do. Playbook 101.
How is it not bigotry. Just listen to how many here are talking about trans people. That’s textbook bigotry
Kids and adults aren’t the same. When I was 11 I did not know what gay even was. Now at 11 I have to explain trans to my daughter? Stop the madness. If you’re an adult do as you please but don’t ask me to feed into your delusions. If I told you I was Wonder Woman, would you call me Wonder Woman and feed my delusion?

Yes or no?
Yes you teach your kids what is happening in the real world so they know how to react when they are exposed to it. Why is this a foreign concept to you? Would you rather the schools teach them? Because thats what's happening.
Because they are kids. I am not going to teach an 11 yr old about sex, gender dysphoria, cancer, nuclear war and other adult types of events or happenings. Foreign concept to a leftist, I get it.
Intelligent people understand that there is a reason we take such a long time to reach our adult state compared to other animals -- it is because our cognitive abilities take so long to develop. Those who understand child development understand the appropriate ages to introduce certain themes to children, know how to phrase the language they use in order to allow the child to digest it, and are sensitive to the needs of the child rather than just themselves.

Extreme partisan sociopaths, on the other hand, are only interested in their agenda, do not care about the well being of the child and want to sexualize children at the earliest age possible.
Extreme partisan sociopaths, on the other hand, are only interested in their agenda, do not care about the well being of the child and want to sexualize children at the earliest age possible.

Brainwashing has been very successful for the left. If it's not broke--don't fix it.
My solution is obvious. Men in men's rooms and women in women's rooms.

Trust the Science....

Not that I have any strong understanding or opinions on this, but as I wonder, what would be the best way to handle a person who was transitioning, still had a penis, but also had breasts and was wearing dresses?
You showcase perfectly what I mean when I talk about the toxic and hateful bigotry that still runs rampant in our country

If you and your child are in a mall and see somebody punching themselves in the head saying "I'm going to get you!" Is it hateful to teach your child something is wrong with that person?

How about if you're walking down the street and some drunk is coming the other way bouncing against the buildings and falling on the ground? Would it be bigotry to teach your child that some people abuse alcohol and need serious help?

If a guy thinks he's a woman, not only is that bad enough, but when he wants to dress like one in public, that is a person with a serious mental issue. It is only proper to teach your child the truth, not to try and make this already confused little fella that this is normal in our society.
Yes, when a person is causing obvious harm and violence then it is ok to waive the caution flags. If a person dresses, walks or talks differently than straight America then it is ok to be accepting and understanding that we are all wired differently
Why send them to a hospital, they aren’t hurting anybody.

Denying the very real harm that every sane person can clearly see is being caused by this madness does not make it go away.
What’s the real harm? Explain it to me
My daughter playing lacrosse against a biological boy who checks her and she goes flying and hurts herself...real harm. Would you like me to simplify that for you or did that suffice?
You’re talking about sports which I said is a valid debate… granted I’m sure there are other large and athletic girls that can check and injure other girls… but that’s a different debate and wasn’t the harm I or Bobby boy here was talking about.
But that is real harm and yes there could be large girls but few if any are large and quick a boys can be. You also mentioned some she males or whatever. If you look at female body builders they look like men too but they are females!
Understood, which is why I’m saying sports is a valid debate to have. Olympics and other sporting events have standards to qualify people. But I’m not talking about that kind of harm. We should discuss and debate the proper time and place for trans people to play sports and use gender specific facilities. But Bobby was talking about a societal harm and that’s what the discussion was about
The harm that creates is confusion for little kids. Tough to measure but the whole pronoun thing and such is bizarre to many. We won't see the real harm for years IMO, but soon kids who become adults and regret their decisions to transition and such will become prevalent and create a whole new set of issues IMO.
Confusion comes from adults when some tell kids that men can't be woman and others say that men can be women and then the kids get mixed up in these ridiculous kind of arguments that we see on message boards like this. Kids don't care, they just want to play and do their thing. Once the world can accept that Trans is a real thing and then move on to rationally find ways to integrate them into our society then it will be less confusing for children and easier to handle. Unfortunately I think we are decades away from that.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Not a surprise. Kids do care. My kids find these kids to be weird and odd.
Well I wonder why... Do you think the fact that their parents find these kids weird and odd might have something to do with it? Do you think that if they had parents that taught them how to be understanding and accepting of those who are different then perhaps they wouldn't be concerned about it?
How holier than thou of you. Many do find this odd. I spoke to a lady who has five kids and one is trans and I asked her how it feels. Her response "It is like losing a child". It is interesting how you on the LEFT and you are on the LEFT, vilify those that think disparately from you. Kids think its weird when a biological girl or boy states they are the opposite gender. That is simple human nature. I find it odd. I believe these kids need to speak to a specialist to make sure that there are no other underlying issues. Funny how you don't see that side of the coin.
I vilify those who label, judge, discriminate, shame and try to ostracize others whom are innocent. It’s not a holier than thou thing as much as it’s sticking up for the “little” guy thing… I do think it’s a shame if parents are teaching their kids to be bigoted against others and I think it’s even sadder then it translates to parents who can’t accept their children for who they are. Children being gay has broken up families for decades now. Thankfully parents are growing more accepting
Then vilify away. You cannot change human nature. If one day my kids see Timmy in a shorts and t-shirt and the next day in a dress and his name is Tammy, they will find that odd. I am not going to sit there and tell them it is "normal". Doesn't mean they have to be bigoted. But they also don't have to feed into the delusion. If I tell you I am Wonder Woman, do you have to feed into my delusion and call me Wonder Woman?

Gay/Straight isn't the same. That is a sexual preference. In school kids should be learning and in sports they should be competing, not worrying about sexual preference. I get your POV that you believe we should be a wide open and understanding world. But that is now how real life works. I wish it did.
If you really wished that we lived in a Lj open and understanding world then you should start with your own household. Homosexuals were characterized and discriminated against the same way trans people are now and they all still fight against a strong wave of hate in this country. You could easily explain to your children that Timmy becoming Tammy is a trans person transitioning and explain what that is. I’m afraid the way many parents explain that to their children paints that as deranged, wrong, freakish and only feeds in that child becoming bigoted and phobic
I should explain to an 11 yr old what a transition is? Have you lost your mind? I do not say any of those things. I say they are confused and leave it at that. Other kids think it’s bizarre as fuck and even creepy.
Again... No mystery why with parents like you egging them on. Kids naturally think everything about other kids is bizarre and they bully and troll and make fun of them about the smallest things. You can be a good parent and teach them otherwise or you can fuel that fire.
Nope. Some kids are bullies. Most kids are just good kids and when they see a severe oddity, which trans is, it makes them uncomfortable at best. Again, we are discussing kids not adults. Don’t tell me what a good parent is. You have zero idea.
What exactly are they uncomfortable about?
There is the snide Slade3200
I am not going to answer obvious questions. Aren’t you a parent yourself? Figure it out.
You won’t answer because you don’t have an answer. You think that a trans person is odd but you can’t explain why it is wrong or dangerous and you you can’t justify your intolerance. I wasn’t expecting you to answer that question directly.
Why send them to a hospital, they aren’t hurting anybody.

Denying the very real harm that every sane person can clearly see is being caused by this madness does not make it go away.
What’s the real harm? Explain it to me
My daughter playing lacrosse against a biological boy who checks her and she goes flying and hurts herself...real harm. Would you like me to simplify that for you or did that suffice?
You’re talking about sports which I said is a valid debate… granted I’m sure there are other large and athletic girls that can check and injure other girls… but that’s a different debate and wasn’t the harm I or Bobby boy here was talking about.
But that is real harm and yes there could be large girls but few if any are large and quick a boys can be. You also mentioned some she males or whatever. If you look at female body builders they look like men too but they are females!
Understood, which is why I’m saying sports is a valid debate to have. Olympics and other sporting events have standards to qualify people. But I’m not talking about that kind of harm. We should discuss and debate the proper time and place for trans people to play sports and use gender specific facilities. But Bobby was talking about a societal harm and that’s what the discussion was about
The harm that creates is confusion for little kids. Tough to measure but the whole pronoun thing and such is bizarre to many. We won't see the real harm for years IMO, but soon kids who become adults and regret their decisions to transition and such will become prevalent and create a whole new set of issues IMO.
Confusion comes from adults when some tell kids that men can't be woman and others say that men can be women and then the kids get mixed up in these ridiculous kind of arguments that we see on message boards like this. Kids don't care, they just want to play and do their thing. Once the world can accept that Trans is a real thing and then move on to rationally find ways to integrate them into our society then it will be less confusing for children and easier to handle. Unfortunately I think we are decades away from that.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Not a surprise. Kids do care. My kids find these kids to be weird and odd.
Well I wonder why... Do you think the fact that their parents find these kids weird and odd might have something to do with it? Do you think that if they had parents that taught them how to be understanding and accepting of those who are different then perhaps they wouldn't be concerned about it?
How holier than thou of you. Many do find this odd. I spoke to a lady who has five kids and one is trans and I asked her how it feels. Her response "It is like losing a child". It is interesting how you on the LEFT and you are on the LEFT, vilify those that think disparately from you. Kids think its weird when a biological girl or boy states they are the opposite gender. That is simple human nature. I find it odd. I believe these kids need to speak to a specialist to make sure that there are no other underlying issues. Funny how you don't see that side of the coin.
I vilify those who label, judge, discriminate, shame and try to ostracize others whom are innocent. It’s not a holier than thou thing as much as it’s sticking up for the “little” guy thing… I do think it’s a shame if parents are teaching their kids to be bigoted against others and I think it’s even sadder then it translates to parents who can’t accept their children for who they are. Children being gay has broken up families for decades now. Thankfully parents are growing more accepting

Why send them to a hospital, they aren’t hurting anybody.

Denying the very real harm that every sane person can clearly see is being caused by this madness does not make it go away.
What’s the real harm? Explain it to me
My daughter playing lacrosse against a biological boy who checks her and she goes flying and hurts herself...real harm. Would you like me to simplify that for you or did that suffice?
You’re talking about sports which I said is a valid debate… granted I’m sure there are other large and athletic girls that can check and injure other girls… but that’s a different debate and wasn’t the harm I or Bobby boy here was talking about.
But that is real harm and yes there could be large girls but few if any are large and quick a boys can be. You also mentioned some she males or whatever. If you look at female body builders they look like men too but they are females!
Understood, which is why I’m saying sports is a valid debate to have. Olympics and other sporting events have standards to qualify people. But I’m not talking about that kind of harm. We should discuss and debate the proper time and place for trans people to play sports and use gender specific facilities. But Bobby was talking about a societal harm and that’s what the discussion was about
The harm that creates is confusion for little kids. Tough to measure but the whole pronoun thing and such is bizarre to many. We won't see the real harm for years IMO, but soon kids who become adults and regret their decisions to transition and such will become prevalent and create a whole new set of issues IMO.
Confusion comes from adults when some tell kids that men can't be woman and others say that men can be women and then the kids get mixed up in these ridiculous kind of arguments that we see on message boards like this. Kids don't care, they just want to play and do their thing. Once the world can accept that Trans is a real thing and then move on to rationally find ways to integrate them into our society then it will be less confusing for children and easier to handle. Unfortunately I think we are decades away from that.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Not a surprise. Kids do care. My kids find these kids to be weird and odd.
Well I wonder why... Do you think the fact that their parents find these kids weird and odd might have something to do with it? Do you think that if they had parents that taught them how to be understanding and accepting of those who are different then perhaps they wouldn't be concerned about it?
How holier than thou of you. Many do find this odd. I spoke to a lady who has five kids and one is trans and I asked her how it feels. Her response "It is like losing a child". It is interesting how you on the LEFT and you are on the LEFT, vilify those that think disparately from you. Kids think its weird when a biological girl or boy states they are the opposite gender. That is simple human nature. I find it odd. I believe these kids need to speak to a specialist to make sure that there are no other underlying issues. Funny how you don't see that side of the coin.
I vilify those who label, judge, discriminate, shame and try to ostracize others whom are innocent. It’s not a holier than thou thing as much as it’s sticking up for the “little” guy thing… I do think it’s a shame if parents are teaching their kids to be bigoted against others and I think it’s even sadder then it translates to parents who can’t accept their children for who they are. Children being gay has broken up families for decades now. Thankfully parents are growing more accepting
It says much about you that you characterize the man exposing his penis as the innocent one, and not the women and children towards whom he exposed it.

If he REALLY thought he was a woman, there would be no penis to expose. It would have been removed as the obvious evidence that he wasn't.
To leftists they want to make 99.9% uncomfortable to make the .01% comfortable and if you disagree with their lunacy they call you a bigot as Slade3200 just did and try to shame you to thinking like they do. Playbook 101.
How is it not bigotry. Just listen to how many here are talking about trans people. That’s textbook bigotry
Kids and adults aren’t the same. When I was 11 I did not know what gay even was. Now at 11 I have to explain trans to my daughter? Stop the madness. If you’re an adult do as you please but don’t ask me to feed into your delusions. If I told you I was Wonder Woman, would you call me Wonder Woman and feed my delusion?

Yes or no?
Yes you teach your kids what is happening in the real world so they know how to react when they are exposed to it. Why is this a foreign concept to you? Would you rather the schools teach them? Because thats what's happening.
Because they are kids. I am not going to teach an 11 yr old about sex, gender dysphoria, cancer, nuclear war and other adult types of events or happenings. Foreign concept to a leftist, I get it.
Intelligent people understand that there is a reason we take such a long time to reach our adult state compared to other animals -- it is because our cognitive abilities take so long to develop. Those who understand child development understand the appropriate ages to introduce certain themes to children, know how to phrase the language they use in order to allow the child to digest it, and are sensitive to the needs of the child rather than just themselves.

Extreme partisan sociopaths, on the other hand, are only interested in their agenda, do not care about the well being of the child and want to sexualize children at the earliest age possible.
Agreed. Those giving hormone suppressants are going too far. Those wanting to do shock therapy to zap away the gay are going too far.
Why send them to a hospital, they aren’t hurting anybody.

Denying the very real harm that every sane person can clearly see is being caused by this madness does not make it go away.
What’s the real harm? Explain it to me
My daughter playing lacrosse against a biological boy who checks her and she goes flying and hurts herself...real harm. Would you like me to simplify that for you or did that suffice?
You’re talking about sports which I said is a valid debate… granted I’m sure there are other large and athletic girls that can check and injure other girls… but that’s a different debate and wasn’t the harm I or Bobby boy here was talking about.
But that is real harm and yes there could be large girls but few if any are large and quick a boys can be. You also mentioned some she males or whatever. If you look at female body builders they look like men too but they are females!
Understood, which is why I’m saying sports is a valid debate to have. Olympics and other sporting events have standards to qualify people. But I’m not talking about that kind of harm. We should discuss and debate the proper time and place for trans people to play sports and use gender specific facilities. But Bobby was talking about a societal harm and that’s what the discussion was about
The harm that creates is confusion for little kids. Tough to measure but the whole pronoun thing and such is bizarre to many. We won't see the real harm for years IMO, but soon kids who become adults and regret their decisions to transition and such will become prevalent and create a whole new set of issues IMO.
Confusion comes from adults when some tell kids that men can't be woman and others say that men can be women and then the kids get mixed up in these ridiculous kind of arguments that we see on message boards like this. Kids don't care, they just want to play and do their thing. Once the world can accept that Trans is a real thing and then move on to rationally find ways to integrate them into our society then it will be less confusing for children and easier to handle. Unfortunately I think we are decades away from that.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Not a surprise. Kids do care. My kids find these kids to be weird and odd.
Well I wonder why... Do you think the fact that their parents find these kids weird and odd might have something to do with it? Do you think that if they had parents that taught them how to be understanding and accepting of those who are different then perhaps they wouldn't be concerned about it?
How holier than thou of you. Many do find this odd. I spoke to a lady who has five kids and one is trans and I asked her how it feels. Her response "It is like losing a child". It is interesting how you on the LEFT and you are on the LEFT, vilify those that think disparately from you. Kids think its weird when a biological girl or boy states they are the opposite gender. That is simple human nature. I find it odd. I believe these kids need to speak to a specialist to make sure that there are no other underlying issues. Funny how you don't see that side of the coin.
I vilify those who label, judge, discriminate, shame and try to ostracize others whom are innocent. It’s not a holier than thou thing as much as it’s sticking up for the “little” guy thing… I do think it’s a shame if parents are teaching their kids to be bigoted against others and I think it’s even sadder then it translates to parents who can’t accept their children for who they are. Children being gay has broken up families for decades now. Thankfully parents are growing more accepting
It says much about you that you characterize the man exposing his penis as the innocent one, and not the women and children towards whom he exposed it.

If he REALLY thought he was a woman, there would be no penis to expose. It would have been removed as the obvious evidence that he wasn't.
To leftists they want to make 99.9% uncomfortable to make the .01% comfortable and if you disagree with their lunacy they call you a bigot as Slade3200 just did and try to shame you to thinking like they do. Playbook 101.

And it is all for what is essentially a very selfish reason - they seek praise from others. That's what all this lunacy is all about as virtue signaling is simply a Pavlovian conditioned response. They say the proscribed thing, and their little mates reward them by considering them virtuous.

It really has gotten to the point where having even a scan of common sense disqualifies a person from being a Democrat.
Haha, sounds like you got it all figured out!
You should try being honest with yourself. It would be a big first step. So you don’t see it as natural that most 11 yr olds would find a trans kid creepy or odd? Come on man. You’re naive. Explains why your businesses failed.
I think its very natural that kids would find anything different than they have been exposed to as odd. Thats why I'm saying good parents teach them about these things and the appropriate whey to react. Which business of mine failed again? Can you share with the group which one failed and why? No you can't, because you no nothing about me. You're switching to troll mode like you always do when you lose control of a debate.
Nope. If a boy suddenly says they are a girl, that is odd. If a boy says I am Iron Man, they will laugh. The ones that failed are the ones you abandoned to start new ones. And you are dodging my Wonder Woman question. Once again, you debate dishonesty. Par for the course for you.
What’s your Wonderwoman question? I didn’t see it.
Bullshit. How convenient. I asked you that if I said I was Wonder Woman, would you then call me Wonder Woman.
My solution is obvious. Men in men's rooms and women in women's rooms.

Trust the Science....

Not that I have any strong understanding or opinions on this, but as I wonder, what would be the best way to handle a person who was transitioning, still had a penis, but also had breasts and was wearing dresses?
If they have a penis they use the men's room. Men are the stronger gender/sex and don't care if men or women change there. We need to protect women IMO.
You won’t answer because you don’t have an answer. You think that a trans person is odd but you can’t explain why it is wrong or dangerous and you you can’t justify your intolerance.

Your inability to understand that which is obvious to sane people is your own deficiency, and not that of any sane person whose attempts to explain it are beyond your ability to understand.
Brainwashing has been very successful for the left. If it's not broke--don't fix it.
Right-wing parrots make the best Russian tools.
Says the woman hating left win parasite...
Why send them to a hospital, they aren’t hurting anybody.

Denying the very real harm that every sane person can clearly see is being caused by this madness does not make it go away.
What’s the real harm? Explain it to me
My daughter playing lacrosse against a biological boy who checks her and she goes flying and hurts herself...real harm. Would you like me to simplify that for you or did that suffice?
You’re talking about sports which I said is a valid debate… granted I’m sure there are other large and athletic girls that can check and injure other girls… but that’s a different debate and wasn’t the harm I or Bobby boy here was talking about.
But that is real harm and yes there could be large girls but few if any are large and quick a boys can be. You also mentioned some she males or whatever. If you look at female body builders they look like men too but they are females!
Understood, which is why I’m saying sports is a valid debate to have. Olympics and other sporting events have standards to qualify people. But I’m not talking about that kind of harm. We should discuss and debate the proper time and place for trans people to play sports and use gender specific facilities. But Bobby was talking about a societal harm and that’s what the discussion was about
The harm that creates is confusion for little kids. Tough to measure but the whole pronoun thing and such is bizarre to many. We won't see the real harm for years IMO, but soon kids who become adults and regret their decisions to transition and such will become prevalent and create a whole new set of issues IMO.
Confusion comes from adults when some tell kids that men can't be woman and others say that men can be women and then the kids get mixed up in these ridiculous kind of arguments that we see on message boards like this. Kids don't care, they just want to play and do their thing. Once the world can accept that Trans is a real thing and then move on to rationally find ways to integrate them into our society then it will be less confusing for children and easier to handle. Unfortunately I think we are decades away from that.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Not a surprise. Kids do care. My kids find these kids to be weird and odd.
Well I wonder why... Do you think the fact that their parents find these kids weird and odd might have something to do with it? Do you think that if they had parents that taught them how to be understanding and accepting of those who are different then perhaps they wouldn't be concerned about it?
How holier than thou of you. Many do find this odd. I spoke to a lady who has five kids and one is trans and I asked her how it feels. Her response "It is like losing a child". It is interesting how you on the LEFT and you are on the LEFT, vilify those that think disparately from you. Kids think its weird when a biological girl or boy states they are the opposite gender. That is simple human nature. I find it odd. I believe these kids need to speak to a specialist to make sure that there are no other underlying issues. Funny how you don't see that side of the coin.
I vilify those who label, judge, discriminate, shame and try to ostracize others whom are innocent. It’s not a holier than thou thing as much as it’s sticking up for the “little” guy thing… I do think it’s a shame if parents are teaching their kids to be bigoted against others and I think it’s even sadder then it translates to parents who can’t accept their children for who they are. Children being gay has broken up families for decades now. Thankfully parents are growing more accepting
Then vilify away. You cannot change human nature. If one day my kids see Timmy in a shorts and t-shirt and the next day in a dress and his name is Tammy, they will find that odd. I am not going to sit there and tell them it is "normal". Doesn't mean they have to be bigoted. But they also don't have to feed into the delusion. If I tell you I am Wonder Woman, do you have to feed into my delusion and call me Wonder Woman?

Gay/Straight isn't the same. That is a sexual preference. In school kids should be learning and in sports they should be competing, not worrying about sexual preference. I get your POV that you believe we should be a wide open and understanding world. But that is now how real life works. I wish it did.
If you really wished that we lived in a Lj open and understanding world then you should start with your own household. Homosexuals were characterized and discriminated against the same way trans people are now and they all still fight against a strong wave of hate in this country. You could easily explain to your children that Timmy becoming Tammy is a trans person transitioning and explain what that is. I’m afraid the way many parents explain that to their children paints that as deranged, wrong, freakish and only feeds in that child becoming bigoted and phobic
I should explain to an 11 yr old what a transition is? Have you lost your mind? I do not say any of those things. I say they are confused and leave it at that. Other kids think it’s bizarre as fuck and even creepy.
Again... No mystery why with parents like you egging them on. Kids naturally think everything about other kids is bizarre and they bully and troll and make fun of them about the smallest things. You can be a good parent and teach them otherwise or you can fuel that fire.
Nope. Some kids are bullies. Most kids are just good kids and when they see a severe oddity, which trans is, it makes them uncomfortable at best. Again, we are discussing kids not adults. Don’t tell me what a good parent is. You have zero idea.
What exactly are they uncomfortable about?
There is the snide Slade3200
I am not going to answer obvious questions. Aren’t you a parent yourself? Figure it out.
You won’t answer because you don’t have an answer. You think that a trans person is odd but you can’t explain why it is wrong or dangerous and you you can’t justify your intolerance. I wasn’t expecting you to answer that question directly.
So you are being serious? I can easily answer it. Do you not have kids? If you admit you're a moron and cannot figure it out, I will more than gladly explain to you why kids find such events as odd.
Yes, when a person is causing obvious harm and violence then it is ok to waive the caution flags. If a person dresses, walks or talks differently than straight America then it is ok to be accepting and understanding that we are all wired differently

If a person is obsessed with washing their hands all the time, that's an example of being wired differently. A person who thinks they're somebody they aren't or can never be is a fruitcake.
You won’t answer because you don’t have an answer. You think that a trans person is odd but you can’t explain why it is wrong or dangerous and you you can’t justify your intolerance.

Your inability to understand that which is obvious to sane people is your own deficiency, and not that of any sane person whose attempts to explain it are beyond your ability to understand.
He is playing his usual games of being coy. He damn well knows why elementary school aged kids would find it odd. If not he is stupid. It is one or the other.
Extreme partisan sociopaths, on the other hand, are only interested in their agenda, do not care about the well being of the child and want to sexualize children at the earliest age possible

Or child molesters. But then, I guess we're being redundant.
Both of us have been punished in this forum for opposing the gang rape of children.

If we do not protect children, we have no claim to being human.
It is obvious that this black woman is just making it all up.

A woman at Los Angeles-area spa Wi Spa yelled at employees after suffering a traumatic event of a man (unclear if the person was a trans woman) walking through the women's locker room with "his penis hanging out." The video showed another woman asking for a refund from the spa with the woman behind the camera supporting her.

#1) 100% political --- biological male using a women's locker room and walking around with their junk for little girls to see? Don't care how they identify, this is not OK

#2) How is that not spitting in the face of women's rights?

#3) Yet another reason people are fleeing California.

Let's see Leftists defend this. The country is falling apart. This lady is 100% right! Yet another reason why the Democratic Party has gone utterly insane.

Thank you....

Trust the Science
Truth over Facts

You say you don’t know if this guy is “trans” but your clear assumption is that he is. No man would is attempting to pass as a woman ever expose his penis in a locker room or bathroom. Because the last thing trans people want to do is have you see them as male.

This man should be arrested for indecent exposure and have his name put on the list of sex offenders. His picture should be posted at spas around the areas where he lives so that he can’t pull this bullshit ever again

Logic and common sense are really not your strong suit. Neither are critical thinking abilities.

You’re driven entirely by paranoia and hate.
Did you watch the embedded video? Spa said he was allowed in there as he identifies as a woman.
That's what the video showed me. The person behind the counter said the guy identified as a woman.
we on the left don't understand what your whining about here or what you want us to defend.

This is just another culture war bullshit thread for your maga fuckup authoritarians.
Would you want your young daughters to share a locker room with that person?
Hey idiot… no one shared a locker room with that jerkoff
He was allowed to walk through the locker room exposing himself.
My solution is obvious. Men in men's rooms and women in women's rooms.

Trust the Science....

Not that I have any strong understanding or opinions on this, but as I wonder, what would be the best way to handle a person who was transitioning, still had a penis, but also had breasts and was wearing dresses?
If they have a penis they use the men's room. Men are the stronger gender/sex and don't care if men or women change there. We need to protect women IMO.

As far as I'm concerned, if an adult wants to identify as a member of the opposite gender, that is their choice. The bigger issues have to do with forcing everybody else, not only to tolerate it, but to validate it, normalize it, support it and give up their own rights in doing so.
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My solution is obvious. Men in men's rooms and women in women's rooms.

Trust the Science....

Not that I have any strong understanding or opinions on this, but as I wonder, what would be the best way to handle a person who was transitioning, still had a penis, but also had breasts and was wearing dresses?
If they have a penis they use the men's room. Men are the stronger gender/sex and don't care if men or women change there. We need to protect women IMO.

I suspect, from my interactions with men, that they also have different attitudes and viewpoints toward modesty and privacy than women do.

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