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How do those on the left defend this?

AzogtheDefiler this is part of why i think America just isn't ready for certain things regarding trans people. All moral judgments aside, public opinion is what it is. And if we delineate a "war front" now, then people on both sides are going to cross that line intentionally for effect. It is past time for protections against discrimination in the market, but things like this expecting open locker rooms and bathrooms is just a wee bit ahead of its time.
It's not ahead of its time, it's unacceptable. Human nature will never evolve or change, in order for what you describe to happen, human nature would have to drastically change. Ain't happening.

And if human nature did change in that way, it would not be a good thing.
Everybody knows what happened at the spa was wrong and immoral. Too bad that some people can't put their politics away (especially in extreme examples like this) and feel the need to defend shit like this.

No parent wants their pre-pubescent little girl to see some dude's swinging dick in a place where they are supposed to be safe. No person who isn't a parent should want that either.
In other words like anything else Democrat, they are taking the normalcy out of our society.
I wonder if there is a word for that? Like, progressive?
So 'progress' is to make the abnormal, normal? That's your definition?

The motivation for the Left, in all venues, all institutions, all values and traditions is simply this: destroy.

Destroy all that is, to create their imaginary Utopia.
They desire to destroy all tradition, values, and attitudes, beginning with morality, and the family, and build their imagined Utopia here on earth.

"In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will."
Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7
Funny...many leftists here like Crepitus say they disagree with this but then vote for those in office who support this?


Not really all that odd.

Modern left wrong-wing ideology is a mental, moral, and ethical disease. This sort of thing is exactly what we should know to expect of it.

It's very telling that everyone has to know, at the deepest level, that allowing a mentally- and/or morally-defective man to parade naked ion a women's dressing room, in front of women and girls, is just plain wrong, and not something that ever should be considered acceptable; but none of the LIbtARdS here can bring themselves to condemn this, or even refrain from defending it.
In other words like anything else Democrat, they are taking the normalcy out of our society.
I wonder if there is a word for that? Like, progressive?
So 'progress' is to make the abnormal, normal? That's your definition?

The motivation for the Left, in all venues, all institutions, all values and traditions is simply this: destroy.

Destroy all that is, to create their imaginary Utopia.
They desire to destroy all tradition, values, and attitudes, beginning with morality, and the family, and build their imagined Utopia here on earth.

"In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will."
Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7

Exactly, so what exactly do they define as 'utopia', one has to wonder since nothing in their agenda results in anything that I would consider 'utopia'. So the only answer to that is found in the Bible, the path that we are seeing be formed right before our eyes, is exactly what is written about and portended. Unfortunately it will only continue to get worse, and humans will suffer. The only solace one can take from it is that it is planned and God is still in control, so faith is everything in these times and times to come. God is the only hope that I see.
You leftists just don't get it.
No, no, I do get it. I knew this stuff would happen. And then some, as long as it is "a fight". People are trolls, and they are going to test the limits. So, I assure you, I get it and saw this coming.

No, you don't get it. What you "get" is what you always get: validation of your own agenda by the voices in your head, regardless of what's actually happening.

A woman at Los Angeles-area spa Wi Spa yelled at employees after suffering a traumatic event of a man (unclear if the person was a trans woman) walking through the women's locker room with "his penis hanging out." The video showed another woman asking for a refund from the spa with the woman behind the camera supporting her.

#1) 100% political --- biological male using a women's locker room and walking around with their junk for little girls to see? Don't care how they identify, this is not OK

#2) How is that not spitting in the face of women's rights?

#3) Yet another reason people are fleeing California.

Let's see Leftists defend this. The country is falling apart. This lady is 100% right! Yet another reason why the Democratic Party has gone utterly insane.

Thank you....

Trust the Science
Truth over Facts
Defend what?
Funny, everyone else on this thread figured it out.
What do you think needs defending by liberals?
Your support of allowing me to identify as women and use biological women’s locker rooms and play sports vs biological women. Funny, everyone else understood sans you. So we accommodate trans women but not biological women

Truth over Facts

Conservative women have been saying for quite a while that the left doesn't give a damn for women, any more than they do black people, except as tools to use for power. Looks like they've decided not to even bother lying about it any more.
WHO would approve of a man walking in a spa with his privates hanging out? what is the point of this post?

A woman at Los Angeles-area spa Wi Spa yelled at employees after suffering a traumatic event of a man (unclear if the person was a trans woman) walking through the women's locker room with "his penis hanging out." The video showed another woman asking for a refund from the spa with the woman behind the camera supporting her.

#1) 100% political --- biological male using a women's locker room and walking around with their junk for little girls to see? Don't care how they identify, this is not OK

#2) How is that not spitting in the face of women's rights?

#3) Yet another reason people are fleeing California.

Let's see Leftists defend this. The country is falling apart. This lady is 100% right! Yet another reason why the Democratic Party has gone utterly insane.

Thank you....

Trust the Science
Truth over Facts
You posted an incomplete story. I don’t see any statement from the spa or any information about who this person was or even if they even had permission to be in the women’s locker room.

Did you view and listen to the exchange between the woman and the employee? The woman at one point responded to something the employee said and she then says: “There is no sexual orientation. He’s a man.”

So apparently the employee was defending the incident by citing the offending person’s sexual orientation. This suggests to me that the guy informed the spa when he arrived that he was transgender or identified as a woman.

If nothing else, you have to wonder why, if there’s a guy walking through the women’s locker room where he clearly doesn’t belong with his genitalia hanging out, the employee did not act immedietely to find the “guy” and kick him out. If that were the case, why the fuck is he standing there debating the issue with the offended customer?

Because he's afraid to go against the PC dogma. To put it bluntly, he cares more about offending some pervert and getting cancelled than he does about the well-being of women.
Funny...many leftists here like Crepitus say they disagree with this but then vote for those in office who support this?


Maybe, but perhaps we are getting through to them which would be a great thing.

"You can never tell anybody they are wrong; it's something they have to decide on their own. All you can do is give them the information to come to such a conclusion."
Rush Limbaugh
AzogtheDefiler this is part of why i think America just isn't ready for certain things regarding trans people. All moral judgments aside, public opinion is what it is. And if we delineate a "war front" now, then people on both sides are going to cross that line intentionally for effect. It is past time for protections against discrimination in the market, but things like this expecting open locker rooms and bathrooms is just a wee bit ahead of its time.
To me, either we trust science or we don’t. Science says those with a penis are male and those with a vagina are female. Locker rooms should be based on that. Pretty simple. Why overcomplicate it? As a father of two young girls, to me women’s rights matter.
You arent trusting science. You are cherry-picking science to retrofit it to your preferences . Psychology is also science.

But psychology and biology are separate branches of science and I’m afraid that, biology being one of the hard sciences based on observation, this person was a male, regardless of his psychology.

More to the point, and this needs to be said a lot more often, I don't CARE what his psychology is. I'm not his therapist, and the gym is not a mental institution. His psychological problems are HIS, not mine.

It is long past time that society stopped pretending that we can or should take the emotional temperature of every warm body we pass on the street, because we somehow have an obligation to make them feel good.
WHO would approve of a man walking in a spa with his privates hanging out? what is the point of this post?

Anyone who approves of the idea that womanhood is conveyed simply by declaring it appproves of a man walking in a spa with his privates hanging out. And that's the point of this post. If you are supporting the transgender agenda, then YOU are approving of a swinging dick in the women's locker room whenever the owner of said dick declares, "I feel like a woman, so everyone has to pretend I am."

So . . . care to share where you stand on the "Female is a state of mind that has nothing to do with naked biology" issue? Does this guy have the right to display his junk to a bunch of women and girls who never consented to seeing it?
Funny...many leftists here like Crepitus say they disagree with this but then vote for those in office who support this?


Maybe, but perhaps we are getting through to them which would be a great thing.

"You can never tell anybody they are wrong; it's something they have to decide on their own. All you can do is give them the information to come to such a conclusion."
Rush Limbaugh

I doubt that sincerely. Leftists don't care about being hypocrites, and they would need cognition in order to have cognitive dissonance.
Make all the laws you want.

Nothing short of armed guards is going to prevent some flasher from walking thru a locker room flipping his junk

Remove all the laws you want. But nothing is going to stop a boyfriend, husband or father from beating this guy so badly he actually cries like a woman.
Part of the problem, as I see it, is there is no hard definition of transgender.

I can say I'm transgender and use men's locker rooms while I still have all my parts intact.

Of course there's no hard definition of "transgender", because there's no such thing in reality. It is realistically, biologically impossible to ever be any sex other than the one you were born as.

Letting transgender people use the toilet of their choice.
That's what it said.

You are a classic hate filled godbothering Republican

You religious freaks never seem to accept anything unless your filthy bible says it's ok. What did God say about grannies?

So we'll put you on record as being totally in favor of people displaying their dicks to women and girls who have not consented to seeing those dicks, and believing that the women should just shut up and see what you tell them to see.

Thank you for being an honest and proud misogynist piece of shit.
Anyone who approves of the idea that womanhood is conveyed simply by declaring it appproves of a man walking in a spa with his privates hanging out. And that's the point of this post. If you are supporting the transgender agenda, then YOU are approving of a swinging dick in the women's locker room whenever the owner of said dick declares, "I feel like a woman, so everyone has to pretend I am."

So . . . care to share where you stand on the "Female is a state of mind that has nothing to do with naked biology" issue? Does this guy have the right to display his junk to a bunch of women and girls who never consented to seeing it?

It's the leftist mentality.

A guy thinks he's a woman.

Conservative: This individual is mentally disturbed and his mind needs to be attended to.

Liberal: His mind is fine, it's his body that's whacked out since God put him in the wrong one, and that needs to be attended to.

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