How do we define American patriotism?

Which is the attitude of a patriot?

  • Things in America are great! This is the best place in the world to be!

  • This place is awful, it's going down the crapper, we've become a shithole country.

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So what does it actually mean to be a patriotic American?

Being patriotic means standing up to government when it is acting out of bounds or contradictory to its proper, limited role.

It's yet another term that's been completely bastardized.

Nowadays it's defined as just going along with everything that government says or does.

The American electorate, collectively speaking, are morons and quite content to just be blindly led.
I notice that most people around here feel they're patriotic, but seem to think that most others aren't. So what does it actually mean to be a patriotic American?
”Patriotic Americans” or ‘core Americans‘ as I like to call them can easily pronounce and articulate the English language, most share a last name with those who died in our world wars, ALL have a 100% LEGAL lineage….they know, love and respect the ins and outs of our founding documents, they would die for our rights, our freedom, our sovereignty and Constitution, they practice and live our core values, principles and moral order, they are proud of America’s heritage, traditions and rich history…they usually shed a tear ANYTIME our national anthem is played, they ALL know exactly what “American Culture“ is.
Core Americans are everything you lefties are not.

Is there anything else I can teach you?
Patriotic Americans support the immigration process.

The follow the laws.

They vote.

They accept electoral loss and prepare for the next time.

The pass the naturalization test.

They never let the Cultl45 bozos tell them what to do.
Patriotism is paying taxes and following laws. That's good enough.
Lefties are like bad Christians…they honestly believe they can write their own definitions to make labels suit their filthy behavior.
.... can easily pronounce and articulate the English language, most share a last name with those who died in our world wars,.....
Accent and last name have NOTHING to do with being American, and you are completely ignorant of "those who died in our wars."

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