How do we fight gang culture?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Our inner cities are full of violence and gangs. How do we fight this culture of violence and thuggery? How do we replace it with a culture that respects science and education?
Our inner cities are full of violence and gangs. How do we fight this culture of violence and thuggery? How do we replace it with a culture that respects science and education?

The violence of the inner cities is nothing new and the question you are asking has been ask many times from each generation, and no one has found the correct answer as of yet.

Gang life is attractive because of the fast lifestyle that can be very profitable for the select few but usually the majority suffer as serf's in the violent society they live in.

The inner cities have seen gangs rise from the Irish, Italians, Russian, Easter European, Mexican, Central and South American, and the African American community and why does this happen and what do they all have in common through history?


So how do we fix the poverty problem?

Does the government have the solution by taking from the rich and giving to those that do not work for it? ( Some will argue the rich do not work for it either )

Do we inspire the next generation to become the future business men and women of tomorrow by teaching them how to start their own business and work for the American dream while understanding that failing is going to be part of the process in becoming a business owner and one day to being successful?

So what is the real answer to the question you propose and the reality is many have their solutions but a one size fit all solution is never the answer and there is going have to be a mix and match solution with government and small business helping cure this problem that inner cities face...
When HOPE is not a reality of life then hate and disrespect take hold.
Our inner cities are full of violence and gangs. How do we fight this culture of violence and thuggery? How do we replace it with a culture that respects science and education?
border control......squeeze the drug pipelines dry......
Our inner cities are full of violence and gangs. How do we fight this culture of violence and thuggery? How do we replace it with a culture that respects science and education?

Gangs are partially the result of the deindustrialization that happened in the 80s.

In order to expand the profits of large corporations Reagan liberalized trade. This allowed our most powerful corporations to shift their production to Chinese sweatshops. You get this right? When Nike sneakers are made in Taiwan for pennies, investors & owners make more money.

The result of shifting manufacturing to freedom hating tyrannies (so our corporations could boost margins) has been the deindustrialization of our great cities. The working class of the postwar years, having lost their jobs to Asia, turned into a superfluous population. This problem hurt blacks more than any other demographic because generations of slavery left their families without the financial resources to add skills for the new economy. Gangs - like religion - prey upon people with no hope. They give people a community or sense of belonging to something.

We can and should put gang bangers in jail, but we won't solve the problem until we take a long look at the failed institutionality facing blacks: slavery > welfare/gangs > prison. If we fix the institutional racism that diminishes the employment opportunities of blacks, we could reduce the need for gangs - but I don't see how we fix that racism given the current political climate.
Our inner cities are full of violence and gangs. How do we fight this culture of violence and thuggery? How do we replace it with a culture that respects science and education?

Gangs are partially the result of the deindustrialization that happened in the 80s.

In order to expand the profits of large corporations Reagan liberalized trade. This allowed our most powerful corporations to shift their production to Chinese sweatshops. You get this right? When Nike sneakers are made in Taiwan for pennies, investors & owners make more money.

The result of shifting manufacturing to freedom hating tyrannies (so our corporations could boost margins) has been the deindustrialization of our great cities. The working class of the postwar years, having lost their jobs to Asia, turned into a superfluous population. This problem hurt blacks more than any other demographic because generations of slavery left their families without the financial resources to add skills for the new economy. Gangs - like religion - prey upon people with no hope. They give people a community or sense of belonging to something.

We can and should put gang bangers in jail, but we won't solve the problem until we take a long look at the failed institutionality facing blacks: slavery > welfare/gangs > prison. If we fix the institutional racism that diminishes the employment opportunities of blacks, we could reduce the need for gangs - but I don't see how we fix that racism given the current political climate.

Wrong….the welfare state created generations of single teenage mothers, with no job skills, no education and they raised children the same way who then raised children and on and on till now….when we are creating generations of stone cold killers at 15…….

Get democrats out of office, and deal with the teen mother problem….
Our inner cities are full of violence and gangs. How do we fight this culture of violence and thuggery? How do we replace it with a culture that respects science and education?

gangs are a problem.

so are white trash militias? how do we stop that cuture?

White trash militias aren't shooting 8,124 people a year…..gangs are the majority of that….
Our inner cities are full of violence and gangs. How do we fight this culture of violence and thuggery? How do we replace it with a culture that respects science and education?

Gangs are partially the result of the deindustrialization that happened in the 80s.

In order to expand the profits of large corporations Reagan liberalized trade. This allowed our most powerful corporations to shift their production to Chinese sweatshops. You get this right? When Nike sneakers are made in Taiwan for pennies, investors & owners make more money.

The result of shifting manufacturing to freedom hating tyrannies (so our corporations could boost margins) has been the deindustrialization of our great cities. The working class of the postwar years, having lost their jobs to Asia, turned into a superfluous population. This problem hurt blacks more than any other demographic because generations of slavery left their families without the financial resources to add skills for the new economy. Gangs - like religion - prey upon people with no hope. They give people a community or sense of belonging to something.

We can and should put gang bangers in jail, but we won't solve the problem until we take a long look at the failed institutionality facing blacks: slavery > welfare/gangs > prison. If we fix the institutional racism that diminishes the employment opportunities of blacks, we could reduce the need for gangs - but I don't see how we fix that racism given the current political climate.

i agree with you about the deindustrialization but blaming lack of skills on past slavery is going too far....every generation most all Americans go to school/trade school or get on-the-job training to learn skills....almost anybody can get assistance for schooling.....

many blacks have acquired a sense of dependency and ultimately an entitlement mentality which began back with President Johnson and the welfare program which created the 'Democrat Plantation'.....which i guess you could call the new form of slavery.....
Gang culture is everywhere .

Democrats v republicans is a big one .

Police also .

Religions .


All have gang like behavior going for them.

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