How do we fix our problems as a nation?

You are, as usual, a complete dumb ass. Why do you REFUSE to admit that BOTH parties have got us in this jam?

Seriously I hope you are not able to vote in the next election.

Sad thing is he actually believes that crap.
Private charities should be encouraged to make available to those Americans least productive and least likely to ever become productive substantial monetary compensation for undergoing such operations as will render them sterile and ensure they do not find themselves in the situation of bearing a child for which they cannot provide.
Some of the problems:

Believing the failed policy of "trickle down" works.

Nation building with Iraq as the perfect example.

Moving the tax burden to the Middle Class.

Cutting taxes for the rich.

Cutting corporate taxes.

Slashing funding for education.

Moving the burden of health care to the elderly.

Refusing to invest in the country's infrastructure.

Ignoring the need for revenue.

Spending on an ever larger military.

De regulating Wall Street.

Unfortunately, one political party is against fixing all these things. They see these things as "positives".
What about the border, amigo?
Has anyone so far suggested that we reduce the massive cost of the National Debt by exercising far better implemented fiscal discipline and, like the yuppie who spends over his means, cut out or significantly reduce those things that we can really not afford.
Before we can find a path to "fixing" our nation our nation has to decide where it hopes to go.

It's a drop dead cinche that where we used to be isn't anyplace we're going to get back to.

I'm not longer convinced that the constitution protects us, that our governments really even want serve us or that capital gives a rat's ass what happens to the American people, either

Additionally, as the various social divides in this nation are so vast and at such loggerheads with each other, we do not really have a collective vision of what we want our nation to look like.

Obviously if we cannot agree where we want to be, its damned hard to plan how to get there
The Constitution only protects us as long as uphold the ideals. And the ideals in the Constitution, for the most part, are good and just. The concept of limited government and individual liberty is also good. The concept of separation of powers and federalism to disperse the power of government are also problems.

I don't think the solutions to our nation will come from governments or politicians. I think we are the only ones who can fix our nation. And we need to do that by changing our lives. We need to organize. We need to reach out to others in the community and build bridges.

We need to stop treating our fellow citizens as an enemy. We need to be able to communicate, debate, discuss, even disagree and remain civil. We need to let go of our pride and stop looking at people in groups or classes and see the individual.

We need to stop lying to ourselves and others. Dishonesty is the root of corruption. If we the people are corrupt, we will continue to elect corrupt politicians. We need to change our culture, not through laws or regulations, but by making better choices in our life. Such as making a committment to hard work, thrift, industry, personal charity.

We need to accept the duties we have as human beings, especially those of parenting instead of running away from them. If we accept our duties and do them, then our rights will flow naturally from them.

We need to shift a paradign here in this nation. and it's got to start with our own lives.
VOTE! Did any one ever hear of that power of the people by the people and for the people? The grassroots movement commonly known as the Tea Party is all about information. What the career politicians are really up to. Thanks to the information high way, reality is beginning to over come the spin, lies, and back room deals. In the past we had no clue. We trusted the career politicians - JBukema's political elite - to actually do what was best for the people and the nation. In 2010, after only 1 1/2 years in existence, there was a voter revolution. The here to for ignored and vilified grass roots movement was finally recognized as a force for what is actually best for the people. We elected 87 new representatives that we identified as supporting our issues and values.

2012 is approaching. Many in Washington are now paying attention to what the people are telling them. There are still many fighting to preserve their fiefdoms. they will be replaced by those at the bottom with the power in this bottom up system of government. We had given up that power and Amertica to the political elite. Now we are taking back that power given to us. We, the people, the voters will take back America. We don't need to force the political elite to listen. We will vote out those that just do not get it. We don't work for them. They work for us.

nail/head Stephan

but you see, inasmuch as i agree with you, they've slowly alterd the very mechanism that allows such Democracy to tick>

The 2012 presidential election year promises to be the most expensive ever and unless the Department of Justice does its job, it also promises to be have the most anonymous campaign donations in U.S. history. Unknown corporate interests will fund massive advertising campaigns against and for candidates but the voters will not know who they are or their real agenda.

While the Citizen's United decision allowed unlimited donations by corporations and individuals, it did not allow anonymous donations. The federal election law requires that donors be identified. In order to do an end-around this requirement some political operatives have set up non-profit to hide donors identities.

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I'd like to see some serious discussion here. Let's not think through a partisan lens. Let's pretend there are no such thing as Democrats or Republicans. Let's pretend there is no such thing as Liberal or Conservative (or libertarian) or anything else you might think up.

As human beings, how do we fix the problems our nation faces?

First, I think we need to determine what the main problems are. Tell me what you think our biggest problems are. And are they symptoms of something else or the source of other problems?

Second, should we solve them through government or by acting as individuals?

Third, Tell us some of the ideas that we can impliment in our own lives to fix the problems our nations faces.

The #1 problem is that we live under a Constitution that was ratified in the late 1700's. Much too much is left to interpretation. Any business in the world would be mortified if they were living under a business plan 5 years old.

I'm not saying re-write the entire document but there is something patently ridiculous about looking at a document written by flawed individuals and treating it as some sort of holy scripture. As far as I know, the document represents the most enlightened thinking of it's time. Unless you believe that these people are more enlightened than what we have today (loaded question) you'd be a fool to not want the best minds to weigh in on the question.

OK, some thoughts. Maybe our nation can't be fixed. It is too big, with too many people, and we have become a sort of Tower of Babel with everyone speaking a different language, respecting a different culture, and so on.

The best way to "fix" the problems we face is to simply let the USA wind down and die a natural death, and let new nations rise in its place.

I am not sure anybody seriously thinks America is going to get better from here. I think its best days are behind us. We once flew to the moon, and now, we are prosecuting Amish farmers for selling raw milk. We are not willing to do a thing about 30 million illegal aliens who all speak Spanish -- except change the signs in Home Depot for them.

America's rankings in the world have dropped over the years. Our credit is no longer good -- China isn't buying our debt anymore. We don't even know who we are or what we want. It's all a mixed-up jumble.
I'm sure your Yuppie-parents are quite proud of you.

You won't find one in some convenient, little boutique, but you do need to find yourself a backbone....and, quit your fuckin' whining about those people making Life so inconvenient for you.​
Close our borders except for legal immigration'

live within our means. Have a tax system based on our GDP. If the GDP goes down 10% then we cut spending 10% except Medicare and SS

Have a slide rule system with Medicare. if you make 20,000 a year and your on medicare, you pay 10% a year to help pay for it. 30,000 15%

Separate Social security from the rest. Allow the payer to expand his/her options such as a 401K type fund that he can borrow from during the years he/she puts into it up to 30%. tax this system separate.

drug test all people at random such as the working people have to do receiving any government funded help that is not in direct relationship with retirement and or disability

Got to go to work
more to come
I'd like to see some serious discussion here. Let's not think through a partisan lens. Let's pretend there are no such thing as Democrats or Republicans. Let's pretend there is no such thing as Liberal or Conservative (or libertarian) or anything else you might think up.

As human beings, how do we fix the problems our nation faces?

First, I think we need to determine what the main problems are. Tell me what you think our biggest problems are. And are they symptoms of something else or the source of other problems?

Second, should we solve them through government or by acting as individuals?

Third, Tell us some of the ideas that we can impliment in our own lives to fix the problems our nations faces.

OK. Number one. Plan for seven generations. We took many of the structures of our government from the Iroquis, we need also to realize that some of their philosophy for looking to the future was equally valid.

You cannot plan ahead without considering what our actions today are doing to our grandchildren. Do we need to be in Afghanistan and Iraq? What about the other military bases we have scattered around the world?

And what are we doing by our continued burning of fossil fuels? Is it wise to use most of such a valuable feedstock for industry to burn to power our vehicles? Is it wise to ignore virtually all the scientists from all the nations when they are telling us that we are creating some real problems for our grandchildren by putting GHGs into the atmosphere?

Secondly, we face an ecomomic problem. There is no way that we can solve that without both cutting the cost of government, and increasing the revenue to government. That means cutting real costs. Such as military. The cuts the Teabaggers are going for mean nothing. The budget for Public Broadcasting isn't even a drop in the bucket. Address real costs. And quit the lying. Don't inclulde Social Security in your pie chart without acknowledging that Social Security has been funding the shortfall in the rest of the government for many, many years. SS is funded adaquetly for the rest of my natural lifespan. And will be funded for everybody if the 6.2% that I pay would apply to all income.

Third. Stop the absolute fucking bullshit about government not being able to do anything right. Government in a democratic republic is all of us. If you truly wish to say that we, as a nation, are completely incompetant, then make that your statement. However, for most of us, we see that present living standard, and realize that our efforts and a community and nation have created the infrastructure that makes this lifestyle possible. From the Interstate Highway System, to our National Park System, I see a nation that has much to be proud of in our community effort, through our government, to create a great nation.

Fourth, realize that we are all in this together. Those, like Haliburton, that leave the nation that gave them the weath that they enjoy, should be ostrisized and not allowed to do any business in the territory of the US. We are responsible for each other. From the maintance of safe drinking water for our urban areas, to the upkeep of the roads for the rural areas that provide us our food, we, as a people and nation, have a responsibility to all citizens of this nation. To maintain that there are only a couple of percentage points of our population that matter is to resort to the Fascism that we defeated in WW2.
Too much wealth and influence in the hands of too few. Too much successful propaganda convincing too many that it's a good thing; or at least that it's not a bad thing.

Until we agree that it's a bad thing, and measures should be taken to reverse the trend - There's no use discussing what those measures would/should be.
Before we can find a path to "fixing" our nation our nation has to decide where it hopes to go.

It's a drop dead cinche that where we used to be isn't anyplace we're going to get back to.

I'm not longer convinced that the constitution protects us, that our governments really even want serve us or that capital gives a rat's ass what happens to the American people, either

Additionally, as the various social divides in this nation are so vast and at such loggerheads with each other, we do not really have a collective vision of what we want our nation to look like.

Obviously if we cannot agree where we want to be, its damned hard to plan how to get there

[ame=]YouTube - Cynthia McKinney - Cost of Financial Recovery - Debate Answer[/ame]
we will NEVER fix this country UNLESS we pass one thing. Voter exams. Too many fucking idiots who don't have the first clue voting. Call it discrimination against the stupid , I don't care.

We need to bring-in the Pros.....


.....and, cast some SERIOUS-nets, and round-up all the participants at

Fiirst, you have to identify them: Ask a question!

If their eyes've FOUND ONE!!!!

[ame=]YouTube - 9.12 DC TEA PARTY - INTERVIEW B-ROLL[/ame]​
Might sound sexist, but if we went back to the day's when women stayed home and ran the households while men worked, a whole multitude of problems would be solved., the cost of Valium will return to those good, ol' 1950s value$.



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