Elon Musk: If Trump loses I'm fucked

What a really stupid statement.
Not at all, speech is speech, you can say whatever you like whether X exists or not dingbat.
Compared to how Twitter was operated prior to Musk buying it, X is a bastion of free speech. Dorsey already admitted how he messed up Twitter doing Biden's bidding and censuring Biden's critics when Biden demanded it. I bet you enjoyed that being the ignorant to the First Amendment person that you are, Sherley.

Its overseen by its users, dickhead. Musk doesn't allow pedophilia, doesn't allow criminal elements, but does allow the free exchange of ideas which is, of course, something democrats hate.

LOL, it doesn't, Sherley. :rolleyes: It's free to anyone with the internet and a device. Gawd, but thinking is tough on your end, eh?

I think you need to link that. As I already said, there is a TON LESS restrictions than prior to Musk's purchase of the platform.
A company has every right to restrict what it publishes, that is not a violation of the first amendment you dunce, that first amendment does not grant a right to compel publishers to publish. Twitter (fuck this silly 'X' bullshit) is a political too for Musk, he's an oligarch, a hypocrite wake up.
You just want to shut up the right permanently and completely. That would please you, right Sherley?
The "right" can publish via a "right" publisher and the "left" likewise.
LOL. Obviously, you're not just ignorant about the First Amendment. Your own dementia patient announced on X that the DNC coup to kick him off the ballot worked.


That's it, that's the first amendment - why do you think this is some lofty intellectual topic?

Shutting down X (like shutting down Telegram) would not be a violation of it because anyone can choose any other platform.

There is no "right" and "left" either, in the USA this is a joke, people like to sound intellectual by applying these labels.

The "right" leaning supreme court even said this:


So fuck off.
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Why are the Dumald sycophants so worried about Twitter being threatened, they can always move over to the highly popular Truth Social if they want :auiqs.jpg:


Go Semite ! - sorry I meant Yo-Semite
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