How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

Science is never settled.

Debating that is an indefensible position.

Co2 is settled = it does NOTHING

You are free to attempt to poke holes in the land near the poles theory.

Every piece of land 600 miles from the pole is in ice age.

Every piece of land outside 600 miles from a pole is not.

Earth ice content is controlled by that.

Antarctica = 90% of Earth ice
Greenland = 7% of Earth ice
Ellesmere Island = 0.3%

and land moves.... which is why North America just came out of ice age while Greenland just entered one.

How did Co2 melt North America and freeze Greenland at the same time is a question the Co2 fraud cannot answer...

The topic asking the "warmers" to explain the Arctic Circle map got no responses, because Co2 and Sun do not explain THIS


Co2 is settled = it does NOTHING

You are free to attempt to poke holes in the land near the poles theory.

Every piece of land 600 miles from the pole is in ice age.

Every piece of land outside 600 miles from a pole is not.

Earth ice content is controlled by that.

Antarctica = 90% of Earth ice
Greenland = 7% of Earth ice
Ellesmere Island = 0.3%

and land moves.... which is why North America just came out of ice age while Greenland just entered one.

How did Co2 melt North America and freeze Greenland at the same time is a question the Co2 fraud cannot answer...

The topic asking the "warmers" to explain the Arctic Circle map got no responses, because Co2 and Sun do not explain THIS


You're arguing a completely different issue.

My point stands. And always will. You don't "know." They don't "know".
You're arguing a completely different issue.

My point stands. And always will. You don't "know." They don't "know".

Endlessly repeating slogans accomplishes nothing.

We have two and only two measures of atmospheric temps, and both showed NO WARMING during rising Co2. The Co2 fraud never proved Co2 was warming the atmosphere, because it didn't.

Nobody can lay a glove on the land near the pole theory. It is batting 1000
The real one is, in the history of man on earth, the climate has never changed so RAPIDLY.

What period of time are you talking about? 250 years? 150? Fewer?
You have a question ? There are thousands of reliable sources. Try MIT, Try any one of these or Cal Tech etc here in the US ….they are top climate science institutes throughout the world.
Im only repeating what they say. You want to sound smart, use them.
it has not changed this fast.

How fast? Over what period? Be specific.
Look at all the relevant temp charts over the time man has been in earth. The rate of change is represented by the average slope between any two points. This slope line is steeper from the Industrial Age to now, than at another time man has been on earth. It’s an obvious picture of climate climate change.
So, repeating what every climate science institute in the world says, is a fking lot smarter then making up shit.

The PARROT insists, PARROTING is better than actual science practice...

Einstein, how did you come up with Relativity?

Well, um, I parroted it from someone else, of course..... .... NOT

PARROTING is the lowest form of brain activity outside of being in a COMA...
Endlessly repeating slogans accomplishes nothing.

We have two and only two measures of atmospheric temps, and both showed NO WARMING during rising Co2. The Co2 fraud never proved Co2 was warming the atmosphere, because it didn't.

Nobody can lay a glove on the land near the pole theory. It is batting 1000
That is not a 'slogan'. More pointing out something that is obvious.

Silly and pointless to keep batting this point around.
I am too old to be worried. Worry doesn't deal with problems anyway. I presume finding this was beyond your intellectual capacity.

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This only goes to 2019. I am looking at 1965 to 2019. It is +1 deg C in 54 years and 3 years out of date. Are you happy now? Are you saying that you have never seen this graph before?

We're in trouble because it's never warmed this much in a 54-year period in
the last 800,000 years? That's a bold claim.
Look at all the relevant temp charts over the time man has been in earth. The rate of change is represented by the average slope between any two points. This slope line is steeper from the Industrial Age to now, than at another time man has been on earth. It’s an obvious picture of climate climate change.

This slope line is steeper from the Industrial Age to now, than at another time man has been on earth.

Sounds serious!!

What are the next 9 steepest slopes "since man has been on Earth"?
This slope line is steeper from the Industrial Age to now, than at another time man has been on earth.

Sounds serious!!

What are the next 9 steepest slopes "since man has been on Earth"?
Probably starting with the two points between your floppy ears.
The PARROT insists, PARROTING is better than actual science practice...

Einstein, how did you come up with Relativity?

Well, um, I parroted it from someone else, of course..... .... NOT

PARROTING is the lowest form of brain activity outside of being in a COMA...
Sounds like you parroted that from another nincompoop.
Do you know what the slope of a line between two points on a graph represents ? Tell us. If you can, you’d be worth answering.

Do you know what the slope of a line between two points on a graph represents ?

I do. Rate of change. So post the 2nd thru 9th steepest slopes.
We're in trouble because it's never warmed this much in a 54-year period in
the last 800,000 years? That's a bold claim.
No it is not. 1 deg in 50 years can mean over 2 degrees C before 2100. The differences in CO2 and temperature in the Ice Age cycles over 800,000 years has been 100 ppm and 5 deg C. We are already more than 100 ppm of CO2 over the peak so simple extrapolation implies 5 degrees above the normal peak. But the world has too much ice to change instantaneously. So we get freaky weather and clear sky turbulence as the planet seeks equilibrium faster than it ever has before.

But we pump more CO2 into the atmosphere changing where the equilibrium point would be.
Do you know what the slope of a line between two points on a graph represents ?

I do. Rate of change. So post the 2nd thru 9th steepest slopes.
Nope. Only the steepest while man is here in earth. Go ahead, f8nd a chart that differs. You can’t. .

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