How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

That is one giant lie without a specific instance of where I have failed to document

The specifics was the point where I said you only provided pictures and not links to your point. Every time requested.
and you get tons of maps... including this one, which clearly disputes McBullshit because the maximum extent is clearly way past Chicago... which McBullshit says was the max...
Again, It isn't evidence, no matter how many times you post that it is. It doesn't reference anything!!!!!!!
The specifics was the point where I said you only provided pictures and not links to your point. Every time requested.

Explained above.

It is a dispute since all references to North American Ice Age have "vanished" except in IMAGES online...
you really didn't just write that for all to read, did you? holy fk. How do you know it exists then?

Again, why did this happen?

Perhaps the FBI had a FRAUD case against the taxpayer funded climate "scientists" and homO went silent for 2 years before hiding it IN THE CLOSET...

If so, who was the author???

Unclear your point

That the uber corrupt homO FBI took the truth, showed it to the Co2 fraud, and McBullshit Cycles came out after to "re-write" everything so that it isn't as obvious that Co2 does nothing and that Earth Climate Change is 99%+ about WHERE LAND IS not what is in the atmosphere...
We are still waiting for one of the science invalid parrots here who believes Co2 actually does cause warming to explain

How did Co2 Melt North America and Freeze Greenland at the same time??

Still waiting...

All these morons do is parrot fudgebaking liars. They are obsessed with it, because none of them is any good at all in practicing

Click to expand...
North America is 30-45° N Latitude, Greenland is 71° N Latitude.
You know how that works you MENTALLY ILL MUTHER FUKKER?
Why is Florida warmer than Chicago?
Got it!
There goes 500 of your Wacked posts!
You need to be removed you No IQ Mental Patient.


North America is 30-45° N Latitude, Greenland is 71° N Latitude.
You know how that works you MENTALLY ILL MUTHER FUKKER?
Why is Florida warmer than Chicago?
Got it!
There goes 500 of your Wacked posts!
You need to be removed you No IQ Mental Patient.



Ice on Greenland is south of Arctic Circle.

North of Arctic Circle in Alaska is no ice, but rather trees and moose..


Start the Jeopardy! music....
Ice on Greenland is south of Arctic Circle.

North of Arctic Circle in Alaska is no ice, but rather trees and moose.
1. Northern Alaska's permafrost remains Frozen, and only the top few feet unfreezes for summer.

2. The Northwest in general is Milder than the Northeast due to Pacific currents and winds.
3. ie, Seattle is Much Milder than New England in the Winter despite being the same latitude. (and 5
° Lat North of Boston)
The temp need Not be the same, and it has Nothing to do with GW.

4. Gameover you Mentally Ill and Stoopid A$$licker.

5. You need to be Removed due to Retardation and OCD reposting the Identical material daily...

in Quadruple ...

and Quintuple Spacing.

(and Same for the near identical Crusader Frank.)

Last edited:
1. Northern Alaska's permafrost remains Frozen, and only the top few feet unfreezes for summer.

2. The Northwest in general is Milder than the Northeast due to Pacific currents and winds.
3. ie, Seattle is Much Milder than New England in the Winter despite being the same latitude. (and 5
° Lat North of Boston)
The temp need Not be the same, and it has Nothing to do with GW.

4. Gameover you Mentally Ill and Stoopid A$$licker.

5. You need to be Removed due to Retardation and OCD reposting the Identical material daily...

in Quadruple ...

and Quintuple Spacing.

(and Same for the near identical Crusader Frank.)


There may be some AGW caused by humans, it may be an issue.

It has also become a massive infrastructure of graft and greed, supported by 'models' that can show whatever those preparing them, who are typically profiting from it, would like them to show.

We saw the exact same fear porn and massive opportunism during covid. The entire country was driven to chaos and economic devastation by those shoving utterly bullshit models as 'proof', meanwhile the 1% got richer and everyone else got fucked.

We saw it with globalization, we saw it with covid and, imho, we are seeing it here. The 1% drive these things, drastically overblow the siutation to scare people, claim their actions (proven necessary by their own analysis) are for everyone's good and an absolute imperative, without which we will be faced with utter calamity- and the result will be trillions in their pockets and the remainder will get fucked - again.

The tip of the iceberg is the actual issue, the 90% is a construct meant to drive an agenda. We see it again and again and again.

How/why anyone believes anything these dirty fucks tell them at this point is a total mystery. Policymakers are not here to save us from covid, or save the planet, or distribute prosperity. They are corrupt psychopaths driven by the lust for power and money, and anything and anyone else is of no importance, zero, to them.
There may be some AGW caused by humans

Just Urban Heat Sink Effect, that urban areas warm on the surface where they grow (where ALL of the Co2 fraud's real unfudged warming comes from)

Co2 is not warming the atmosphere and neither is Urban Heat = THEORY REJECTED
so many clowns, new and old here, say it's all natural
"it goes up, it goes down"
but scientists have actually looked into WHY this cycle is different than the others.

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How We Know Today's Climate Change Is Not Natural 4, 2017 - Last week, the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, chaired by climate contrarian Lamar Smith, R-Texas, held a hearing on ...

How do we know global warming is not a natural cycle? | Climate ... 7, 2009 - Answer. If the Earth's temperature had been steady for millions of years and only started rising in the past half century or so, the answer would ...

How do we know? - Evidence | Facts – Climate Change: Vital Signs of ... Signs of the Planet: Global Climate Change and Global Warming. ...Not only was 2016 the warmest year on record, but eight of the 12 months that make up .... the Earth's natural greenhouse effect and suggested that slight changes in the ...

Human fingerprints on climate change rule out natural cycles, internal forces do not cause climate change. ... and oceanic emissions of CO2 and know that they are small compared to anthropogenic emissions, but ...
How Do We Know Humans Are Causing Climate Change? | Climate ... 1, 2019 - Yes, we know humans are responsible for the climate changewe see ... as if we're wrapping another, not-so-natural blanket around the Earth.

Global warming isn't just a natural cycle » Yale Climate Connections 18, 2018 - Here's how we know that. ... Global warming isn't just anatural cycle. By Sara Peach on Sep ... The earth's temperature changesnaturally over time. Variations ... Earth's warming: How scientists know it'snot the sun. From Yale ...

How Do We Know that Humans Are the Major Cause of Global ... to Natural and human factors that influence the climate (known as ...- Natural climate drivers include the energy ... in snow and ice cover thatchange how much ... if it were not for these human-made and natural tiny particles.

/`----/ Before humans, the earth's climate was 100% stable. No change what so ever. Proven fact.
Speaking of quantifiability....did you know that to date, there is not one single published paper in which the hypothetical warming caused by our activities has been empirically, measured, quantified, and blamed on so called greenhouse gasses...not one single published paper.

And every day one of the warmer wackos tells us that the science is settled.

It was settled science, and the consensus that the Earth was flat, and that the Sun circled the earth.......until it wasn't...the man made global warming cultists are following in a long tradition of science deniers while using inquisition level tactics against people who disagree with them....
It was settled science, and the consensus that the Earth was flat, and that the Sun circled the earth.......until it wasn't...the man made global warming cultists are following in a long tradition of science deniers while using inquisition level tactics against people who disagree with them....

For a Star Fleet Captian, you aren't that clueless in science = COOL!!!
Just Urban Heat Sink Effect, that urban areas warm on the surface where they grow (where ALL of the Co2 fraud's real unfudged warming comes from)

Co2 is not warming the atmosphere and neither is Urban Heat = THEORY REJECTED

Just Urban Heat Sink Effect,

Heat Island you fucktard.
75% of the population has IQs below 111.

GW won't end the world, maybe not even civilization for the richest 5%. Merely make life more miserable for the 80% that don't die.

The aliens may find the wars and starvation entertaining.
75% of the population has IQs below 111.

GW won't end the world, maybe not even civilization for the richest 5%. Merely make life more miserable for the 80% that don't die.

The aliens may find the wars and starvation entertaining.

According to the two and only two measures we have of atmospheric temps, satellites and balloons, Co2 went up, and the atmosphere did not warm.

Theory Rejected

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