How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

Australia was joined to Antarctica, New Zealand and South America, forming the last remnant of the great southern landmass called Gondwana. About 80 million years ago New Zealand drifted away from the rest of Gondwana.

Gotta love that the images above are called "fake news" by a McBullshit loyalist.

What is "fake" about them??


Andes and TransAntarctica mountain ranges are THE SAME RANGE formed by THE SAME TECTONIC PLATE MOVEMENT.
Australia was joined to Antarctica, New Zealand and South America, forming the last remnant of the great southern landmass called Gondwana. About 80 million years ago New Zealand drifted away from the rest of Gondwana.

View attachment 821217

There is ZERO evidence of this...

Australia was on the South Pole while Antarctica was still attached to South America and more than halfway to South Africa. The warmers had too FUDGE the tectonic plate movement because that was part of the proof Co2 does nothing, and all of this crap came after 2010... and we paid for it...

Breakthrough in green energy.

German energy giant RWE has begun dismantling a wind farm to make way for a further expansion of an open-pit lignite mine in the western region of North Rhine-Westphalia.
One wind turbine has already been dismantled, and seven more are planned to be dismantled to extract an additional 15-20 million tons of the so-called "brown" coal, the most polluting source of energy.
Breakthrough in green energy.

German energy giant RWE has begun dismantling a wind farm to make way for a further expansion of an open-pit lignite mine in the western region of North Rhine-Westphalia.
One wind turbine has already been dismantled, and seven more are planned to be dismantled to extract an additional 15-20 million tons of the so-called "brown" coal, the most polluting source of energy.

Now we're getting the true cost of wind power ... part is installing, part is operations ... this is the cost of the end-of-life phase on energy production ... we won't know if it's worth it without the balance sheet ... do we finish in the black, or the red? ...

"The [Rancho Seco Nuclear Power] plant cost $375 million when it was built in 1974 ($1.63 billion in 2021 dollars) and it cost about $120 million in 1974 dollars to decommission ($520 million in 2021 dollars), according to the SMUD Rancho Seco Nuclear Education Center." -- Wikipedia ...

This ended up even ... but that took doubling the local electric rates to pay for this ... the property is now a solar farm and recreational facilities ... it's LOTS and LOTS sunnier in Sacramento than in Westphalia ...

For wind you want West Texas ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... God loves that place more than the all of Europe ...
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Now we're getting the true cost of wind power ... part is installing, part is operations ... this is the cost of the end-of-life phase on energy production ... we won't know if it's worth it without the balance sheet ... do we finish in the black, or the red? ...

"The [Rancho Seco Nuclear Power] plant cost $375 million when it was built in 1974 ($1.63 billion in 2021 dollars) and it cost about $120 million in 1974 dollars to decommission ($520 million in 2021 dollars), according to the SMUD Rancho Seco Nuclear Education Center." -- Wikipedia ...

This ended up even ... but that took doubling the local electric rates to pay for this ... the property is now a solar farm and recreational facilities ... it's LOTS and LOTS sunnier in Sacramento than in Westphalia ...

For wind you want West Texas ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... God loves that place more than the all of Europe ...
RWE got permission to excavate this lignite from the German government based on a promise of being completely coal free by 2030. This is simply another result of the loss of gas from Russia due to the invasion of Ukraine.
View attachment 821219

This is what we are funding now, an obvious re-write of tectonic history to lie and make it appear Co2 does something when in reality Co2 does NOTHING.

McBullshit's Antarctica issue was already fully busted right here...

RWE got permission to excavate this lignite from the German government based on a promise of being completely coal free by 2030. This is simply another result of the loss of gas from Russia due to the invasion of Ukraine.

Also, the Germans are burning record amounts of hardwoods, not so Green

So without mankind, how did we get 1,000PPM CO2?
This is what we are funding now, an obvious re-write of tectonic history to lie and make it appear Co2 does something when in reality Co2 does NOTHING.

McBullshit's Antarctica issue was already fully busted right here...

Water Fraud!!!!
Water Fraud!!!!

Position of Antarctica fraud
Speed of ice age glacier fraud
Age of ice age glacier fraud
Tropical paradise on the poles FRAUD
Dating wood 20k years old FRAUD
Tectonic plate movement FRAUD

There is nothing real at all about McBullshit, the Co2 FRAUD's attempt to change the truth of North American Ice Age, which was 30-50 million years, and proves


which 100% proves

Position of Antarctica fraud
Speed of ice age glacier fraud
Age of ice age glacier fraud
Tropical paradise on the poles FRAUD
Dating wood 20k years old FRAUD
Tectonic plate movement FRAUD

There is nothing real at all about McBullshit, the Co2 FRAUD's attempt to change the truth of North American Ice Age, which was 30-50 million years, and proves


which 100% proves

More of Greenland is closer to the north pole than more of Alaska is. Say it with me.

More of Greenland is closer to the north pole than more of Alaska is. Say it with me.


The only explanation for that is there is some latitude where the annual snowfall ceases to fully melt and starts to stack, the start of a continent specific ice age. Greenland is there, Alaska is not...
The only explanation for that is there is some latitude where the annual snowfall ceases to fully melt and starts to stack, the start of a continent specific ice age. Greenland is there, Alaska is not...
More of Greenland is closer to the north pole than more of Alaska is. So more of Greenland receives less sunlight than more of Alaska does.
More of Greenland is closer to the north pole than more of Alaska is. So more of Greenland receives less sunlight than more of Alaska does.

But this is a 100% and 0% issue.

Greenland is frozen from top to way south of the Arctic Circle.

Alaska is not frozen north of Arctic Circle.

Any idea why??
But this is a 100% and 0% issue.

Greenland is frozen from top to way south of the Arctic Circle.

Alaska is not frozen north of Arctic Circle.

Any idea why??
Yes, you aren't comparing apples to oranges. Stop mixing and matching glacial period data with interglacial period data.
Yes, you aren't comparing apples to oranges. Stop mixing and matching glacial period data with interglacial period data.

Greenland froze while north America thawed.

Greenland had a glacial while North America had an interglacial

which proves the "glacials" are 100% pure McBullshit...
If you understood what the IPCC says about climate sensitivity you would know that it is 100% true that the models the IPCC relies upon predict that 2/3rds of future warming is attributed to increased Water Vapor and 1/3rd of the future warning is due to the radiative forcing of CO2. That's climate sensitivity. Why are you arguing against the IPCC?
I'm not.
But as I've posted many times... CO2 CONTROLS Water Vapor FIRST.
That's why CO2 is the issue/what we Have spewed into the Atmo and can lower.

So Ding Has NOW ADMITTED GHG's, including secondarily Water Vapor, Do control the Temperature.

More elaborately:

Water Vapor, CO2, and Global Warming​

MYTH: Water vapor is the most important, abundant greenhouse gas. So if we’re going to control a greenhouse gas, why don’t we control it instead of carbon dioxide (CO2)?

This is a common Misconception in the debate over greenhouse gases and the causes of global warming. Both water vapor and carbon dioxide are important greenhouse gases that play a crucial role in atmospheric warming. A greenhouse gas is a gas that absorbs and re-emits infrared radiation in Earth’s atmosphere, thereby increasing temperatures. Which gas then is to blame for global warming and should be controlled?

Water vapor accounts for 60-70% of the greenhouse effect while CO2 accounts for 25% —a notable difference when numbers alone are compared. It would seem then that water vapor should be climatologists’ primary focus. However, water vapor cannot be controlled by human intervention; it is simply a Product of its environment.

The amount of water vapor the atmosphere can hold is dependent on temperature.
Under normal conditions, most of the heat emitted from Earth’s surface in the form of long wave radiation goes into the atmosphere and out into space. However, the presence of increased greenhouse gases traps more long-wave radiation, which means there is more energy in the atmosphere to warm the Earth’s surface.

As the atmospheric temperature rises, more water is evaporated from ground storage, such as that found in our rivers, oceans, soils, and reservoirs. The released water vapor becomes a greenhouse gas where it then absorbs more energy radiated from the Earth and thus warms the atmosphere. The warmer atmosphere results in further water evaporation and the cycle continues. This mechanism is known as a Positive Feedback Loop.

Scientists then need to focus on what is causing air temperatures to rise in the first place. Heat from Other Greenhouse Gases is Causing atmospheric Warming, Leading to an increase in water evaporation and compounding the greenhouse effect. Anthropogenic, or human-derived, CO2 serves as the Primary source of Warming with water vapor playing a Secondary role.
While CO2 occurs naturally in the atmosphere, human interference has interrupted the carbon cycle through activities, such as burning forests, mining, and burning coal. These activities artificially release more carbon from their solid storage to its gaseous state in the lower atmosphere. The rapid increase in CO2 volume has exceeded the amount oceans and vegetation are able to re-absorb. Furthermore, as deforestation continues around the world, there is less vegetation every year available to sequester the carbon. Thus, excess CO2 remains in the atmosphere where it traps heat and stimulates water evaporation."...."

Water Vapor, CO2, and Global Warming | IEDRO

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I'm not.
But as I've posted many times... CO2 CONTROLS Water Vapor FIRST.
That's why CO2 is the issue/what we Have spewed into the Atmo and can lower.

So Ding Has NOW ADMITTED GHG's, including secondarily Water Vapor, Do control the Temperature.

More elaborately:

Water Vapor, CO2, and Global Warming​

MYTH: Water vapor is the most important, abundant greenhouse gas. So if we’re going to control a greenhouse gas, why don’t we control it instead of carbon dioxide (CO2)?

This is a common Misconception in the debate over greenhouse gases and the causes of global warming. Both water vapor and carbon dioxide are important greenhouse gases that play a crucial role in atmospheric warming. A greenhouse gas is a gas that absorbs and re-emits infrared radiation in Earth’s atmosphere, thereby increasing temperatures. Which gas then is to blame for global warming and should be controlled?

Water vapor accounts for 60-70% of the greenhouse effect while CO2 accounts for 25% —a notable difference when numbers alone are compared. It would seem then that water vapor should be climatologists’ primary focus. However, water vapor cannot be controlled by human intervention; it is simply a Product of its environment.

The amount of water vapor the atmosphere can hold is dependent on temperature. Under normal conditions, most of the heat emitted from Earth’s surface in the form of long wave radiation goes into the atmosphere and out into space. However, the presence of increased greenhouse gases traps more long-wave radiation, which means there is more energy in the atmosphere to warm the Earth’s surface.

As the atmospheric temperature rises, more water is evaporated from ground storage, such as that found in our rivers, oceans, soils, and reservoirs. The released water vapor becomes a greenhouse gas where it then absorbs more energy radiated from the Earth and thus warms the atmosphere. The warmer atmosphere results in further water evaporation and the cycle continues. This mechanism is known as a Positive Feedback Loop.

Scientists then need to focus on what is causing air temperatures to rise in the first place. Heat from Other Greenhouse Gases is Causing atmospheric Warming, Leading to an increase in water evaporation and compounding the greenhouse effect. Anthropogenic, or human-derived, CO2 serves as the Primary source of Warming with water vapor playing a Secondary role.

While CO2 occurs naturally in the atmosphere, human interference has interrupted the carbon cycle through activities, such as burning forests, mining, and burning coal. These activities artificially release more carbon from their solid storage to its gaseous state in the lower atmosphere. The rapid increase in CO2 volume has exceeded the amount oceans and vegetation are able to re-absorb. Furthermore, as deforestation continues around the world, there is less vegetation every year available to sequester the carbon. Thus, excess CO2 remains in the atmosphere where it traps heat and stimulates water evaporation."...."

Water Vapor, CO2, and Global Warming | IEDRO

So, the solution is to kill off 90% of the population. See, this is the Marxist population control of the 60’s at work. The fact is, the ocean levels are not rising like your prophet Al Gore prophecized. But, the Biden is destroying the US by forcing electric cars and so on that actually call for more fossil fuel production to run the electrical plants. Dumber and dumber.

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