How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

In the upper atmosphere....the heat from the earth exchanges the heat through this atmosphere into the vastness of outer space...and is gone. Heat is energy after all.

And the heat we can bleed off is at a steady rate not limitless. But have we reached a critical level yet? No.
Are we heading for a critical level?
CO² levels are well inside of tolerances. Too high and we choke to death and all plant life as far as levels high enough to cause a greenhouse effect? We would be dead long before we get there.

From the models we have seen....actually it's liberal Democrats causing the problems. It's not the farms and rural's the big cities that are full of high rise apartment buildings that hold heat. The cities hold an extra 5-10° at night (Not really disputed information) while the rural areas cool off immediately. Trying to create green space inside the cities doesn't help whatsoever. In fact green energies to this point have been anything but green.

Peak oil is still 50+ years away from any draconian measure. However, it was brought up that we should do every thing possible to control pollution by bringing businesses here to the USA where we have jurisdiction and can control.
CO² levels are well inside of tolerances. Too high and we choke to death and all plant life as far as levels high enough to cause a greenhouse effect? We would be dead long before we get there.
The greenhouse effect has nothing to do with us choking to death. The rest of your post also makes little sense.
The cities hold an extra 5-10° at night (Not really disputed information)

That is the only real data supported "warming" the Co2 FRAUD has. The rest is all FUDGE.

Earth climate data still reads precisely

The greenhouse effect has nothing to do with us choking to death. The rest of your post also makes little sense.
It's the ongoing use of energy that causes any sort of warming. It's momentary at best. It is on a scale with large cities to cause some localized, temporary warming.
It is not sufficient to cause major climate shifts.
People perceive the earth only moving in three directions at the same time. That's not true. It's moving in at least ten. And all current climate models do not account for that. We are moving in an elliptical path around our sun (which is also moving) and at times we move closer and others further away.

What petroleum products do is help fund some countries with purposes that are contrary with our own. (Like Iran and Russia)
So using less oil they produce is very beneficial.
However, America cannot pump more. Our resources of petroleum are drying up. (Permian Basin has been mostly drained)
Gulf oil is still going well but it too is slowing down. The wells towards deeper and deeper water are what's left.

We currently have lots of Natural gas and coal. Most coal is yellow coal which is unusable unless put through ampharesis processes which turns it into diesel.

Coal usually has mercury...which is a deadly toxin causing all sorts of havoc with the environment. Scrubbers for emissions makes it too expensive for the energy output.
Nuclear requires fuel too. And uranium mining and refinement is another dirty process with radon gas. The power plant also causes a brown site that lasts generations. Impossible to clean up. Most nuclear fuel was mined and created in Ukraine. Texas, AZ, and New Mexico have some....but again it's a dirty business to mine it out. Pumping boric acid into the ground and then pumping the pregnant solution back out. It destroys water tables and drinking water. The power plants are targets for our nation's enemies to get more damage than what they themselves can produce.

Solar panels are dirty as they come. Silicon refinement to make the panel semiconductors is one of the nastiest processes chemists have designed. Then one hailstorm and they are destroyed. The chemical plant fire in Georgia should be a clue.
Spazzing.... Nurse, security, we have a forced meds case...

Well, considering that EMH and just EMH and only EMH has been pushing Land Near the Poles theory for years, and that theory starts with the following observation...

All land inside of 600 miles to an Earth pole is IN ICE AGE, and all land outside is NOT


Take this scum away, security...

Headcase ^^^ is obsessed. Note that it only talks about one of three topics EVER. :rolleyes:
....And the heat we can bleed off is at a steady rate not limitless. But have we reached a critical level yet? No.
Are we heading for a critical level?
CO² levels are well inside of tolerances. Too high and we choke to death and all plant life as far as levels high enough to cause a greenhouse effect? We would be dead long before we get there.

From the models we have seen....actually it's liberal Democrats causing the problems. It's not the farms and rural's the big cities that are full of high rise apartment buildings that hold heat. The cities hold an extra 5-10° at night (Not really disputed information) while the rural areas cool off immediately. Trying to create green space inside the cities doesn't help whatsoever. In fact green energies to this point have been anything but green. ...
Critical for what Clown Boy?
800-1000 PPM probably won't kill anyone or anything per se, but it will warm the earth significantly more.

The last time we got over 400 PPM sea level was 50' higher. (we're in the oven now, just waiting to cook thru. Lag).

Way before you think we've reached 'tolerance' to merely stay alive the Poles and Greenland will melt raising sea level 240' .. causing destruction of coastal life/cities etc, as well as significant loss of land mass.


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