How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

I'm making you my bitch.
So I said you should stop with your 8 word replies...
I numbered my post for easy reply 1-8 whole points.

So guess what.. you/ding put up 15 words in 2 'replies' (7.5 words avg, Nailed it!!!) that didn't even fake being real replies to be being completely rebutted humiliated.

Nailed it.
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If those links don't mention the planet warms up when the northern hemisphere deglaciates they aren't credible let alone highly credible.
Too good not to post again as Ding repeats his refuted claims hundreds/thousands of times.

1. You really are Too Stupid to debate.
2. And what "deglaciates the Northern Hemisphere"?
3. Magic?
Or would that be...
4a. The Earth tilts with the N Pole more towards the sun!
4b. the many times mentioned Milankovitch cycles enhance that which THEN have melted the 90% less volume arctic/N pole area.
5. So Of course even if true, it was an effect, Not the cause....
6. And ergo It sheds no light on the current cause (either way) Co2/GHGs causing THIS instance.
7. So the claim is a Giant non sequitur and blind stupidity.

8. Finally and obviously you are 40 IQ points too low to play with me.
You really should try and avoid me, not stalk me with your 8 word posts you deluded yourself into believing were trick questions, but just expose you as an ldiot.

Stay in the Religion section.

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So I said you should stop with your 8 word replies...
I numbered my post for easy reply 1-8 whole points.

So guess what.. you/ding put up 15 words in 2 'replies' (7.5 words avg, Nailed it!!!) that didn't even fake being real replies to be being completely rebutted humiliated.

Nailed it.
When heat is circulated from the Atlantic to the Arctic the northern hemisphere deglaciates.
When heat is circulated from the Atlantic to the Arctic the northern hemisphere deglaciates.

Once again, refuted 500 times already, the Co2 FRAUD funded faux "skeptic" keeps lying...

Ice is about where land is. Land moves.

90% of Earth ice on Antarctica
7% on Greenland
0.3% on Ellesmere

Ocean currents do nothing and the Co2 FRAUD has NO DATA AT ALL suggesting ocean currents last more than a few years, just like wind...
Got it. Land is moving back and forth over the poles every 100,000 years.

McBullshit is already destroyed on both poles right here on USMB.

Find a new lie, CO2 FRAUD funded faux "skeptic..."
McBullshit is already destroyed on both poles right here on USMB.

Find a new lie, CO2 FRAUD funded faux "skeptic..."
Land moving back and forth over the poles be like...

Occupation - funded by Co2 FRAUD to lie and be a "faux skeptic" shouting down Land Near the Poles theory
I worked in oil and gas for 38 years, dumbass.

Yes, the poles freeze when thermally isolated from warm marine currents. No, that's not the only driver in play. Fuck off.
I worked in oil and gas for 38 years, dumbass.

Yes, the poles freeze when thermally isolated from warm marine currents. No, that's not the only driver in play. Fuck off.

You have ZERO EVIDENCE that land within 600 miles to a pole has ever been unfrozen..


Your "ocean currents" bullshit has ZERO DATA, as there are no records of oceans currents from the past, none. You are making this up pretending to be a "skeptic" when you are actually a

left wing taxpayer funded homo "faux skeptic."

No go watch more kiddie porn and bill it to the taxpayer as "practicing climate science"
You have ZERO EVIDENCE that land within 600 miles to a pole has ever been unfrozen..


Your "ocean currents" bullshit has ZERO DATA, as there are no records of oceans currents from the past, none. You are making this up pretending to be a "skeptic" when you are actually a

left wing taxpayer funded homo "faux skeptic."

No go watch more kiddie porn and bill it to the taxpayer as "practicing climate science"
The north pole has an ocean centered over it but is mostly surrounded by land thus thermally isolated the north pole from warm marine currents. Thermohaline circulation brings heat from the Atlantic to the Arctic. When that switches off the Arctic will glaciate. Now fuck off.
from warm marine currents.

You have ZERO EVIDENCE of a "warm marine current" in the Arctic, try again....

Thermohaline circulation brings heat from the Atlantic to the Arctic

Yeah, sure, just ask the Titanic passengers who got the water...

When that switches off the Arctic will glaciate

The irrefutable truth is that all land within 600 miles of a pole enters ICE AGE there. If land isn't within 600 miles of a pole, it is not in ice age. Period. ZERO evidence to refute that.

You have ZERO evidence that ocean currents to JACK SHIT.

and you are a treasonous cocksucking leech taxpayer funded parrot of lies...

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