How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

The sample size is irrelevant in this particular conversation unless you would be able to clearly define the FAILURE of that sampling to accurately reflect the total population.

Which, if you would like to do, you can actually do so. There are SEVERAL independent and unrelated methods of assessing scientific agreement on the topic and all of them (remember they are INDEPENDENT METHODS AND UNRELATED) keep coming up with about 95+% agreement among the professionals.

Now, of course Science ISN'T DONE BY CONSENSUS. But consensus shows where the majority of the professionals are leaning.

Let's say you went to Vegas to bet some money. You decide to go to the sports betting areas to bet on an NBA basketball game (or whatever). Would you go in without knowing anything about basketball or even the teams and place your bet? No, you'd learn about the game and you'd listen to odds makers and the professional coaches and sports authorities.

That's what I'm talking about here. Repeated studies (which you can look up) have found this consistent figure. Even if it is not 100% perfectly accurate it shows that it is at least >50% of the professionals feel this is a true fact (AGW).

75 out of 77 is a very impressive.
75 out of 77 is a very impressive.

But there are actually other studies that are much larger in sample size.

Remember the Central Limit Theorem. We are collecting a variety of different means to test the scientific view and repeatedly all the studies keep running up against the >95% agreement number.

But more to the original point: what would you do differently? And mathematically how would YOU select your sample size? Remember, again, the choice of sample size is VERY WELL DISCUSSED in statistics. It's an obsession for them.
You know, I never paid much attention to your "chem trail," arguments, till after the scamdemic.

When Corbett started focusing heavily on the WEF and the WHOs future climate lockdown plans, I finally get, that the chemtrails, where never about global depopulation, but were always about weather control, thanks! :113:

"That last, "election," was probably the last straw before the establishment types went full crazy.

I have no idea if there is an intentional, timed and tracked psy-op on the planetary population, but after some of the conferences I have watched at the WEF? And read about what went on at things like that Event 201 and Dark Winter, if you told me there was an actual conspiracy going on, I'd not be shocked, AT ALL.

" Article III
1. The provisions of this Convention shall not hinder the use of environmental modification techniques for peaceful purposes and shall be without prejudice to the generally recognized principles and applicable rules of international law concerning such use.

2. The States Parties to this Convention undertake to facilitate, and have the right to participate in, the fullest possible exchange of scientific and technological information on the use of environmental modification techniques for peaceful purposes. States Parties in a position to do so shall contribute, alone or together with other States or international organizations, to international economic and scientific co-operation in the preservation, improvement, and peaceful utilization of the environment, with due consideration for the needs of the developing areas of the world."


Joe even admitted it! :ack-1:

". . It’s not like it’s beyond our control. The weather may be beyond our control for now, but it’s not beyond our control, and I promise you, we’re staying – the federal government, along with the state and county and the city. We’re staying until everybody’s back to where they were, not a joke, and one other thing I’ve raised to the gov. "

The expert on this, is Patrick Wood. I saw there is a Caravan to Midnight interview, but I have no sub to that channel, here it is;

Otherwise, here is Mercola;

Wow, you one fucked up boi.
LOLOLOL. Reading these posts it is AMAZINGLY clear you don't have a frickin' CLUE about statistics or sampling or science


I understand your skills are so limited thanks, he needed some help! So I expect you’re gonna provide the data I requested
I understand your skills are so limited thanks, he needed some help! So I expect you’re gonna provide the data I requested

You wouldn't know what to do with it if you had it! LOL. The other poster asked you how you would assess the impact of sample size....AND YOU DIDN'T RESPOND.


See? That was easy!

(BTW: Honestly if you can't find these studies the other poster was talking about...YOU are the idiot. LOL)
You wouldn't know what to do with it if you had it! LOL. The other poster asked you how you would assess the impact of sample size....AND YOU DIDN'T RESPOND.


See? That was easy!

(BTW: Honestly if you can't find these studies the other poster was talking about...YOU are the idiot. LOL)
I actually don’t give a fk what he was expecting. I initially asked for his data. That’s first. I don’t play demfker games
I actually don’t give a fk what he was expecting. I initially asked for his data. That’s first. I don’t play demfker games
Translation: I don't give a fuck. I'm here just to deny and distract like my pals here. I pepper them with stupid, loaded questions. Then I demand shit. I do not respond to other's requests. I berate, belittle, and guffaw at them is all. I'm paid to do that so I do it. Day in, day out. Here, there, anywhere. I'm a professional troll so I troll. All pays the same. Got a problem with that? I don't give a fuck.

Suggestion: Ignore them. Don't feed them.
Last edited:
Translation: I don't give a fuck. I'm here just to deny and distract like my pals here. I demand shit. I do not respond to other's requests. I berate, belittle, and guffaw at them is all. I'm paid to do that so I do it. Day in, day out. Here, there, anywhere. I'm a professional troll so I troll. All pays the same. Got a problem with that? I don't give a fuck.

Suggestion: Ignore them. Don't feed them.
No , it means my question was first. Demofks games aren’t allowed in my world
Face're a loser. You can't even find something EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT! LOLOLOL.

How lazy and/or stupid.

You are hilarious.
My mode of operation is my mode of operation. It’s obvious to all, that throwing percentages around without the supporting data is not how statistics works. Pooh fling away
My mode of operation is my mode of operation. It’s obvious to all, that throwing percentages around without the supporting data is not how statistics works. Pooh fling away

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Don't fling the Pooh.

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