How do we stop other Americans from hiring illegals?

To answer your question: ENFORCEMENT of current immigration laws.

Arizona will be attempting this in the next months.
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To answer your question: ENFORCEMENT of current immigration laws.

Arizona will be attempting this in the next months.

You in your finite wisdom, have highlighted the problem that keeps Americans from getting anywhere on this issue.

Enforcing the current laws like Arizona imagines it will be doing, would do little to stop the flow.

You have misunderstood the question. You would fail an English literacy test. DO NOT VISIT ARIZONA.

To answer your question: ENFORCEMENT of current immigration laws.

Arizona will be attempting this in the next months.

You in your finite wisdom, have highlighted the problem that keeps Americans from getting anywhere on this issue.

Enforcing the current laws like Arizona imagines it will be doing, would do little to stop the flow.

You have misunderstood the question. You would fail an English literacy test. DO NOT VISIT ARIZONA.


I'm sorry, I didn't realize you needed me to explain my comment. I assumed, since you started this thread, you would be educated and have some knowledge of current federal laws regarding the hiring of illegal aliens. Please, allow me to enlighten you:

Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) Section 274A and Title 8 USC Section 1324.

INA explains the penalties, both civil and criminal, related to US employeers hiring illegal aliens. Title 8 USC Sect 1324(a) explains the penalties for harbouring an illegal alien.

Due to the lack of enforcement, small businesses and farms know that local and state law enforcement will not enforce the current federal laws. The owner of a strawberry farm in California would not hire 20 illegal aliens to pick his fruit if he knew local PD would stop by and ask for papers of all his workers. The Mr. Smith Construction company in New Mexico wouldn't pick up the 15 illegal aliens at Home Depot if he knew local PD was watching and waiting for an employeer to stop and pick them up. The reason is simple, neither of them could afford the fine and/or the jail time. The result of enforcement, would force American employeers to hire legal immigrants or citizens because minimum wage is cheaper than the fines.

The lack of enforcement is one of the main reason we have such a large influx of illegal aliens along the southern border today. There are other reasons but we will stick to the topic.
Hi Dante:

Simple question "how do we stop other Americans from hiring illegals?"

an acceptable answer would go a long way towards stemming the periodic floods of illegal immigration.

Most everyone will tell you the answer is to 'enforce' the perfectly good Immigration/Employment Laws already on the books, which is NOT going to happen. The Open Border Lobby and the corrupt U.S. Employers are making far too much money off of the Illegal Alien Labor 'and' they are bribing your elected representatives in Washington D.C. to ensure that nothing is ever done.

Those lunatics are filling the News Media Airwaves with nonsense about "Illegal Amnesty," which increases the power of the Illegal Alien Magnet drawing Illegal Aliens here from all over God's green earth. Who among the Open Border Lobby idiots on the TV are talking about 'enforcement' of our Laws at the workplace? Nobody! If you crack down on those 'hiring' the Illegal Aliens, the Illegals will start finding their own way back home; but nobody is willing to enforce the law here in Florida, which is why we have more than a MILLION goddamned Illegal Aliens stealing JOBS from Floridians.

One white guy can hire fifty Illegal Aliens and put many of the local construction companies out of business, which destroys the local consumer/tax base. Then people wonder why the masons and carpenters and dry-wallers and painters are losing their houses to foreclosure! Then the service sector suffers from lack of business, because the base of the socioeconomic pyramid has IMPLODED and the Illegal Aliens are sending OUR MONEY back across the border to Mexico ...

The Americans are just too damned STUPID (#1-10) to realize that the Americans 'hiring' the goddamned Illegal Aliens are destroying America. All of this stupidity about 'racial profiling' :)cuckoo:) and the civil rights of Illegal Aliens :)cuckoo:) is enough to make a real American cough up his cookies ....


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To answer your question: ENFORCEMENT of current immigration laws.

Arizona will be attempting this in the next months.

Bingo! We have a winner!

It gets me that so many people are freaking out about the Arizona law; When in fact it is merely the state of Arizona enforcing the Fed's law.
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To answer your question: ENFORCEMENT of current immigration laws.

Arizona will be attempting this in the next months.

You in your finite wisdom, have highlighted the problem that keeps Americans from getting anywhere on this issue.

Enforcing the current laws like Arizona imagines it will be doing, would do little to stop the flow.

You have misunderstood the question. You would fail an English literacy test. DO NOT VISIT ARIZONA.


I'm sorry, I didn't realize you needed me to explain my comment. I assumed, since you started this thread, you would be educated and have some knowledge of current federal laws regarding the hiring of illegal aliens. Please, allow me to enlighten you:

Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) Section 274A and Title 8 USC Section 1324....

I'm sorry, I didn't realize you needed me to explain the real world to you. I assumed, since you pose as a man of the world, you would be educated and have some knowledge of the lives of illegal aliens in America. Please, allow me to enlighten you:

Any loopholes and ways around the law with be exploited. There is also an underground economy. Yep, even in America, people hide in plain sight.

My question is very simple. "How do we stop other Americans from hiring illegals?" In the real world laws do not prevent shit---they address shit after the fact. How do you propose we stop other Americans from hiring illegals? How? Do we appeal to their patriotism? What do we do to keep people from hiring illegals?

We all have an idea of who most (not all) of the illegals are. We all know there are legals here too. The legals have state issued ID. I'm not talking farm workers. Who hires people at labor pools and Home Depot parking lots? Who hires kitchen help with little to no English skills? Who hires aliens they know are illegal?

How do we stop other Americans from hiring illegals?
Hi Dante:

Simple question "how do we stop other Americans from hiring illegals?"

an acceptable answer would go a long way towards stemming the periodic floods of illegal immigration.

Most everyone will tell you the answer is to 'enforce' the perfectly good Immigration/Employment Laws already on the books, which is NOT going to happen. The Open Border Lobby and the corrupt U.S. Employers are making far too much money off of the Illegal Alien Labor 'and' they are bribing your elected representatives in Washington D.C. to ensure that nothing is ever done.
Most all the people and companies I know of who have knowingly hired illegals...were not active in political campaigns of politicians I've known. Most were small to mid sized businesses in certain industries (hotel/motel/restaurant, cleaning/maintenance, laundry/services industries, farms and garden industries) and private persons. Then there are the construction jobs on non union sites. There are certain unions involved in favoring illegals, but they are out in the open. Nothing secret there.

People knowingly hire illegals. People frequent businesses they know to hire illegals.
Simple question "how do we stop other Americans from hiring illegals?"

an acceptable answer would go a long way towards stemming the periodic floods of illegal immigration.

Why do you want them to stop, do you want their jobs? Nobody does.

I believe we have to think beyond stopping them from coming in.
Simple question "how do we stop other Americans from hiring illegals?"

an acceptable answer would go a long way towards stemming the periodic floods of illegal immigration.

Why do you want them to stop, do you want their jobs? Nobody does.

I believe we have to think beyond stopping them from coming in.

Its not about the Job, its about the Crime.
Simple question "how do we stop other Americans from hiring illegals?"

an acceptable answer would go a long way towards stemming the periodic floods of illegal immigration.

Why do you want them to stop, do you want their jobs? Nobody does.

I believe we have to think beyond stopping them from coming in.

Its not about the Job, its about the Crime.

There is crime, deal with that. It's also about putting up fences to keep them ALL out.

And what about this comment of yours refers to crime?
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