How do we stop "the poor" from being so problematic?

What can and or will be done about it politically?
In keeping with current board rhetoric let's not be scared to get real honest here.
Our poor are our worst parents...they create more of their same.
Our poor suck the most government tit.
Our poor commits the most crime.
Our poor does the most drugs.
Our poor drinks and smokes the most.
Our poor have the most children they can't afford.
Our poor litters and vandalizes the most.
Our poor drives uninsured.
Our poor commits the most animal cruelty.
I could go on and on...and no Libby's, let's not deflect and divert to Wall Street criminals, big corporations..blah, blah, blah...Let's get real, let's get serious about our taxpayer draining bottom feeders....Whatta ya say?
If you stop giving free food and healthcare these drains on society will just sponge off their families or maybe get jobs.

And they won’t have that second or third kid.

Poor people in Switzerland don’t have more than one mistake because one egg costs $1. To feed 2 kids you need $4. Get it? No welfare

You know...I doubt many have a problem helping poor folks that have truly fallen on hard’s the baby factories, addicts and criminals that self induce their own shortcomings that nobody takes pleasure in funding.
The GOP has been cutting services and opportunities for the poor for 50 years. And you blame the poor? Silly brainwashed GOP dupes.

Go get a fricken job, that should help you fix part of your problem.
Not my problem brainwashed functional moron. I'm happily retired. You GOP tools are so stupid and selfish you believe no one worries about other people and the people and the country in general... Or is it the brainwash? Unbelievable...
What can and or will be done about it politically?
In keeping with current board rhetoric let's not be scared to get real honest here.
Our poor are our worst parents...they create more of their same.
Our poor suck the most government tit.
Our poor commits the most crime.
Our poor does the most drugs.
Our poor drinks and smokes the most.
Our poor have the most children they can't afford.
Our poor litters and vandalizes the most.
Our poor drives uninsured.
Our poor commits the most animal cruelty.
I could go on and on...and no Libby's, let's not deflect and divert to Wall Street criminals, big corporations..blah, blah, blah...Let's get real, let's get serious about our taxpayer draining bottom feeders....Whatta ya say?
If you stop giving free food and healthcare these drains on society will just sponge off their families or maybe get jobs.

And they won’t have that second or third kid.

Poor people in Switzerland don’t have more than one mistake because one egg costs $1. To feed 2 kids you need $4. Get it? No welfare
They have much better welfare than we do, idiot. So does every other modern country. the important thing is they have free college and training and good living wage. You brainwashed functional morons actually believe people just decided they like being unemployed. Idiots.
Not paying an employee is a crime. Under paying an employee is immoral. Paying market wages is collusion.

So who is it that decides what is underpaid? The market is the decider.

An employee is only worth as much as another person willing to do the same quality of job. I don't care how much education is involved, how much experience is involved, how much danger is involved.

We all think we should be paid more. But it all boils down to supply and demand.

When I was much younger in the early 80's I was repairing medical equipment. My company wanted me to go to electronics school after work, so I did.

After a few months, working full time six days a week, going to school three nights a week, and using any spare time to study got real old real quick. So I questioned my teacher about it. I asked what kind of money I could make (if I were not working) after I attended school for a year and got my FCC license? He told me about 16K a year. Unhappy with his answer, I asked again what a two year associates degree in electronics paid? He said about 18K a year. Hell, I was making more than that with the job I had, so I quit the school.

Electronics was very difficult at the time. It's all math and a good imagination. So why such little pay after all that money and time learning the trade? Because everybody and their mother wanted to be in the electronics field at the time too. Too much supply--almost no demand.

The same goes with hair dressing. Many young girls attend cosmetology school to learn how to style hair. That too takes a lot of training, and then there is licensing and government BS to get through. But hair styling is one of the ten lowest paid jobs to have. Why? Because nearly every girl wants to cut hair for a living.

The market is fixed. Using supply and demand to justify salaries is detrimental to employees and our economy.

Then how else would you do it?

The theme of the country today is "cheap." We all want cheaper things: cheaper cell phones, cheaper auto repair, cheaper food, cheaper lawn care service........

It's the consumer (not the manufacturer) that determines the wage people get paid. If you want to pay your floor sweepers $20.00 an hour, your toilet cleaners $18.00 an hour, your parts inspectors $25.00 an hour, who is going to buy your products when your competition is paying their employees less than half of what you pay and pass the savings to the customer?

You go to the store to buy a 50' string of Christmas lights for your home. One set costs $28.00, and the other costs $10.00. Which one are you going to buy?

Yes, more than 90% of people will choose the $10.00 set of Christmas lights. But if you are going to manufacture lights that cheap, you can't pay your employees livable wages.

People want cheap because they can't afford expensive.

Companies want cheap labor because they want more net.

The truth is that if a company spent 5% of their net on payroll, they could afford to pay $15.00/hr., but they're greedy and want the 5%.

They're greedy, but the American consumer isn't?

Ever go to a Walmart and see some of the cars those "poor" shoppers are driving?

No, companies don't want more net--companies want more growth. The better the growth of their company, the more investors they can attract.

You think it's about what companies can afford. It's not about that. It's about paying labor what labor is worth. It's about what your competition is paying their employees so you can compete against them.
So they finally managed to borrow a car and and you... It is about screwing the non-rich, super duper dupe.
People didn't just decide to get lazy, the GOP has been cutting their opportunities since Reagan became governor.
How do we stop "the poor" from being so problematic?

Stop stealing from them.

Haha...that’s a good one.
How does one steal from someone with nothing?
You take free or cheap college or training away from them. The minimum wage should be $11 if it was the same as 1968. Statistically the USA is going to hell the last 35 years except for rich people, dumbass dupe. Great job!
The GOP has been cutting services and opportunities for the poor for 50 years. And you blame the poor? Silly brainwashed GOP dupes. has opportunity been cut?
Affirmative action?
Yes affirmative action has been cut a lot all kinds of things have been cut a lot... cheap college training minimum wage. The USA is going to hell except for rich people slowly true. But after 35 years it's bad... All to save the greedy idiot top from paying their fair share. Spare me the brainwashed retort....
The GOP has been cutting services and opportunities for the poor for 50 years. And you blame the poor? Silly brainwashed GOP dupes.

Go get a fricken job, that should help you fix part of your problem.
Not my problem brainwashed functional moron. I'm happily retired. You GOP tools are so stupid and selfish you believe no one worries about other people and the people and the country in general... Or is it the brainwash? Unbelievable...

And you lefties are so worried about the people that you're willing to go to the great length of demanding that other people pay taxes to fund them. How benevolent you are, not like those evil conservatives. Lol.
What can and or will be done about it politically?
In keeping with current board rhetoric let's not be scared to get real honest here.
Our poor are our worst parents...they create more of their same.
Our poor suck the most government tit.
Our poor commits the most crime.
Our poor does the most drugs.
Our poor drinks and smokes the most.
Our poor have the most children they can't afford.
Our poor litters and vandalizes the most.
Our poor drives uninsured.
Our poor commits the most animal cruelty.
I could go on and on...and no Libby's, let's not deflect and divert to Wall Street criminals, big corporations..blah, blah, blah...Let's get real, let's get serious about our taxpayer draining bottom feeders....Whatta ya say?
Easy... never ever vote for a Democrat. Today's Dem's are the exact same type of people that ran Venezuela into the ground.
The GOP has been cutting services and opportunities for the poor for 50 years. And you blame the poor? Silly brainwashed GOP dupes.

Go get a fricken job, that should help you fix part of your problem.
Not my problem brainwashed functional moron. I'm happily retired. You GOP tools are so stupid and selfish you believe no one worries about other people and the people and the country in general... Or is it the brainwash? Unbelievable...

And you lefties are so worried about the people that you're willing to go to the great length of demanding that other people pay taxes to fund them. How benevolent you are, not like those evil conservatives. Lol.
We need more investment in the non-rich cheap training cheaper education so they can rise duh. The only people Democrats want to pay more in taxes are the rich and mainly the mega rich who are totally bloated after 35 years of GOP tax rates, which kill the non-rich. The GOP is pure Pander to the rich, super dupe. And brainwashed functional ignoramuses Like you..
What can and or will be done about it politically?
In keeping with current board rhetoric let's not be scared to get real honest here.
Our poor are our worst parents...they create more of their same.
Our poor suck the most government tit.
Our poor commits the most crime.
Our poor does the most drugs.
Our poor drinks and smokes the most.
Our poor have the most children they can't afford.
Our poor litters and vandalizes the most.
Our poor drives uninsured.
Our poor commits the most animal cruelty.
I could go on and on...and no Libby's, let's not deflect and divert to Wall Street criminals, big corporations..blah, blah, blah...Let's get real, let's get serious about our taxpayer draining bottom feeders....Whatta ya say?
Ted Neely who played Jesus Christ said it best when in character, "There will be poor always, pathetically struggling, look at the good things you got."
If you go around this country, you will find that many so-called poor, have a car, a television, food on the table and a very modest amount of money. They sure as hell aren't starving but that's more than what about 90% of the earth's population has.
The GOP has been cutting services and opportunities for the poor for 50 years. And you blame the poor? Silly brainwashed GOP dupes.

Go get a fricken job, that should help you fix part of your problem.
Not my problem brainwashed functional moron. I'm happily retired. You GOP tools are so stupid and selfish you believe no one worries about other people and the people and the country in general... Or is it the brainwash? Unbelievable...

And you lefties are so worried about the people that you're willing to go to the great length of demanding that other people pay taxes to fund them. How benevolent you are, not like those evil conservatives. Lol.
We need more investment in the non-rich cheap training cheaper education so they can rise duh. The only people Democrats want to pay more in taxes are the rich and mainly the mega rich who are totally bloated after 35 years of GOP tax rates, which kill the non-rich. The GOP is pure Pander to the rich, super dupe. And brainwashed functional ignoramuses Like you..

Oh, so you only want to make -certain- people pay to perpetuate your values? Well, I stand corrected. You are a beacon of generosity, after all.

See, if you wanted everybody to pay, that would just make you a different brand of selfish, one which prefers to control other people as opposed to hoarding material goods.

But since you narrowed the bearer of your imposed burden down to a manageable and easily demonized scapegoat, nah. You're practically messianic!

You believe in the goodly politics, which is how I can tell you're one of the goodly people! Just keep emphasizing that moral high ground of yours and keep being an inspiration to all of us.
What can and or will be done about it politically?
In keeping with current board rhetoric let's not be scared to get real honest here.
Our poor are our worst parents...they create more of their same.
Our poor suck the most government tit.
Our poor commits the most crime.
Our poor does the most drugs.
Our poor drinks and smokes the most.
Our poor have the most children they can't afford.
Our poor litters and vandalizes the most.
Our poor drives uninsured.
Our poor commits the most animal cruelty.
I could go on and on...and no Libby's, let's not deflect and divert to Wall Street criminals, big corporations..blah, blah, blah...Let's get real, let's get serious about our taxpayer draining bottom feeders....Whatta ya say?
If you stop giving free food and healthcare these drains on society will just sponge off their families or maybe get jobs.

And they won’t have that second or third kid.

Poor people in Switzerland don’t have more than one mistake because one egg costs $1. To feed 2 kids you need $4. Get it? No welfare
They have much better welfare than we do, idiot. So does every other modern country. the important thing is they have free college and training and good living wage. You brainwashed functional morons actually believe people just decided they like being unemployed. Idiots.
Read what broke loser wrote a couple threads above. We have no problem feeding the needy.

I know enough losers who got food stamps but shouldn’t have. My buddy Jeff. He needs to stop drinking gambling and smoking right? He gets food stamps. Come on!

And my point is our current welfare system doesn’t discourage the poor from having multiple mistakes.

My brother lived in Switzerland for 4 years. They don’t have as many poor people as we do. We have millions on foodstamps
So who is it that decides what is underpaid? The market is the decider.

An employee is only worth as much as another person willing to do the same quality of job. I don't care how much education is involved, how much experience is involved, how much danger is involved.

We all think we should be paid more. But it all boils down to supply and demand.

When I was much younger in the early 80's I was repairing medical equipment. My company wanted me to go to electronics school after work, so I did.

After a few months, working full time six days a week, going to school three nights a week, and using any spare time to study got real old real quick. So I questioned my teacher about it. I asked what kind of money I could make (if I were not working) after I attended school for a year and got my FCC license? He told me about 16K a year. Unhappy with his answer, I asked again what a two year associates degree in electronics paid? He said about 18K a year. Hell, I was making more than that with the job I had, so I quit the school.

Electronics was very difficult at the time. It's all math and a good imagination. So why such little pay after all that money and time learning the trade? Because everybody and their mother wanted to be in the electronics field at the time too. Too much supply--almost no demand.

The same goes with hair dressing. Many young girls attend cosmetology school to learn how to style hair. That too takes a lot of training, and then there is licensing and government BS to get through. But hair styling is one of the ten lowest paid jobs to have. Why? Because nearly every girl wants to cut hair for a living.

The market is fixed. Using supply and demand to justify salaries is detrimental to employees and our economy.

Then how else would you do it?

The theme of the country today is "cheap." We all want cheaper things: cheaper cell phones, cheaper auto repair, cheaper food, cheaper lawn care service........

It's the consumer (not the manufacturer) that determines the wage people get paid. If you want to pay your floor sweepers $20.00 an hour, your toilet cleaners $18.00 an hour, your parts inspectors $25.00 an hour, who is going to buy your products when your competition is paying their employees less than half of what you pay and pass the savings to the customer?

You go to the store to buy a 50' string of Christmas lights for your home. One set costs $28.00, and the other costs $10.00. Which one are you going to buy?

Yes, more than 90% of people will choose the $10.00 set of Christmas lights. But if you are going to manufacture lights that cheap, you can't pay your employees livable wages.

People want cheap because they can't afford expensive.

Companies want cheap labor because they want more net.

The truth is that if a company spent 5% of their net on payroll, they could afford to pay $15.00/hr., but they're greedy and want the 5%.

They're greedy, but the American consumer isn't?

Ever go to a Walmart and see some of the cars those "poor" shoppers are driving?

No, companies don't want more net--companies want more growth. The better the growth of their company, the more investors they can attract.

You think it's about what companies can afford. It's not about that. It's about paying labor what labor is worth. It's about what your competition is paying their employees so you can compete against them.
So they finally managed to borrow a car and and you... It is about screwing the non-rich, super duper dupe.
People didn't just decide to get lazy, the GOP has been cutting their opportunities since Reagan became governor.

You like to use this “cutting” word...Let’s establish some real basic shit that most third graders understand....The poor is not OWED anything PERIOD! You realize that....right? Whatever poor people get is given...not know that difference...right? Simply existing and breathing oxygen in America does not entitle one to X amount of other people’s know this right?

What can and or will be done about it politically?
In keeping with current board rhetoric let's not be scared to get real honest here.
Our poor are our worst parents...they create more of their same.
Our poor suck the most government tit.
Our poor commits the most crime.
Our poor does the most drugs.
Our poor drinks and smokes the most.
Our poor have the most children they can't afford.
Our poor litters and vandalizes the most.
Our poor drives uninsured.
Our poor commits the most animal cruelty.
I could go on and on...and no Libby's, let's not deflect and divert to Wall Street criminals, big corporations..blah, blah, blah...Let's get real, let's get serious about our taxpayer draining bottom feeders....Whatta ya say?
If you stop giving free food and healthcare these drains on society will just sponge off their families or maybe get jobs.

And they won’t have that second or third kid.

Poor people in Switzerland don’t have more than one mistake because one egg costs $1. To feed 2 kids you need $4. Get it? No welfare

You know...I doubt many have a problem helping poor folks that have truly fallen on hard’s the baby factories, addicts and criminals that self induce their own shortcomings that nobody takes pleasure in funding.
Lousy management. You like to blame Labor, even in Right to Work States. Yet, there is no actual, right to work even if you need work.
The GOP has been cutting services and opportunities for the poor for 50 years. And you blame the poor? Silly brainwashed GOP dupes.

Go get a fricken job, that should help you fix part of your problem.
Not my problem brainwashed functional moron. I'm happily retired. You GOP tools are so stupid and selfish you believe no one worries about other people and the people and the country in general... Or is it the brainwash? Unbelievable...

And you lefties are so worried about the people that you're willing to go to the great length of demanding that other people pay taxes to fund them. How benevolent you are, not like those evil conservatives. Lol.
The right wing alleges to be the Party of Small Government; end the drug war.
The market is fixed. Using supply and demand to justify salaries is detrimental to employees and our economy.

Then how else would you do it?

The theme of the country today is "cheap." We all want cheaper things: cheaper cell phones, cheaper auto repair, cheaper food, cheaper lawn care service........

It's the consumer (not the manufacturer) that determines the wage people get paid. If you want to pay your floor sweepers $20.00 an hour, your toilet cleaners $18.00 an hour, your parts inspectors $25.00 an hour, who is going to buy your products when your competition is paying their employees less than half of what you pay and pass the savings to the customer?

You go to the store to buy a 50' string of Christmas lights for your home. One set costs $28.00, and the other costs $10.00. Which one are you going to buy?

Yes, more than 90% of people will choose the $10.00 set of Christmas lights. But if you are going to manufacture lights that cheap, you can't pay your employees livable wages.

People want cheap because they can't afford expensive.

Companies want cheap labor because they want more net.

The truth is that if a company spent 5% of their net on payroll, they could afford to pay $15.00/hr., but they're greedy and want the 5%.

They're greedy, but the American consumer isn't?

Ever go to a Walmart and see some of the cars those "poor" shoppers are driving?

No, companies don't want more net--companies want more growth. The better the growth of their company, the more investors they can attract.

You think it's about what companies can afford. It's not about that. It's about paying labor what labor is worth. It's about what your competition is paying their employees so you can compete against them.
So they finally managed to borrow a car and and you... It is about screwing the non-rich, super duper dupe.
People didn't just decide to get lazy, the GOP has been cutting their opportunities since Reagan became governor.

You like to use this “cutting” word...Let’s establish some real basic shit that most third graders understand....The poor is not OWED anything PERIOD! You realize that....right? Whatever poor people get is given...not know that difference...right? Simply existing and breathing oxygen in America does not entitle one to X amount of other people’s know this right?

we indulge capitalism's natural rate of unemployment, merely for the bottom line of capitalists.
What can and or will be done about it politically?
In keeping with current board rhetoric let's not be scared to get real honest here.
Our poor are our worst parents...they create more of their same.
Our poor suck the most government tit.
Our poor commits the most crime.
Our poor does the most drugs.
Our poor drinks and smokes the most.
Our poor have the most children they can't afford.
Our poor litters and vandalizes the most.
Our poor drives uninsured.
Our poor commits the most animal cruelty.
I could go on and on...and no Libby's, let's not deflect and divert to Wall Street criminals, big corporations..blah, blah, blah...Let's get real, let's get serious about our taxpayer draining bottom feeders....Whatta ya say?
If you stop giving free food and healthcare these drains on society will just sponge off their families or maybe get jobs.

And they won’t have that second or third kid.

Poor people in Switzerland don’t have more than one mistake because one egg costs $1. To feed 2 kids you need $4. Get it? No welfare

You know...I doubt many have a problem helping poor folks that have truly fallen on hard’s the baby factories, addicts and criminals that self induce their own shortcomings that nobody takes pleasure in funding.
Lousy management. You like to blame Labor, even in Right to Work States. Yet, there is no actual, right to work even if you need work.

The GOP has been cutting services and opportunities for the poor for 50 years. And you blame the poor? Silly brainwashed GOP dupes.

Go get a fricken job, that should help you fix part of your problem.
Not my problem brainwashed functional moron. I'm happily retired. You GOP tools are so stupid and selfish you believe no one worries about other people and the people and the country in general... Or is it the brainwash? Unbelievable...

And you lefties are so worried about the people that you're willing to go to the great length of demanding that other people pay taxes to fund them. How benevolent you are, not like those evil conservatives. Lol.
The right wing alleges to be the Party of Small Government; end the drug war.

Then how else would you do it?

The theme of the country today is "cheap." We all want cheaper things: cheaper cell phones, cheaper auto repair, cheaper food, cheaper lawn care service........

It's the consumer (not the manufacturer) that determines the wage people get paid. If you want to pay your floor sweepers $20.00 an hour, your toilet cleaners $18.00 an hour, your parts inspectors $25.00 an hour, who is going to buy your products when your competition is paying their employees less than half of what you pay and pass the savings to the customer?

You go to the store to buy a 50' string of Christmas lights for your home. One set costs $28.00, and the other costs $10.00. Which one are you going to buy?

Yes, more than 90% of people will choose the $10.00 set of Christmas lights. But if you are going to manufacture lights that cheap, you can't pay your employees livable wages.

People want cheap because they can't afford expensive.

Companies want cheap labor because they want more net.

The truth is that if a company spent 5% of their net on payroll, they could afford to pay $15.00/hr., but they're greedy and want the 5%.

They're greedy, but the American consumer isn't?

Ever go to a Walmart and see some of the cars those "poor" shoppers are driving?

No, companies don't want more net--companies want more growth. The better the growth of their company, the more investors they can attract.

You think it's about what companies can afford. It's not about that. It's about paying labor what labor is worth. It's about what your competition is paying their employees so you can compete against them.
So they finally managed to borrow a car and and you... It is about screwing the non-rich, super duper dupe.
People didn't just decide to get lazy, the GOP has been cutting their opportunities since Reagan became governor.

You like to use this “cutting” word...Let’s establish some real basic shit that most third graders understand....The poor is not OWED anything PERIOD! You realize that....right? Whatever poor people get is given...not know that difference...right? Simply existing and breathing oxygen in America does not entitle one to X amount of other people’s know this right?

we indulge capitalism's natural rate of unemployment, merely for the bottom line of capitalists.

Danny, I would love to engage in a conversation with you but I can never understand what the fuck you’re trying to say. What language do you speak?

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