How do you explain Natural Rights to a Liberal who believes rights depend on Govt?

We can talk about rights.

The woman has the right to not create a baby only for the purpose of killing it.

For once in your sorry life, control those genitals! If you can't do that, you probably are not mature enough to drink, vote, or drive a car.

Damn, I just don't understand a SO CALLED mind that can only scream FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME.

No wonder y'all can only cut it in liberal arts colleges.


You stupid misogynistic asshole. You sit at your computer spewing vile hatred at women you don't even know. This isn't about the babies. This is about your hatred of women.

Scratch a anti-abortion advocate and find a misogynist who wants women to PAY a price for having sex.

You assumptions about me and my sex life say a lot more about you than they do me. I've never been pregnant outside of marriage. The only surprise pregnancy of my life just turned 48.

But I also have friends who I have driven to the hospital, and taken home afterwards. Like a friend who found herself pregnant for the third time at age 20, with an alcoholic and abusive husband and two babies already, she would not have survived or gotten away from her husband if she had another child. It saved both her and her two young daughters. She said she would never have another abortion, but she would not change that decision which saved all of them.

20 years after Roe, the crime rate in America dropped 10%, and it continued to decline for a number of years, and the reason for that decline is that poor women were no longer being forced to have children they could not afford to raise or properly care for. That's what Roe really did. It enabled poor women to limit the size of their families, and to give the children they do have, a better qualitity of life.

It's not young single party girls who are getting abortions. It's young married women living below or just above the poverty line, with one or more existing children, who are getting abortions. They have jobs but no health care. Because they can't afford another baby, and they can't afford to get fired from their jobs when their boss finds out they're pregnant. Half of them were using birth control when they got pregnant.

So keep your brain dead rants about heartless sluts to yourself you lying incel. You know NOTHING about women or abortions. You disgust me.
You stupid misogynistic asshole. You sit at your computer spewing vile hatred at women you don't even know. This isn't about the babies. This is about your hatred of women.

Scratch a anti-abortion advocate and find a misogynist who wants women to PAY a price for having sex.

You assumptions about me and my sex life say a lot more about you than they do me. I've never been pregnant outside of marriage. The only surprise pregnancy of my life just turned 48.

But I also have friends who I have driven to the hospital, and taken home afterwards. Like a friend who found herself pregnant for the third time at age 20, with an alcoholic and abusive husband and two babies already, she would not have survived or gotten away from her husband if she had another child. It saved both her and her two young daughters. She said she would never have another abortion, but she would not change that decision which saved all of them.

20 years after Roe, the crime rate in America dropped 10%, and it continued to decline for a number of years, and the reason for that decline is that poor women were no longer being forced to have children they could not afford to raise or properly care for. That's what Roe really did. It enabled poor women to limit the size of their families, and to give the children they do have, a better qualitity of life.

It's not young single party girls who are getting abortions. It's young married women living below or just above the poverty line, with one or more existing children, who are getting abortions. They have jobs but no health care. Because they can't afford another baby, and they can't afford to get fired from their jobs when their boss finds out they're pregnant. Half of them were using birth control when they got pregnant.

So keep your brain dead rants about heartless sluts to yourself you lying incel. You know NOTHING about women or abortions. You disgust me.

Translation: "I can't control my genitals and you're a meanie for saying I should".

Anybody got their skews/English dictionary handy? Mine seems to be missing.

We probably need to contact the programmer and let the bed wetting apparatchik know it's agitprop bot needs to be recoded

God knows we don't want Soros wasting money.

You stupid misogynistic asshole. You sit at your computer spewing vile hatred at women you don't even know. This isn't about the babies. This is about your hatred of women.
No, it’s about how it’s really easy to avoid making kids in the first place if you don’t want to, yet the inhuman trash who frequent Planned Parenthood and their ilk just can’t or won’t. Because they’re selfish sociopathic monsters.

Scratch a anti-abortion advocate and find a misogynist who wants women to PAY a price for having sex.
No. Just don’t kill your kids after you go and do the thing that makes kids… retard. Sex is fine, but sperm that goes into a vagina when neither partner is sterile is uh, yeah, obvious outcome is obvious.

But I also have friends who I have driven to the hospital, and taken home afterwards.
So you’re accessory to homicide and you are scum who belongs in a prison cell. Got it.

And you want to rant about how others disgust you when you are the lowest of the low.
A friend was alarmed I would endorse any kind of Conservative or Republican narrative or agenda seen as a threat to women's rights. How do you explain that if you already depend on govt for rights then you are not free?

Doesn't real freedom mean you have rights that are "inalienable" i.e., with or without govt endorsing them.

I tried to respond as below.
Should I try harder to make the point that the way to protect and claim rights is to practice and enforce them directly?

How would you explain this in plain terms?

RE: "What rights of women are you willing to sacrifice by supporting Conservatives or Republicans pushing prolife laws"

Women and all other groups of people need to learn how to practice enforce and represent our own rights. It's called ownership. And self governance. Equal empowerment. Do you know how in church history, the masses used to be illiterate people who depended on priests to read, write and have authority over the laws -- until Luther insisted that people learn the laws directly and embrace authority of law through Jesus to connect with God directly by faith. NOT by relying on priests as the middleman between people and God because Jesus already fulfills that. Well today we're going through a similar Reformation where people assume equally authority and responsibility as the state. We learn the laws and embody them directly. With spiritual laws we the people become one as the church. With natural laws, Jesus also fulfills that path as Justice to bring peace. We all make this process of peace through justice happen equally.
Take them out to the middle of the wilderness with only bare necessities for a month.
These Libtards thinks collective rights trumps individual rights.

Typical deranged Leftest mindset.

For instance, they think they can infringe upon the individual right to keep and bear arms regardless of the Bill of Rights saying it is illegal to do so.

First of all, many of these douchebags don't have frontal lobes so it's impossible for them to think, and enough of them are posting bots that have been removed from twitter.

Every time I see someone type "A liberal thinks", They may as well have said " A goldfish calculated,".

No, it’s about how it’s really easy to avoid making kids in the first place if you don’t want to, yet the inhuman trash who frequent Planned Parenthood and their ilk just can’t or won’t. Because they’re selfish sociopathic monsters.

No. Just don’t kill your kids after you go and do the thing that makes kids… retard. Sex is fine, but sperm that goes into a vagina when neither partner is sterile is uh, yeah, obvious outcome is obvious.

So you’re accessory to homicide and you are scum who belongs in a prison cell. Got it.

And you want to rant about how others disgust you when you are the lowest of the low.

First of all, many of these douchebags don't have frontal lobes so it's impossible for them to think, and enough of them are posting bots that have been removed from twitter.

Every time I see someone type "A liberal thinks", They may as well have said " A goldfish calculated,".

Excellent point!
No, it’s about how it’s really easy to avoid making kids in the first place if you don’t want to, yet the inhuman trash who frequent Planned Parenthood and their ilk just can’t or won’t. Because they’re selfish sociopathic monsters.

No. Just don’t kill your kids after you go and do the thing that makes kids… retard. Sex is fine, but sperm that goes into a vagina when neither partner is sterile is uh, yeah, obvious outcome is obvious.

So you’re accessory to homicide and you are scum who belongs in a prison cell. Got it.

And you want to rant about how others disgust you when you are the lowest of the low.
Do you seriously envision a woman on the other end of your discussion that has any physically attractive traits a normal heterosexual male would be inclined to fornicate with?

I'd be willing to bet there's a 50-50% chance it's not even a female, let alone one that a man could manage to achieve climax in the same confined area with.

In fact the great majority of "females" that piss and moan about abortion "rights" are hideous lesbian hags that wouldn't reproduce if it could find a mate in the first place.
Translation: "I can't control my genitals and you're a meanie for saying I should".

No, it's the male partner, not affected by these laws, that has no motivation to control his genitals if only the woman is punished by the consequences. The law has two parts: addressing the abortion itself, and addressing how govt policies or prosecutes these cases. Roe V Wade struck down the second part
No, it's the male partner, not affected by these laws, that has no motivation to control his genitals if only the woman is punished by the consequences. The law has two parts: addressing the abortion itself, and addressing how govt policies or prosecutes these cases. Roe V Wade struck down the second part
I think this thread might have been better in the CDZ Emily. Ive just read a few pages of ad hom crap from people who lack the ability to debate.
No, it's the male partner, not affected by these laws, that has no motivation to control his genitals if only the woman is punished by the consequences. The law has two parts: addressing the abortion itself, and addressing how govt policies or prosecutes these cases. Roe V Wade struck down the second part

As a woman., I thought it was a copout for a woman to abdicate responsibility, since she actually was the one whose body was going through the changes when pregnancy occurred.

But then I'm a poor example, since I managed to make it through my entire productive life without getting pregnant. Gee whiz. Why can't every woman do that?


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