How Do You Find Middle Ground With a Party That Has No Plan?’

The Democrats have no plan to fix any of our big problems why would anyone vote for them?

I'm not an economist, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

"They" have a "plan", but it will never pass because big money owns too many legislators.

The plan is essentially to shift back to demand-centered policies (as opposed to the current supply side policies). Reagan's budget director - David Stockman - has advised exactly this

Put simply, the plan is to end what George HW Bush famously called "voodoo economics". This is based on the realization that - at a point - increased wealth on top does not trickle down sufficiently into middle class consumption (technically called "demand").
If supply-side doesn't work, explain why The Obama forced the Democrats to extend tax cuts for the rich.
I have a question for Dems. After we tax the rich and we still can't stop the slide, what do we do next?

they could take all the wealth every stick of it...but this government in thier spending habits would last a few are correct in asking what then...

YOU are dealing with idiots that think the pie is static, and can't grow..."Zero Sum Game"...:eusa_whistle:
Your post is empty and weak in that, the OP ask if the Dems have a plan for anything at all. I point out several areas in which they have laid plans and implemented policy (not all of which I like but I was providing a counterpoint, not opinion).
I end by reflecting the same challenge. What specifically, have the Repubs offered and accomplished that is so vastly superior?
Your reply is simply devoid of substance. I mean, it's easy for both sides to say "Well I don't like them so they suck!" which is essentially all you and the OP have thusfar, offered.
Anyone care to take a crack at directly responding to the conterpoint?

What specifically, have the Repubs offered and accomplished that is so vastly superior?

Well, first off a "plan" is something that happens in the future. So citing passed legislation by the Dems is not an example of their plan. ANd that is all you did.
You end by deflecting to the GOP, which is another thread. This thread is about the Dems' lack of plans. They have not passed a budget in 3 years. They have no credible plan to deal with the deficit. They have no plan to deal with unemployment. It seems every week the Obama Administration comes up with another "jobs" plan which is just another version of the already-failed stimulus. I dont know if he know everyone thinks it's bullshit but he does it for political purposes or whether he actually thinks this is something that will work. But it doesn't.
So we are back to: What is teh Democratic plan for dealing with the myriad problems we have? Since you have not answered that or amplified the question you have added nothing to this conversation.

Again, you post lacks substance and examination of facts. Legislation cannot be passed without planning. So citing legislation is evidence they have planned and then accomplished goals. Again, not goals I would necessarily have achieved but evidence nonetheless.
The Jobs Act is a specific plan they have in place now. While I find it flawed and to be mostly political manuvering, there are some positive aspects to it. Also, as someone who works with our troops and vets, I ike the tax credit the Dems have proposed for putting them to work.
So while I have indeed provided a great deal of verifiable and measureable evidence to support my position, you and thusfar, all Conservarepubs in this thread, have run from the challenge to provide anything similar about the Repubs.
Since the question posted in the OP is why would soeone vote for the Dems when the OP doesn't like or see their plans or accomplishments, it is not a great intellectual leap to determine the obvious companion question would be "If we shouldn't vote for Dems because of their lack of plan / accomplishment, what is different about the Repubs that make them worth voting for?" But that seems to be a question no one wants to answer.

Your post is a worthless piece of shit.
A piece of legislation is not a plan. Especially one with no chance of passing and done for political purposes.
You have provided nothing except some legislation the Dems got passed a while ago. That isn't a plan. None of that deals with the deficit. Nothing new on the jobs front other than yet another temporary tax credit, a policy that's failed before.
If you want to ask about the GOP plan I'd suggest a new thread.
Well, M-4, Buford and T (or anyone else, for that matter) would any of you care to go beyond the "I don't like them and they suck!" realm and delve into specifically what the GOP has accomplished and planned that is so far superior to those of the Dems?
I mean, I get it. The Dems are Hitler, darth Vader, enslaving makind and whatever. I'm just wondering if anyone can come up with something beyond the usual fluff. I assure you I won't stoop to petty insults and other displays of weakness so common among both Libs and Conservs here, when encountering a dissenting viewpoint. I'm just curious to see what you guys have.
Well, M-4, Buford and T (or anyone else, for that matter) would any of you care to go beyond the "I don't like them and they suck!" realm and delve into specifically what the GOP has accomplished and planned that is so far superior to those of the Dems?
I mean, I get it. The Dems are Hitler, darth Vader, enslaving makind and whatever. I'm just wondering if anyone can come up with something beyond the usual fluff. I assure you I won't stoop to petty insults and other displays of weakness so common among both Libs and Conservs here, when encountering a dissenting viewpoint. I'm just curious to see what you guys have.
WE have...YOU haven't bothered to READ.
Well, first off a "plan" is something that happens in the future. So citing passed legislation by the Dems is not an example of their plan. ANd that is all you did.
You end by deflecting to the GOP, which is another thread. This thread is about the Dems' lack of plans. They have not passed a budget in 3 years. They have no credible plan to deal with the deficit. They have no plan to deal with unemployment. It seems every week the Obama Administration comes up with another "jobs" plan which is just another version of the already-failed stimulus. I dont know if he know everyone thinks it's bullshit but he does it for political purposes or whether he actually thinks this is something that will work. But it doesn't.
So we are back to: What is teh Democratic plan for dealing with the myriad problems we have? Since you have not answered that or amplified the question you have added nothing to this conversation.

Again, you post lacks substance and examination of facts. Legislation cannot be passed without planning. So citing legislation is evidence they have planned and then accomplished goals. Again, not goals I would necessarily have achieved but evidence nonetheless.
The Jobs Act is a specific plan they have in place now. While I find it flawed and to be mostly political manuvering, there are some positive aspects to it. Also, as someone who works with our troops and vets, I ike the tax credit the Dems have proposed for putting them to work.
So while I have indeed provided a great deal of verifiable and measureable evidence to support my position, you and thusfar, all Conservarepubs in this thread, have run from the challenge to provide anything similar about the Repubs.
Since the question posted in the OP is why would soeone vote for the Dems when the OP doesn't like or see their plans or accomplishments, it is not a great intellectual leap to determine the obvious companion question would be "If we shouldn't vote for Dems because of their lack of plan / accomplishment, what is different about the Repubs that make them worth voting for?" But that seems to be a question no one wants to answer.

Your post is a worthless piece of shit.
A piece of legislation is not a plan. Especially one with no chance of passing and done for political purposes.
You have provided nothing except some legislation the Dems got passed a while ago. That isn't a plan. None of that deals with the deficit. Nothing new on the jobs front other than yet another temporary tax credit, a policy that's failed before.
If you want to ask about the GOP plan I'd suggest a new thread.

Hmmm. Petty insults, anger and Zero of substance. Also dodging all points made - including the Jobs Act - which is indeed still a "plan". So you have nothing?
I suppose that's not a huge surprise.
Fine. I'll start a thread asking what the GOP has to offer. If you reply, I will not sling petty insults or labels but I may challenge your points like an adult. Or you might just avoid the thread. We'll see.
Well, M-4, Buford and T (or anyone else, for that matter) would any of you care to go beyond the "I don't like them and they suck!" realm and delve into specifically what the GOP has accomplished and planned that is so far superior to those of the Dems?
I mean, I get it. The Dems are Hitler, darth Vader, enslaving makind and whatever. I'm just wondering if anyone can come up with something beyond the usual fluff. I assure you I won't stoop to petty insults and other displays of weakness so common among both Libs and Conservs here, when encountering a dissenting viewpoint. I'm just curious to see what you guys have.
WE have...YOU haven't bothered to READ.

Care to cite any of them? Or is "you haven't bothered to read!" the extent of what you have to offer?
Well, M-4, Buford and T (or anyone else, for that matter) would any of you care to go beyond the "I don't like them and they suck!" realm and delve into specifically what the GOP has accomplished and planned that is so far superior to those of the Dems?
There no need - the legitimacy of the Democrats and the soundness of their plan stands independent of anything better or worse than anything offered by the GOP.

I mean, I get it. The Dems are... Darth Vader
The Dems can only pray that they could someday be so fortunate to have as much cool as the hairs in Vader's left nostril.
Well, M-4, Buford and T (or anyone else, for that matter) would any of you care to go beyond the "I don't like them and they suck!" realm and delve into specifically what the GOP has accomplished and planned that is so far superior to those of the Dems?
I mean, I get it. The Dems are Hitler, darth Vader, enslaving makind and whatever. I'm just wondering if anyone can come up with something beyond the usual fluff. I assure you I won't stoop to petty insults and other displays of weakness so common among both Libs and Conservs here, when encountering a dissenting viewpoint. I'm just curious to see what you guys have.
WE have...YOU haven't bothered to READ.

Care to cite any of them? Or is "you haven't bothered to read!" the extent of what you have to offer?
Standard response...and NO I'm not falling for it. There IS a search function on these boards, use it.
WE have...YOU haven't bothered to READ.

Care to cite any of them? Or is "you haven't bothered to read!" the extent of what you have to offer?
Standard response...and NO I'm not falling for it. There IS a search function on these boards, use it.

Wow. That's even weaker than expected. And it's not like i expected you to come up with "Well the GOP has accomplished "X" and I find that certainly worth consideration." Not exactly your style, is it?
So okay, I took up Rabbi's challenge and posted a thread "What does the GOP have to offer?"
We'll see if ConservaRepubs run to or from that post. That will tell much, won't it? Or whether Rabbi will stay away from a post that deals in specifics.
We'll see.
The Democrats have no plan to fix any of our big problems why would anyone vote for them?

Democrats have a plan, you simply don’t like it for subjective partisan reasons.

And republicans are on the record for refusing to compromise, in addition to offering poorly conceived plans predicated on failed policies.

One could ask why anyone would vote for them as well.
bahaha. When was the last time the democraps have a budget. They have no plan unless their plan is to spend more money:cuckoo:
The Democrats have no plan to fix any of our big problems why would anyone vote for them?

Democrats have a plan, you simply don’t like it for subjective partisan reasons.

And republicans are on the record for refusing to compromise, in addition to offering poorly conceived plans predicated on failed policies.

One could ask why anyone would vote for them as well.

Democrats plan is to take good legislation and let it sit on Dingy Harry Reid's desk until the problem the Statist Democrats can BLAME Republicans for blocking something they have no intent or POWER to do...

Gig is up for you guys.

Prepare for defeat.

Vast Right Wing Conspiracy: Dems Accuse GOP of Economic Sabotage — Again

WASHINGTON (AP/The Blaze) — Are Republican lawmakers deliberately stalling the economic recovery to hurt President Barack Obama’s re-election chances? Some top Democrats say yes, pointing to GOP stances on the debt limit and other issues that they claim are causing unnecessary economic anxiety and retarding growth.
The latest Democratic complaint came after House Speaker John Boehner said Tuesday that when Congress raises the nation’s borrowing cap in early 2013, he will again insist on big spending cuts to offset the increase. Boehner, R-Ohio, continues to reject higher tax rates, which Democrats demand from the wealthy.

Schmuckie Schumer leading the charge...Schumer is a Criminal as is Reid and Pelosi.
The Democrats have no plan to fix any of our big problems why would anyone vote for them?

Democrats have a plan, you simply don’t like it for subjective partisan reasons.

And republicans are on the record for refusing to compromise, in addition to offering poorly conceived plans predicated on failed policies.

One could ask why anyone would vote for them as well.
bahaha. When was the last time the democraps have a budget. They have no plan unless their plan is to spend more money:cuckoo:

Well okay, fine. The Dems have not passed a budget in friggin' years. Hell, Obama can't even get members of his own party to vote for his budget.
So none of your fellow ConaservaRepubs on this thread, offer specifics about what accomplishments or plan the GOP has to offer as an alternative.
At the challenge of Rabbi, I even started a new thread on the subject and assure anyone who can come up with a reasonable response, I won't just sling the petty insults and zero substance responses that folks like the fine Mr. T and Rabbi seem limited to.
So I invite you to help me understand what specific GOP accomplishments and plans you find so appealing and why.
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Care to cite any of them? Or is "you haven't bothered to read!" the extent of what you have to offer?
Standard response...and NO I'm not falling for it. There IS a search function on these boards, use it.

Wow. That's even weaker than expected. And it's not like i expected you to come up with "Well the GOP has accomplished "X" and I find that certainly worth consideration." Not exactly your style, is it?
So okay, I took up Rabbi's challenge and posted a thread "What does the GOP have to offer?" We'll see if ConservaRepubs run to or from that post. That will tell much, won't it? Or whether Rabbi will stay away from a post that deals in specifics.
We'll see.

From the OP...
Senate Republicans forced votes on five budget proposals: one offered by Sen. Paul; one each offered by Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) and Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah); House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) proposal, and a measure modeled after President Obama’s budget, sponsored by Sen. Jeff Sessions (Ala.). .

Paul Ryan's plan....

Tax Reforms | A Roadmap for America's Future | The Budget Committee Republicans
Standard response...and NO I'm not falling for it. There IS a search function on these boards, use it.

Wow. That's even weaker than expected. And it's not like i expected you to come up with "Well the GOP has accomplished "X" and I find that certainly worth consideration." Not exactly your style, is it?
So okay, I took up Rabbi's challenge and posted a thread "What does the GOP have to offer?" We'll see if ConservaRepubs run to or from that post. That will tell much, won't it? Or whether Rabbi will stay away from a post that deals in specifics.
We'll see.

From the OP...
Senate Republicans forced votes on five budget proposals: one offered by Sen. Paul; one each offered by Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) and Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah); House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) proposal, and a measure modeled after President Obama’s budget, sponsored by Sen. Jeff Sessions (Ala.). .

Paul Ryan's plan....

Tax Reforms | A Roadmap for America's Future | The Budget Committee Republicans

Thank you. I was beginning to think Conservatives and Republicans were simply unable to discuss things like facts and such.
I've looked at the Ryan budget and find it woeful. It cuts a lot of social programs that the Right finds distateful, increases military spending and doesn't reduce the deficit - although it claims it does by eliminating loop-holes. Which loopholes? That's the problem. Ryan and the GOP don't define them and want us to believe and trust them when they say "Oh we'll figure it out later!".
What if the loopholes are the ones I get as a small business owner who hires 100% American workers? That's going to help us how? Seriously, this budget proposal is basically like saying "We'll reduce the deficit but it will take so long and we will glide by so many details, that by the time you realize we haven't kept any of our promises, three administrations will have come and gone!"

I mean look, don't get me wrong. I'm NOT saying the Dems budgeting skills are good. They're not.
The topic of this thread is what the GOP has accomplished or shown that merits your vote. So okay, there is a flaw in the Ryan budget but perhaps there are other things you like about it or that the GOP has accomplished?
I have a question for Dems. After we tax the rich and we still can't stop the slide, what do we do next?

The Democrats have no plan to fix any of our big problems why would anyone vote for them?:confused:
They have a plan - but then, so did the Cylons.

The Dems want to tax the rich so they can continue to use the promise of entitlememt money to buy votes, all in an effort to gain and retain as much partisan political power as possible.

Everything is secondary to the retention and expansion of partisan political power.. Everything.

Buying votes of the dumbmasses that don't care...except they continue with thier freebies on the backs of others...

Well, first off a "plan" is something that happens in the future. So citing passed legislation by the Dems is not an example of their plan. ANd that is all you did.
You end by deflecting to the GOP, which is another thread. This thread is about the Dems' lack of plans. They have not passed a budget in 3 years. They have no credible plan to deal with the deficit. They have no plan to deal with unemployment. It seems every week the Obama Administration comes up with another "jobs" plan which is just another version of the already-failed stimulus. I dont know if he know everyone thinks it's bullshit but he does it for political purposes or whether he actually thinks this is something that will work. But it doesn't.
So we are back to: What is teh Democratic plan for dealing with the myriad problems we have? Since you have not answered that or amplified the question you have added nothing to this conversation.

Again, you post lacks substance and examination of facts. Legislation cannot be passed without planning. So citing legislation is evidence they have planned and then accomplished goals. Again, not goals I would necessarily have achieved but evidence nonetheless.
The Jobs Act is a specific plan they have in place now. While I find it flawed and to be mostly political manuvering, there are some positive aspects to it. Also, as someone who works with our troops and vets, I ike the tax credit the Dems have proposed for putting them to work.
So while I have indeed provided a great deal of verifiable and measureable evidence to support my position, you and thusfar, all Conservarepubs in this thread, have run from the challenge to provide anything similar about the Repubs.
Since the question posted in the OP is why would soeone vote for the Dems when the OP doesn't like or see their plans or accomplishments, it is not a great intellectual leap to determine the obvious companion question would be "If we shouldn't vote for Dems because of their lack of plan / accomplishment, what is different about the Repubs that make them worth voting for?" But that seems to be a question no one wants to answer.

Your post is a worthless piece of shit.
A piece of legislation is not a plan. Especially one with no chance of passing and done for political purposes.
You have provided nothing except some legislation the Dems got passed a while ago. That isn't a plan. None of that deals with the deficit. Nothing new on the jobs front other than yet another temporary tax credit, a policy that's failed before.
If you want to ask about the GOP plan I'd suggest a new thread.

Perhaps you ConservaRepubs missed this. Another poster said you're all just afraid of a discussion based on facts etc... vs petty insults, labels and fluff. So I would like to cordially invite you to prove those darn LibDems wrong! That at least one of you have something of substance to offer! Please feel free to show us the cerebral firepower of the Right!
Wow. That's even weaker than expected. And it's not like i expected you to come up with "Well the GOP has accomplished "X" and I find that certainly worth consideration." Not exactly your style, is it?
So okay, I took up Rabbi's challenge and posted a thread "What does the GOP have to offer?" We'll see if ConservaRepubs run to or from that post. That will tell much, won't it? Or whether Rabbi will stay away from a post that deals in specifics.
We'll see.

From the OP...
Senate Republicans forced votes on five budget proposals: one offered by Sen. Paul; one each offered by Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) and Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah); House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) proposal, and a measure modeled after President Obama’s budget, sponsored by Sen. Jeff Sessions (Ala.). .

Paul Ryan's plan....

Tax Reforms | A Roadmap for America's Future | The Budget Committee Republicans

Thank you. I was beginning to think Conservatives and Republicans were simply unable to discuss things like facts and such.
I've looked at the Ryan budget and find it woeful. It cuts a lot of social programs that the Right finds distateful, increases military spending and doesn't reduce the deficit - although it claims it does by eliminating loop-holes. Which loopholes? That's the problem. Ryan and the GOP don't define them and want us to believe and trust them when they say "Oh we'll figure it out later!".
What if the loopholes are the ones I get as a small business owner who hires 100% American workers? That's going to help us how? Seriously, this budget proposal is basically like saying "We'll reduce the deficit but it will take so long and we will glide by so many details, that by the time you realize we haven't kept any of our promises, three administrations will have come and gone!"

I mean look, don't get me wrong. I'm NOT saying the Dems budgeting skills are good. They're not.
The topic of this thread is what the GOP has accomplished or shown that merits your vote. So okay, there is a flaw in the Ryan budget but perhaps there are other things you like about it or that the GOP has accomplished?

No, yu keep trying to deflect to the GOP. That isn't answering the question.
The issue here is that Dems have no plan. Another "jobs" bill that offers temporary targeted tax cuts for employers does nothing. This has been tried and it failed.
What is the Dem plan to deal with the deficit? Let the Bush/Obama tax cuts expire and raise taxes enormously. We are sailing towards a cliff in Jan 2013 and the economy will go into a tailspin with all the new taxes coming on.
So the Dem solution to the budget deficit is to raise taxes.
Jobs? The Dem solution is to offer a failed strategy.
Trade? The Dem solution is to drag their feet until their union masters tell them it's ok to sign a trade pact.
Immigration? The Dem solution is to declare amnesty.
Terrorism? The Dem solution is to hold civilian trials in criminal courts for al Qaeda members. That's a fail.

The Democrats have no solutions, no plans for anythng. Every plan has been tried and failed. The Dems: The Party of No Ideas.
Care to cite any of them? Or is "you haven't bothered to read!" the extent of what you have to offer?
Standard response...and NO I'm not falling for it. There IS a search function on these boards, use it.

Wow. That's even weaker than expected. And it's not like i expected you to come up with "Well the GOP has accomplished "X" and I find that certainly worth consideration." Not exactly your style, is it?
So okay, I took up Rabbi's challenge and posted a thread "What does the GOP have to offer?"
We'll see if ConservaRepubs run to or from that post. That will tell much, won't it? Or whether Rabbi will stay away from a post that deals in specifics.
We'll see.

The liberal definition of "something to offer" means massive new spending programs. No, Republicans have nothing to offer along that vein. That's why I vote for them.
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Democrats have a plan, you simply don’t like it for subjective partisan reasons.

And republicans are on the record for refusing to compromise, in addition to offering poorly conceived plans predicated on failed policies.

One could ask why anyone would vote for them as well.
bahaha. When was the last time the democraps have a budget. They have no plan unless their plan is to spend more money:cuckoo:

Well okay, fine. The Dems have not passed a budget in friggin' years. Hell, Obama can't even get members of his own party to vote for his budget.
So none of your fellow ConaservaRepubs on this thread, offer specifics about what accomplishments or plan the GOP has to offer as an alternative.
At the challenge of Rabbi, I even started a new thread on the subject and assure anyone who can come up with a reasonable response, I won't just sling the petty insults and zero substance responses that folks like the fine Mr. T and Rabbi seem limited to.
So I invite you to help me understand what specific GOP accomplishments and plans you find so appealing and why.

Here's the plan:

  1. Cut taxes
  2. Cut spending
  3. Cut government regulations
  4. Eliminate government social programs.

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