How do you get a relative to move out?

You should tell her that you're all going on vacation, so she packs a big suitcase, then you all get in the car and drive say, 500 miles south in the direction of warm. Once you get there, check into a hotel and give her her own room. Then tell her that you're going for a quick nap after the long drive. And leave and go back home. Then change your phone number and the locks on your doors.

Sit down with her and tell her that it's time to develop a move-out plan, whereby she attains employment and gets her own place within a certain amount of time. Try to present it as a positive thing, and be pro-active in your assistance....set a certain time every day when she goes to the employment office to spend a couple of hours looking for work/filling out applications/composing a resume (the people who work at those places are very helpful and have everything she needs for a job search). Take her to apply for foodstamps for herself, then have her apply for low-income housing. Use some psychology on her, be cheerful and kind, and do what you have to to help her accomplish these things...that probably means taking her yourself (or having the wife accompany her) to make sure she follows through.
I love my wife to death. We are going to be celebrating our 25th Anniversary later this year. She is the love and the joy of my life and there is nothing in this world I would ever do to hurt her.
But enough is enough, and I'm about ready to tell her sister to get the hell out of my house.
Any thoughts on the matter? Anyone? HELP!!!!
The only advice that I can give you is to be honest about your feelings, but when you do share your feelings, share them respectfully because if your feelings are shared the wrong way, that is how things could end up getting ugly.

God bless you and your family always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Suggesting other ways to help your sister-in-law along is another good thing to take a shot at. :) :) :)
the three of you need to sit down and talk like adults.

tell the woman what you have said here.

tell her how much you LOVE your wife and that her current effect on your family is causing stress.

tell her you were willing to help but now need some help in return from her.

Set out chores for this woman to do.

Give her family responsibilities to perform to help your family function.

Direct, REAL and honest communnication.

why is it so many people dont EVER think of this solution anymore?

This is actually a very good idea.

My friend's mother in law came to stay with them and it caused alot of problems.

Finally they all sat down a fleshed things out. She was given the task of caring for my friend's kids.

After that..everything fell into place.
the three of you need to sit down and talk like adults.

tell the woman what you have said here.

tell her how much you LOVE your wife and that her current effect on your family is causing stress.

tell her you were willing to help but now need some help in return from her.

Set out chores for this woman to do.

Give her family responsibilities to perform to help your family function.

Direct, REAL and honest communnication.

why is it so many people dont EVER think of this solution anymore?


its weird how many on the right this pissed off
I appreciate everyone's opinions and advice. We sat down and had a long discussion about this. I brought to the table a complete listing of our bills now and another listing of those bills prior to her moving in. In comparing the two, I showed her that she is responsible for an average increase of just over $500 per month in household expenses. I told her that this was not sustainable and that she is going to have to get out and get a job and contribute to the household budget. I told her that in 30 days she needs to hand us $500, and will have to pay that amount to us every month for as long as she lives here. If she's not able to do that, then she needs to start finding another place to live. Period. End of discussion.
My wife, who is disabled and not able to work, is completely with me on this matter.
The replies about me being sexually attracted to her were a real hoot. The biggest problem about doing that is that my SIL hasn't always been extremely choosy in the men that she dates. To put it gently, if she had as many sticking out of her as she's had stuck in her, she'd look like a porcupine.
I want no part of that, and my wife knows and appreciates that in me.
In the meanwhile, I actually have another plan in mind. I'm going to try to get her to get out of the house more. I'll get my wife to go with her to town, to the stores, and wherever. Show here around so that she will feel comfortable traveling around the area by herself. The way I see it, she has been 'without a man' for at least a year. Men being men and women being women, I'm sure her "basic animal instincts" will take over and she'll start looking at other men again. The natural goal then is for her to meet another man who will likewise take a interest in her. If that pans out, maybe he'll invite her to live with him and we'll all be happy!
Again, thanks to everyone for your input. It's greatly appreciated.
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I appreciate everyone's opinions and advice. We sat down and had a long discussion about this. I brought to the table a complete listing of our bills now and another listing of those bills prior to her moving in. In comparing the two, I showed her that she is responsible for an average increase of just over $500 per month in household expenses. I told her that this was not sustainable and that she is going to have to get out and get a job and contribute to the household budget. I told her that in 30 days she needs to hand us $500, and will have to pay that amount to us every month for as long as she lives here. If she's not able to do that, then she needs to start finding another place to live. Period. End of discussion.
My wife, who is disabled and not able to work, is completely with me on this matter.
The replies about me being sexually attracted to her were a real hoot. The biggest problem about doing that is that my SIL hasn't always been extremely choosy in the men that she dates. To put it gently, if she had as many sticking out of her as she's had stuck in her, she'd look like a porcupine.
I want no part of that, and my wife knows and appreciates that in me.
In the meanwhile, I actually have another plan in mind. I'm going to try to get her to get out of the house more. I'll get my wife to go with her to town, to the stores, and wherever. Show here around so that she will feel comfortable traveling around the area by herself. The way I see it, she has been 'without a man' for at least a year. Men being men and women being women, I'm sure her "basic animal instincts" will take over and she'll start looking at other men again. The natural goal then is for her to meet another man who will likewise take a interest in her. If that pans out, maybe he'll invite her to live with him and we'll all be happy!
Again, thanks to everyone for your input. It's greatly appreciated.

Oh there's a good plan... troll her. Well good luck with that, because I don't know many men that are out on the hunt looking for fat ass, lazy, unemployed women sponging off a relative.

You need to get a back bone here. You need to lay down a hell of a lot more law than you have. Like instead of this leach handing you $500, I'd make her pay me back for PAST expenses as well, and I'd tell her she better have a job and her own place by the end of next month or she's going to find her ass living at the local Salvation Army. There's not much anything worse than a fat ass, lazy, unemployed sons a bitch that sits around stuffing their pie hole on someone else's dime, other than the IDIOT that would allow it.
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Oh there's a good plan... troll her. Well good luck with that, because I don't know many men that are out on the hunt looking for fat ass, lazy, unemployed women sponging off a relative.

You need to get a back bone here. You need to lay down a hell of a lot more law than you have. Like instead of this leach handing you $500, I'd make her pay me back for PAST expenses as well, and I'd tell her she better have a job and her own place by the end of next month or she's going to find her ass living at the local Salvation Army. There's not much anything worse than a fat ass, lazy, unemployed sons a bitch that sits around stuffing their pie hole on someone else's dime, other than the IDIOT that would allow it.

I understand your point of view. While my wife is very much on my side, this is also her sister and like most sisters, they are very close. I'm doing the best I can given the circumstances which is why I asked for input from everyone here.
Yes, I want her to start pulling her own weight, so to speak, or move out. At the same time, I'm not going to hurt my wife or her relationship with her family.
It's a narrow path that I walk...
the three of you need to sit down and talk like adults.

tell the woman what you have said here.

tell her how much you LOVE your wife and that her current effect on your family is causing stress.

tell her you were willing to help but now need some help in return from her.

Set out chores for this woman to do.

Give her family responsibilities to perform to help your family function.

Direct, REAL and honest communnication.

why is it so many people dont EVER think of this solution anymore?


its weird how many on the right this pissed off

i think it has more to do with you than what was said......just sayin....
She's gone!!! She got tired of me telling her that she needs to get off her ass and get a job. I originally gave her 30 days to get a job so that she could pay us back for the time she stayed here. Time started getting short and instead of finding a job she started hanging out at a bar where she found another sucker willing to "take her in". She stayed with him a few nights and then one day she showed up and started packing her stuff up and then moved out. Yippeee!!!
What a turn of events! This is better than the movies! Good for you! I'm happy for you, best wishes to her and her newfound love. What an ending! Thanks for sharing.
She's gone!!! She got tired of me telling her that she needs to get off her ass and get a job. I originally gave her 30 days to get a job so that she could pay us back for the time she stayed here. Time started getting short and instead of finding a job she started hanging out at a bar where she found another sucker willing to "take her in". She stayed with him a few nights and then one day she showed up and started packing her stuff up and then moved out. Yippeee!!!

She'll be back when the new sucker becomes an all day sucker. I had to give my sister two weeks to get out years ago and had to brandish a shotgun, without pointing it at her, to get her the hell out. But my circumstances were different. She was alcoholic and had assaulted me the nite before in a drunken frenzy.
She was gone short of a week.
Tell your wife you are becoming sexually attracted to her sister and don't think you can take it much longer

That should end this thread! No more advice is needed. This will work!

Of course, something could go wrong...the wife could shoot the husband, claim self defense, get away with murder and live happily ever after with her sister...:eek:
She's gone!!! She got tired of me telling her that she needs to get off her ass and get a job. I originally gave her 30 days to get a job so that she could pay us back for the time she stayed here. Time started getting short and instead of finding a job she started hanging out at a bar where she found another sucker willing to "take her in". She stayed with him a few nights and then one day she showed up and started packing her stuff up and then moved out. Yippeee!!!


She'll be baaaaaaaaaack. Be prepared. Discuss that eventuality with your wife so you are a unified front blocking entry back into the house.

The phone is going to ring while you are at work.
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Tell your wife you are becoming sexually attracted to her sister and don't think you can take it much longer

That should end this thread! No more advice is needed. This will work!

Of course, something could go wrong...the wife could shoot the husband, claim self defense, get away with murder and live happily ever after with her sister...:eek:

That might however be better than the alternative, I know it would be in my case!

Just sayin:eusa_whistle:
This is going to be fairly long, but please bear with me.
My wife's (widowed) sister has been living with us for the past year and I'm ready to tell her to hit the road. Her husband died 3 years ago and she spent the first year in mourning for him. OK, fine. In the meanwhile she was unable to keep up the mortgage payments on the house she and her late husband 'owned', so the finance company foreclosed on it.
Then she hooked up with a previous husband and stayed with him for another year They finally got fed up with each other and parted company- again.
Her late husband barely had enough life insurance to pay for his funeral and burial plot but there was nothing left for her to support herself on. She wasn't working so she accumulated a bunch of debt. The only thing she really has to her name is the car that they owned, which she had to get put in just her name, and some furniture from their home. So she listened to one of these advertisements on the tv about filing for bankruptcy so she figured it was her best shot at getting out from under all her debt. She got rid of almost $100K of debt, but now she can't buy anything on credit and won't be able to for at least another 8 years.
OK so she was about to get put out on the street when my wife asked me if she could move in with us for a short while. Like a fool, I said OK, thinking it was only going to be for a short while. She could get out and get a job and help with the bills here. Virtually all of our household bills, utilities, laundry, etc., have risen by 50% or more. That is with the exception of the mortgage payment which has stayed the same. Our food bill, otoh, has easily doubled.
During this past year she hasn't done squat to help out financially. She won't get out and find a job because every time it gets mentioned, she gets "sick". Yes, I know it's just an act and she's playing on our sympathies. But she's the laziest person I've ever met. She doesn't want to do anything to help out around the house during the day, but will sit up playing casino games on her laptop while raiding our refrigerator at night. We make sure the kitchen is clean and the dishes are done before we go to bed but the sink is half full of dirty dishes again in the morning. :eek:

I love my wife to death. We are going to be celebrating our 25th Anniversary later this year. She is the love and the joy of my life and there is nothing in this world I would ever do to hurt her.
But enough is enough, and I'm about ready to tell her sister to get the hell out of my house.
Any thoughts on the matter? Anyone? HELP!!!!

Either she gets a job, lives off the government, lives off you, or lives like a bum.

If you eliminate the 2nd to last choice, it will be easier for her to pick from the remaining three.

You should probably also consult an attorney if you can. Depending on the laws in your area and how long she has been there, she may have rights as a tenant, which means you would have to do some kind of formal eviction to not run afoul of the law.
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