How do you get a relative to move out?

A guest who isn't paying rent has tenant's rights? That's nuts.
A guest who isn't paying rent has tenant's rights? That's nuts.

Yes and yes.

(In most states)

I'd appreciate some links to those laws. What's the time limit? How long can a guest stay and then turn into a non-bouncable squatter?

Once again, it depends on the state.

If it was Michigan, the guest/tenant would have to get a 30 day notice to vacate.

If the guest/tenant still doesn't leave then the owner/landlord would have to go to court to get an order to compel it.

Then the tenant can request a hearing. At the hearing the tenant can request a trial. Then if the tenant loses then the judge will issue an order for the guest/tenant to go bye bye.

After that the landlord/owner can get from the court a time and date for court people to physically through out the tenant/guests stuff.

It can take some time.

However the SIL would have the same rights as a tenant.

I don't feel like researching links at this time.
A guest who isn't paying rent has tenant's rights? That's nuts.

Yes and yes.

(In most states)

I'd appreciate some links to those laws. What's the time limit? How long can a guest stay and then turn into a non-bouncable squatter?

I know it sounds crazy, but CMike is right. Regardless of whether or not this person is paying rent, she was taken in and therefore has tenant's rights, which differ from state to state. Just chalk it up to more do gooder laws with unintended consequences.

Lesson here is to think real hard before allowing someone to live in your home. Like it or not, you probably have a tenant.
No, the husband does not have to abide the wife's wants, because if the wife puts her sister before her husband, their relations is broken, perhaps fatally.

The wife and husband have to talk this out.

A marriage does not last 25 years by taking a stand against the wife. :D

Of course it does. It is a companionship, a two ship, not a senior subordinate relationship. A companionship is a far better marriage for both persons. The spouse, if long suffering and kind, comes first. Period.
A guest who isn't paying rent has tenant's rights? That's nuts.

Yes and yes.

(In most states)

Depends, for example Connecticut law provides, "The state's landlord-tenant laws protect people living in dwellings owned or leased by others. A person need not be listed on a formal lease to gain protection under these laws, but may gain protection by establishing residence in a place. Transient guests, however, are not protected and the dwelling's primary occupant may cause them to be removed. Transient status is determined on a case-by-case basis, focusing on whether the person has control over and possession of the space in question. The court considers such factors as how long the person has lived in the dwelling, whether he or she receives mail there, and the degree of control that he or she has over the space."


Get that leech out before she has the right to make your life a living hell and ruin your marriage....:eusa_naughty:

I'm interpreting all of this as something that Lawyers have totally fucked up for normal people.

If someone is a guest in my house and I want him to leave, he is going to leave.


End of story.

Depending on the legal status of the guest you may end up paying him a lot of money.

I'm interpreting all of this as something that Lawyers have totally fucked up for normal people.

If someone is a guest in my house and I want him to leave, he is going to leave.


End of story.

Depending on the legal status of the guest you may end up paying him a lot of money.

It's easy to avoid. No house guests that don't have a home to which they plan to return.
I'm interpreting all of this as something that Lawyers have totally fucked up for normal people.

If someone is a guest in my house and I want him to leave, he is going to leave.


End of story.

Depending on the legal status of the guest you may end up paying him a lot of money.

It's easy to avoid. No house guests that don't have a home to which they plan to return.

This is going to be fairly long, but please bear with me.
My wife's (widowed) sister has been living with us for the past year and I'm ready to tell her to hit the road. Her husband died 3 years ago and she spent the first year in mourning for him. OK, fine. In the meanwhile she was unable to keep up the mortgage payments on the house she and her late husband 'owned', so the finance company foreclosed on it.
Then she hooked up with a previous husband and stayed with him for another year They finally got fed up with each other and parted company- again.
Her late husband barely had enough life insurance to pay for his funeral and burial plot but there was nothing left for her to support herself on. She wasn't working so she accumulated a bunch of debt. The only thing she really has to her name is the car that they owned, which she had to get put in just her name, and some furniture from their home. So she listened to one of these advertisements on the tv about filing for bankruptcy so she figured it was her best shot at getting out from under all her debt. She got rid of almost $100K of debt, but now she can't buy anything on credit and won't be able to for at least another 8 years.
OK so she was about to get put out on the street when my wife asked me if she could move in with us for a short while. Like a fool, I said OK, thinking it was only going to be for a short while. She could get out and get a job and help with the bills here. Virtually all of our household bills, utilities, laundry, etc., have risen by 50% or more. That is with the exception of the mortgage payment which has stayed the same. Our food bill, otoh, has easily doubled.
During this past year she hasn't done squat to help out financially. She won't get out and find a job because every time it gets mentioned, she gets "sick". Yes, I know it's just an act and she's playing on our sympathies. But she's the laziest person I've ever met. She doesn't want to do anything to help out around the house during the day, but will sit up playing casino games on her laptop while raiding our refrigerator at night. We make sure the kitchen is clean and the dishes are done before we go to bed but the sink is half full of dirty dishes again in the morning. :eek:

I love my wife to death. We are going to be celebrating our 25th Anniversary later this year. She is the love and the joy of my life and there is nothing in this world I would ever do to hurt her.
But enough is enough, and I'm about ready to tell her sister to get the hell out of my house.
Any thoughts on the matter? Anyone? HELP!!!!

Tell your wife to choose: it is either the sister or you, and don't back down. Your wife is not helping her sister; she's enabling her, so her sympathies are wasted. Just tell the sister to leave. Give her 2 weeks to find a job, any job, she can at least sign up with a temp agency, then help her find a cheap place to live. She's an adult and not your problem.
So...has the OP been back since starting this thread? I am curiious on what he plans to do or already has done.

I'm interpreting all of this as something that Lawyers have totally fucked up for normal people.

If someone is a guest in my house and I want him to leave, he is going to leave.


End of story.

I do not doubt that.

And if you use physical violence to remove that guest, you can be charged with assault.

And if you call the cops and ask that they be removed, the cops will tell you they do not have the legal right to do so since you invited them in.

Hey don't shoot the messenger, I don't write the laws.

I happen to know this because it has happened to me in the past.

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