How do you get a relative to move out?

I think I'm going to pass on telling my wife that I'm sexually attracted to her sister. I'm afraid my wife would take the Lorena Bobbitt approach, and I'm too attached to my manhood to take that chance. Besides, that's the one thing that would surely end our marriage. After 25 years with the same woman, I have her too well trained to start over.

She did call back this morning and say she wanted to come back here and file for her disability. The only thing is, she's not disabled. Well, not physically, anyway. But that would mean that I'd have to support the bitch from now on, and I'm not even going to do that.
But my wife took the call and stood up to her sister and told her there was NO WAY we could let her come back. She's gone and as far as we're concerned, she can stay gone.
So at this point I guess she'll have to just keep making for a living on her back. As long as I'm not the one footing the bill, I don't really give a damn..
Am I the only one that finds it a little alarming and depressing that this woman moving in with some guy she met at the bar is seen as anything even approaching *normal*?

It sounds like she's essentially a homeless person, bopping from place to place.

What a way to live.
She's gone!!! She got tired of me telling her that she needs to get off her ass and get a job. I originally gave her 30 days to get a job so that she could pay us back for the time she stayed here. Time started getting short and instead of finding a job she started hanging out at a bar where she found another sucker willing to "take her in". She stayed with him a few nights and then one day she showed up and started packing her stuff up and then moved out. Yippeee!!!

She'll be back when the new sucker becomes an all day sucker. I had to give my sister two weeks to get out years ago and had to brandish a shotgun, without pointing it at her, to get her the hell out. But my circumstances were different. She was alcoholic and had assaulted me the nite before in a drunken frenzy.
She was gone short of a week.

You're lucky she didn't have you arrested!
Am I the only one that finds it a little alarming and depressing that this woman moving in with some guy she met at the bar is seen as anything even approaching *normal*?

It sounds like she's essentially a homeless person, bopping from place to place.

What a way to live.

She probably belongs in a nut house. But as long as she's out of the OP's house, I really don't care and I imagine, neither does he!
I would have more pity on her if she at least helped around the house. Like did all the cooking, babysat, walked the pets, did the laundry, mowed the lawn, planted flowers, vac'd, etc. I have been in her shoes...but I never sat around. Even with no job forthcoming, I worked every day to show appreciation to those who took me in.
This gal was just taking advantage and she will do it again. Do NOT ever let her back in. Not even to visit. Meet her at a coffee shop or something. Do NOT let her on the premises.

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