How do you get record high corporate profits and record low wages? Easy. Bust unions.


Nov 18, 2012

How do you get record high corporate profits and record low wages? Easy. Bust unions.

This is about making your work worth less

Destroying union power is a macro version of the GOP’s War on Voting. Can’t win people with your ideas? Stop them from voting. Relying on a increasingly small group of the richest 1 percent to fund your campaigns? Destroy the groups that bring workers together to fund a permanent progressive movement.

But destroying unions isn’t just politically advantageous for the GOP.
It also makes corporations more profitable by driving down workers’ bargaining power.

Wrong. They moved 13,000 factories to China to avoid union issues. They make money on cheap labor.

The auto bailout also proves you wrong. Union work rules and exhorbatent pension benefits sunk the auto industry. They lose money in union plants, and make money in open shop plants.
And the GOP arranged tax breaks for them to do that. Don't we all love the GOP.
And the GOP arranged tax breaks for them to do that. Don't we all love the GOP.

Actually Obama said that during the debates, and Romney hammered him on it. Can you cite the law that gives tax breaks to move jobs overseas? Because, Barak couldn't.

How do you get record high corporate profits and record low wages? Easy. Bust unions.

This is about making your work worth less

Destroying union power is a macro version of the GOP’s War on Voting. Can’t win people with your ideas? Stop them from voting. Relying on a increasingly small group of the richest 1 percent to fund your campaigns? Destroy the groups that bring workers together to fund a permanent progressive movement.

But destroying unions isn’t just politically advantageous for the GOP.
It also makes corporations more profitable by driving down workers’ bargaining power.



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