How do you see our collective moral and ethical cup? Half full or overflowing with goodness?


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
How do you see our collective moral and ethical cup? Half full or overflowing with goodness?

Not to be a bean counter that ignores the evil that is still with us, but if I look strictly at the statistics for what I call the evil markers, crime, death by violence including war, poverty, poor health and
education; I see them all at the best levels we have ever enjoyed.

This is in spite of the few places where the stats are backsliding, which ironically includes the U.S., a Christian nation; whose
education level is going down, along with its moral sense.

I will let you find whatever stats you might be interested in and will only offer the stats spoken of, at the end of this link.

Richard Dawkins - Sex, Death and the Meaning of Life

I see our cup running over in spite of the vile and immoral mainstream religions that we are maintaining, for God only knows why. We can thank all the gods that the religious are not walking their talk and are following more moral ways.

How do you see our collective moral and ethical cup? Half full; or overflowing with goodness?

How do you see it as collective when it’s so sharply divided between Republicans and their horrible policies and Democrats who actually want to help the American people?

The good thing about Trump is that Republicans can finally stop saying they care about the middle class and they can stop saying they aren’t racist.

For once they can be who they are.
I would say "half full" is stretching it. the cup is nearly empty.

There are far too many low IQ hyper-partisans who know nothing other than warring with the other mindless hyper-partisans.

Nobody thinks about issues or problems and how best to fix them, only identity and political tribe.
Democrats who actually want to help the American people?
How do Democrats want to help the American people? Seriously. I see they want power. I see they want high fees. I see they want favors for themselves and their families. I see they want votes. I see they are great at throwing tantrums if they don't get their way. I see them claiming virtue, but I don't actually see them doing anything. I even have a hard time finding where they even "want" to help. I am a former Democrat, often finding myself considering whether my next move will be to become a former voter just to get out of this rigged system--and most of the rigging has Democrat fingerprints all over it.
Nobody thinks about issues or problems and how best to fix them, only identity and political tribe.
Agree. My solution is to take several random middle school classes to Congress (and the White House) and Americans will then see the number of good solutions start to emerge.
The conservatives in congress have no morals or ethics. The liberals are not far behind as they have lowered their standards to battle the conservatives on their grounds.
The people of this nation seem to be without morals or ethics for the most part. I mean who cares enough about trash in the neighborhood to actually pick it up? But they can complain for moths about no one doing it.
The conservatives in congress have no morals or ethics. The liberals are not far behind as they have lowered their standards to battle the conservatives on their grounds.
The people of this nation seem to be without morals or ethics for the most part. I mean who cares enough about trash in the neighborhood to actually pick it up? But they can complain for moths about no one doing it.
I walk nearly every day, so picking up trash is a given. I am not the only one who does this. Further, in another town, I know for a fact my brother-in-law does the same thing, and that he is not the only one there who does it. Hope this gives you some encouraging news. We are not doing much, but we are trying to do something. I tend to think if I am doing something, so are others--and at a much larger scale than I am able to do.
How do you see our collective moral and ethical cup? Half full or overflowing with goodness?

Not to be a bean counter that ignores the evil that is still with us, but if I look strictly at the statistics for what I call the evil markers, crime, death by violence including war, poverty, poor health and
education; I see them all at the best levels we have ever enjoyed.

This is in spite of the few places where the stats are backsliding, which ironically includes the U.S., a Christian nation; whose
education level is going down, along with its moral sense.

I will let you find whatever stats you might be interested in and will only offer the stats spoken of, at the end of this link.

Richard Dawkins - Sex, Death and the Meaning of Life

I see our cup running over in spite of the vile and immoral mainstream religions that we are maintaining, for God only knows why. We can thank all the gods that the religious are not walking their talk and are following more moral ways.

How do you see our collective moral and ethical cup? Half full; or overflowing with goodness?

If one believes they are moral, they aren’t.
How do you see our collective moral and ethical cup? Half full or overflowing with goodness?

Not to be a bean counter that ignores the evil that is still with us, but if I look strictly at the statistics for what I call the evil markers, crime, death by violence including war, poverty, poor health and
education; I see them all at the best levels we have ever enjoyed.

This is in spite of the few places where the stats are backsliding, which ironically includes the U.S., a Christian nation; whose
education level is going down, along with its moral sense.

I will let you find whatever stats you might be interested in and will only offer the stats spoken of, at the end of this link.

Richard Dawkins - Sex, Death and the Meaning of Life

I see our cup running over in spite of the vile and immoral mainstream religions that we are maintaining, for God only knows why. We can thank all the gods that the religious are not walking their talk and are following more moral ways.

How do you see our collective moral and ethical cup? Half full; or overflowing with goodness?

I am going to ignore the hyper partisan political responses as I believe you were asking otherwise.

I trend towards an optimistic view of things. Simply put, most people are good, have honest intentions, and just wish to live and let live.

The division pimps of this nation while loud and garnering attention do not represent everyday life in America. Neither does the mass mental illness that social media has become.

We are by far the most generous nation and that despite our non perfection has increased the comfort and economic lifestyle for more than any other nation system to date.

While not agreeing with any particular religion, I never hold those beliefs against another. Religion need not be present for an individual to have moral or ethical views or to feel a spiritual sense of awe and wonder.
God didn't build himself that throne.
God doesn't live in Israel or Rome.
Not sure if I would go with overflowing but I would agree that there is enough good in humans around the world at least counterbalance the evil. I believe that has more to do with human nature rather than adherence to any of the formally recognized religions.
How do you see it as collective when it’s so sharply divided between Republicans and their horrible policies and Democrats who actually want to help the American people?

The good thing about Trump is that Republicans can finally stop saying they care about the middle class and they can stop saying they aren’t racist.

For once they can be who they are.

By collective, I meant the world. That aside.

I agree that the U.S. right has to clean up their act and stop being the laughing stock of the world.

If ridicule cannot move them, it shows that they are just belligerent and obtuse and the U.S. will have to wait for the next generation that will be less so and better educated.

As a Canadian, I do not have a horse in your political race but, in a sense, I am pleased that the right elected Trump as they will see just how vile their right wing stance is and perhaps change their affiliations to a more intelligent side. Your left must move more to the center though if a real unification is to happen. You are not using the 80-20 rule and should.

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I would say "half full" is stretching it. the cup is nearly empty.

There are far too many low IQ hyper-partisans who know nothing other than warring with the other mindless hyper-partisans.

Nobody thinks about issues or problems and how best to fix them, only identity and political tribe.

Please see what I put just above so that I do not just repeat myself.

How do you get nearly empty when the stats, even in the U.S. are showing improvement, but just not as much as the rest of the world?

How do you see our collective moral and ethical cup? Half full or overflowing with goodness?

Not to be a bean counter that ignores the evil that is still with us, but if I look strictly at the statistics for what I call the evil markers, crime, death by violence including war, poverty, poor health and
education; I see them all at the best levels we have ever enjoyed.

This is in spite of the few places where the stats are backsliding, which ironically includes the U.S., a Christian nation; whose
education level is going down, along with its moral sense.

I will let you find whatever stats you might be interested in and will only offer the stats spoken of, at the end of this link.

Richard Dawkins - Sex, Death and the Meaning of Life

I see our cup running over in spite of the vile and immoral mainstream religions that we are maintaining, for God only knows why. We can thank all the gods that the religious are not walking their talk and are following more moral ways.

How do you see our collective moral and ethical cup? Half full; or overflowing with goodness?

I am going to ignore the hyper partisan political responses as I believe you were asking otherwise.

I trend towards an optimistic view of things. Simply put, most people are good, have honest intentions, and just wish to live and let live.

The division pimps of this nation while loud and garnering attention do not represent everyday life in America. Neither does the mass mental illness that social media has become.

We are by far the most generous nation and that despite our non perfection has increased the comfort and economic lifestyle for more than any other nation system to date.

While not agreeing with any particular religion, I never hold those beliefs against another. Religion need not be present for an individual to have moral or ethical views or to feel a spiritual sense of awe and wonder.
God didn't build himself that throne.
God doesn't live in Israel or Rome.

Thanks for this refreshing and insightful reply.

My only critique, given that I hate the mainstream religions for their homophobic and misogynous teachings, I would encourage you to not tolerate them or respect them as you seem to do.

I try to live by the Golden rule and the adage that says that for evil to grow, all good people need do is nothing.

Change the labels in this quote to women, minorities, gays or children being brainwashed by religions and it shows what we should be thinking and doing for each other.

"First they came for the Jews, but I did nothing because I'm not a Jew. Then they came for the socialists, but I did nothing because I'm not a socialist. Then they came for the Catholics, but I did nothing because I'm not a Catholic. Finally, they came for me, but by then there was no one left to help me." – Pastor Father Niemoller (1946)”

You seem to be brighter and good hearted as compared to most, including me. Please do not waste it.

Not sure if I would go with overflowing but I would agree that there is enough good in humans around the world at least counterbalance the evil. I believe that has more to do with human nature rather than adherence to any of the formally recognized religions.


I would say in spite of the vile mainstream homophobic and misogynous religions that are slowing the progress of our collective moral sense.

If you see the Gods on offer as being as vile as I do, especially the genocidal one, Yahweh/Allah, then please see it as your duty to try to reduce their vile influence.

I spoke a little on this just above.

Not sure if I would go with overflowing but I would agree that there is enough good in humans around the world at least counterbalance the evil. I believe that has more to do with human nature rather than adherence to any of the formally recognized religions.


I would say in spite of the vile mainstream homophobic and misogynous religions that are slowing the progress of our collective moral sense.

If you see the Gods on offer as being as vile as I do, especially the genocidal one, Yahweh/Allah, then please see it as your duty to try to reduce their vile influence.

I spoke a little on this just above.

Your moral indignation was built upon those religions.

Your sense of right and wrong, however misguided, is proof that absolute morals exist.
Not sure if I would go with overflowing but I would agree that there is enough good in humans around the world at least counterbalance the evil. I believe that has more to do with human nature rather than adherence to any of the formally recognized religions.


I would say in spite of the vile mainstream homophobic and misogynous religions that are slowing the progress of our collective moral sense.

If you see the Gods on offer as being as vile as I do, especially the genocidal one, Yahweh/Allah, then please see it as your duty to try to reduce their vile influence.

I spoke a little on this just above.

Your moral indignation was built upon those religions.

Your sense of right and wrong, however misguided, is proof that absolute morals exist.

Name the moral tenets that you think are absolute or objective so that I might know what you are talking about. Listen to this clip first.

Not sure if I would go with overflowing but I would agree that there is enough good in humans around the world at least counterbalance the evil. I believe that has more to do with human nature rather than adherence to any of the formally recognized religions.


I would say in spite of the vile mainstream homophobic and misogynous religions that are slowing the progress of our collective moral sense.

If you see the Gods on offer as being as vile as I do, especially the genocidal one, Yahweh/Allah, then please see it as your duty to try to reduce their vile influence.

I spoke a little on this just above.

Your moral indignation was built upon those religions.

Your sense of right and wrong, however misguided, is proof that absolute morals exist.

Name the moral tenets that you think are absolute or objective so that I might know what you are talking about. Listen to this clip first.


It doesn’t work that way. Standards exist for reasons. When they are violated the reasons make themselves known. It’s probabilistic in nature. Moral laws are not like physical laws.
Not sure if I would go with overflowing but I would agree that there is enough good in humans around the world at least counterbalance the evil. I believe that has more to do with human nature rather than adherence to any of the formally recognized religions.


I would say in spite of the vile mainstream homophobic and misogynous religions that are slowing the progress of our collective moral sense.

If you see the Gods on offer as being as vile as I do, especially the genocidal one, Yahweh/Allah, then please see it as your duty to try to reduce their vile influence.

I spoke a little on this just above.

Your moral indignation was built upon those religions.

Your sense of right and wrong, however misguided, is proof that absolute morals exist.

Name the moral tenets that you think are absolute or objective so that I might know what you are talking about. Listen to this clip first.


It doesn’t work that way. Standards exist for reasons. When they are violated the reasons make themselves known. It’s probabilistic in nature. Moral laws are not like physical laws.

IOW, you were talking out of your ass and cannot back up your claim.

Your garbage way to post is why I laughed so hard when you wanted to do a one on one.

You would have lasted 2 maybe 3 posts before I would have had to write you off.

What a waste of a mind.

Not sure if I would go with overflowing but I would agree that there is enough good in humans around the world at least counterbalance the evil. I believe that has more to do with human nature rather than adherence to any of the formally recognized religions.


I would say in spite of the vile mainstream homophobic and misogynous religions that are slowing the progress of our collective moral sense.

If you see the Gods on offer as being as vile as I do, especially the genocidal one, Yahweh/Allah, then please see it as your duty to try to reduce their vile influence.

I spoke a little on this just above.

Your moral indignation was built upon those religions.

Your sense of right and wrong, however misguided, is proof that absolute morals exist.

Name the moral tenets that you think are absolute or objective so that I might know what you are talking about. Listen to this clip first.


It doesn’t work that way. Standards exist for reasons. When they are violated the reasons make themselves known. It’s probabilistic in nature. Moral laws are not like physical laws.

IOW, you were talking out of your ass and cannot back up your claim.

Your garbage way to post is why I laughed so hard when you wanted to do a one on one.

You would have lasted 2 maybe 3 posts before I would have had to write you off.

What a waste of a mind.


That’s your opinion.

My opinion is that standards exist for reasons and when we violate those standards the reasons the standards exists will make themselves known.

Even now you are proving my point by having the expectation that what you believe should be universally known. It is this expectation which tells us that we all believe in a universal truth.
Not sure if I would go with overflowing but I would agree that there is enough good in humans around the world at least counterbalance the evil. I believe that has more to do with human nature rather than adherence to any of the formally recognized religions.


I would say in spite of the vile mainstream homophobic and misogynous religions that are slowing the progress of our collective moral sense.

If you see the Gods on offer as being as vile as I do, especially the genocidal one, Yahweh/Allah, then please see it as your duty to try to reduce their vile influence.

I spoke a little on this just above.

Your moral indignation was built upon those religions.

Your sense of right and wrong, however misguided, is proof that absolute morals exist.

Name the moral tenets that you think are absolute or objective so that I might know what you are talking about. Listen to this clip first.


It doesn’t work that way. Standards exist for reasons. When they are violated the reasons make themselves known. It’s probabilistic in nature. Moral laws are not like physical laws.

IOW, you were talking out of your ass and cannot back up your claim.

Your garbage way to post is why I laughed so hard when you wanted to do a one on one.

You would have lasted 2 maybe 3 posts before I would have had to write you off.

What a waste of a mind.


I do think it can be difficult for people from organized religions to understand concepts of morality / success of the species when many organized religions have been the worst examples of morality and survival of the species.

I think there are two issues to address: survival and morality. There is a huge difference in "surviving" and behaving morally and ethically. There would obviously be things that we would "learn" from a living in a society with a successful survival instinct, such as:

1) Inbreeding would weaken the species;

2) Children must be protected from predators, be taught to feed themselves, work and survive;

3) Killing the king of the village would likely result in weakening the ability of the village to survive.

But these evolutionary imperatives also speak to something more than just survival. They speak to cooperation and advancing the society.

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