How does deactivating a person's Security Clearance SILENCE that person?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
Does John Brennan sound silenced to you? He is squealing like a stuck pig, louder than ever. Deactivating a clearance has nothing to do with silencing and everything to do with removing access to classified information. That's all. Period. End of story.
Does John Brennan sound silenced to you? He is squealing like a stuck pig, louder than ever. Deactivating a clearance has nothing to do with silencing and everything to do with removing access to classified information. That's all. Period. End of story.

It doesn't. he's just a sniveling asshole.
Does John Brennan sound silenced to you? He is squealing like a stuck pig, louder than ever. Deactivating a clearance has nothing to do with silencing and everything to do with removing access to classified information. That's all. Period. End of story.

That was the plan I'd imagine: the stuck pig squealing part of it.
There are a lot of other folks that should have their clearance revoked.

Does John Brennan sound silenced to you? He is squealing like a stuck pig, louder than ever. Deactivating a clearance has nothing to do with silencing and everything to do with removing access to classified information. That's all. Period. End of story.

Now if the censored him on Facebook, and Twitter, and Youtube, etc., that would be silencing his voice.
Does John Brennan sound silenced to you? He is squealing like a stuck pig, louder than ever. Deactivating a clearance has nothing to do with silencing and everything to do with removing access to classified information. That's all. Period. End of story.

Doesn't silence him at all. It was just a petty action by a petty President.

Of course Facebook taking Jones off didn't silence him either. Yet Jones is squealing like a stuck pig.
Doesn’t silence him at all and he and others damn well know it. But they also know the low info dopes will believe anything they say and pass it along to still others. Alinsky, but forget which chapter.
Does John Brennan sound silenced to you? He is squealing like a stuck pig, louder than ever. Deactivating a clearance has nothing to do with silencing and everything to do with removing access to classified information. That's all. Period. End of story.
Yes, conservatives are truly this stupid and blind partisan that it must be explained to them.

The intent of government seeking to threaten or intimidate private citizens with punitive measures is to silence them.

The thread premise also – unsurprisingly – misses the point.

That Trump would act to silence appropriate, accurate, legitimate, warranted criticism of him by threatening private citizens with revocation of their security clearance is reprehensible, wrong, dictatorial, and authoritarian – regardless whether the threats and intimidation have the effect of indeed silencing Trump’s critics.

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