How Does Teacher Tenure and Seniority Help Students?

WHERE is your link you racist piece of excrement?

And BTW, under WHAT law in America does a judge have the authority to issue a blank check to a school district?

Hey, you close-minded ignorant creationist, the links are right above the quoted material. I swear, you creationists are the not the sharpest tools in the drawer.

As for the judge, find the law yourself. It was likely some civil rights discrimination lawsuit.

Hey pea brain, I am not close minded, and I am not a creationist. And I am not a racist piece of excrement like you are.

Are we clear scum bag?

You implicitly admitted you were a creationist when you rejected evolution, moron. Are we clear, douchebag?

Where do I reject evolution?

I explain that the reason for Finland's success is that they have schools filled with Finnish students. You call that racism. You reject the notion that population genetics has anything to say about social outcomes and populations. That makes you a creationist, someone who believes, despite mountains of evidence, that all human populations are identical in socially relevant metrics. Religious Creationists believe that God made all humans 6,000 years ago and made them equal. Liberal Creationists believe that evolution worked on humanity up until the Out of Africa migrations and then evolution mysteriously stopped, or was stopped by some unknown force which prevented mutations, selection pressure and genetic drift from working above the neck as though there was some invisible force-field in place. Both types of creationists appeal to magic - God or unstated forces - to insure the genetic equality of all races. It doesn't matter to me what kind of creationist you are, you calling genetics to be racist is signal enough that you're an evolution-denying creationist.

I had really hoped that was not what you were headed. You have moved beyond the generic right wing racist. You are a white supremacist. On the scale of human existence, you are the lowest form of human life. Words like scum, cretin and excrement are too mild to describe you. They haven't invented words that aptly describe something as low on the human scale as you.

You are just another nail in the coffin of 'conservatism', the scourge of mankind.

All your name-calling can't deflect away from the reality of your creationism. Funny, isn't it, how I used the world word reality when describing a creationist, for as you demonstrate, reality is to your evolution-denying creationists like holy water is to vampires.

Oh,btw, all this time while you were engaged in poo-flinging you never did address the issue of why Finland's vaunted educational philosophy does a worse job at educating its Westernized immigrants than American's educational philosophy does with its immigrants? How can that be? I know you evolution-deniers like to stick comfortably in the warm embrace of your fairy-tale "reality" but perhaps you could take a shot at defending your position.

You don't need an evaluation, because laziness and self-centeredness are not sicknesses. Remove the enabling programs and replace them with education and goals that must be met in order to get help and these people will change pretty fast.

Honest question. Most people go through life interacting with other people who are in fairly narrow bands of similarity. For instance, most people never really get to interact with someone as intelligent as Einstein. On the flip side, most people never really get to interact with a crack whore.

When you give your advice are you basing it on how you see the people in your social realm react to such advice or are you basing it on how people living in the gutter react to such advice? It seems to me that you really don't know many people who are at the bottom of society - these people have a hard time putting into practice the fact that "actions have consequences."
Most states have special requirements for those teaching children rather than adults.
Most states have special requirements for those teaching children rather than adults.

If I want to know someone's weight I put them on a scale. Why? Because the scale answers the question I want answered.

A state has special considerations for those who teach children. Perfectly reasonable. I've seen no evidence that the hoops put in place by the Education Industry have any intersection with outcomes focused on children's welfare. The equivalent here is wanting to know a person's weight and then timing them to see how long they can hold their breath. What does that have to do with answering the question? Nothing.
Most states have special requirements for those teaching children rather than adults.

If I want to know someone's weight I put them on a scale. Why? Because the scale answers the question I want answered.

A state has special considerations for those who teach children. Perfectly reasonable. I've seen no evidence that the hoops put in place by the Education Industry have any intersection with outcomes focused on children's welfare. The equivalent here is wanting to know a person's weight and then timing them to see how long they can hold their breath. What does that have to do with answering the question? Nothing.

You're looking at it wrong.

Requiring the certification no different than say the NFL scouts where stats are tested and measured.

ANd it's the same thing, they spend MILLIONS evaluating athletes and invariably a few are busts, that doesn't mean they should get rid of the scouting.

Same thing here, invariably some teachers ,many even, are going to get their certification and SUCK, but it is what it is, The certification is only tool to help identify who can teach and who can't.
You don't need an evaluation, because laziness and self-centeredness are not sicknesses. Remove the enabling programs and replace them with education and goals that must be met in order to get help and these people will change pretty fast.

Honest question. Most people go through life interacting with other people who are in fairly narrow bands of similarity. For instance, most people never really get to interact with someone as intelligent as Einstein. On the flip side, most people never really get to interact with a crack whore.

When you give your advice are you basing it on how you see the people in your social realm react to such advice or are you basing it on how people living in the gutter react to such advice? It seems to me that you really don't know many people who are at the bottom of society - these people have a hard time putting into practice the fact that "actions have consequences."

I would like to see our schools teaching more of that and less of quantitative physics and stuff that most students will never need
Most states have special requirements for those teaching children rather than adults.

If I want to know someone's weight I put them on a scale. Why? Because the scale answers the question I want answered.

A state has special considerations for those who teach children. Perfectly reasonable. I've seen no evidence that the hoops put in place by the Education Industry have any intersection with outcomes focused on children's welfare. The equivalent here is wanting to know a person's weight and then timing them to see how long they can hold their breath. What does that have to do with answering the question? Nothing.

You're looking at it wrong.

Requiring the certification no different than say the NFL scouts where stats are tested and measured.

Please (see I'm being polite) go back and reread my comment and see if you understood it.

Are the NFL scouts measuring the athletes for their ability to look good in a uniform (by popular vote) or to see whether they know how to tie a knot in a dress tie or what they eat for lunch? No, they'/re not.

There is a validated connection between the stats which are assessed and the likelihood of success on a pro ball team.

Research which has looked at state credentialing has found no correlation between student outcomes and teacher accreditation.

This implies that putting teachers through these hoops makes as much sense as testing football players for whether they can fry an egg.
Most states have special requirements for those teaching children rather than adults.

If I want to know someone's weight I put them on a scale. Why? Because the scale answers the question I want answered.

A state has special considerations for those who teach children. Perfectly reasonable. I've seen no evidence that the hoops put in place by the Education Industry have any intersection with outcomes focused on children's welfare. The equivalent here is wanting to know a person's weight and then timing them to see how long they can hold their breath. What does that have to do with answering the question? Nothing.

You're looking at it wrong.

Requiring the certification no different than say the NFL scouts where stats are tested and measured.

Please (see I'm being polite) go back and reread my comment and see if you understood it.

Are the NFL scouts measuring the athletes for their ability to look good in a uniform (by popular vote) or to see whether they know how to tie a knot in a dress tie or what they eat for lunch? No, they'/re not.

There is a validated connection between the stats which are assessed and the likelihood of success on a pro ball team.

Research which has looked at state credentialing has found no correlation between student outcomes and teacher accreditation.

This implies that putting teachers through these hoops makes as much sense as testing football players for whether they can fry an egg.

I understand completely what you saying. And I'm not entirely sure what hoops you are referring to here.

Here is the requirements in CA , for example

Application Requirements

The California Commission on Teaching Credentialing requires that all potential California educators submit the following documentation and forms when applying for licensure:

  • Completed application form
  • Supporting documentation, including college transcript(s) and exam score(s)
  • Non-refundable $70 application fee made payable to the Commission on Teaching Credentials
  • Copy of completed Request for LiveScan Service form (proof of fingerprinting)
  • Completion of the following courses:
    • English Language skills course(s)
    • U.S. Constitution course (more information here)
    • Foundational computer technology course
and of course, as in EVERY state you must have a Bachelor's degree.

That's it, That is the onerous licensing that you are complaining about here.
I know we worked three programs, One for the state, one for the education department and one for the department in the area you are teaching. You are out in the field every semester before student teaching. Then continuing education. You will acquire your Master's Degree and on your own dime. You will attend workshops and seminars.
Most states have special requirements for those teaching children rather than adults.

If I want to know someone's weight I put them on a scale. Why? Because the scale answers the question I want answered.

A state has special considerations for those who teach children. Perfectly reasonable. I've seen no evidence that the hoops put in place by the Education Industry have any intersection with outcomes focused on children's welfare. The equivalent here is wanting to know a person's weight and then timing them to see how long they can hold their breath. What does that have to do with answering the question? Nothing.

You're looking at it wrong.

Requiring the certification no different than say the NFL scouts where stats are tested and measured.

Please (see I'm being polite) go back and reread my comment and see if you understood it.

Are the NFL scouts measuring the athletes for their ability to look good in a uniform (by popular vote) or to see whether they know how to tie a knot in a dress tie or what they eat for lunch? No, they'/re not.

There is a validated connection between the stats which are assessed and the likelihood of success on a pro ball team.

Research which has looked at state credentialing has found no correlation between student outcomes and teacher accreditation.

This implies that putting teachers through these hoops makes as much sense as testing football players for whether they can fry an egg.

I understand completely what you saying. And I'm not entirely sure what hoops you are referring to here.

Here is the requirements in CA , for example

Application Requirements

The California Commission on Teaching Credentialing requires that all potential California educators submit the following documentation and forms when applying for licensure:

  • Completed application form
  • Supporting documentation, including college transcript(s) and exam score(s)
  • Non-refundable $70 application fee made payable to the Commission on Teaching Credentials
  • Copy of completed Request for LiveScan Service form (proof of fingerprinting)
  • Completion of the following courses:
    • English Language skills course(s)
    • U.S. Constitution course (more information here)
    • Foundational computer technology course
and of course, as in EVERY state you must have a Bachelor's degree.

That's it, That is the onerous licensing that you are complaining about here.

And here are the common standards adopted by many states:

A state accepting the American Board’s program often tailors aspects of the program to fit their own needs and requirements for becoming a teacher. To find out how the American Board works in a specific state, please select one from the list:

And here are the specifics involved:

We did not just include the materials and raise the price, as not everyone needs the additional tools. As a result we have the ABCTE Plus+ Program offered for $2,850 and the ABCTE Premium Program offered for $3,050. Promotional pricing is not available to 3rd party vendors
Most states have special requirements for those teaching children rather than adults.

If I want to know someone's weight I put them on a scale. Why? Because the scale answers the question I want answered.

A state has special considerations for those who teach children. Perfectly reasonable. I've seen no evidence that the hoops put in place by the Education Industry have any intersection with outcomes focused on children's welfare. The equivalent here is wanting to know a person's weight and then timing them to see how long they can hold their breath. What does that have to do with answering the question? Nothing.

You're looking at it wrong.

Requiring the certification no different than say the NFL scouts where stats are tested and measured.

Please (see I'm being polite) go back and reread my comment and see if you understood it.

Are the NFL scouts measuring the athletes for their ability to look good in a uniform (by popular vote) or to see whether they know how to tie a knot in a dress tie or what they eat for lunch? No, they'/re not.

There is a validated connection between the stats which are assessed and the likelihood of success on a pro ball team.

Research which has looked at state credentialing has found no correlation between student outcomes and teacher accreditation.

This implies that putting teachers through these hoops makes as much sense as testing football players for whether they can fry an egg.

I understand completely what you saying. And I'm not entirely sure what hoops you are referring to here.

Here is the requirements in CA , for example

Application Requirements

The California Commission on Teaching Credentialing requires that all potential California educators submit the following documentation and forms when applying for licensure:

  • Completed application form
  • Supporting documentation, including college transcript(s) and exam score(s)
  • Non-refundable $70 application fee made payable to the Commission on Teaching Credentials
  • Copy of completed Request for LiveScan Service form (proof of fingerprinting)
  • Completion of the following courses:
    • English Language skills course(s)
    • U.S. Constitution course (more information here)
    • Foundational computer technology course
and of course, as in EVERY state you must have a Bachelor's degree.

That's it, That is the onerous licensing that you are complaining about here.

And here are the common standards adopted by many states:

A state accepting the American Board’s program often tailors aspects of the program to fit their own needs and requirements for becoming a teacher. To find out how the American Board works in a specific state, please select one from the list:

And here are the specifics involved:

We did not just include the materials 8raise the price, as not everyone needs the additional tools. As a result we have the ABCTE Plus+ Program offered for $2,850 and the ABCTE Premium Program offered for $3,050. Promotional pricing is not available to 3rd party vendors

I'm afraid I have to admit I have no idea what your point here is.
I'm afraid I have to admit I have no idea what your point here is.

You referenced California, so here are the requirements you need to fulfill to become a teacher in California:

I am a California resident and would like to obtain a credential to teach in an elementary or secondary school in California. What requirements do I need to complete?

You will need to complete a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution, the basic skills requirement, a full teacher preparation program at a California college or university which has a Commission-approved teacher preparation program, and be recommended to the Commission by that college or university. Since each institution has developed their own program based upon Commission standards, you must speak to the credentialing office at the college or university to find out which specific courses you must complete in order to be recommended by that institution for a credential. Please refer to the Credential Requirements section of this website for additional information.​

The question on the table is who well does all of this hoop-jumping translate into improved student outcomes. It doesn't.

Student achievement is unaffected by teacher licensure scores.
Licensure tests restrict entry into the teaching profession. Moreover, considerable resources are expended on these exams. The State of California requires new elementary teachers to pass general aptitude, subject-matter, and reading instruction competency tests. If a candidate fails one or all of these examinations on the first attempt, he or she may opt to retake one or all of the examinations in order to obtain licensure.

When the researchers compared teacher licensure test results with teacher performance in terms of student test scores, they found no relationship between student achievement and teachers' test scores. The researchers also analyzed whether failing the exam before later passing it was related to student achievement and found no statistically significant link. These findings suggest that the measured basic skills, subject-matter knowledge, and reading pedagogy scores of elementary teachers do not contribute to improved student achievement, implying that new methods of teacher assessment might be needed.​

Let's go back to the requirements, there is a condition of being recommended by the university. This alludes to something called Dispositions Tests which test for ideological conformity in a candidate. Here is a story about a lawsuit (one of many contesting the need for subscribing to PC-thought in order to be recommended as fit for qualifying as a teacher.)

Washington State University (WSU) repealed partisan evaluative criteria used to punish a student whose views on diversity and gun control differed with those of other professors at WSU. Student Ed Swan had received poor evaluative teaching marks on his “dispositions” criteria, which had “required students to have a commitment to vague ideological concepts such as “appreciat[ing] and valu[ing] human diversity,” sensitivity to “community and cultural norms,” and respecting “others’ varied talents and perspectives.” Swan was penalized for admitting that he opposes gun control and does not believe that white privilege and male privilege exist, and was forced to sign a contract submitting him to more ideological litmus tests. FIRE intervened on behalf of Swan so he could have a clear a path to graduation, first convincing WSU to not use “dispositions” in an unconstitutional manner; WSU eventually revamped the dispositions evaluation forms that contained the unconstitutional requirements.
So if the tests and hoop jumping don't result in making a "better" teacher, which translates into student performance increasing, then why have thsse onerous barriers to entry in place? What purpose do they serve? Back to your football scouting comparison, what purpose does a football scout have in looking at whether the prospective football player prefers McDonalds over Burger King? You can see that such a test is irrelevant to the question of how good of an athlete is this prospect, well, what do all of these teacher tests/requirements have to do with being a good teacher?
I'm afraid I have to admit I have no idea what your point here is.

You referenced California, so here are the requirements you need to fulfill to become a teacher in California:

I am a California resident and would like to obtain a credential to teach in an elementary or secondary school in California. What requirements do I need to complete?

You will need to complete a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution, the basic skills requirement, a full teacher preparation program at a California college or university which has a Commission-approved teacher preparation program, and be recommended to the Commission by that college or university. Since each institution has developed their own program based upon Commission standards, you must speak to the credentialing office at the college or university to find out which specific courses you must complete in order to be recommended by that institution for a credential. Please refer to the Credential Requirements section of this website for additional information.​

The part you have bolded has been proven DEMONSTRABLY to be incorrect information.

Approximately 18 percent of new hires in California enter teaching through the state’s 63 alternative routes.

National Center for Education Information

You're wrong her man.[/QUOTE]
I'm afraid I have to admit I have no idea what your point here is.

You referenced California, so here are the requirements you need to fulfill to become a teacher in California:

I am a California resident and would like to obtain a credential to teach in an elementary or secondary school in California. What requirements do I need to complete?

You will need to complete a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution, the basic skills requirement, a full teacher preparation program at a California college or university which has a Commission-approved teacher preparation program, and be recommended to the Commission by that college or university. Since each institution has developed their own program based upon Commission standards, you must speak to the credentialing office at the college or university to find out which specific courses you must complete in order to be recommended by that institution for a credential. Please refer to the Credential Requirements section of this website for additional information.​

The part you have bolded has been proven DEMONSTRABLY to be incorrect information.

Approximately 18 percent of new hires in California enter teaching through the state’s 63 alternative routes.

National Center for Education Information

You're wrong her man.

How can I be wrong when I quote the text from the California Government's Commission on Teacher Credentialing? Do you know better than the State body overseeing this process?
I'm afraid I have to admit I have no idea what your point here is.

You referenced California, so here are the requirements you need to fulfill to become a teacher in California:

I am a California resident and would like to obtain a credential to teach in an elementary or secondary school in California. What requirements do I need to complete?

You will need to complete a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution, the basic skills requirement, a full teacher preparation program at a California college or university which has a Commission-approved teacher preparation program, and be recommended to the Commission by that college or university. Since each institution has developed their own program based upon Commission standards, you must speak to the credentialing office at the college or university to find out which specific courses you must complete in order to be recommended by that institution for a credential. Please refer to the Credential Requirements section of this website for additional information.​

The part you have bolded has been proven DEMONSTRABLY to be incorrect information.

Approximately 18 percent of new hires in California enter teaching through the state’s 63 alternative routes.

National Center for Education Information

You're wrong her man.

How can I be wrong when I quote the text from the California Government's Commission on Teacher Credentialing? Do you know better than the State body overseeing this process?

Apparently I do because right on their website it says that you don't have to have a license to get hired as a teacher. There are 68 in fact other ways to become a teacher. Read the links, until then goodnight.
WHERE is your link you racist piece of excrement?

And BTW, under WHAT law in America does a judge have the authority to issue a blank check to a school district?

Hey, you close-minded ignorant creationist, the links are right above the quoted material. I swear, you creationists are the not the sharpest tools in the drawer.

As for the judge, find the law yourself. It was likely some civil rights discrimination lawsuit.

Hey pea brain, I am not close minded, and I am not a creationist. And I am not a racist piece of excrement like you are.

Are we clear scum bag?

You implicitly admitted you were a creationist when you rejected evolution, moron. Are we clear, douchebag?

Where do I reject evolution?

I explain that the reason for Finland's success is that they have schools filled with Finnish students. You call that racism. You reject the notion that population genetics has anything to say about social outcomes and populations. That makes you a creationist, someone who believes, despite mountains of evidence, that all human populations are identical in socially relevant metrics. Religious Creationists believe that God made all humans 6,000 years ago and made them equal. Liberal Creationists believe that evolution worked on humanity up until the Out of Africa migrations and then evolution mysteriously stopped, or was stopped by some unknown force which prevented mutations, selection pressure and genetic drift from working above the neck as though there was some invisible force-field in place. Both types of creationists appeal to magic - God or unstated forces - to insure the genetic equality of all races. It doesn't matter to me what kind of creationist you are, you calling genetics to be racist is signal enough that you're an evolution-denying creationist.

I had really hoped that was not what you were headed. You have moved beyond the generic right wing racist. You are a white supremacist. On the scale of human existence, you are the lowest form of human life. Words like scum, cretin and excrement are too mild to describe you. They haven't invented words that aptly describe something as low on the human scale as you.

You are just another nail in the coffin of 'conservatism', the scourge of mankind.

All your name-calling can't deflect away from the reality of your creationism. Funny, isn't it, how I used the world word reality when describing a creationist, for as you demonstrate, reality is to your evolution-denying creationists like holy water is to vampires.

Oh,btw, all this time while you were engaged in poo-flinging you never did address the issue of why Finland's vaunted educational philosophy does a worse job at educating its Westernized immigrants than American's educational philosophy does with its immigrants? How can that be? I know you evolution-deniers like to stick comfortably in the warm embrace of your fairy-tale "reality" but perhaps you could take a shot at defending your position.


No problem pea brain. let's start with a little quiz, OK?

Q: 100% of nothing =
A: ____

ALL your chart shows is difference between immigrant and native citizens. It does not show that BOTH immigrant and native American scores are well below Finland.

Finland's education system does a better job. Finland's PISA score are much higher that America.


The United States of America currently ranks 17th out of all developed countries on an international test on education. Every few years the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD, administers an international assessment PISA, designed to test the educational proficiency of the worlds students. In the past several decades, American students have steadily fallen further and further behind their international counterparts. Leaders in the field of education have began to call for a radical reformation of the American schooling system. How can American schools get back on top? Well, we can start by learning from other successful countries like Finland.

Finland, a country of 5 million people, has consistently been ranked as one of the top educational systems in the world. However, Finnish students log less classroom hours than American students. Finnish students do not begin formal education until after they turn 7, and by the time they graduate from high school more than half of all students have spent time in a special education classroom. In fact, Finland does not have even use standardized tests until the students reach high school. How, one may ask, are they doing so well internationally? Please follow the following links to learn more about the Finnish educational system and the lessons that we can learn from them.

ALL your chart shows is difference between immigrant and native citizens. It does not show that BOTH immigrant and native American scores are well below Finland.

What is this native American scores business? There are vast performance differences by race in America. You comparing native Finns (92% of the population) to a multicultural mishmash population is laughable. I'm going to post the data again because you keep ignoring inconvenient data in order to stay safely within your creationist worldview. Here are how the performance differences break down by race. Notice the white society which has the next highest scores below Finland? USA White.


When you engage in any type of comparison you need to compare "like to like." What you're doing is like comparing two track & field clubs, each with 100 members, but one club consists of 95 boys and 5 girls while the other club consists of 50 boys and 50 girls and then comparing the mean 100 meter sprint time at the club level rather than comparing boys from one club to boys of the other club and the same for girls. You comparison is useless.

Finland's education system does a better job. Finland's PISA score are much higher that America.


As has already been explained to you, the principal reason that Finland does so well is that the group (2013) of Finnish (91.71%), Swedish (5.51%), Russian (0.75%), and Estonian (0.29%) of students together comprise 98.26% of the population.

I'm curious about one point, if you're looking for a better model, why settle for Finland, why not Korea, which beats Finland in reading and math performance, or Singapore or Shanghai, which also outperform Finland? Why not go for the best? Please don't ignore this question.

The United States of America currently ranks 17th out of all developed countries on an international test on education. Every few years the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD, administers an international assessment PISA, designed to test the educational proficiency of the worlds students. In the past several decades, American students have steadily fallen further and further behind their international counterparts.

The reason we've seen a multi-decade decline in PISA performance is because the demographic structure of America is changing rapidly. Let me once again shove your creationist face deep into the data. America whites are just behind Finland in terms of European-group international reading performance. America is in 17th place because of our demographics, not education. Is your creationist worldview still intact?

Leaders in the field of education have began to call for a radical reformation of the American schooling system. How can American schools get back on top? Well, we can start by learning from other successful countries like Finland.

This is a consequences of filling the Education Industry with the dullest of university students, they display a gross incompetence in analyzing the nature of the world. The radical reformation that's needed is within immigration policy, not education policy. If you have a demographic factor that is affecting an education metric, then to stop the decline in the education metric you need to pull the level on what is affecting education and that lever is immigration.

If we want to learn from Finland, the principal lesson to learn is to keep minorities out of society and to strive to get the white population up to the 98% level. There's the secret to Finland's success. Their biggest immigrant group is the Swedes for God's sakes.

I'm curious, after you've been schooled and had your creationism exposed before us all, aren't you the least bit ashamed about parading your ignorance before us all for a second time?
ALL your chart shows is difference between immigrant and native citizens. It does not show that BOTH immigrant and native American scores are well below Finland.

What is this native American scores business? There are vast performance differences by race in America. You comparing native Finns (92% of the population) to a multicultural mishmash population is laughable. I'm going to post the data again because you keep ignoring inconvenient data in order to stay safely within your creationist worldview. Here are how the performance differences break down by race. Notice the white society which has the next highest scores below Finland? USA White.


When you engage in any type of comparison you need to compare "like to like." What you're doing is like comparing two track & field clubs, each with 100 members, but one club consists of 95 boys and 5 girls while the other club consists of 50 boys and 50 girls and then comparing the mean 100 meter sprint time at the club level rather than comparing boys from one club to boys of the other club and the same for girls. You comparison is useless.

Finland's education system does a better job. Finland's PISA score are much higher that America.


As has already been explained to you, the principal reason that Finland does so well is that the group (2013) of Finnish (91.71%), Swedish (5.51%), Russian (0.75%), and Estonian (0.29%) of students together comprise 98.26% of the population.

I'm curious about one point, if you're looking for a better model, why settle for Finland, why not Korea, which beats Finland in reading and math performance, or Singapore or Shanghai, which also outperform Finland? Why not go for the best? Please don't ignore this question.

The United States of America currently ranks 17th out of all developed countries on an international test on education. Every few years the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD, administers an international assessment PISA, designed to test the educational proficiency of the worlds students. In the past several decades, American students have steadily fallen further and further behind their international counterparts.

The reason we've seen a multi-decade decline in PISA performance is because the demographic structure of America is changing rapidly. Let me once again shove your creationist face deep into the data. America whites are just behind Finland in terms of European-group international reading performance. America is in 17th place because of our demographics, not education. Is your creationist worldview still intact?

Leaders in the field of education have began to call for a radical reformation of the American schooling system. How can American schools get back on top? Well, we can start by learning from other successful countries like Finland.

This is a consequences of filling the Education Industry with the dullest of university students, they display a gross incompetence in analyzing the nature of the world. The radical reformation that's needed is within immigration policy, not education policy. If you have a demographic factor that is affecting an education metric, then to stop the decline in the education metric you need to pull the level on what is affecting education and that lever is immigration.

If we want to learn from Finland, the principal lesson to learn is to keep minorities out of society and to strive to get the white population up to the 98% level. There's the secret to Finland's success. Their biggest immigrant group is the Swedes for God's sakes.

I'm curious, after you've been schooled and had your creationism exposed before us all, aren't you the least bit ashamed about parading your ignorance before us all for a second time?

Korea? BUT, they are NONE-white! How does THAT fit your ignorant racist white supremacist worldview?
Tenure is given out to any teacher according to longevity and passing observations. That is too easy. I believe is should be given to teachers with experience and passing Praxis Observations. That is where a Praxis Field Observer comes in and observes and evaluates the teachers on a series of outcomes. ONly the highest performing teachers are then given tenure. This Praxis Observer should be used every 5 to 7 years.
ALL your chart shows is difference between immigrant and native citizens. It does not show that BOTH immigrant and native American scores are well below Finland.

What is this native American scores business? There are vast performance differences by race in America. You comparing native Finns (92% of the population) to a multicultural mishmash population is laughable. I'm going to post the data again because you keep ignoring inconvenient data in order to stay safely within your creationist worldview. Here are how the performance differences break down by race. Notice the white society which has the next highest scores below Finland? USA White.


When you engage in any type of comparison you need to compare "like to like." What you're doing is like comparing two track & field clubs, each with 100 members, but one club consists of 95 boys and 5 girls while the other club consists of 50 boys and 50 girls and then comparing the mean 100 meter sprint time at the club level rather than comparing boys from one club to boys of the other club and the same for girls. You comparison is useless.

Finland's education system does a better job. Finland's PISA score are much higher that America.


As has already been explained to you, the principal reason that Finland does so well is that the group (2013) of Finnish (91.71%), Swedish (5.51%), Russian (0.75%), and Estonian (0.29%) of students together comprise 98.26% of the population.

I'm curious about one point, if you're looking for a better model, why settle for Finland, why not Korea, which beats Finland in reading and math performance, or Singapore or Shanghai, which also outperform Finland? Why not go for the best? Please don't ignore this question.

The United States of America currently ranks 17th out of all developed countries on an international test on education. Every few years the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD, administers an international assessment PISA, designed to test the educational proficiency of the worlds students. In the past several decades, American students have steadily fallen further and further behind their international counterparts.

The reason we've seen a multi-decade decline in PISA performance is because the demographic structure of America is changing rapidly. Let me once again shove your creationist face deep into the data. America whites are just behind Finland in terms of European-group international reading performance. America is in 17th place because of our demographics, not education. Is your creationist worldview still intact?

Leaders in the field of education have began to call for a radical reformation of the American schooling system. How can American schools get back on top? Well, we can start by learning from other successful countries like Finland.

This is a consequences of filling the Education Industry with the dullest of university students, they display a gross incompetence in analyzing the nature of the world. The radical reformation that's needed is within immigration policy, not education policy. If you have a demographic factor that is affecting an education metric, then to stop the decline in the education metric you need to pull the level on what is affecting education and that lever is immigration.

If we want to learn from Finland, the principal lesson to learn is to keep minorities out of society and to strive to get the white population up to the 98% level. There's the secret to Finland's success. Their biggest immigrant group is the Swedes for God's sakes.

I'm curious, after you've been schooled and had your creationism exposed before us all, aren't you the least bit ashamed about parading your ignorance before us all for a second time?

Korea? BUT, they are NONE-white! How does THAT fit your ignorant racist white supremacist worldview?

I know that you're butt-hurt because your creationism has been exposed to the world, but that wasn't an answer. Why do you favor Finland's system rather than China's or Korea's or Singapore's systems?

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