How Does Teacher Tenure and Seniority Help Students?

It's a study from 2013, as it clearly says. If you want to know what ratio of high school students are learning disabled or have cognitive abilities, go look it up your self. I'm not your internet research assistant.

I'm suspect of such definitions given how special ed is abused these days...

It's a more-than-appropriate question, since students with disabilities are now mainstreamed, they might be lumped into the study.

Then look it up yourself. This is a DOE study. Given the government bias to promote education, I would find it highly unlikely that they oversampled kids with learning disabilities in order to make functional illiteracy look worse than it is.

I just gave you the link with the last tests done.

Groovy. Go ahead and read up then.

For my part, a 19% functional illiteracy rate among High School GRADUATES is an Epic Fail.

Wait one cotton picking second don't know when the stats were done, you don't know anything about the sample, you don't know if there were learning disabilities or cognitive abilities. You can't even manage to look up the information. You don't know anything about teaching, the education system, testing, etc. but your damn sure that it's a fail.

Come on now...
Are you functionally illiterate? She said nothing that would lead to that conclusion. She would not accommodate you with that information does not equate to not knowing it. In fact, she was pretty clear in her communications that she expected you to go look the information up yourself. After all, you are the one that wants that information.
Scuze me - your OWN LINK provides access to this information:

Studies in 1992 and 2003.

And why on earth do you think it make it OKAY if High School are graduating Functionally Illiterate Kids with learning and cognitive disabilities? Your entire argument is that the 19% Functional Illiteracy Rate for High School Graduates MUST be due to learning and cognitive disabilities. Is it really good Public Policy to graduate such illiterates from high school? If they CAN'T LEARN, why are we spending scarce resources warehousing them.

Public schools have a duty to educate all children.

Even if they graduate functionally illiterate, if that's their potential, then it is what it is.

However, it's dishonest to throw them in with mainstream students when it comes to test scores.
Every educator I know has made money.

CEO's take money from their stockholders.
Teaches make money.

Teachers, much like CEO's, earn a salary. They make no wealth of their own.
I don't think you grasp the concept of wealth creation as opposed to a wage or salary.

The education system generates zero wealth. In fact, every government program takes wealth out of the system, including education.

A corporation or business, large or small, generate wealth, at least the ones that stay in business. Those that fail, of course, do not. Hmm....does that mean when education fails, it is a double whammy, creating even more negative consequences upon the economy? I'll have to look into that.
CEO's take money from their stockholders.
Teaches make money.

No, teachers make money!
So which game are you playing? The one where his/her students go out into the world and do wonderful things and become contributing members of society?
Or are you missing the point entirely?
Because a bad teacher only makes money for herself and is nothing but a drain on society.

What good are CEO's to the public they serve if they have a commodity that is to be used by the public?
We can talk about what ifs!!!! All day!

CEO's aren't any good to the public. The Bush cataclysm should have taught you that.

The Wonder Boys of wallstreet and the auto industry cost this country, trillions.

You liberals and your dumbfuck comparisons. Schools dont make money,they take money.
A CEO that doesnt make the company money gets canned.
A teacher with tenure who sucks doesnt.
Same shit as comparing so called corporate welfare vs. lowlife welfare.
One is a money maker the other a money taker.

So which game are you playing? The one where his/her students go out into the world and do wonderful things and become contributing members of society?
Or are you missing the point entirely?
Because a bad teacher only makes money for herself and is nothing but a drain on society.
Funny ..I make money off stocks. And if it wasnt for the CEO I wouldnt be.
See because this particular CEO is very good at what he does and it's why investment companies and individuals are beating down his door to get in on it.
Do you think if he sucked at being a CEO he'd be successful?
I certainly appreciate the work teachers do, and I have no problems with giving teachers protections against rash terminations, but I'm not sure how teacher tenure and seniority rules help kids.

They don't help the kids; they help the teachers' unions.

It's not a coincidence that as the unions have gained power and money, that the quality of education has declined.

No, the quality of teaching has not declined.

You are delusional.

You have evidence? You have stats? Or are you just opining?

From the US Department of Education: 19% of High School Graduates Can't Read. That is an appalling statistic - and evidence of the warehousing of students without regard for their learning experience.

View attachment 31612

Illiteracy Statistics Statistic Brain

What year is that? How many of that 19% are learning disabled or have cognitive disabilities?

I believe the study is from 2003. If you want to find out the ratio of disabled/cognitive disabilities, knock yourself out and do your own research.

Have fun!

I know it was from 2003. I just posted it.

I really wish this thread were in the Flame Zone.

You deserve the type of response that isn't allowed in Zone 2.
High school graduates who CAN'T READ?

I want to know what constitutes "can't read." I'm almost positive it doesn't mean complete illiteracy, but that they can't read beyond a certain grade level.

It means Functional Ililiteracy. The study has these literacy levels; Below Basic is considered functional illiteracy.

Prose Literacy

  • Below Basic:
    • no more than the most simple and concrete literacy skills
  • Basic:
    • can perform simple and everyday literacy activities
  • Intermediate:
    • can perform moderately challenging literacy activities
  • Proficient:
    • can perform complex and challenging literacy activities
It's a study from 2013, as it clearly says. If you want to know what ratio of high school students are learning disabled or have cognitive abilities, go look it up your self. I'm not your internet research assistant.

I'm suspect of such definitions given how special ed is abused these days...

It's a more-than-appropriate question, since students with disabilities are now mainstreamed, they might be lumped into the study.

Then look it up yourself. This is a DOE study. Given the government bias to promote education, I would find it highly unlikely that they oversampled kids with learning disabilities in order to make functional illiteracy look worse than it is.

I just gave you the link with the last tests done.

Groovy. Go ahead and read up then.

For my part, a 19% functional illiteracy rate among High School GRADUATES is an Epic Fail.

Wait one cotton picking second don't know when the stats were done, you don't know anything about the sample, you don't know if there were learning disabilities or cognitive abilities. You can't even manage to look up the information. You don't know anything about teaching, the education system, testing, etc. but your damn sure that it's a fail.

Come on now...

Scuze me - your OWN LINK provides access to this information:

Studies in 1992 and 2003.

And why on earth do you think it make it OKAY if High School are graduating Functionally Illiterate Kids with learning and cognitive disabilities? Your entire argument is that the 19% Functional Illiteracy Rate for High School Graduates MUST be due to learning and cognitive disabilities. Is it really good Public Policy to graduate such illiterates from high school? If they CAN'T LEARN, why are we spending scarce resources warehousing them.

I just said that I just posted it. In fact, I also just posted that lil' bit about they don't test illiteracy per se........You got that too. Right?

My argument is that you have no idea what the problem is and you don't where the information is from but your damn sure it's the teachers or the unions fault.

Fun filled fact, kids can spend their entire academic careers in special education classes and earn a type of high school diploma. Not the prima donna kind of high school diploma but a high school diploma.

Has not a damn thing to do with tenure.
Teachers should make money. Why should they not? They make a pittance. That's what they make.
I certainly appreciate the work teachers do, and I have no problems with giving teachers protections against rash terminations, but I'm not sure how teacher tenure and seniority rules help kids.

They don't help the kids; they help the teachers' unions.

It's not a coincidence that as the unions have gained power and money, that the quality of education has declined.

No, the quality of teaching has not declined.

You are delusional.

You have evidence? You have stats? Or are you just opining?

From the US Department of Education: 19% of High School Graduates Can't Read. That is an appalling statistic - and evidence of the warehousing of students without regard for their learning experience.

View attachment 31612

Illiteracy Statistics Statistic Brain

What year is that? How many of that 19% are learning disabled or have cognitive disabilities?

I believe the study is from 2003. If you want to find out the ratio of disabled/cognitive disabilities, knock yourself out and do your own research.

Have fun!

I know it was from 2003. I just posted it.

I really wish this thread were in the Flame Zone.

You deserve the type of response that isn't allowed in Zone 2.

For what? For pointing out that you are ready to destroy careers and lives based on shoddy information?
Scuze me - your OWN LINK provides access to this information:

Studies in 1992 and 2003.

And why on earth do you think it make it OKAY if High School are graduating Functionally Illiterate Kids with learning and cognitive disabilities? Your entire argument is that the 19% Functional Illiteracy Rate for High School Graduates MUST be due to learning and cognitive disabilities. Is it really good Public Policy to graduate such illiterates from high school? If they CAN'T LEARN, why are we spending scarce resources warehousing them.

Public schools have a duty to educate all children.

Even if they graduate functionally illiterate, if that's their potential, then it is what it is.

However, it's dishonest to throw them in with mainstream students when it comes to test scores.

How can you equate being Functionally Illiterate with being Educated?
Scuze me - your OWN LINK provides access to this information:

Studies in 1992 and 2003.

And why on earth do you think it make it OKAY if High School are graduating Functionally Illiterate Kids with learning and cognitive disabilities? Your entire argument is that the 19% Functional Illiteracy Rate for High School Graduates MUST be due to learning and cognitive disabilities. Is it really good Public Policy to graduate such illiterates from high school? If they CAN'T LEARN, why are we spending scarce resources warehousing them.

Public schools have a duty to educate all children.

Even if they graduate functionally illiterate, if that's their potential, then it is what it is.

However, it's dishonest to throw them in with mainstream students when it comes to test scores.

How can you equate being Functionally Illiterate with being Educated?

Everyone who can be, should be educated to a certain standard. People with learning disabilities might never reach those standards. That doesn't mean that they aren't educated, within the framework of their own abilities.

And thus, they might graduate from high school functionally literate. But, based on how they started school, they've been educated.
Scuze me - your OWN LINK provides access to this information:

Studies in 1992 and 2003.

And why on earth do you think it make it OKAY if High School are graduating Functionally Illiterate Kids with learning and cognitive disabilities? Your entire argument is that the 19% Functional Illiteracy Rate for High School Graduates MUST be due to learning and cognitive disabilities. Is it really good Public Policy to graduate such illiterates from high school? If they CAN'T LEARN, why are we spending scarce resources warehousing them.

Public schools have a duty to educate all children.

Even if they graduate functionally illiterate, if that's their potential, then it is what it is.

However, it's dishonest to throw them in with mainstream students when it comes to test scores.

How can you equate being Functionally Illiterate with being Educated?

Everyone who can be, should be educated to a certain standard. People with learning disabilities might never reach those standards. That doesn't mean that they aren't educated, within the framework of their own abilities.

And thus, they might graduate from high school functionally literate. But, based on how they started school, they've been educated.

If kids who are Functionally Illiterate are graduated from High School, all the system has done is to warehouse them.
CEO's take money from their stockholders.
Teaches make money.

Teachers, much like CEO's, earn a salary. They make no wealth of their own.

Wrong. A CEO guides the company in the proper direction to make it profitable. This creates jobs and money for the companies stockholders.
In fact he makes wealth for hundreds of people,if not thousands.
If kids who are Functionally Illiterate are graduated from High School, all the system has done is to warehouse them.

So, you refuse to believe that anyone who can't read up to a certain level has been educated.

Fine. What do you do with children who have disabilities such that they'll never learn to be functionally literate?
If kids who are Functionally Illiterate are graduated from High School, all the system has done is to warehouse them.

So, you refuse to believe that anyone who can't read up to a certain level has been educated.

Fine. What do you do with children who have disabilities such that they'll never learn to be functionally literate?

They belong in some other form of remedial program that teaches them how to take care of themselves as much as possible. Mainstreaming them with kids who are far beyond their limited capacity is unfair to both groups of students.
If kids who are Functionally Illiterate are graduated from High School, all the system has done is to warehouse them.

So, you refuse to believe that anyone who can't read up to a certain level has been educated.

Fine. What do you do with children who have disabilities such that they'll never learn to be functionally literate?

Then they shouldnt be in High School,they should be in a special needs school that is geared towards that type of teaching.

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