How does the GOP attract our social media programmed, unwise, indoctrinated youth?

While Liberal Studies majors struggle to find work after full programming / indoctrination ā€œMAGAtsā€ are busy making money.
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Yeah, this goes against everything their indoctrination has taught them. Republicans are the party of the "rich" or so we have always been told. Now all of a sudden they want to act like they are the ones making the money. Its funny.
Iā€™m a realistā€¦.Iā€™m candid and concise, I expose nutless whackos like yourselves to scary facts that you PC pussies deem racistā€¦.thatā€™s all.
You self proclaimed do-gooders decide to self-manipulate and blind yourself with your faux nobilityā€¦itā€™s so cute and fucking retarded at the same time.
Donā€™t expect realists acting on real world practice to share in your foolishness.
Look, the sentiment you project feels so warm and fuzzy, I get it...BUT reality hits and us intelligent beings, we run calculations through our heads when making decisions.
Let me explain:
First, let me be crystal clear...I donā€™t hate anyone for the color of their skinā€¦.as I've said many times before, I hate all pieces of filthy dogshit regardless of skin color. Iā€™m an equal opportunity hater, in fact, I definitely hate woke white guilt liberals more than any other ā€˜groupā€™ I hate. goes....The odds / statistics PROVE that Darkies have a much greater propensity for being a total piece of filthy shit. Scary FACT right?
Weā€™re suppose to be intelligent beings, we have the ability to reason, estimate and forecast. Weā€™re suppose to consider odds, plausibility and probabilities. We are not supposed to set our intelligence aside for PC because ethnicity is part of the equation. That's what ignorant retarded fools do.
Let me go daughters attend USC; they could drive through Compton to get home and probably save a few minutes, but I, being the intelligent being that I am tell them not to drive through Compton as it is a dangerous super shithole packed full of dark degenerate pieces of worthless shit....nobody sane and in touch would dare tell their 5'2" blonde hair, blue eyed daughters to drive through Compton to save a few minutes...However, woke white guilt whacko fathers like yourselves would probably suggest they stop and get fuel at the shithole ghetto station on Crenshaw just to prove their wokeness.
Donā€™t be a retarded fool....donā€™t be scared...GENERALIZE...itā€™s what ALL wise people do.

Nice excuses! But not a denial.

One of your good qualities, maybe the only one, is that you wear your ugly on your sleeve. For everyone to see. Don't go floppy now!
Nice excuses! But not a denial.

One of your good qualities, maybe the only one, is that you wear your ugly on your sleeve. For everyone to see. Don't go floppy now!
Thank youā€¦much appreciated.
I take great pride in wearing the full truth on my sleeveā€¦.I like to share the full truthā€¦.I like and appreciate facts and dataā€¦it allows me to make accurate predictions. You should learn to appreciate full transparency.
What makes the Republican party racist? Please provide some specific policy examples.

PS: Please don't say voter id. That is pure ignorance.

This isn't about the Republican Party being racist. This is about the Republican Party being perceived as racist. These are two separate issues and require two separate solutions. What works for making the Republican Party less racist will not work. You can easily defend the position that the Republican Party isn't racist. It is entirely a different project to convince every single voter that the Republican Party isn't racist.
When itā€™s so much easier to be a Democrat?
The Democrat presentation to our youth has nothing to do with real politics and real political policyā€¦.itā€™s all feelings, emotions and social construct bullshit.
The whole pitch to the youth goes like thisā€¦. ā€œOld white people hate dark people, rich people are greedy, their money is your money, care about others feelings, donā€™t worry about being too accountable, kill the unborn when you fuck up, save the trees.ā€
Think with a young and dumb mind for a minuteā€¦how does the GOP compete with such an offering?
For a start, Republicans can stop being illiberal, neo-fascist, anti-democratic authoritarians.

Republicans could support and defend a womanā€™s right to privacy.

Senate Republicans could vote to pass marriage equality legislation.

Republicans could support legislation affording childcare assistance to working families.

Republicans could support ensuring every American has access to affordable healthcare.

Republican could support immigration reform.

There are many things Republicans could do to attract not just younger voters but voters of all ages.

But Republicans lack the courage to do any of those things.

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