How Does the Left Know Hitler Was Bad??

CivilLiberty said:
DUDE. I'm not left, and I am not defending the left, nor their "moral compass" or lack thereof.

The point I was making is defining *why* Hitler is so often used instead of *other* dictators and mass murderers.

Among other things, as a writer, you want to make analogies to things that are already collectively understood. Hitler/Nazi are so well understood, it's a very easy, and "politically correct" target. Pol Pot's reign is NOT well understood. In fact, if you mention Pol Pot, most people will assume you're talking about some kind of asian cooking pan, like a WOK.


And I disagree, I think it's because academic revisionists love communists.
CivilLiberty said:
The point I was making is defining *why* Hitler is so often used instead of *other* dictators and mass murderers.


i belive hitler got "better" press coverage than stalin or pol pot or pinochet

by the way where are the bush death camps, killing fields, gulag slave labor camps?
CivilLiberty said:
DUDE. I'm not left, and I am not defending the left, nor their "moral compass" or lack thereof.

The point I was making is defining *why* Hitler is so often used instead of *other* dictators and mass murderers.

Among other things, as a writer, you want to make analogies to things that are already collectively understood. Hitler/Nazi are so well understood, it's a very easy, and "politically correct" target. Pol Pot's reign is NOT well understood. In fact, if you mention Pol Pot, most people will assume you're talking about some kind of asian cooking pan, like a WOK.

And for Pol Pot's crimes agianst humanity he was subjected to house arrest in his" palace" :rolleyes:
rtwngAvngr said:
And I disagree, I think it's because academic revisionists love communists.

Or you could say academia is terrified of actually making a judgement as to right or wrong. After all to most of them nothing is black and white.

Look at how ancient civilizations are presented by academia. The Aztecs rituals of human sacrifice are touted by most archaelogists with bated breath as something historic and a fascinating part of Aztec Culture.......Not once have I heard them say or write how barbaric they were.
Bonnie said:
Or you could say academia is terrified of actually making a judgement as to right or wrong. After all to most of them nothing is black and white.

they seem pretty sure anything on the right is wrong...they a pretty black and white about that
Bonnie said:
Or you could say academia is terrified of actually making a judgement as to right or wrong. After all to most of them nothing is black and white.

Look at how ancient civilizations are presented by academia. The Aztecs rituals of human sacrifice are touted by most archaelogists with bated breath as something historic and a fascinating part of Aztec Culture.......Not once have I heard them say or write how barbaric they were.

They SAY they don't believe in right and wrong, that it's too simplistic. But actually they've made up their minds, capitalism is wrong, america is wrong. They deny the existence of right and wrong as a cover for their inverted thinking.
CivilLiberty said:
Almost nothing is "black and white".


Beg to differ on that point. There is clearly black and white just as there are shades of gray, it really only depends opon ones vantage point.
Bonnie said:
Beg to differ on that point. There is clearly black and white just as there are shades of gray, it really only depends opon ones vantage point.

A "black and white" worldview is narrow at best. The bible also seems to push a black and white view, and I find that Evan/Fund Xtian groups also seem to pursue things as black and white absolutes. In fact, in interviews with former E/BO/F Xtians, I've found that their very attraction to that belief is the "black and white answer".

I consider it folly to attempt to reduce nature and our physical reality to black and white absolutes. There may be "very dark grey" or "very light grey" but absolute black or white is elusive if not imaginary.

To imagine the world as black and white is to miss the important nuances that make up our existence.


CivilLiberty said:
To imagine the world as black and white is to miss the important nuances that make up our existence.



One could also say.. to not be able to see Back and White is to be missing important truths about life.
CivilLiberty said:
A "black and white" worldview is narrow at best. The bible also seems to push a black and white view, and I find that Evan/Fund Xtian groups also seem to pursue things as black and white absolutes. In fact, in interviews with former E/BO/F Xtians, I've found that their very attraction to that belief is the "black and white answer".

I consider it folly to attempt to reduce nature and our physical reality to black and white absolutes. There may be "very dark grey" or "very light grey" but absolute black or white is elusive if not imaginary.

To imagine the world as black and white is to miss the important nuances that make up our existence.



Nuance is one thing. What I find is that liberals call incomprehensible leftist bullshit answers "nuanced" . Kerry had lots of nuanced answers during the election cycle, such as "I voted for the 87 billion dollars, before I voted against it". Of course the left came to his defense, "there are so many votes for one bill, this is what he means." They would have us believe that the voting process is SO convoluted that a series of votes can have a discernable net effect on the legislation unbeknownst to the legislator. This is crap. Kerry knew what the OVERALL EFFECT of his votes would be on the legislation. The cumulative impact of HIS votes increased the chances of the bill not passing. AKA, he voted against it.
Bonnie said:
One could also say.. to not be able to see Black and White is to be missing important truths about life.

Excellent reply. I was trying to think of something, but I kept finding myself get too long-winded in a reply, so I just stopped. But you are right. People that refuse to acknowledge that there are black and white solutions to certain issues are ignoring the truths of life and death.
freeandfun1 said:
Excellent reply. I was trying to think of something, but I kept finding myself get too long-winded in a reply, so I just stopped. But you are right. People that refuse to acknowledge that there are black and white solutions to certain issues are ignoring the truths of life and death.

Also when it comes to leading a country, on certain issues, we either go in one direction or another, based on mutually exclusive paradigms.
Bonnie said:
Beg to differ on that point. There is clearly black and white just as there are shades of gray, it really only depends opon ones vantage point.

And which of the three (as I imagine that blue and green are considered anathema to this analogy) is more common? Is absolute white (the truest good) common. Sense tells us no? Is total black (pure evil) any more common, again no. Grey is predominantly the norm, and only by judging the shades can we judge the actions they represent.
One could also argue that neither pure evil nor absolute good can dwell in a normal human being. How many people can you honestly describe as being pure evil, or absolutely good?
Even in greyscale, it's easy to see which form has a preponderance of black versus which from has a propenderance of white. Two grey entities can be placed side by side and without a doubt judged as to which contains more black, and which contains more white. What has gotten confused is what black and white mean.
Bonnie said:
One could also say.. to not be able to see Back and White is to be missing important truths about life.

No, black and white is binary, it is a set of TWO.

The grayscale INCLUDES black and white, plus continuous gradation which makes it a set of INFINITY.

Gray accurately represents nature. Black and white without gray does not.

CivilLiberty said:
No, black and white is binary, it is a set of TWO.

The grayscale INCLUDES black and white, plus continuous gradation which makes it a set of INFINITY.

Gray accurately represents nature. Black and white without gray does not.


So Andy, to get back to the original post, where on the black-gray-white continuum do you place Hitler, and why?
gop_jeff said:
So Andy, to get back to the original post, where on the black-gray-white continuum do you place Hitler, and why?

Very dark grey - about as dark as they come - might be mistaken for black. There in the same area of the spectrum as Stalin, Vlad, Kahn, and so many others.

While on the one hand, he took a bankrupt nation and brought it to a world power, and believed he was doing what was "right" for his people, he was ultimately and insane madman bent on killing, revenge, and destruction.

So mad he was that as Berlin fell, he ordered his generals to burn all of Germany.

He did do *some* good and positive things. Some of the things he did still live on today in Germany. None of this EXCUSES his murder and mayhem, but it also means not "absolutely" black. Just very very dark grey.

However, let's put Hitler aside and speak instead of an American.

A few years ago a reverend in Florida admitted to murdering several doctors. He publicly stated that the murders were justified, and that he would do it again. He fully believed his statements, though most of us can see that he too is a mad, evil person.

But not black, just dark grey. He certainly thought of himself as a moral person, doing "what was right", though we as the collective society state in no uncertain terms that he is wrong.

While you can lambast the "left" for moral relativism, this reverend is an example (albeit extreme) of the moral relativism of the right.

Refusing to see gray, and seeing only black and white is it's own moral relativism.



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