How Donald Trump uses Kremlin propaganda techniques against the American people



  1. Rely on dissenting political groups in Western countries for dissemination.
  2. Domestic propaganda is most important.
  3. Destroy and ridicule the idea of truth.
  4. “Putin is strong. Russia is strong.”
  5. Headlines are more important than reality, especially while first impressions are forming.
  6. Demoralize.
  7. Move the conversation.
  8. Pollute the information space.
  9. Gas lighting — accuse the enemy of doing what you are doing to confuse the conversation.
Trump and his spokespeople appeal to “alternative facts,” employ fake news and other forms of disinformation, exploit and amplify dissent between the Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders factions of the Democratic Party and deploy Orwellian Newspeak.

The Trump team promotes a dystopian and apocalyptic vision of America where only the Great Leader with his supposed strength and virility can successfully intervene, and displays blatant disregard for its campaign promises. Trump’s people use Twitter and other social media to cause controversy and distraction, as well as to spread bullying behavior and insults, threats of violence against his political rivals, militant nationalism and conspiracy theories about “illegal” voters. All of this represents a direct application of Russian propaganda strategies to American politics.

American exceptionalism is dead (once again) and Donald Trump helped to kill it. He has perverted and “Putinized” American politics, all while promising to “Make America Great Again.” The irony is ugly and profound.

From Russia with love: How Donald Trump uses Kremlin propaganda techniques against the American people

Just the beginning with a federal agency shutdown across the entire government.

Trump clamps down on federal agencies

Report: Trump Admin. Orders Media Blackout for Federal Agencies

The Trump administration has reportedly ordered a media blackout at several federal agencies, cracking down on staffers' ability to issue news releases, tweet or otherwise communicate with the public.

The limits appear to target agencies overseeing environmental and scientific policy, sparking criticism the hammer is coming down on information regarding climate change, the Washington Post reported.

The new polices are in place at the Environmental Protection Agency, Agriculture and Interior departments, the Post reported. Politico reported limits are imposed at "varying degrees" also at Transportation and Health and Human Services.

Putin's Poodle has bite.
We know for a fact that the Obama administration tried to get a bill passed that would force right wing radio commentators to promote left wing propaganda under the ironically named "Fairness Doctrine". The democrat party has been undermining the 1st Amendment for half a century. Hillary Clinton was a diciple of legendary left wing propaganda guru Saul Alinsky. She even wrote her college term paper about him. It's a tribute to the fifty years of left wing propaganda efforts not to mention the substandard education system that the radical left would still have the gall to accuse a self made capitalist billionaire of using Kremlin propaganda techniques after eight years of Obama and Hillary's Alinsky tricks.
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  1. Rely on dissenting political groups in Western countries for dissemination.
  2. Domestic propaganda is most important.
  3. Destroy and ridicule the idea of truth.
  4. “Putin is strong. Russia is strong.”
  5. Headlines are more important than reality, especially while first impressions are forming.
  6. Demoralize.
  7. Move the conversation.
  8. Pollute the information space.
  9. Gas lighting — accuse the enemy of doing what you are doing to confuse the conversation.
Trump and his spokespeople appeal to “alternative facts,” employ fake news and other forms of disinformation, exploit and amplify dissent between the Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders factions of the Democratic Party and deploy Orwellian Newspeak.

The Trump team promotes a dystopian and apocalyptic vision of America where only the Great Leader with his supposed strength and virility can successfully intervene, and displays blatant disregard for its campaign promises. Trump’s people use Twitter and other social media to cause controversy and distraction, as well as to spread bullying behavior and insults, threats of violence against his political rivals, militant nationalism and conspiracy theories about “illegal” voters. All of this represents a direct application of Russian propaganda strategies to American politics.

American exceptionalism is dead (once again) and Donald Trump helped to kill it. He has perverted and “Putinized” American politics, all while promising to “Make America Great Again.” The irony is ugly and profound.

From Russia with love: How Donald Trump uses Kremlin propaganda techniques against the American people

Just the beginning with a federal agency shutdown across the entire government.

Trump clamps down on federal agencies

Report: Trump Admin. Orders Media Blackout for Federal Agencies

The Trump administration has reportedly ordered a media blackout at several federal agencies, cracking down on staffers' ability to issue news releases, tweet or otherwise communicate with the public.

The limits appear to target agencies overseeing environmental and scientific policy, sparking criticism the hammer is coming down on information regarding climate change, the Washington Post reported.

The new polices are in place at the Environmental Protection Agency, Agriculture and Interior departments, the Post reported. Politico reported limits are imposed at "varying degrees" also at Transportation and Health and Human Services.

Putin's Poodle has bite.
That's nothing but pure lies. Obama was an ISIS spy. How about that?LMMFAO!!
  1. Rely on dissenting political groups in Western countries for dissemination.
  2. Domestic propaganda is most important.
  3. Destroy and ridicule the idea of truth.
  4. “Putin is strong. Russia is strong.”
  5. Headlines are more important than reality, especially while first impressions are forming.
  6. Demoralize.
  7. Move the conversation.
  8. Pollute the information space.
  9. Gas lighting — accuse the enemy of doing what you are doing to confuse the conversation.
Trump and his spokespeople appeal to “alternative facts,” employ fake news and other forms of disinformation, exploit and amplify dissent between the Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders factions of the Democratic Party and deploy Orwellian Newspeak.

The Trump team promotes a dystopian and apocalyptic vision of America where only the Great Leader with his supposed strength and virility can successfully intervene, and displays blatant disregard for its campaign promises. Trump’s people use Twitter and other social media to cause controversy and distraction, as well as to spread bullying behavior and insults, threats of violence against his political rivals, militant nationalism and conspiracy theories about “illegal” voters. All of this represents a direct application of Russian propaganda strategies to American politics.

American exceptionalism is dead (once again) and Donald Trump helped to kill it. He has perverted and “Putinized” American politics, all while promising to “Make America Great Again.” The irony is ugly and profound.

From Russia with love: How Donald Trump uses Kremlin propaganda techniques against the American people

Just the beginning with a federal agency shutdown across the entire government.

Trump clamps down on federal agencies

Report: Trump Admin. Orders Media Blackout for Federal Agencies

The Trump administration has reportedly ordered a media blackout at several federal agencies, cracking down on staffers' ability to issue news releases, tweet or otherwise communicate with the public.

The limits appear to target agencies overseeing environmental and scientific policy, sparking criticism the hammer is coming down on information regarding climate change, the Washington Post reported.

The new polices are in place at the Environmental Protection Agency, Agriculture and Interior departments, the Post reported. Politico reported limits are imposed at "varying degrees" also at Transportation and Health and Human Services.

Putin's Poodle has bite.
You are beyond help. As a famous USMB dumbfuck used to say, change the channel dupe
  1. Rely on dissenting political groups in Western countries for dissemination.
  2. Domestic propaganda is most important.
  3. Destroy and ridicule the idea of truth.
  4. “Putin is strong. Russia is strong.”
  5. Headlines are more important than reality, especially while first impressions are forming.
  6. Demoralize.
  7. Move the conversation.
  8. Pollute the information space.
  9. Gas lighting — accuse the enemy of doing what you are doing to confuse the conversation.
Trump and his spokespeople appeal to “alternative facts,” employ fake news and other forms of disinformation, exploit and amplify dissent between the Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders factions of the Democratic Party and deploy Orwellian Newspeak.

The Trump team promotes a dystopian and apocalyptic vision of America where only the Great Leader with his supposed strength and virility can successfully intervene, and displays blatant disregard for its campaign promises. Trump’s people use Twitter and other social media to cause controversy and distraction, as well as to spread bullying behavior and insults, threats of violence against his political rivals, militant nationalism and conspiracy theories about “illegal” voters. All of this represents a direct application of Russian propaganda strategies to American politics.

American exceptionalism is dead (once again) and Donald Trump helped to kill it. He has perverted and “Putinized” American politics, all while promising to “Make America Great Again.” The irony is ugly and profound.

From Russia with love: How Donald Trump uses Kremlin propaganda techniques against the American people

Just the beginning with a federal agency shutdown across the entire government.

Trump clamps down on federal agencies

Report: Trump Admin. Orders Media Blackout for Federal Agencies

The Trump administration has reportedly ordered a media blackout at several federal agencies, cracking down on staffers' ability to issue news releases, tweet or otherwise communicate with the public.

The limits appear to target agencies overseeing environmental and scientific policy, sparking criticism the hammer is coming down on information regarding climate change, the Washington Post reported.

The new polices are in place at the Environmental Protection Agency, Agriculture and Interior departments, the Post reported. Politico reported limits are imposed at "varying degrees" also at Transportation and Health and Human Services.

Putin's Poodle has bite.

Yeah, it all sounds very familiar...

  1. Rely on dissenting political groups in Western countries for dissemination.
  2. Domestic propaganda is most important.
  3. Destroy and ridicule the idea of truth.
  4. “Putin is strong. Russia is strong.”
  5. Headlines are more important than reality, especially while first impressions are forming.
  6. Demoralize.
  7. Move the conversation.
  8. Pollute the information space.
  9. Gas lighting — accuse the enemy of doing what you are doing to confuse the conversation.
Trump and his spokespeople appeal to “alternative facts,” employ fake news and other forms of disinformation, exploit and amplify dissent between the Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders factions of the Democratic Party and deploy Orwellian Newspeak.

The Trump team promotes a dystopian and apocalyptic vision of America where only the Great Leader with his supposed strength and virility can successfully intervene, and displays blatant disregard for its campaign promises. Trump’s people use Twitter and other social media to cause controversy and distraction, as well as to spread bullying behavior and insults, threats of violence against his political rivals, militant nationalism and conspiracy theories about “illegal” voters. All of this represents a direct application of Russian propaganda strategies to American politics.

American exceptionalism is dead (once again) and Donald Trump helped to kill it. He has perverted and “Putinized” American politics, all while promising to “Make America Great Again.” The irony is ugly and profound.

From Russia with love: How Donald Trump uses Kremlin propaganda techniques against the American people

Just the beginning with a federal agency shutdown across the entire government.

Trump clamps down on federal agencies

Report: Trump Admin. Orders Media Blackout for Federal Agencies

The Trump administration has reportedly ordered a media blackout at several federal agencies, cracking down on staffers' ability to issue news releases, tweet or otherwise communicate with the public.

The limits appear to target agencies overseeing environmental and scientific policy, sparking criticism the hammer is coming down on information regarding climate change, the Washington Post reported.

The new polices are in place at the Environmental Protection Agency, Agriculture and Interior departments, the Post reported. Politico reported limits are imposed at "varying degrees" also at Transportation and Health and Human Services.

Putin's Poodle has bite.

Yeah, it all sounds very familiar...


Doesn't look anything like Obama.
We know for a fact that the Obama administration tried to get a bill passed that would force right wing radio commentators to promote left wing propaganda under the ironically named "Fairness Doctrine". The democrat party has been undermining the 1st Amendment for half a century. Hillary Clinton was a diciple of legendary left wing propaganda guru Saul Alinsky. She even wrote her college term paper about him. It's a tribute to the fifty years of left wing propaganda efforts not to mention the substandard education system that the radical left would still have the gall to accuse a self made capitalist billionaire of using Kremlin propaganda techniques after eight years of Obama and Hillary's Alinsky tricks.
Wrong. They just wanted them to present their facts. Not "alternative facts". Or what normal people call lies.

3 to 5 million illegal aliens voting is not only a lie, it's a laughable lie.
  1. Rely on dissenting political groups in Western countries for dissemination.
  2. Domestic propaganda is most important.
  3. Destroy and ridicule the idea of truth.
  4. “Putin is strong. Russia is strong.”
  5. Headlines are more important than reality, especially while first impressions are forming.
  6. Demoralize.
  7. Move the conversation.
  8. Pollute the information space.
  9. Gas lighting — accuse the enemy of doing what you are doing to confuse the conversation.
Trump and his spokespeople appeal to “alternative facts,” employ fake news and other forms of disinformation, exploit and amplify dissent between the Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders factions of the Democratic Party and deploy Orwellian Newspeak.

The Trump team promotes a dystopian and apocalyptic vision of America where only the Great Leader with his supposed strength and virility can successfully intervene, and displays blatant disregard for its campaign promises. Trump’s people use Twitter and other social media to cause controversy and distraction, as well as to spread bullying behavior and insults, threats of violence against his political rivals, militant nationalism and conspiracy theories about “illegal” voters. All of this represents a direct application of Russian propaganda strategies to American politics.

American exceptionalism is dead (once again) and Donald Trump helped to kill it. He has perverted and “Putinized” American politics, all while promising to “Make America Great Again.” The irony is ugly and profound.

From Russia with love: How Donald Trump uses Kremlin propaganda techniques against the American people

Just the beginning with a federal agency shutdown across the entire government.

Trump clamps down on federal agencies

Report: Trump Admin. Orders Media Blackout for Federal Agencies

The Trump administration has reportedly ordered a media blackout at several federal agencies, cracking down on staffers' ability to issue news releases, tweet or otherwise communicate with the public.

The limits appear to target agencies overseeing environmental and scientific policy, sparking criticism the hammer is coming down on information regarding climate change, the Washington Post reported.

The new polices are in place at the Environmental Protection Agency, Agriculture and Interior departments, the Post reported. Politico reported limits are imposed at "varying degrees" also at Transportation and Health and Human Services.

Putin's Poodle has bite.
You are beyond help. As a famous USMB dumbfuck used to say, change the channel dupe
How much does Russia pay you? Was it a gulag and not a prison?
There Is Debate Over Whether Networks Should Stop Interviewing Kellyanne Conway Altogether
Wow, the media is now seriously considering banning a Presidential spokeswoman from speaking on television.
The hate has gotten so overheated that is reaching total insanity level.
I don't think I've seen anything like it.
But it's Trump who's "using Kremlin propaganda techniques", dontcha know. :rofl:

Poor little rdean. He's so desperate to find something to bash Trump for, that he's even projecting the Democrats' favorite tactics and talking points onto him, instead of criticizing the Democrats for all the times they've used them.

The hysterical liberals' lies are getting more and more farfetched and blatant.
The two blackouts reported on Tuesday bring to at least five the number of federal agencies which have been ordered silent by Trump in as many days. In his briefing on Tuesday, Trump’s press secretary Sean Spicer said he needed to look further into the matter before making any comment.

Trump bans agencies from 'providing updates on social media or to reporters'

Yep, sounds very much like Putin.

What ever happened to all those pro freedom, pro American Republicans on the USMB. Now they think a news blackout from the Federal Government is "fine" and "good"?
We know for a fact that the Obama administration tried to get a bill passed that would force right wing radio commentators to promote left wing propaganda under the ironically named "Fairness Doctrine". The democrat party has been undermining the 1st Amendment for half a century. Hillary Clinton was a diciple of legendary left wing propaganda guru Saul Alinsky. She even wrote her college term paper about him. It's a tribute to the fifty years of left wing propaganda efforts not to mention the substandard education system that the radical left would still have the gall to accuse a self made capitalist billionaire of using Kremlin propaganda techniques after eight years of Obama and Hillary's Alinsky tricks.
Wrong. They just wanted them to present their facts. Not "alternative facts". Or what normal people call lies.

3 to 5 million illegal aliens voting is not only a lie, it's a laughable lie.

What's wrong with voter ID again?
We know for a fact that the Obama administration tried to get a bill passed that would force right wing radio commentators to promote left wing propaganda under the ironically named "Fairness Doctrine". The democrat party has been undermining the 1st Amendment for half a century. Hillary Clinton was a diciple of legendary left wing propaganda guru Saul Alinsky. She even wrote her college term paper about him. It's a tribute to the fifty years of left wing propaganda efforts not to mention the substandard education system that the radical left would still have the gall to accuse a self made capitalist billionaire of using Kremlin propaganda techniques after eight years of Obama and Hillary's Alinsky tricks.
Wrong. They just wanted them to present their facts. Not "alternative facts". Or what normal people call lies.

3 to 5 million illegal aliens voting is not only a lie, it's a laughable lie.
Wow, you heard it folks. The radical left thinks that a law that would force right wing radio to promote left wing propaganda merely wanted them to "present their facts". what ever that means.
We KNOW what is in this Russian/Trump relationship for Putin, but what in the world is in a lovey dub-by relationship for we the people of the USA.... what in this Trump-Putin love affair is suppose to Make America Great again?

anyone know what's in it for the USA? Are we getting the better part of the deal between the Russians and the USA?
  1. Rely on dissenting political groups in Western countries for dissemination.
  2. Domestic propaganda is most important.
  3. Destroy and ridicule the idea of truth.
  4. “Putin is strong. Russia is strong.”
  5. Headlines are more important than reality, especially while first impressions are forming.
  6. Demoralize.
  7. Move the conversation.
  8. Pollute the information space.
  9. Gas lighting — accuse the enemy of doing what you are doing to confuse the conversation.
Trump and his spokespeople appeal to “alternative facts,” employ fake news and other forms of disinformation, exploit and amplify dissent between the Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders factions of the Democratic Party and deploy Orwellian Newspeak.

The Trump team promotes a dystopian and apocalyptic vision of America where only the Great Leader with his supposed strength and virility can successfully intervene, and displays blatant disregard for its campaign promises. Trump’s people use Twitter and other social media to cause controversy and distraction, as well as to spread bullying behavior and insults, threats of violence against his political rivals, militant nationalism and conspiracy theories about “illegal” voters. All of this represents a direct application of Russian propaganda strategies to American politics.

American exceptionalism is dead (once again) and Donald Trump helped to kill it. He has perverted and “Putinized” American politics, all while promising to “Make America Great Again.” The irony is ugly and profound.

From Russia with love: How Donald Trump uses Kremlin propaganda techniques against the American people

Just the beginning with a federal agency shutdown across the entire government.

Trump clamps down on federal agencies

Report: Trump Admin. Orders Media Blackout for Federal Agencies

The Trump administration has reportedly ordered a media blackout at several federal agencies, cracking down on staffers' ability to issue news releases, tweet or otherwise communicate with the public.

The limits appear to target agencies overseeing environmental and scientific policy, sparking criticism the hammer is coming down on information regarding climate change, the Washington Post reported.

The new polices are in place at the Environmental Protection Agency, Agriculture and Interior departments, the Post reported. Politico reported limits are imposed at "varying degrees" also at Transportation and Health and Human Services.

Putin's Poodle has bite.
You are beyond help. As a famous USMB dumbfuck used to say, change the channel dupe
How much does Russia pay you? Was it a gulag and not a prison?
One ruble per post. Essentially twice as much as your IQ
  1. Rely on dissenting political groups in Western countries for dissemination.
  2. Domestic propaganda is most important.
  3. Destroy and ridicule the idea of truth.
  4. “Putin is strong. Russia is strong.”
  5. Headlines are more important than reality, especially while first impressions are forming.
  6. Demoralize.
  7. Move the conversation.
  8. Pollute the information space.
  9. Gas lighting — accuse the enemy of doing what you are doing to confuse the conversation.
Trump and his spokespeople appeal to “alternative facts,” employ fake news and other forms of disinformation, exploit and amplify dissent between the Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders factions of the Democratic Party and deploy Orwellian Newspeak.

The Trump team promotes a dystopian and apocalyptic vision of America where only the Great Leader with his supposed strength and virility can successfully intervene, and displays blatant disregard for its campaign promises. Trump’s people use Twitter and other social media to cause controversy and distraction, as well as to spread bullying behavior and insults, threats of violence against his political rivals, militant nationalism and conspiracy theories about “illegal” voters. All of this represents a direct application of Russian propaganda strategies to American politics.

American exceptionalism is dead (once again) and Donald Trump helped to kill it. He has perverted and “Putinized” American politics, all while promising to “Make America Great Again.” The irony is ugly and profound.

From Russia with love: How Donald Trump uses Kremlin propaganda techniques against the American people

Just the beginning with a federal agency shutdown across the entire government.

Trump clamps down on federal agencies

Report: Trump Admin. Orders Media Blackout for Federal Agencies

The Trump administration has reportedly ordered a media blackout at several federal agencies, cracking down on staffers' ability to issue news releases, tweet or otherwise communicate with the public.

The limits appear to target agencies overseeing environmental and scientific policy, sparking criticism the hammer is coming down on information regarding climate change, the Washington Post reported.

The new polices are in place at the Environmental Protection Agency, Agriculture and Interior departments, the Post reported. Politico reported limits are imposed at "varying degrees" also at Transportation and Health and Human Services.

Putin's Poodle has bite.
  • Rely on dissenting political groups in Western countries for dissemination.
  • Domestic propaganda is most important.
  • Destroy and ridicule the idea of truth.
  • “Putin is strong. Russia is strong.”
  • Headlines are more important than reality, especially while first impressions are forming.
  • Demoralize.
  • Move the conversation.
  • Pollute the information space.
  • Gas lighting — accuse the enemy of doing what you are doing to confuse the conversation.

These are THE VERY TACTICS yous idiots are engaging in!

I have been tuning into all the news channels
and the propaganda spin zone is alive and well.

The devil is alive and well but, so is God!
  1. Rely on dissenting political groups in Western countries for dissemination.
  2. Domestic propaganda is most important.
  3. Destroy and ridicule the idea of truth.
  4. “Putin is strong. Russia is strong.”
  5. Headlines are more important than reality, especially while first impressions are forming.
  6. Demoralize.
  7. Move the conversation.
  8. Pollute the information space.
  9. Gas lighting — accuse the enemy of doing what you are doing to confuse the conversation.
Trump and his spokespeople appeal to “alternative facts,” employ fake news and other forms of disinformation, exploit and amplify dissent between the Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders factions of the Democratic Party and deploy Orwellian Newspeak.

The Trump team promotes a dystopian and apocalyptic vision of America where only the Great Leader with his supposed strength and virility can successfully intervene, and displays blatant disregard for its campaign promises. Trump’s people use Twitter and other social media to cause controversy and distraction, as well as to spread bullying behavior and insults, threats of violence against his political rivals, militant nationalism and conspiracy theories about “illegal” voters. All of this represents a direct application of Russian propaganda strategies to American politics.

American exceptionalism is dead (once again) and Donald Trump helped to kill it. He has perverted and “Putinized” American politics, all while promising to “Make America Great Again.” The irony is ugly and profound.

From Russia with love: How Donald Trump uses Kremlin propaganda techniques against the American people

Just the beginning with a federal agency shutdown across the entire government.

Trump clamps down on federal agencies

Report: Trump Admin. Orders Media Blackout for Federal Agencies

The Trump administration has reportedly ordered a media blackout at several federal agencies, cracking down on staffers' ability to issue news releases, tweet or otherwise communicate with the public.

The limits appear to target agencies overseeing environmental and scientific policy, sparking criticism the hammer is coming down on information regarding climate change, the Washington Post reported.

The new polices are in place at the Environmental Protection Agency, Agriculture and Interior departments, the Post reported. Politico reported limits are imposed at "varying degrees" also at Transportation and Health and Human Services.

Putin's Poodle has bite.
  • Rely on dissenting political groups in Western countries for dissemination.
  • Domestic propaganda is most important.
  • Destroy and ridicule the idea of truth.
  • “Putin is strong. Russia is strong.”
  • Headlines are more important than reality, especially while first impressions are forming.
  • Demoralize.
  • Move the conversation.
  • Pollute the information space.
  • Gas lighting — accuse the enemy of doing what you are doing to confuse the conversation.

These are THE VERY TACTICS yous idiots are engaging in!

I have been tuning into all the news channels
and the propaganda spin zone is alive and well.

The devil is alive and well but, so is God!
No one knows lies like Trump.

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact


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