How Europe Underdeveloped Africa

The African model post colonialism is get into politics, gain as much power as possible, kill and oppress other tribes, steal as much money as possible and high tail it to Europe.
That scenario keeps repeating election after election unfortunately in African countries. It's similar to the political history of Latin American countries.
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa
Chapter Two. How Africa Developed Before the Coming of the Europeans up to the 15th Century
pg. 53-54

The moment that the topic of the pre-European African past is raised, many individuals are concerned for various reasons to know about the existence of African ‘civilisations’. Mainly, this stems from a desire to make comparisons with European ‘civilisations’. This is not the context in which to evaluate the so-called civilisations of Europe. It is enough to note the behaviour of European capitalists from the epoch of slavery through colonialism, fascism and genocidal wars in Asia and Africa. Such barbarism causes suspicion to attach to the use of the word ‘civilisation’ to describe Western Europe and North America. As far as Africa is concerned during the period of early development, it is preferable to speak in terms of ‘cultures’ rather than civilisations.

A culture is a total way of life. It embraces w at people ate and what they wore; the way they walked and the way they talked; the manner in which they treated death and greeted the new-born. Obviously, unique features came into existence in virtually every locality with regard to afl social details. In addition, the continent of Africa south of the great Sahara desert formed a broad community where resemblances were clearly discernible. For example, music and dance had key roles in ‘uncontaminated’ African society. They were ever present at birth, initiation, marriage, death, etc., as well as appearing at times of recreation. Africa is the continent of drums and percussion. African peoples reached the pinnacle of achievement in that sphere.

Because of the impact of colonialism and cultural imperialism (which will be discussed later), Europeans and Africans themselves in the colonial period lacked due regard for the unique features of African culture. Those features have a value of their own that cannot be eclipsed by European culture either in the comparable period before 1500 or in the subsequent centuries. They cannot be eclipsed because they are not really comparable phenomena. Who in this world is competent to judge whether an Austrian waltz is better than a Makonde Ngoma?

Furthermore, even in those spheres of culture that are more readily comparable, such as ‘the fine arts’, it is known that African achievements of the pre-European period stand as contributions to
man’s heritage of beautiful creations. The art of Egypt, the Sudan and Ethiopia was known to the rest of the world at an early date. That of the rest of Africa is still being ‘discovered’ and rediscovered by Europeans and present-day Africans. The verdict of art historians on the Ife and Benin bronzes is well known. Since they date from the 14th and 15th centuries, they are very relevant to any discussion of African development in the epoch before the contacts with Europe.

How Europe Underdeveloped Africa
Chapter Two. How Africa Developed Before the Coming of the Europeans up to the 15th Century
pg. 53-54

The moment that the topic of the pre-European African past is raised, many individuals are concerned for various reasons to know about the existence of African ‘civilisations’. Mainly, this stems from a desire to make comparisons with European ‘civilisations’. This is not the context in which to evaluate the so-called civilisations of Europe. It is enough to note the behaviour of European capitalists from the epoch of slavery through colonialism, fascism and genocidal wars in Asia and Africa. Such barbarism causes suspicion to attach to the use of the word ‘civilisation’ to describe Western Europe and North America. As far as Africa is concerned during the period of early development, it is preferable to speak in terms of ‘cultures’ rather than civilisations.

A culture is a total way of life. It embraces w at people ate and what they wore; the way they walked and the way they talked; the manner in which they treated death and greeted the new-born. Obviously, unique features came into existence in virtually every locality with regard to afl social details. In addition, the continent of Africa south of the great Sahara desert formed a broad community where resemblances were clearly discernible. For example, music and dance had key roles in ‘uncontaminated’ African society. They were ever present at birth, initiation, marriage, death, etc., as well as appearing at times of recreation. Africa is the continent of drums and percussion. African peoples reached the pinnacle of achievement in that sphere.

Because of the impact of colonialism and cultural imperialism (which will be discussed later), Europeans and Africans themselves in the colonial period lacked due regard for the unique features of African culture. Those features have a value of their own that cannot be eclipsed by European culture either in the comparable period before 1500 or in the subsequent centuries. They cannot be eclipsed because they are not really comparable phenomena. Who in this world is competent to judge whether an Austrian waltz is better than a Makonde Ngoma?

Furthermore, even in those spheres of culture that are more readily comparable, such as ‘the fine arts’, it is known that African achievements of the pre-European period stand as contributions to
man’s heritage of beautiful creations. The art of Egypt, the Sudan and Ethiopia was known to the rest of the world at an early date. That of the rest of Africa is still being ‘discovered’ and rediscovered by Europeans and present-day Africans. The verdict of art historians on the Ife and Benin bronzes is well known. Since they date from the 14th and 15th centuries, they are very relevant to any discussion of African development in the epoch before the contacts with Europe.

This post is irrelevant to the thread topic. Culture is not development.

Some cultures did advance through science, technology, and engineering. Those cultures were not sub-Saharan.
The African model post colonialism is get into politics, gain as much power as possible, kill and oppress other tribes, steal as much money as possible and high tail it to Europe.
Obama's version of that model was to misrepresent himself, get elected President, implement anti-American policies, inflame racism and high tail it to Martha's Vineyard.
The function of empires is to impose civilization on barbarians. The Roman Empire imposed civilization on the CELTS. The Holy Roman Empire imposed civilization on the Germans. The European empires in sub Saharan Africa ended centuries too long.

Civilization is civilizing, but the effect is evolutionary, and takes many generations. Historically civilization selected genetically for intelligence and obedience to the law.
I seem to recall when white people ran Zimbabwe it was known as the Breadbasket of South Africa.

How's it doing now?

You really need to educate yourself.
Zimbabwe imports food, but has difficulty paying for because its currency has become virtually worthless.
I seem to recall when white people ran Zimbabwe it was known as the Breadbasket of South Africa.

How's it doing now?

You really need to educate yourself.
You really ought to STFU. Obviously, you don't know jack squat about Zimbabwe.

Prior to the arrival of Bantu speakers in present-day Zimbabwe the region was populated by ancestors of the San people. The first Bantu-speaking farmers arrived during the Bantu expansion around 2000 years ago.

So Africans had successfully farmed in Zimbabwe for at least 2,000 years before whites showed up.

The white man's colonization caused instability that created a Civil War.

Now pay real close attention here Asian,

Although many whites had left Zimbabwe after independence, mainly for neighbouring South Africa, those who remained continued to wield disproportionate control of some sectors of the economy, especially agriculture. In the late-1990s whites accounted for less than 1% of the population but owned 70% of arable land. Mugabe raised this issue of land ownership by white farmers. In a calculated move, he began forcible land redistribution, which brought the government into headlong conflict with the International Monetary Fund. Amid a severe drought in the region, the police and military were instructed not to stop the invasion of white-owned farms by the so-called 'war veterans' and youth militia. This led to a mass migration of White Zimbabweans out of Zimbabwe. At present almost no arable land is in the possession of white farmers.

Understand this Asian, you ain't white. Because when you look at much of Asia, you really have nothing to say. So educate yourself idiot and stop repeating the bullshit whites say.
This post is irrelevant to the thread topic. Culture is not development.

Some cultures did advance through science, technology, and engineering. Those cultures were not sub-Saharan.
Bullshit. Furthermore, the term sub saharan has no meaning.
You really ought to STFU. Obviously, you don't know jack squat about Zimbabwe.

Prior to the arrival of Bantu speakers in present-day Zimbabwe the region was populated by ancestors of the San people. The first Bantu-speaking farmers arrived during the Bantu expansion around 2000 years ago.

So Africans had successfully farmed in Zimbabwe for at least 2,000 years before whites showed up.

The white man's colonization caused instability that created a Civil War.

Now pay real close attention here Asian,

Although many whites had left Zimbabwe after independence, mainly for neighbouring South Africa, those who remained continued to wield disproportionate control of some sectors of the economy, especially agriculture. In the late-1990s whites accounted for less than 1% of the population but owned 70% of arable land. Mugabe raised this issue of land ownership by white farmers. In a calculated move, he began forcible land redistribution, which brought the government into headlong conflict with the International Monetary Fund. Amid a severe drought in the region, the police and military were instructed not to stop the invasion of white-owned farms by the so-called 'war veterans' and youth militia. This led to a mass migration of White Zimbabweans out of Zimbabwe. At present almost no arable land is in the possession of white farmers.

Understand this Asian, you ain't white. Because when you look at much of Asia, you really have nothing to say. So educate yourself idiot and stop repeating the bullshit whites say.
What did Dont Taz Me Bro say that is not true?

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