How European politicians earn their living


Oct 18, 2013
Being a politician is a very sound business in any country especially when it comes to financial matters, however being a politician in the EU makes you a double profit because you can accept bribes not only within your country, but from the outside as well especially from countries striving to be included in the Union. That's what the former PACE President Mevlut Cavusoglu was engaged with in his time.
insider_news: How the Lyovochkins were buying Europe (insider-news. livejournal. com/687. html )
He took money from Ukrainian pols and in return he indulged their whims varying from dragging out unnecessary for Kiev debate to promoting Ukrainians up the PACE career ladder. How much he earned by doing this we do not know, but it's clear that the sum is astonishing.
British taxpayers liable for £800m of misspent EU funds

British taxpayers are liable for over £800 million of misspent EU funds as Brussels error rate increases by 23 per cent

By Bruno Waterfield, Brussels
4:02PM GMT 05 Nov 2013

The European Union wasted almost £6 billion last year - including £800 million from British taxpayers - on fraudulent, illegal or ineligible spending projects, official auditors have found.

At a time of unprecedented European-wide austerity, the EU mis-spent almost 5 per cent of its budget in 2012 on projects that should never have received any of its money.

This so-called ‘error rate’ in Brussels spending was up from 3.9 per cent the previous year, according to the auditors. It meant that for the 19th year in a row, they refused to give the EU’s accounts a clean bill of health.

As a new member, I cannot include a link. However, a search on WWW using headline will take you where you need to go if you so require.

At a time when many in UK are struggling to survive not to mention cuts across the board, I find it incredible that anyone could justify being part of a club that costs a great deal more than it is worth. Note we are also part of the Commonwealth, an organisation with twice the membership and four times the population not to mention it does NOT require surrendering any sovereign powers to join or remain a member.

Those surfing the net should note the increasing number of MPs being quoted in local papers stating they will be supporting the Bill for EU in/out referendum to be held in October 2014. The number one reason being that the British people have a right to say on our continued membership. Businesses too have right to remove the uncertainty, as the promised referendum in 2017 is conditional on Cameron winning a majority at next GE.

Please note I am also a member of XXXXX, which I use often in promoting and pushing for EU in/out referendum for UK.
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