How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

Did Patriot -- an authoritarian fascist if there ever was one -- ever figure out just how evil liberalism is in his mega thread of douchebaggery?

I think his answer is "42" (<< Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference)

Buttsoiler (that's what I've always called him) tried to tell me in his previous account here that the difference between "liberal" and "conservative" is ------- "how big the government is". :lol:

"Size 38? That's under 42, you're conservative, you're OK"

He's getting his pitcher taken tomorrow for the dictionary. He gonna be the poster boy for the word "clueless".
Did Patriot -- an authoritarian fascist if there ever was one -- ever figure out just how evil liberalism is in his mega thread of douchebaggery?

I think his answer is "42" (<< Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference)

Buttsoiler (that's what I've always called him) tried to tell me in his previous account here that the difference between "liberal" and "conservative" is ------- "how big the government is". :lol:

He's getting his pitcher taken tomorrow for the dictionary. He gonna be the poster boy for the word "clueless".

lol...what was his previous account name here? I know his punk ass from another forum, btw. He left in shame when he placed a bet with another poster that Obama would lose the last election.
Did Patriot -- an authoritarian fascist if there ever was one -- ever figure out just how evil liberalism is in his mega thread of douchebaggery?
Fascism is left-wing, stupid. That's your side of the aisle moron. Extreme right-wing ideology is Soveriegn Citizen and Anarchist, dumb ass.
Did Patriot -- an authoritarian fascist if there ever was one -- ever figure out just how evil liberalism is in his mega thread of douchebaggery?

I think his answer is "42" (<< Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference)

Buttsoiler (that's what I've always called him) tried to tell me in his previous account here that the difference between "liberal" and "conservative" is ------- "how big the government is". :lol:

He's getting his pitcher taken tomorrow for the dictionary. He gonna be the poster boy for the word "clueless".

lol...what was his previous account name here? I know his punk ass from another forum, btw. He left in shame when he placed a bet with another poster that Obama would lose the last election.
I've never been on another forum. :lmao:

Leave it to a libtard to resort to lying and tin foil hat conspiracies.
Did Patriot -- an authoritarian fascist if there ever was one -- ever figure out just how evil liberalism is in his mega thread of douchebaggery?
Fascism is left-wing, stupid. That's your side of the aisle moron. Extreme right-wing ideology is Soveriegn Citizen and Anarchist, dumb ass.
What evidence supports your claim that fascism is liberal?
What evidence supports your claim that fascism is liberal?
What evidence exists that conservatism is right-wing? :bang3:

Aside from the obvious (reality, common sense, etc.) that fascism is authoritarian/totalitarian (the polar opposite of right-wing) what "evidence" do you require? Does this work for you chief?

fascism and communism are merely variants of the same totalitarianism which central control of all economic activity tends to produce”

Excerpt From: F. A. Hayek. “The Road to Serfdom.” University of Chicago Press, 2010-04-06. iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: The Road to Serfdom by F. A. Hayek on iBooks
Did Patriot -- an authoritarian fascist if there ever was one -- ever figure out just how evil liberalism is in his mega thread of douchebaggery?

I think his answer is "42" (<< Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference)

Buttsoiler (that's what I've always called him) tried to tell me in his previous account here that the difference between "liberal" and "conservative" is ------- "how big the government is". :lol:

He's getting his pitcher taken tomorrow for the dictionary. He gonna be the poster boy for the word "clueless".

lol...what was his previous account name here? I know his punk ass from another forum, btw. He left in shame when he placed a bet with another poster that Obama would lose the last election.
I've never been on another forum. :lmao:

Leave it to a libtard to resort to lying and tin foil hat conspiracies.

Whatever you say, Patriot/Powerboss. :laugh2:
Did Patriot -- an authoritarian fascist if there ever was one -- ever figure out just how evil liberalism is in his mega thread of douchebaggery?

I think his answer is "42" (<< Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference)

Buttsoiler (that's what I've always called him) tried to tell me in his previous account here that the difference between "liberal" and "conservative" is ------- "how big the government is". :lol:

He's getting his pitcher taken tomorrow for the dictionary. He gonna be the poster boy for the word "clueless".

lol...what was his previous account name here? I know his punk ass from another forum, btw. He left in shame when he placed a bet with another poster that Obama would lose the last election.
I've never been on another forum. :lmao:

Leave it to a libtard to resort to lying and tin foil hat conspiracies.

Whatever you say, Patriot/Powerboss. :laugh2:
"Powerboss"? :lmao:

What a tool. Maybe the fact that you spend your entire life on various message boards all day making stuff up explains why you're unemployed and mooching off of society. :dunno:
Did Patriot -- an authoritarian fascist if there ever was one -- ever figure out just how evil liberalism is in his mega thread of douchebaggery?

I think his answer is "42" (<< Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference)

Buttsoiler (that's what I've always called him) tried to tell me in his previous account here that the difference between "liberal" and "conservative" is ------- "how big the government is". :lol:

He's getting his pitcher taken tomorrow for the dictionary. He gonna be the poster boy for the word "clueless".

lol...what was his previous account name here? I know his punk ass from another forum, btw. He left in shame when he placed a bet with another poster that Obama would lose the last election.
I've never been on another forum. :lmao:

Leave it to a libtard to resort to lying and tin foil hat conspiracies.

Whatever you say, Patriot/Powerboss. :laugh2:
"Powerboss"? :lmao:

What a tool. Maybe the fact that you spend your entire life on various message boards all day making stuff up explains why you're unemployed and mooching off of society. :dunno:

Says "Powerboss," the unemployed authoritarian fascist piece of shit degenerate who spends his entire life on message boards all day, spreading hate like this thread. What's the matter "Patriot," did you have to run off to a predominately right wing messageboard in order to avoid being shamed every single day of your pathetic fucking life?

What an embarrassment you are. :laugh2:
"Powerboss"? :lmao:

What a tool. Maybe the fact that you spend your entire life on various message boards all day making stuff up explains why you're unemployed and mooching off of society. :dunno:

Says "Powerboss," the unemployed authoritarian fascist piece of shit degenerate who spends his entire life on message boards all day, spreading hate like this thread. What's the matter "Patriot," did you have to run off to a predominately right wing messageboard in order to avoid being shamed every single day of your pathetic fucking life?

What an embarrassment you are.
Where to begin with this one? First of all genius - authoritarianism/fascism is left wing (like your dumb ass). I'm right-wing, stupid.

Second, no matter how many times you tell the same lie, it doesn't make it any more true.

Third, if USMB is (and I quote) "a predominantly right wing message board", why the fuck are you here? Go back to the site you ran away from? Or was "Powerboss" owning your ass there like I do here? Maybe that is why you think we are the same person... :lol:
"Powerboss"? :lmao:

What a tool. Maybe the fact that you spend your entire life on various message boards all day making stuff up explains why you're unemployed and mooching off of society. :dunno:

Says "Powerboss," the unemployed authoritarian fascist piece of shit degenerate who spends his entire life on message boards all day, spreading hate like this thread. What's the matter "Patriot," did you have to run off to a predominately right wing messageboard in order to avoid being shamed every single day of your pathetic fucking life?

What an embarrassment you are.
Where to begin with this one? First of all genius - authoritarianism/fascism is left wing (like your dumb ass). I'm right-wing, stupid.

Second, no matter how many times you tell the same lie, it doesn't make it any more true.

Third, if USMB is (and I quote) "a predominantly right wing message board", why the fuck are you here? Go back to the site you ran away from? Or was "Powerboss" owning your ass there like I do here? Maybe that is why you think we are the same person... :lol:

Cut the crap, you fucking lying rightist. There are several members from that (now defunct) forum here. And you've never "owned" anyone's ass before in your life -- except random strange men in public restrooms.
Says...the unemployed authoritarian fascist piece of shit degenerate...
I have to admit - I always laugh really hard when liberals lose their shit over the truth. You can see that this 47 year old virgin in his mom's basement is seething over the indisputable facts that I have posted. He hasn't been able to make a coherent and rational case against one of them. Hasn't even tried. Instead he flies off the handle and makes bizarre accusations about someone else on another site. Which in itself is funny too, because it means he spends all day and night on a ton of message boards trying to get some form of social interaction.

From the bottom of my heart , I owe you one. That post gave me my best laugh of the day. That is the gospel truth.

On a side note - why do you lose your shit over the truth? Be honest. Are you afraid of losing your government gravy train? Is it an inferiority complex thing (many liberals feel "empowered" by having government serve as a proxy and oppress others)? What's the deal? I'm just curious.
Says...the unemployed authoritarian fascist piece of shit degenerate...
I have to admit - I always laugh really hard when liberals lose their shit over the truth. You can see that this 47 year old virgin in his mom's basement is seething over the indisputable facts that I have posted. He hasn't been able to make a coherent and rational case against one of them. Hasn't even tried. Instead he flies off the handle and makes bizarre accusations about someone else on another site. Which in itself is funny too, because it means he spends all day and night on a ton of message boards trying to get some form of social interaction.

From the bottom of my heart , I owe you one. That post gave me my best laugh of the day. That is the gospel truth.

On a side note - why do you lose your shit over the truth? Be honest. Are you afraid of losing your government gravy train? Is it an inferiority complex thing (many liberals feel "empowered" by having government serve as a proxy and oppress others)? What's the deal? I'm just curious.

19,000 stupid posts like this since 2011. Jesus Christ man, get a life!
Cut the crap, you fucking lying rightist. There are several members from that (now defunct) forum here.
If that forum is "now defunct" - why do you refuse to name it? If it doesn't exist, it can't pose any competition to USMB.
What they pretty much makes you Australian, dumb-fuck. I don't care where your great-grandparents migrated from. I don't even care if you yourself were born in another country. Worry about your own country. It's a shit hole. Stop trying to bring the U.S. down to your miserable level because you have nation-envy.

Did Patriot -- an authoritarian fascist if there ever was one -- ever figure out just how evil liberalism is in his mega thread of douchebaggery?
Fascism is left-wing, stupid. That's your side of the aisle moron. Extreme right-wing ideology is Soveriegn Citizen and Anarchist, dumb ass.

Oh fucking horseshit. Obviously you're as clueless about fascism as you are about Liberalism.

>> Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism[1][2] that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe, influenced by national syndicalism. Fascism originated in Italy during World War I and spread to other European countries. Fascism opposes liberalism, Marxism and anarchism and is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[3][4] << (Wiki)

Ignorant twit.
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Whoa -- what a morass this is:

The confusion is because the definition of the word liberalism, and the political reality of liberalism, are two very different things.

If you take the text book definition of liberalize... it is to reduce control, and thus increase freedom.

In the United States of America, the political philosophy of liberalism, is the very opposite of the definition of liberalism.

That is absurd. You want a word to mean the opposite of itself. That's impossible.
I already pointed this out. Doublethink is a concept in a novel. You can't actually DO it.

This is why I will typically refer to those of that political ideology, not as "liberals" which is a contradiction, in favor of calling them "leftists", "left-wingers" and so on.

Now you've got it. Much better. Too many armchair wags here think "Liberal" is the same as "leftist". It ain't. There are Liberals on the left and there are Liberals on the right.

And the reason again, is that American Liberals, are the exact opposite of liberal.

And now you're right back to the paradox of a word being its own opposite. :banghead:

I gotta wonder if summa y'all ever read what you just wrote. SMH.

LOL... I don't 'want' the word to mean the opposite of what it does.

The actions, policies and beliefs of self-proclaimed 'liberals' are in fact the opposite of what the word 'liberal' means. I'm not changing anything. I'm stating the facts. Self-proclaimed "liberals" in the America, are not "liberal" according to the definition of the word.

You are not a vegetarian because you say "I am a vegetarian". You are not one, because you got a shirt, hat, or drive a car with "vegetarian" written on it.

The only way that you are a vegetarian, is if you actually don't eat meat. Now you can go to court, and have your name changed to "Vegetarian". And we would have to call you Vegetarian, because that would be your legal name. But if you eat meat... you are not a Vegetarian, no matter what we call you.

There are no "liberals" who practice "liberalism" on the left. Haven't met one yet that wanted to eliminate controls on religion, controls on business, deregulate the banks, deregulate guns, health care, and so on.

But they are still called Liberals here in the US. I can't change that. I'm just pointing it out.

What left-winger, would you point to, that was actually "liberal" in the true meaning of the word?

I wouldn't. I just got done saying they're not the same thing. Until you figure that out, this goes nowhere. They are not synonyms.

To continue your vegetarian analogy above, a person (or an entire group) is not "vegetarian" simply because you go on a message board and declare that they have self-declared as such -- when it's nothing more than you hanging a label on them.

Try this.....

The most influential US liberals: 100-81

Top influential US liberals. Which one on that list, is a "right-winger" in your view? Robert Byrd? Jesse Jackson?

And at the same time, which liberal on there, actually stood for "a removal or loosening of restrictions?"

I scrolled through your list and I don't see a list of "Liberals" there, regardless what a conservative-leaning paper from another country uses for a mass-readership headline; I see basically a list of Democrats, people who work with or support Democrats, and leftists. None of those equates to "Liberal". I even see some fairly conservative names there (Ben Nelson, Evan Bayh) who still qualify on the basis that they're "Democrats".

But that's a political party, not a philosophy. A given political party runs the gamut of philosophical spectrum within its ranks, a good example being that same party, which counted anti-Liberal Southern far-right conservatives in its ranks at the same time it comprised Liberal Northerners.

I think what they've got there is a list of Democrats and/or leftists. And frankly the only aspect that seems to qualify them as "top", whatever that hack term means, is that a lot of people have heard of them.


Here's a perfect example that just happened to come up, and I thought of this conversation....

A patriotic candidate not afraid to speak the truth!

Trump: Kaepernick 'should find a country that works better for him'

On the other hand, Obama's White House weighs in too.

Colin Kaepernick ‘entitled’ to sit during national anthem: White House

The latter is practicing Liberalism; the former is practicing jingoism. And I know, they're not opposites, but there it is in action.

Substitute somebody calling for a Constitutional Amendment banning flag burning for the jingoism, and you'd have the anti-Liberal.

Now in this case it happens to be O'bama exercising the spirit of Liberalism --- in this case. Our illustrious OP Buttsoiler will take this to mean everything O'bama does, ever did or ever will do, right down to his choice of an ice cream flavor, is somehow "Liberalism". That's the fallacy he's been running with throughout this train wreck of a thread. And I keep calling him out on it, and he keeps running away and hiding until he thinks I've gone away. :lol:

Fun stuff.

Anyway, that's an operative example of what I call Liberalism.
But the Reich wing is just as bad. They hijacked the Republican party. It is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan--it is now the party of Trump.
No argument here. But you know what is frightening? The Republican Party is exclusively made up of JFK liberals. What does it say about you and your party that JFK-era liberalism is "Reich Wing" in your mind? That true liberalism isn't left enough? Donald Trump spent his entire life as a dedicated liberal. He donated money to Harry fucking Reid for God sakes. He donated money to Hitlery Clinton and said she would make a great president. Conservatives rightly reject him because he's a hard core liberal. What does it say about you and your bat-shit crazy Dumbocrat pals that you reject him?.

Oh Hunior please. Donald Rump is not a "Liberal". Donald Rump is not a "conservative". Donáld Rump is a Class A Narcissist. A whore with no ethics at all who will say anything, pay anything or play anything to get what he wants, which is an endless fix of Attention For Numero Uno. He has no "left", "right" or "center". All he has is "self".

Why don't you try eBay. Maybe you can sell bullshit there.

Maybe true. Of course I don't see Obama, or Clinton as being much different. A few weeks ago, I watch the correspondents dinners. One of Obama and one of Bush. Bush had no problem poking fun at himself, and enjoy his time. Obama on the other hand, only poked fun at others, and promoting himself.

So... Now I don't think Trump would be like Bush. I think you are right. He would act more like Obama in that situation.

But honestly, most presidents are egos to some degree.

I will still vote for Trump though... not really 'for' Trump, as much as against Hillary. She is a lying, criminal, trashy scummy swindling, coward and felon. I'll vote for her to be in prison if you give me the chance. That's the only vote for Hillary I would ever give.

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