How Evil is Libertarianism anyway?

As due process of law was instituted through PA laws and performed through legal institutions established by those laws

Government educations are just sad. What you are doing is taking "due process of law" and guessing what it means as a general English definition of the words words used. The Constitution is using them for the specific meaning of that term in a legal system. The legislature isn't involved in "due process of law" by definition. Do some internet self learning and come back

Show us where in the constitution the definition of 'due process' is offered. Or where administrative judges were found to be unconstitutional and a violation of due process.

And of course, we're talking about STATE legislatures and STATE bureaus and STATE judges. You do realize that, yes?
Tyranny of the majority is an exception to the rule of law, either you support a law (singular) or you oppose it using reason; as a stand alone phrase - tyranny of the majority - to describe our democratic republic is foolish. The rule of law repeals arbitrary decrees and the genius of COTUS provides checks and balances to protect the rights of the minority.

Maybe you clowns ought to consider taking a course in comparative governments, and while you're at it courses in expository writing and Introductory courses in Psychology and Social Psychology - it would do you and the other clowns a world of good (you might make sense).
What a pompous ass. Throwing out literary terms while swishing on the actual discussion. LOL. You really are impressed by those terms, aren't you? That's funny.

Tyranny of the majority is when majority vote away the rights of the minority. Like taking their money by force and redistributing it.

You do realize that when tax money is collected its no longer owned by the person who paid, right?

Thus its not 'their' money that is 'redistributed'. Its the people's money. Your entire argument is predicated on the original tax payer maintaining unique ownership of the tax money they've paid. Which, of course, they aren't.

How then is taxation 'theft'? It isn't. How then is the representative's of the people choosing to spend the people's money 'theft'? It isn't.

And 'plop'. Your entire argument leaves a brown streak on the bowl as its flushed down.

Forcing private businesses to let grown men go into locker rooms where teenage girls are changing and showering, forcing citizens to bake each other cakes, forcing citizens to buy medical policies from corporations, removing the right of business owners and employees to negotiate their own agreements. Everything you people spend all day doing.

The regulation of intrastate commerce is the authority of the State. If the people of a State decide against 'white only lunch counters', why would they lack the authority to make this rule?

Commerce is within the public sphere.

So just to be clear, taxes are not to fund government programs, they are just to give the government money. That is your standard
To be clear, taxes are collected for what programs the people have chosen through their representatives. And upon payment, the tax money no longer belongs to the tax payer.

Your argument is predicated on the absurd assumption that the money is still the unique property of the tax payer who paid their taxes.

It isn't. Obviously so.

Oh, and you never did answer my question:

If the people of a State decide against 'white only lunch counters', why would they lack the authority to make this rule?

No, my argument is predicated on that government sets up a program to give someone government money, then they go to someone else and take it by force to give it to them.

The money 'given' to someone else isn't the individual tax payer's. Its the people's money. How then can something be 'stolen' from someone ......who doesn't own it?

The rest is just you word parsing. Government is taking money from one citizen and giving it to another. You can't word parse your way out of that

Laughing....acknowledging that when you pay your taxes, the money you pay isn't yours anymore is 'word parsing'?

Does your conception of ownership extend to say, the supermarket? You pay for a sandwich....but the money you give them is still yours?

Your conception of ownership is simply a fallacy. You just don't know what you're talking about.
As due process of law was instituted through PA laws and performed through legal institutions established by those laws

Government educations are just sad. What you are doing is taking "due process of law" and guessing what it means as a general English definition of the words words used. The Constitution is using them for the specific meaning of that term in a legal system. The legislature isn't involved in "due process of law" by definition. Do some internet self learning and come back

Show us where in the constitution the definition of 'due process' is offered. Or where administrative judges were found to be unconstitutional and a violation of due process.

And of course, we're talking about STATE legislatures and STATE bureaus and STATE judges. You do realize that, yes?

Google "definition due process"

Due process is when you personally have your rights removed by being convicted of a crime.

So just to be clear. The legislature can pass a law that gays can be shot with no trial, that isn't a violation of that your life cannot be taken "without due process of law." The legislature can pass any law they want, and that is right there justification for removing your Constitutional rights, you had due process of law.

Dude, that's stupid
What a pompous ass. Throwing out literary terms while swishing on the actual discussion. LOL. You really are impressed by those terms, aren't you? That's funny.

Tyranny of the majority is when majority vote away the rights of the minority. Like taking their money by force and redistributing it.

You do realize that when tax money is collected its no longer owned by the person who paid, right?

Thus its not 'their' money that is 'redistributed'. Its the people's money. Your entire argument is predicated on the original tax payer maintaining unique ownership of the tax money they've paid. Which, of course, they aren't.

How then is taxation 'theft'? It isn't. How then is the representative's of the people choosing to spend the people's money 'theft'? It isn't.

And 'plop'. Your entire argument leaves a brown streak on the bowl as its flushed down.

Forcing private businesses to let grown men go into locker rooms where teenage girls are changing and showering, forcing citizens to bake each other cakes, forcing citizens to buy medical policies from corporations, removing the right of business owners and employees to negotiate their own agreements. Everything you people spend all day doing.

The regulation of intrastate commerce is the authority of the State. If the people of a State decide against 'white only lunch counters', why would they lack the authority to make this rule?

Commerce is within the public sphere.

So just to be clear, taxes are not to fund government programs, they are just to give the government money. That is your standard
To be clear, taxes are collected for what programs the people have chosen through their representatives. And upon payment, the tax money no longer belongs to the tax payer.

Your argument is predicated on the absurd assumption that the money is still the unique property of the tax payer who paid their taxes.

It isn't. Obviously so.

Oh, and you never did answer my question:

If the people of a State decide against 'white only lunch counters', why would they lack the authority to make this rule?

No, my argument is predicated on that government sets up a program to give someone government money, then they go to someone else and take it by force to give it to them.

The money 'given' to someone else isn't the individual tax payer's. Its the people's money. How then can something be 'stolen' from someone ......who doesn't own it?

The rest is just you word parsing. Government is taking money from one citizen and giving it to another. You can't word parse your way out of that

Laughing....acknowledging that when you pay your taxes, the money you pay isn't yours anymore is 'word parsing'?

Does your conception of ownership extend to say, the supermarket? You pay for a sandwich....but the money you give them is still yours?

Your conception of ownership is simply a fallacy. You just don't know what you're talking about.

Your word parsing is irrelevant.

Money is taken from one citizen and given to another. What confuses you about that?
As due process of law was instituted through PA laws and performed through legal institutions established by those laws

Government educations are just sad. What you are doing is taking "due process of law" and guessing what it means as a general English definition of the words words used. The Constitution is using them for the specific meaning of that term in a legal system. The legislature isn't involved in "due process of law" by definition. Do some internet self learning and come back

Show us where in the constitution the definition of 'due process' is offered. Or where administrative judges were found to be unconstitutional and a violation of due process.

And of course, we're talking about STATE legislatures and STATE bureaus and STATE judges. You do realize that, yes?

Google "definition due process"

Google is the constitution now? Can we take it from your abandonment of the text of the constitution for google....that you couldn't find your assumptions represented anywhere in the actual constitution?

You've made the argument that fines levied by state bureaus through administrative judges is unconstitutional.
You provide the evidence to back your case.

And you can't.

And just to be clear, you saying it must be so means exactly jack shit constitutionally. So show us. Don't tell us.
You do realize that when tax money is collected its no longer owned by the person who paid, right?

Thus its not 'their' money that is 'redistributed'. Its the people's money. Your entire argument is predicated on the original tax payer maintaining unique ownership of the tax money they've paid. Which, of course, they aren't.

How then is taxation 'theft'? It isn't. How then is the representative's of the people choosing to spend the people's money 'theft'? It isn't.

And 'plop'. Your entire argument leaves a brown streak on the bowl as its flushed down.

The regulation of intrastate commerce is the authority of the State. If the people of a State decide against 'white only lunch counters', why would they lack the authority to make this rule?

Commerce is within the public sphere.

So just to be clear, taxes are not to fund government programs, they are just to give the government money. That is your standard
To be clear, taxes are collected for what programs the people have chosen through their representatives. And upon payment, the tax money no longer belongs to the tax payer.

Your argument is predicated on the absurd assumption that the money is still the unique property of the tax payer who paid their taxes.

It isn't. Obviously so.

Oh, and you never did answer my question:

If the people of a State decide against 'white only lunch counters', why would they lack the authority to make this rule?

No, my argument is predicated on that government sets up a program to give someone government money, then they go to someone else and take it by force to give it to them.

The money 'given' to someone else isn't the individual tax payer's. Its the people's money. How then can something be 'stolen' from someone ......who doesn't own it?

The rest is just you word parsing. Government is taking money from one citizen and giving it to another. You can't word parse your way out of that

Laughing....acknowledging that when you pay your taxes, the money you pay isn't yours anymore is 'word parsing'?

Does your conception of ownership extend to say, the supermarket? You pay for a sandwich....but the money you give them is still yours?

Your conception of ownership is simply a fallacy. You just don't know what you're talking about.

Your word parsing is irrelevant.

The fact that when you pay your taxes....the money you pay isn't yours anymore isn't 'word parsing'. Its the huge, gaping, bleeding hole in your argument.

As how can you 'steal' something from someone.....when they don't own it?

You have no there is none. Your entire argument is a laughable fallacy.
As due process of law was instituted through PA laws and performed through legal institutions established by those laws

Government educations are just sad. What you are doing is taking "due process of law" and guessing what it means as a general English definition of the words words used. The Constitution is using them for the specific meaning of that term in a legal system. The legislature isn't involved in "due process of law" by definition. Do some internet self learning and come back

Show us where in the constitution the definition of 'due process' is offered. Or where administrative judges were found to be unconstitutional and a violation of due process.

And of course, we're talking about STATE legislatures and STATE bureaus and STATE judges. You do realize that, yes?

Google "definition due process"

Google is the constitution now? Can we take it from your abandonment of the text of the constitution for google....that you couldn't find your assumptions represented anywhere in the actual constitution?

You've made the argument that fines levied by state bureaus through administrative judges is unconstitutional.
You provide the evidence to back your case.

And you can't.

And just to be clear, you saying it must be so means exactly jack shit constitutionally. So show us. Don't tell us.

Who is "we" queen Elizabeth? Is that the royal we? You and your penis? The voices in your head? You have dozens of people sitting in your room with you as you type? Or you just envision hundreds of readers hanging on your every word absorbing and relishing every word? You have ego problems? Is it too inflated or you just don't have the stones to believe your opinion is worth shit on it's own and you need the validation of others.

So anyway, your majesty, your google comment was infantile. The COTUS says in the fifth amendment you cannot be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. The 14th expands that protection to the States.

You don't know what due process is and aren't interested in curing your own ignorance. But forcing a baker to bake a cake for another citizen is a clear violation of their liberty and that they have to use their own resources to do it is a clear violation of their property. The baker hasn't been convicted of a crime
As due process of law was instituted through PA laws and performed through legal institutions established by those laws

Government educations are just sad. What you are doing is taking "due process of law" and guessing what it means as a general English definition of the words words used. The Constitution is using them for the specific meaning of that term in a legal system. The legislature isn't involved in "due process of law" by definition. Do some internet self learning and come back

Show us where in the constitution the definition of 'due process' is offered. Or where administrative judges were found to be unconstitutional and a violation of due process.

And of course, we're talking about STATE legislatures and STATE bureaus and STATE judges. You do realize that, yes?

Google "definition due process"

Google is the constitution now? Can we take it from your abandonment of the text of the constitution for google....that you couldn't find your assumptions represented anywhere in the actual constitution?

You've made the argument that fines levied by state bureaus through administrative judges is unconstitutional.
You provide the evidence to back your case.

And you can't.

And just to be clear, you saying it must be so means exactly jack shit constitutionally. So show us. Don't tell us.

Who is "we" queen Elizabeth? Is that the royal we? You and your penis? The voices in your head? You have dozens of people sitting in your room with you as you type? Or you just envision hundreds of readers hanging on your every word absorbing and relishing every word? You have ego problems? Is it too inflated or you just don't have the stones to believe your opinion is worth shit on it's own and you need the validation of others.

You dedicated a whole paragraph to personal attacks? That's quite the tell you've got there.

So anyway, your majesty, your google comment was infantile. The COTUS says in the fifth amendment you cannot be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. You don't know what due process is and aren't interested in curing your own ignorance. But forcing a baker to bake a cake for another citizen is a clear violation of their liberty and that they have to use their own resources to do it is a clear violation of their property.
All you're doing is restating your assertions again. We get what you *believe*. Your personal opinion has been noted. Your problem is that you can't back any of that with actual evidence.

Show us that administrative judges or PA laws are unconstitutional. You citing you isn't evidence. Its just more useless personal opinion.
So you completely abandoned your 'tax request' jibberish. Good. That's progress.

I haven't abandoned anything.

Just so that we're clear, State PA laws are completely constitutional, yes? Lets settle that issue first before we move on to your conception of 'aggression'.

My argument isn't that they are unconstitutional. My argument is that they are unjust, because they result in violence being used against someone who hasn't violated anyone's person or property.
So you completely abandoned your 'tax request' jibberish. Good. That's progress.

I haven't abandoned anything.

Really? Because you omitted any mention I made of it and now refuse to discuss the topic.

Keep running. Like before, your abandonment of your own argument doesn't really matter. As your argument never did.

Just so that we're clear, State PA laws are completely constitutional, yes? Lets settle that issue first before we move on to your conception of 'aggression'.

My argument isn't that they are unconstitutional.

So we agree they are constitutional, yes?

If I have to ask you a third time, it becomes blatantly obvious that you're running from my question. Once we've established that the State most definitely does have the power to regulate intrastate commerce, we can move on to whether or not they should.
Government educations are just sad. What you are doing is taking "due process of law" and guessing what it means as a general English definition of the words words used. The Constitution is using them for the specific meaning of that term in a legal system. The legislature isn't involved in "due process of law" by definition. Do some internet self learning and come back

Show us where in the constitution the definition of 'due process' is offered. Or where administrative judges were found to be unconstitutional and a violation of due process.

And of course, we're talking about STATE legislatures and STATE bureaus and STATE judges. You do realize that, yes?

Google "definition due process"

Google is the constitution now? Can we take it from your abandonment of the text of the constitution for google....that you couldn't find your assumptions represented anywhere in the actual constitution?

You've made the argument that fines levied by state bureaus through administrative judges is unconstitutional.
You provide the evidence to back your case.

And you can't.

And just to be clear, you saying it must be so means exactly jack shit constitutionally. So show us. Don't tell us.

Who is "we" queen Elizabeth? Is that the royal we? You and your penis? The voices in your head? You have dozens of people sitting in your room with you as you type? Or you just envision hundreds of readers hanging on your every word absorbing and relishing every word? You have ego problems? Is it too inflated or you just don't have the stones to believe your opinion is worth shit on it's own and you need the validation of others.

You dedicated a whole paragraph to personal attacks? That's quite the tell you've got there.

So anyway, your majesty, your google comment was infantile. The COTUS says in the fifth amendment you cannot be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. You don't know what due process is and aren't interested in curing your own ignorance. But forcing a baker to bake a cake for another citizen is a clear violation of their liberty and that they have to use their own resources to do it is a clear violation of their property.
All you're doing is restating your assertions again. We get what you *believe*. Your personal opinion has been noted. Your problem is that you can't back any of that with actual evidence.

Show us that administrative judges or PA laws are unconstitutional. You citing you isn't evidence. Its just more useless personal opinion.

Gotcha, Queen Elizabeth. It's me against your hordes of worshipers and followers. Speak for yourself, dickless.

And again, you're ignoring the point that you are arguing that the legislature passing a law is "due process." Even though you're too butt lazy to google the term and learn what it means, think about it.

The right to life, liberty and property cannot be deprived without due process of law.

So you're arguing that the legislature passing a law is "due process." So then why did the founders bother putting that phrase in the fifth amendment. Again, using life, you are arguing that the legislature could pass a law declaring death to fags with no trial. According to you, the legislature passing it was "due process of law."

You really aren't capable of thinking through what you are arguing, are you? You're too much like Donald Trump, getting carried away in the massive people following and cheering your every word apparently
So just to be clear, taxes are not to fund government programs, they are just to give the government money. That is your standard
To be clear, taxes are collected for what programs the people have chosen through their representatives. And upon payment, the tax money no longer belongs to the tax payer.

Your argument is predicated on the absurd assumption that the money is still the unique property of the tax payer who paid their taxes.

It isn't. Obviously so.

Oh, and you never did answer my question:

If the people of a State decide against 'white only lunch counters', why would they lack the authority to make this rule?

No, my argument is predicated on that government sets up a program to give someone government money, then they go to someone else and take it by force to give it to them.

The money 'given' to someone else isn't the individual tax payer's. Its the people's money. How then can something be 'stolen' from someone ......who doesn't own it?

The rest is just you word parsing. Government is taking money from one citizen and giving it to another. You can't word parse your way out of that

Laughing....acknowledging that when you pay your taxes, the money you pay isn't yours anymore is 'word parsing'?

Does your conception of ownership extend to say, the supermarket? You pay for a sandwich....but the money you give them is still yours?

Your conception of ownership is simply a fallacy. You just don't know what you're talking about.

Your word parsing is irrelevant.

The fact that when you pay your taxes....the money you pay isn't yours anymore isn't 'word parsing'. Its the huge, gaping, bleeding hole in your argument.

As how can you 'steal' something from someone.....when they don't own it?

You have no there is none. Your entire argument is a laughable fallacy.

What about the government takes money from you and gives it to yourself do you not understand? Nowhere in there did I say who owned the money during the transition. I pointed out the fact that the money was taken from you, it was, and given to someone else, it was
Really? Because you omitted any mention I made of it and now refuse to discuss the topic.

Keep running. Like before, your abandonment of your own argument doesn't really matter. As your argument never did.

So we agree they are constitutional, yes?

If I have to ask you a third time, it becomes blatantly obvious that you're running from my question. Once we've established that the State most definitely does have the power to regulate intrastate commerce, we can move on to whether or not they should.

You have a tendency to go off on tangents. So I'm purposely not answering questions that have nothing to do with my actual argument.

My argument is: A law is unjust if it results in violence being used against someone who hasn't violated anyone's person or property.

If you don't want to address that, then...whatever.
Really? Because you omitted any mention I made of it and now refuse to discuss the topic.

Keep running. Like before, your abandonment of your own argument doesn't really matter. As your argument never did.

So we agree they are constitutional, yes?

If I have to ask you a third time, it becomes blatantly obvious that you're running from my question. Once we've established that the State most definitely does have the power to regulate intrastate commerce, we can move on to whether or not they should.

You have a tendency to go off on tangents. So I'm purposely not answering questions that have nothing to do with my actual argument.

My argument is: A law is unjust if it results in violence being used against someone who hasn't violated anyone's person or property.

If you don't want to address that, then...whatever.

I agree with you for government's redistribution of wealth schemes. But I do not think taxes for what are services for all should be voluntary. Military, police, civil and criminal courts, roads, that sort of thing
But what do you mean by 'initiating aggression'? Is more of your 'War of Northern Aggression' nonsense? Or something new?
Robbery, theft by trick, extortion, theft, burglary, murder, fraud, rape, kidnapping, assault, battery.

Who is the 'they' in your 'why can't they just admit that they're the ones who are committing unethical acts by initiating aggression'?
You. *typing*? If so, your standard of 'aggression' has a hair trigger and a glass jaw.

You do it by voting for thugs who promise to loot the wealthy and give you a share of the swag.
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Tyranny of the majority is an exception to the rule of law, either you support a law (singular) or you oppose it using reason; as a stand alone phrase - tyranny of the majority - to describe our democratic republic is foolish. The rule of law repeals arbitrary decrees and the genius of COTUS provides checks and balances to protect the rights of the minority.

Maybe you clowns ought to consider taking a course in comparative governments, and while you're at it courses in expository writing and Introductory courses in Psychology and Social Psychology - it would do you and the other clowns a world of good (you might make sense).
What a pompous ass. Throwing out literary terms while swishing on the actual discussion. LOL. You really are impressed by those terms, aren't you? That's funny.

Tyranny of the majority is when majority vote away the rights of the minority. Like taking their money by force and redistributing it.

You do realize that when tax money is collected its no longer owned by the person who paid, right?

Thus its not 'their' money that is 'redistributed'. Its the people's money. Your entire argument is predicated on the original tax payer maintaining unique ownership of the tax money they've paid. Which, of course, they aren't.

How then is taxation 'theft'? It isn't. How then is the representative's of the people choosing to spend the people's money 'theft'? It isn't.

And 'plop'. Your entire argument leaves a brown streak on the bowl as its flushed down.

Forcing private businesses to let grown men go into locker rooms where teenage girls are changing and showering, forcing citizens to bake each other cakes, forcing citizens to buy medical policies from corporations, removing the right of business owners and employees to negotiate their own agreements. Everything you people spend all day doing.

The regulation of intrastate commerce is the authority of the State. If the people of a State decide against 'white only lunch counters', why would they lack the authority to make this rule?

Commerce is within the public sphere.

So just to be clear, taxes are not to fund government programs, they are just to give the government money. That is your standard
To be clear, taxes are collected for what programs the people have chosen through their representatives. And upon payment, the tax money no longer belongs to the tax payer.

Your argument is predicated on the absurd assumption that the money is still the unique property of the tax payer who paid their taxes.

It isn't. Obviously so.

Oh, and you never did answer my question:

If the people of a State decide against 'white only lunch counters', why would they lack the authority to make this rule?

No, my argument is predicated on that government sets up a program to give someone government money, then they go to someone else and take it by force to give it to them. The rest is just you word parsing. Government is taking money from one citizen and giving it to another. You can't word parse your way out of that

You are WASTING your time

She is a socialist, a berner

from their standpoint you do not have a right to property

all your wealth can be confiscated by the almighty state at will

Even though caselaw prior to 1935 held that a Constitutional Tax is one used to support the functions of government.

she is nevertheless relying on .National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, 567 U.S. ___ (2012), 183 L. Ed. 2d 450, 132 S.Ct. 2566,

wherein the HONORABLE scumbag , Roberts, who pretends to be a SCOTUS justice , aka, The Supreme Rubber Stamp, found that congress can steal loot and plunder by simply denominating mandates directed at WE THE PEOPLE as a tax.

go fig

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This thread's been going on for quite some time, I still haven't learned what's evil about the position that it's wrong to initiate aggression against one's fellow man.
This thread's been going on for quite some time, I still haven't learned what's evil about the position that it's wrong to initiate aggression against one's fellow man.

The fascists/the socialists believe that INITIATING AGRESSION is proper when is done by the government

...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....

Benito Mussolini
To be clear, taxes are collected for what programs the people have chosen through their representatives. And upon payment, the tax money no longer belongs to the tax payer.

Your argument is predicated on the absurd assumption that the money is still the unique property of the tax payer who paid their taxes.

It isn't. Obviously so.

Oh, and you never did answer my question:

If the people of a State decide against 'white only lunch counters', why would they lack the authority to make this rule?

No, my argument is predicated on that government sets up a program to give someone government money, then they go to someone else and take it by force to give it to them.

The money 'given' to someone else isn't the individual tax payer's. Its the people's money. How then can something be 'stolen' from someone ......who doesn't own it?

The rest is just you word parsing. Government is taking money from one citizen and giving it to another. You can't word parse your way out of that

Laughing....acknowledging that when you pay your taxes, the money you pay isn't yours anymore is 'word parsing'?

Does your conception of ownership extend to say, the supermarket? You pay for a sandwich....but the money you give them is still yours?

Your conception of ownership is simply a fallacy. You just don't know what you're talking about.

Your word parsing is irrelevant.

The fact that when you pay your taxes....the money you pay isn't yours anymore isn't 'word parsing'. Its the huge, gaping, bleeding hole in your argument.

As how can you 'steal' something from someone.....when they don't own it?

You have no there is none. Your entire argument is a laughable fallacy.

What about the government takes money from you and gives it to yourself do you not understand?

The government doesn't give your money to anyone. What about that do you not understand?
This thread's been going on for quite some time, I still haven't learned what's evil about the position that it's wrong to initiate aggression against one's fellow man.

Depends on what you mean by 'initiate aggression', I suppose.

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