How exactly did Trump collude with Russia?

Nothing to rebut, as you have no point. Facts are also useless, as you you refuse to believe them if they smacked you on the face.
You want more punishment huh? Good! Let's rock and roll. Just you and me right here, right now. You got the balls? I don't think so. I'll go first, then you present your rebuttal of facts;
The Act and Commission regulations include a broad prohibition on foreign national activity in connection with elections in the United States. 52 U.S.C. § 30121 and generally, 11 CFR 110.20. In general, foreign nationals are prohibited from the following activities:

  • Making any contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or making any expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement in connection with any federal, state or local election in the United States;
  • Making any contribution or donation to any committee or organization of any national, state, district, or local political party (including donations to a party nonfederal account or office building account);
  • Making any disbursement for an electioneering communication;
  • Making any donation to a presidential inaugural committee.

Too long. Didn't read.

Be honest and say it had too many big words and you couldn't read it.

Why should I bother with anything that doofus has to say? He would be better serving his cause by joining whatever protest is going on tonight, and being thrown in jail with the rest of them.

But still nobody would give a crap, so...
Lol! You must? Aren't you still responding, and countering nothing. You lost twenty posts ago, and your still making an idiot of yourself. I posted the U.S. code. Where the hell is yours? Debate something man, or get the hell out.

You won nothing. You posted nothing but some inane garbage, made up by some leftist hack website.

Furthermore, I don't debate with deranged people. I generally tend to lock them up where they can't hurt themselves.
What criminality? And you missed this from the link you posted in your other thread, Mueller faces a set back. -

The court filing indicated Mueller’s team also had suffered a potential setback, after gaining access to a witness with potential knowledge of several key events relevant to the probe during his tenure with Trump’s campaign from March to August 2016, including a Trump Tower meeting attended by a Russian lawyer and the Republican National Convention.

Nothing to rebut, as you have no point. Facts are also useless, as you you refuse to believe them if they smacked you on the face.
You want more punishment huh? Good! Let's rock and roll. Just you and me right here, right now. You got the balls? I don't think so. I'll go first, then you present your rebuttal of facts;
The Act and Commission regulations include a broad prohibition on foreign national activity in connection with elections in the United States. 52 U.S.C. § 30121 and generally, 11 CFR 110.20. In general, foreign nationals are prohibited from the following activities:

  • Making any contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or making any expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement in connection with any federal, state or local election in the United States;
  • Making any contribution or donation to any committee or organization of any national, state, district, or local political party (including donations to a party nonfederal account or office building account);
  • Making any disbursement for an electioneering communication;
  • Making any donation to a presidential inaugural committee.

Too long. Didn't read.

Be honest and say it had too many big words and you couldn't read it.
This crowd is so easy. It's almost as easy as competing with a child. And their weaknesses are so easily exposed. I feel sorry for them sometimes, until I realize that the criminality they support is dangerous to this country. Then I no longer feel sorry for them.
The criminality in the statute. Already posted it before. There is no set back. The law is clearly stated. Trump and his henchmen got caught making up three different stories about the meeting.
BWK seems rather tense
Not at all. Having a blast. You ever shoot fish out of a barrel?

You'd only shoot off what little dick you have left, son. Which probably wasn't much to start with.

Debate man, debate. Stop playing the fool. I presented U.S. code. I need a counter, or get lost.

GFY, retard.
See you loser. You're nothing but a waste of time.
You want more punishment huh? Good! Let's rock and roll. Just you and me right here, right now. You got the balls? I don't think so. I'll go first, then you present your rebuttal of facts;
The Act and Commission regulations include a broad prohibition on foreign national activity in connection with elections in the United States. 52 U.S.C. § 30121 and generally, 11 CFR 110.20. In general, foreign nationals are prohibited from the following activities:

  • Making any contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or making any expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement in connection with any federal, state or local election in the United States;
  • Making any contribution or donation to any committee or organization of any national, state, district, or local political party (including donations to a party nonfederal account or office building account);
  • Making any disbursement for an electioneering communication;
  • Making any donation to a presidential inaugural committee.

Too long. Didn't read.

Be honest and say it had too many big words and you couldn't read it.

Why should I bother with anything that doofus has to say? He would be better serving his cause by joining whatever protest is going on tonight, and being thrown in jail with the rest of them.

But still nobody would give a crap, so...
Lol! You must? Aren't you still responding, and countering nothing. You lost twenty posts ago, and your still making an idiot of yourself. I posted the U.S. code. Where the hell is yours? Debate something man, or get the hell out.

You won nothing. You posted nothing but some inane garbage, made up by some leftist hack website.

Furthermore, I don't debate with deranged people. I generally tend to lock them up where they can't hurt themselves.
Do you have a key for yourself?
What criminality? And you missed this from the link you posted in your other thread, Mueller faces a set back. -

The court filing indicated Mueller’s team also had suffered a potential setback, after gaining access to a witness with potential knowledge of several key events relevant to the probe during his tenure with Trump’s campaign from March to August 2016, including a Trump Tower meeting attended by a Russian lawyer and the Republican National Convention.

You want more punishment huh? Good! Let's rock and roll. Just you and me right here, right now. You got the balls? I don't think so. I'll go first, then you present your rebuttal of facts;
The Act and Commission regulations include a broad prohibition on foreign national activity in connection with elections in the United States. 52 U.S.C. § 30121 and generally, 11 CFR 110.20. In general, foreign nationals are prohibited from the following activities:

  • Making any contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or making any expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement in connection with any federal, state or local election in the United States;
  • Making any contribution or donation to any committee or organization of any national, state, district, or local political party (including donations to a party nonfederal account or office building account);
  • Making any disbursement for an electioneering communication;
  • Making any donation to a presidential inaugural committee.

Too long. Didn't read.

Be honest and say it had too many big words and you couldn't read it.
This crowd is so easy. It's almost as easy as competing with a child. And their weaknesses are so easily exposed. I feel sorry for them sometimes, until I realize that the criminality they support is dangerous to this country. Then I no longer feel sorry for them.
The criminality in the statute. Already posted it before. There is no set back. The law is clearly stated. Trump and his henchmen got caught making up three different stories about the meeting.

Trump got "caught"? Then why is he still your President?

You have a long way to go before you can claim any legitimate case against him. But keep livin' the dream..

What criminality? And you missed this from the link you posted in your other thread, Mueller faces a set back. -

The court filing indicated Mueller’s team also had suffered a potential setback, after gaining access to a witness with potential knowledge of several key events relevant to the probe during his tenure with Trump’s campaign from March to August 2016, including a Trump Tower meeting attended by a Russian lawyer and the Republican National Convention.

Too long. Didn't read.

Be honest and say it had too many big words and you couldn't read it.
This crowd is so easy. It's almost as easy as competing with a child. And their weaknesses are so easily exposed. I feel sorry for them sometimes, until I realize that the criminality they support is dangerous to this country. Then I no longer feel sorry for them.
The criminality in the statute. Already posted it before. There is no set back. The law is clearly stated. Trump and his henchmen got caught making up three different stories about the meeting.

Trump got "caught"? Then why is he still your President?

You have a long way to go before you can claim any legitimate case against him. But keep livin' the dream..

Oh the kids with their cartoon cut outs. How cute. And to think, they can't debate a thing. Bye!
Two years later, and millions of dollars of investigations, and we still don't have an answer.

We know Russians hacked DNC and handed them off to wikileaks.
We know Trump campaign LOVED the idea of collusion with Russians (it's in black and white, released by Don Jr. himself)
We know Russians were itching to screw HIllary, get Trump elected and lift the sanctions.
We know Trump's campaign met with Russian's government reps and that Trump more than likely knew full well about the meeting.
We know Trump was covering it up.

We DON'T know if Mueller actualy has Trump on the hook for crime such as Obstruction of Justice or conspiracy with Russians and the thing to do now is not to ignorantly run your mouth but to have a nice hot cup of STFU and simply wait for the special inspector's report.
What criminality? And you missed this from the link you posted in your other thread, Mueller faces a set back. -

The court filing indicated Mueller’s team also had suffered a potential setback, after gaining access to a witness with potential knowledge of several key events relevant to the probe during his tenure with Trump’s campaign from March to August 2016, including a Trump Tower meeting attended by a Russian lawyer and the Republican National Convention.

Be honest and say it had too many big words and you couldn't read it.
This crowd is so easy. It's almost as easy as competing with a child. And their weaknesses are so easily exposed. I feel sorry for them sometimes, until I realize that the criminality they support is dangerous to this country. Then I no longer feel sorry for them.
The criminality in the statute. Already posted it before. There is no set back. The law is clearly stated. Trump and his henchmen got caught making up three different stories about the meeting.

Trump got "caught"? Then why is he still your President?

You have a long way to go before you can claim any legitimate case against him. But keep livin' the dream..

Oh the kids with their cartoon cut outs. How cute. And to think, they can't debate a thing. Bye!

You already said "See you loser. You're nothing but a waste of time"

Just go already, and retain what little of your self respect and credibility you have left.

Or do I have to forcibly kick you out like the last girlfriend who put her nasty lips on my beer bottle?
From the one that slings nothing but ad hominems...

That’s seriously funny.
What criminality? And you missed this from the link you posted in your other thread, Mueller faces a set back. -

The court filing indicated Mueller’s team also had suffered a potential setback, after gaining access to a witness with potential knowledge of several key events relevant to the probe during his tenure with Trump’s campaign from March to August 2016, including a Trump Tower meeting attended by a Russian lawyer and the Republican National Convention.

Be honest and say it had too many big words and you couldn't read it.
This crowd is so easy. It's almost as easy as competing with a child. And their weaknesses are so easily exposed. I feel sorry for them sometimes, until I realize that the criminality they support is dangerous to this country. Then I no longer feel sorry for them.
The criminality in the statute. Already posted it before. There is no set back. The law is clearly stated. Trump and his henchmen got caught making up three different stories about the meeting.

Trump got "caught"? Then why is he still your President?

You have a long way to go before you can claim any legitimate case against him. But keep livin' the dream..

Oh the kids with their cartoon cut outs. How cute. And to think, they can't debate a thing. Bye!
Two years later, and millions of dollars of investigations, and we still don't have an answer.

We know Russians hacked DNC and handed them off to wikileaks.
We know Trump campaign LOVED the idea of collusion with Russians (it's in black and white, released by Don Jr. himself)
We know Russians were itching to screw HIllary, get Trump elected and lift the sanctions.
We know Trump's campaign met with Russian's government reps and that Trump more than likely knew full well about the meeting.
We know Trump was covering it up.

We DON'T know if Mueller actualy has Trump on the hook for crime such as Obstruction of Justice or conspiracy with Russians and the thing to do now is not to ignorantly run your mouth but to have a nice hot cup of STFU and simply wait for the special inspector's report.

So the DNC got hacked. It was their own fault for not having the proper security measures in place. I just thank God that the Russians or whomever showed the world what a sleazy bunch of lowlifes the Democraps really are. If the Russians hadn't done that, I would have gladly done it myself.

And if the Russians really did magically help Trump to win, all the better. Thank you Uncle Putin! The last thing I wanted to see was that stinky old post-menopausal ratbag Hillary crapping up the White House and the rest of this country.

It's comforting to know that Uncle Putin has the best interests of my country at heart, and he would willingly go so far as to keep that POS Hillary as far away from the White House as possible.
Two years later, and millions of dollars of investigations, and we still don't have an answer.

We know Russians hacked DNC and handed them off to wikileaks.
We know Trump campaign LOVED the idea of collusion with Russians (it's in black and white, released by Don Jr. himself)
We know Russians were itching to screw HIllary, get Trump elected and lift the sanctions.
We know Trump's campaign met with Russian's government reps and that Trump more than likely knew full well about the meeting.
We know Trump was covering it up.

We DON'T know if Mueller actualy has Trump on the hook for crime such as Obstruction of Justice or conspiracy with Russians and the thing to do now is not to ignorantly run your mouth but to have a nice hot cup of STFU and simply wait for the special inspector's report.

So the DNC got hacked. It was their own fault for not having the proper security measures in place. I just thank God that the Russians or whomever showed the world what a sleazy bunch of lowlifes the Democraps really are. If the Russians hadn't done that, I would have gladly done it myself.

And if the Russians really did magically help Trump to win, all the better. Thank you Uncle Putin! The last thing I wanted to see was that stinky old post-menopausal ratbag Hillary crapping up the White House and the rest of this country.

It's comforting to know that Uncle Putin has the best interests of my country at heart, and he would willingly go so far as to keep that POS Hillary as far away from the White House as possible.

And there you have it ladies and gentlemen, straight from the blatantly treasonous horse's mouth.
Two years later, and millions of dollars of investigations, and we still don't have an answer.

We know Russians hacked DNC and handed them off to wikileaks.
We know Trump campaign LOVED the idea of collusion with Russians (it's in black and white, released by Don Jr. himself)
We know Russians were itching to screw HIllary, get Trump elected and lift the sanctions.
We know Trump's campaign met with Russian's government reps and that Trump more than likely knew full well about the meeting.
We know Trump was covering it up.

We DON'T know if Mueller actualy has Trump on the hook for crime such as Obstruction of Justice or conspiracy with Russians and the thing to do now is not to ignorantly run your mouth but to have a nice hot cup of STFU and simply wait for the special inspector's report.

So the DNC got hacked. It was their own fault for not having the proper security measures in place. I just thank God that the Russians or whomever showed the world what a sleazy bunch of lowlifes the Democraps really are. If the Russians hadn't done that, I would have gladly done it myself.

And if the Russians really did magically help Trump to win, all the better. Thank you Uncle Putin! The last thing I wanted to see was that stinky old post-menopausal ratbag Hillary crapping up the White House and the rest of this country.

It's comforting to know that Uncle Putin has the best interests of my country at heart, and he would willingly go so far as to keep that POS Hillary as far away from the White House as possible.

And there you have it ladies and gentlemen, straight from the blatantly treasonous horse's mouth.

So? What are you going to do? Perform a ""citizen's arrest"?

Indict me with "collusion"? Burn a cross in my yard? organize a heresy trial?

So? What are you going to do? Perform a ""citizen's arrest"?

Indict me with "collusion"? Burn a cross in my yard? organize a heresy trial?

Pointing out your idiocy and the fact that you are a Trump sycophant is sufficient
So? What are you going to do? Perform a ""citizen's arrest"?

Indict me with "collusion"? Burn a cross in my yard? organize a heresy trial?

Pointing out your idiocy and the fact that you are a Trump sycophant is sufficient

Not gonna change one single thing in this world. Now shut up and enjoy your borscht and stroganoff , peasant.

Don't forget to report to the Commissar tomorrow for political re-education tomorrow, either. Oor you'll have hell to pay.
Last edited:
Two years later, and millions of dollars of investigations, and we still don't have an answer.

We know Russians hacked DNC and handed them off to wikileaks.
We know Trump campaign LOVED the idea of collusion with Russians (it's in black and white, released by Don Jr. himself)
We know Russians were itching to screw HIllary, get Trump elected and lift the sanctions.
We know Trump's campaign met with Russian's government reps and that Trump more than likely knew full well about the meeting.
We know Trump was covering it up.

We DON'T know if Mueller actualy has Trump on the hook for crime such as Obstruction of Justice or conspiracy with Russians and the thing to do now is not to ignorantly run your mouth but to have a nice hot cup of STFU and simply wait for the special inspector's report.

So the DNC got hacked. It was their own fault for not having the proper security measures in place. I just thank God that the Russians or whomever showed the world what a sleazy bunch of lowlifes the Democraps really are. If the Russians hadn't done that, I would have gladly done it myself.

And if the Russians really did magically help Trump to win, all the better. Thank you Uncle Putin! The last thing I wanted to see was that stinky old post-menopausal ratbag Hillary crapping up the White House and the rest of this country.

It's comforting to know that Uncle Putin has the best interests of my country at heart, and he would willingly go so far as to keep that POS Hillary as far away from the White House as possible.

And there you have it ladies and gentlemen, straight from the blatantly treasonous horse's mouth.

So? What are you going to do?

Call you a deplorable tool from whom Dear Leader and the party comes before America.
Two years later, and millions of dollars of investigations, and we still don't have an answer.

We know Russians hacked DNC and handed them off to wikileaks.
We know Trump campaign LOVED the idea of collusion with Russians (it's in black and white, released by Don Jr. himself)
We know Russians were itching to screw HIllary, get Trump elected and lift the sanctions.
We know Trump's campaign met with Russian's government reps and that Trump more than likely knew full well about the meeting.
We know Trump was covering it up.

We DON'T know if Mueller actualy has Trump on the hook for crime such as Obstruction of Justice or conspiracy with Russians and the thing to do now is not to ignorantly run your mouth but to have a nice hot cup of STFU and simply wait for the special inspector's report.

So the DNC got hacked. It was their own fault for not having the proper security measures in place. I just thank God that the Russians or whomever showed the world what a sleazy bunch of lowlifes the Democraps really are. If the Russians hadn't done that, I would have gladly done it myself.

And if the Russians really did magically help Trump to win, all the better. Thank you Uncle Putin! The last thing I wanted to see was that stinky old post-menopausal ratbag Hillary crapping up the White House and the rest of this country.

It's comforting to know that Uncle Putin has the best interests of my country at heart, and he would willingly go so far as to keep that POS Hillary as far away from the White House as possible.

And there you have it ladies and gentlemen, straight from the blatantly treasonous horse's mouth.

So? What are you going to do?

Call you a deplorable tool from whom Dear Leader and the party comes before America.

"Sticks and stones...and all that..."

Ho hum. Don't care. Not a single fornication left to give.
Two years later, and millions of dollars of investigations, and we still don't have an answer.

Give it a week.

And maybe a corsi plea plus some manafort lying with don junior explaining his tower meeting....

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