How Far Up the Ladder Did the Fraud Go?

Teflon Obama will never be indicted. I don't like to see wasted effort.
I cant wait for the lawsuit to start where Gen Flynn goes after everyone for defamation of Character and unlawful imprisonment. He can go after Obama's money, Joe Biden, James Comey, Clapper, and anyone else who knew. His case could bankrupt a bunch of liberals, and i would love to see those people slumming around

I wish I could be as optimistic as you are.
another conspiracy circle jerk thread -

How Far Up the Ladder Did the Fraud Go?

What fraud?

This fraud:

Previously undisclosed documents in the case of former national security adviser Michael Flynn offer us a chilling blueprint on how top FBI officials not only sought to entrap the former White House aide but sought to do so on such blatantly unconstitutional and manufactured grounds.

These new documents further undermine the view of both the legitimacy and motivations of those investigations under former FBI director James Comey. For all of those who have long seen a concerted effort within the Justice Department to target the Trump administration, the fragments will read like a Dead Sea Scrolls version of a “deep state” conspiracy.
Trump cultists, what's made you all so especially hysterical today? I mean, you're always hysterical, but today, you're more hysterical than I've ever seen you. You haven't lost the election yet, so the hysteria isn't justified.

More correctly, why do you think your masters ordered you to get extra-hysterical today? After all, it's not like you do it of your own volition.

I agree. A little Fascism never hurt anyone!

So what if Obama turned the FBI into his Secret Police? Hitler, Mao and Stalin all did that! What's the big deal?
The FBI ran a counter-intelligence operation against Trump and his associates.
The President has to approve all counter-intelligence ops.
It's basically pretty simple.....Obama knew and approved!
I agree. A little Fascism never hurt anyone!

The conservative motto, yes. You make that very clear.

So what if Obama turned the FBI into his Secret Police? Hitler, Mao and Stalin all did that! What's the big deal?

The Nazis made up stories of evil Jews to justify their attacks on the Jews.

You make up stories of evil liberals to justify your violence against liberals.

It's not really a question of whether you're like the fascists. It's a question of whether you differ from the fascists in any significant way. And you don't.
I agree. A little Fascism never hurt anyone!

The conservative motto, yes. You make that very clear.

So what if Obama turned the FBI into his Secret Police? Hitler, Mao and Stalin all did that! What's the big deal?

The Nazis made up stories of evil Jews to justify their attacks on the Jews.

You make up stories of evil liberals to justify your violence against liberals.

It's not really a question of whether you're like the fascists. It's a question of whether you differ from the fascists in any significant way. And you don't.

Obama Administration just got caught fingerfucking the Constitution.
So you have no comments or concerns about the abuses of authority perpetrated by the those at the highest levels of our most important and powerful gov't agencies?

I'm very concerned about the Trump admin being caught doing that yet another time, yes.

And here you are, defendng that behavior. That definitely calls into question your loyalty to the USA.

I swore a sacred oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The Trump admin is clearly a domestic enemy of the Constistution. You are clearly a domestic enemy of the Constitution (or possibly a foreign enemy of the Constitution, that's not clear). Anyways, the point is that I have no choice. My oath forces me to oppose the Trump admin and its enablers.

And no, crying harder at me won't change that.
We can expect the next 6 months - right up to Nov 3 - to be a gradual rollout of "bombshells" regarding who knew the Russiagate scam was a political, often illegal witch-hunt and when they knew it.

And no one will care...

What they'll care about is that they've all lost their jobs and wages in Trump's recession.

Trump has just lost control of his reality show.
Teflon Obama will never be indicted. I don't like to see wasted effort.

I'm ok with Zero staying out of a federal lockup. All that convict stiff dick would be like throwing him in the briar patch anyway.

I do want to see his legacy completely dismantled and remembered as the most corrupt, anti-America, whitey hatin', coup in our history. Call it the Simian Rebellion if you like. This requires the guilty to be prosecuted and locked up. Let's get Trump re-elected and then there will be nothing to stop the carnage.
I'm ok with Zero staying out of a federal lockup. All that convict stiff dick would be like throwing him in the briar patch anyway.

I do want to see his legacy completely dismantled and remembered as the most corrupt, anti-America, whitey hatin', coup in our history. Call it the Simian Rebellion if you like. This requires the guilty to be prosecuted and locked up. Let's get Trump re-elected and then there will be nothing to stop the carnage.

The more Trump sinks in the polls, the more frevor your racist wank fantasies get.
It went to to the head of the the very top.

We can expect the next 6 months - right up to Nov 3 - to be a gradual rollout of "bombshells" regarding who knew the Russiagate scam was a political, often illegal witch-hunt and when they knew it.

Can you tell me what surprised you or what was in some way nefarious or something that you think is some kind of scoop, in your linked article???

What's the conspiracy, what's the outrage, suppose to be?

Remember, we don't watch right wing tv, or go to your gazillion right wing sites, or listen to your right wing radio, so could you please make it so a 4th grader could understand it all....or, just make it a simple connect the dots kind of thing starting at dot, one???
Don't hold your breath. Getting Flynn off for bogus charges is a far way from holding anyone accountable for the corruption. To many people including republicans knew what was going on. Everything coming out has been known and reported on by many bloggers connected the dots.
They weren't bogus, and he's not getting off yet. The judge has to sign off on it.

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