How Far Up the Ladder Did the Fraud Go?

They impeached and tried to ruin General Flynn and Trump and his family...Obama must be made an example of for what happens when you commit a treasonous act.....its that damn simple...anything short of that will be a travesty of justice....and the American people will get screwed....and law and order will weaken...and respect for authority will lessen....please...don't look the other way just because he was the first black president...he broke the law and should pay a penalty.....
I tell you one thing , i sure wouldnt wanna be the scoundrels that called general flynn a traitor , and also called president President Trump and his entire family anything they felt like ..... i believe the hammer is coming down hard , i dont thing flynn or trump wanna plea bargain . . . No mercy . .. take them all down , right around october would be patriotic.... if you ask me ...
I tell you one thing , i sure wouldnt wanna be the scoundrels that called general flynn a traitor , and also called president President Trump and his entire family anything they felt like ..... i believe the hammer is coming down hard , i dont thing flynn or trump wanna plea bargain . . . No mercy . .. take them all down , right around october would be patriotic.... if you ask me ...

Guy, the only people who have to worry about jail time are Trump and his cronies... after they lose and we get real professionals back at Justice.
Too late to impeach Barry and nobody wants to put him in jail. It would be refreshing, however, if the mainstream media came around and admitted that they were tricked into supporting what amounts to an attempted political coup and that they demand prosecutions for treason for the former Obama holdovers as well as the leadership of the FBI and even the CIA.
They weren't "tricked"; they were willing purveyors of lies!!

Obama is running scared. He was staying low key, but now that he has been exposed as an active participant in this coup, he is panicking and urging all his own political operatives to campaign for Biden and make sure he gets elected. He knows that Biden is the only person who can kill all the investigations into his many crimes. Biden will cover up for Obama like Obama covered up for Clinton. Damn Democrats are natural born criminals. Obama will have to squirm a lot more before he goes to jail.
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Obama is running scared. He was staying low key. But now that he has been exposed as an active participant in this coup, he is panicking and urging all his own political operatives to campaign for Biden and make sure he gets elected. He knows that Biden is the only person who can kill all the investigations into his many crimes. Biden will cover up for Obama like Obama covered up for Clinton. Damn Democrats are natural born criminals. Obama will have to squirm a lot more before he goes to jail.

More right wing wank fantasies.

Sorry, man, it never looks good when a corrupt president pardons his co-conspirators...which is what Trump is doing right now. It shows why an Independent Counsel Statue is needed.

So you have no comments or concerns about the abuses of authority perpetrated by the those at the highest levels of our most important and powerful gov't agencies?

I'm very concerned about the Trump admin being caught doing that yet another time, yes.

And here you are, defendng that behavior. That definitely calls into question your loyalty to the USA.

I swore a sacred oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The Trump admin is clearly a domestic enemy of the Constistution. You are clearly a domestic enemy of the Constitution (or possibly a foreign enemy of the Constitution, that's not clear). Anyways, the point is that I have no choice. My oath forces me to oppose the Trump admin and its enablers.

And no, crying harder at me won't change that.
Time to step down off your phony, virtue-signaling high horse. It isn't me defending the abuses of authority perpetrated by the those at the highest levels of our most important and powerful gov't agencies but rather it is clearly you.

Now what were you saying about having sworn some oath?
Obama is running scared. He was staying low key. But now that he has been exposed as an active participant in this coup, he is panicking and urging all his own political operatives to campaign for Biden and make sure he gets elected. He knows that Biden is the only person who can kill all the investigations into his many crimes. Biden will cover up for Obama like Obama covered up for Clinton. Damn Democrats are natural born criminals. Obama will have to squirm a lot more before he goes to jail.

With Durham adding prosecutors to his team, any person with logical thinking knows people are going to get indicted. Obama? No, that is not going to happen.

But, we will see some of the people from that January 5th meeting get nailed to the cross! It is also gleefully obvious that Bill Priestep has flipped, and he knows where all the bodies are buried.

It is also a known commodity, that much of this was supposed to commence in the late 4th quarter of last year, with a peak being reached late in the 3rd quarter of this year right before the election.

What happened?

A little thing called impeachment! It is speculated that the Democrats got wind of what was going to start happening, and had to have something to knock it off the front page, or prevent it from starting at all. This is the reason nobody could understand why Punklousy started this thing so close to the election, and then wanted to drag her feet as much as possible when it did start, after proclaiming how it was soooooooo important to hurry up. It now, all makes absolute sense, doesn't it!

As we can now all see, they are going to tie the Obama/Biden Whitehouse to the Flynn investigation, and soon to the collusion delusion. When that happens; and it will, the Trump Administration will use it as a political weapon against Biden, and any other Democrat who was involved in the high tech WATERGATE.

As far as the realization that some Republicans were involved, with that I concur; but the Democrats have a problem.

What is that you say?

To use that line of attack against Republicans means------------>they have to admit it was nefarious, indicting themselves in the process, lol.

You have NOT heard the last of this saga, and in fact are probably just seeing the opening salvo. Even many in the MSM are starting to have to cover it more fairly, as they know any credibility they have left is on the line. They can no longer cover for their political party of choice, since even they are aware they were mislead also by their leakers who gave them false facts purposely. The released testimony that shows nobody had one iota of evidence of collusion in the Trump campaign was NOT what they told reporters, now is it! The information given reporters by the leakers was soooooooooo off base, some soft copy media outlets could get sued over it ala the way they are getting hosed by the Covington kid!

Thanks to the Democrats own arrogance, they took a very winnable election thanks to Covid 19, and turned into a total uphill battle which they will most likely lose. The political hammers coming have yet to drop, and every Democratic operative knows they are coming. The only ones who don't know or believe this are the Democrat sycophants on this forum. And yet, I really believe they are aware! What do you/we expect them to do, admit they are fu**ed?

Nah, they won't! But then, it will give us more joy watching them collapse, won't it-)
It's amazing to me how people can be suckered in by RUSSIA and then try to maintain there was evidence to warrant said look INTO "Russia"


fisa abuse, excused
Comey abusing flynns rights, justified
Falsifying evidence for fisa abuse, no they didnt
Altering 302s, no they didnt
Proven history of spying, overlooked

And the list goes on of what must be ignored by the rabid TDS left in order for them to stay on hate.

So some book of half truths and a few innuendoes is enough for 2 years of investigation.

But none of that crap up there does, the same.

Fuck those so blinded by hate that we get into this, shit as a country.
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It's amazing to me how people can be suckered in by RUSSIA and then try to maintain there was 3vidence to warrant said look.


fisa abuse, excused
Comey abusing flynns rights, justified
Falsifying evidence for fisa abuse, no they didnt
Altering 302s, no they didnt
Proven history of spying, overlooked

And the list goes on of what must be ignored by the rabid TDS left in order for them to stay on hate.

So some book of half truths and a few innuendoes is enough for 2 years of investigation.

But none of that crap up there does, the same.

Fuck those so blinded by hate that we get into this, shit as a country.
I'm old enough to remember when the left loved civil liberties so much that they would have shit turkeys over this, no matter who did it.

It's now DNC uber alles....And they have the nerve to decry others as fascists.
Teflon Obama will never be indicted. I don't like to see wasted effort.

I'm ok with Zero staying out of a federal lockup. All that convict stiff dick would be like throwing him in the briar patch anyway.

I do want to see his legacy completely dismantled and remembered as the most corrupt, anti-America, whitey hatin', coup in our history. Call it the Simian Rebellion if you like. This requires the guilty to be prosecuted and locked up. Let's get Trump re-elected and then there will be nothing to stop the carnage.

How about fucking charging him...

Go on ahead...

It won't happen because people would have to testify and they knows while Barr won't charge you the next guy will...

We know it is that got to jail for lying for Trump is the ultimate devotion...
Trump cultists, what's made you all so especially hysterical today? I mean, you're always hysterical, but today, you're more hysterical than I've ever seen you. You haven't lost the election yet, so the hysteria isn't justified.

More correctly, why do you think your masters ordered you to get extra-hysterical today? After all, it's not like you do it of your own volition.
Here sweetie!


Let's not forget this one!
It's amazing to me how people can be suckered in by RUSSIA and then try to maintain there was 3vidence to warrant said look.


fisa abuse, excused
Comey abusing flynns rights, justified
Falsifying evidence for fisa abuse, no they didnt
Altering 302s, no they didnt
Proven history of spying, overlooked

And the list goes on of what must be ignored by the rabid TDS left in order for them to stay on hate.

So some book of half truths and a few innuendoes is enough for 2 years of investigation.

But none of that crap up there does, the same.

Fuck those so blinded by hate that we get into this, shit as a country.
I'm old enough to remember when the left loved civil liberties so much that they would have shit turkeys over this, no matter who did it.

It's now DNC uber alles....And they have the nerve to decry others as fascists.
i remember they were emotional basket cases in the late 60s / early 70s and that's when i first started noticing their mantra was like "GIVE US PEACE OR WE WILL BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU" and that never made any sense to me.

how can you fight for something you don't even practice?

but here we are. the rules change as required in order for them to be emotionally correct, factually scattered. their circular logic is like spitting into a tornado in that it comes right back at you and then they declare its something else "because".

all this HATE is fucking insane. children need to control their emotions.
Obama is running scared. He was staying low key. But now that he has been exposed as an active participant in this coup, he is panicking and urging all his own political operatives to campaign for Biden and make sure he gets elected. He knows that Biden is the only person who can kill all the investigations into his many crimes. Biden will cover up for Obama like Obama covered up for Clinton. Damn Democrats are natural born criminals. Obama will have to squirm a lot more before he goes to jail.

More right wing wank fantasies.

Sorry, man, it never looks good when a corrupt president pardons his co-conspirators...which is what Trump is doing right now. It shows why an Independent Counsel Statue is needed.

I say it everytime.... They are just there masterbating to there fantasies...

That is why I would love any of these goto Court...

The reason Flynn is getting off is because Barr has ordered it... It has nothing to do with the merit of the case...

If I am wrong could someone show me new evidence which actually affects this case legally..

By the way there is no such thing as entrapment in perjury...
Obama is running scared. He was staying low key. But now that he has been exposed as an active participant in this coup, he is panicking and urging all his own political operatives to campaign for Biden and make sure he gets elected. He knows that Biden is the only person who can kill all the investigations into his many crimes. Biden will cover up for Obama like Obama covered up for Clinton. Damn Democrats are natural born criminals. Obama will have to squirm a lot more before he goes to jail.

More right wing wank fantasies.

Sorry, man, it never looks good when a corrupt president pardons his co-conspirators...which is what Trump is doing right now. It shows why an Independent Counsel Statue is needed.

I say it everytime.... They are just there masterbating to there fantasies...

That is why I would love any of these goto Court...

The reason Flynn is getting off is because Barr has ordered it... It has nothing to do with the merit of the case...

If I am wrong could someone show me new evidence which actually affects this case legally..

By the way there is no such thing as entrapment in perjury...
speaking of mental masturbation - we now see the infamous cowboy ted doing the same coupled with a top of deflection of your activities on others.

move along. nothing new here. he does this act every post.
I tell you one thing , i sure wouldnt wanna be the scoundrels that called general flynn a traitor , and also called president President Trump and his entire family anything they felt like ..... i believe the hammer is coming down hard , i dont thing flynn or trump wanna plea bargain . . . No mercy . .. take them all down , right around october would be patriotic.... if you ask me ...

Guy, the only people who have to worry about jail time are Trump and his cronies... after they lose and we get real professionals back at Justice.
Are you Rachael Maddow?
It's amazing to me how people can be suckered in by RUSSIA and then try to maintain there was evidence to warrant said look INTO "Russia"


fisa abuse, excused
Comey abusing flynns rights, justified
Falsifying evidence for fisa abuse, no they didnt
Altering 302s, no they didnt
Proven history of spying, overlooked

And the list goes on of what must be ignored by the rabid TDS left in order for them to stay on hate.

So some book of half truths and a few innuendoes is enough for 2 years of investigation.

But none of that crap up there does, the same.

Fuck those so blinded by hate that we get into this, shit as a country.

Oh, take a Chill-Pill, Nancy. The Russians did interfere in our elections. Flynn was on their payroll. The thing was, Obama warned Trump not to hire Flynn, and he did anyway... and Flynn immediately got into exactly the kind of trouble you'd have predicted.
i remember they were emotional basket cases in the late 60s / early 70s and that's when i first started noticing their mantra was like "GIVE US PEACE OR WE WILL BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU" and that never made any sense to me.

When did they say this? I mean, yeah, some more radical groups were out there, but most of the resistance to the sheer stupidity of the Vietnam War was peaceful.

Oh, you do understand the War in Vietnam was all manner of stupid, that we killed 60K Americans and 3MM Vietnamese for absolutely no good reason, right? But the hippies hurt your feelings, and that's the important thing.

but here we are. the rules change as required in order for them to be emotionally correct, factually scattered. their circular logic is like spitting into a tornado in that it comes right back at you and then they declare its something else "because".

all this HATE is fucking insane. children need to control their emotions.

I'm sorry, what does this have to do with Flynn, exactly? He was the one who sold out to the people he was supposed to be protecting us from. He's the one who took money from the Russians... Why are we feeling bad for him after he broke the law?

If anything, he got more consideration than most of us would get if we did the same thing.
Teflon Obama will never be indicted. I don't like to see wasted effort.

I'm ok with Zero staying out of a federal lockup. All that convict stiff dick would be like throwing him in the briar patch anyway.

I do want to see his legacy completely dismantled and remembered as the most corrupt, anti-America, whitey hatin', coup in our history. Call it the Simian Rebellion if you like. This requires the guilty to be prosecuted and locked up. Let's get Trump re-elected and then there will be nothing to stop the carnage.

How about fucking charging him...

Go on ahead...

It won't happen because people would have to testify and they knows while Barr won't charge you the next guy will...

We know it is that got to jail for lying for Trump is the ultimate devotion...

So much spinning! I wonder if you are that ignorant, or actually believe what you say, lol!

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