How Far Up the Ladder Did the Fraud Go?

So much spinning! I wonder if you are that ignorant, or actually believe what you say, lol!

That pouting act was not an answer. If all that evidence exists, and Trump runs the justice department, why isn't anyone being charged?

You are asking for something you will soon get, then turn around and propagandize the fact you just got hosed!

I will follow your posts just to prove how fast you will reverse course once they are indicted, lol!

Hope you aren't a paid poster, cause you are going to be embarrassed!

If you are, you are going to go broke!
You are asking for something you will soon get, then turn around and propagandize the fact you just got hosed!

I will follow your posts just to prove how fast you will reverse course once they are indicted, lol!

Hope you aren't a paid poster, cause you are going to be embarrassed!

So why haven't your side's previous thousand conspiracy theories on the same theme ever panned out?

Give your side's perfect record of failure here, wouldn't you agree that a wise man would bet against you?
Obama is running scared. He was staying low key. But now that he has been exposed as an active participant in this coup, he is panicking and urging all his own political operatives to campaign for Biden and make sure he gets elected. He knows that Biden is the only person who can kill all the investigations into his many crimes. Biden will cover up for Obama like Obama covered up for Clinton. Damn Democrats are natural born criminals. Obama will have to squirm a lot more before he goes to jail.

More right wing wank fantasies.

Sorry, man, it never looks good when a corrupt president pardons his co-conspirators...which is what Trump is doing right now. It shows why an Independent Counsel Statue is needed.

I say it everytime.... They are just there masterbating to there fantasies...

That is why I would love any of these goto Court...

The reason Flynn is getting off is because Barr has ordered it... It has nothing to do with the merit of the case...

If I am wrong could someone show me new evidence which actually affects this case legally..

By the way there is no such thing as entrapment in perjury...
speaking of mental masturbation - we now see the infamous cowboy ted doing the same coupled with a top of deflection of your activities on others.

move along. nothing new here. he does this act every post.

Where is your new evidence?

No deflection. How come the DOJ changed it's mind, when there is no new evidence?

Your post was actually the deflection, You seem unwilling to answer the question.
You are asking for something you will soon get, then turn around and propagandize the fact you just got hosed!

I will follow your posts just to prove how fast you will reverse course once they are indicted, lol!

Hope you aren't a paid poster, cause you are going to be embarrassed!

So why haven't your side's previous thousand conspiracy theories on the same theme ever panned out?

Give your side's perfect record of failure here, wouldn't you agree that a wise man would bet against you?

Now that is funny Moo-Moo; may I call you Moo-Moo?

Everything that we said for the last 3 years is now coming to light, or aren't you paying attention. In fact, if anyone has gotten it bassackwards, it has been your side. We see from the released testimony that all of your calling Trump treasonous was a talking point. They NEVER had anything on anyone, but that didn't stop you people, now did it! They all said one thing when interviewed, but when put under oath, they had zippo, nada, nothing. The whole thing was a hoax, perpetrated by Shillary and Obama, and now some of your peeps are going to get indicted; or haven't you heard, Durham has convened a grand jury. And, if you didn't know that, then that just proves you have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about.

You were fed a line of poop, and fell for it hook, line, and sinker. And why? Because you don't like Trump, so it fit how you FELT. It is fine, you don't have to like Trump or his policies. Different strokes, for different folks, live and let live, etc. But to call our President a Russian stooge, or treasonous for 3 years with absolute vitriol and zero evidence, just shows how removed from reality some of you people really are. No President from Bush, Clinton, Obama on down should be treated with such malice. What these actions show is the content of your character, period! There are lie, and there are damned lies. You people are full of the latter.

Enjoy when the 1st indictment drops, we will, and it is coming soon on whoever it is. There won't be a lot of them, maybe 4 or 5, and I have a feeling that the designers of the plot will not be; it will be their lackeys. Still, when they continue on singing what Bill Priestep HAS been singing, the people on top will be drummed out of politics. That is probably 50% of the Obama Administration, including your nominee, Joe Biden-)
Everything that we said for the last 3 years is now coming to light, or aren't you paying attention. In fact, if anyone has gotten it bassackwards, it has been your side. We see from the released testimony that all of your calling Trump treasonous was a talking point. They NEVER had anything on anyone, but that didn't stop you people, now did it! They all said one thing when interviewed, but when put under oath, they had zippo, nada, nothing. The whole thing was a hoax, perpetrated by Shillary and Obama, and now some of your peeps are going to get indicted; or haven't you heard, Durham has convened a grand jury. And, if you didn't know that, then that just proves you have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about.

Yeah, WeirdBeard Durham is going to get you all... no, really.

The fact is, the Russians DID interfere in 2016 election. This is not only the conclusion of the intel community, but the Senate intelligence committee. And this is what they are willing to admit to. No one really wants to admit the Russians skunked us.

The only real question is, was Trump a willing participant, or an unwitting dupe? Neither makes him look good.
Now that is funny Moo-Moo; may I call you Moo-Moo?

Great. Yet another old queer hitting on me. This gets tedious.

Everything that we said for the last 3 years is now coming to light, or aren't you paying attention.

You mean Hillary Clinton is in jail, and Obama was proven to be a Muslim Atheist Christian Kenyan?

Look, I understand that you're a moron, meaning you actually believe your cult's propaganda, no matter how bizarre and self-contradicting it all is.

You need to understand that everyone outside of your Stalinist cult can clearly see how every conspiracy theory from your cult has resulted in you doing yet another faceplant into a cow patty. And now you're standing here with the cow dung smeared all over your face, crowing about your glorious victories.

Bless your little heart.

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