How have the leftists that yell "QUID PRO QUO" against Trump reacted to biden bragging about it?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

I know this is an old story, I just want to know. Don't have time to research every topic.

How did these intolerable losers address this? How is it that they explain away his son getting paid 83K per month for something he had no business getting?

Could you imagine if that was Donald bragging that he got a Ukraine prosecutor fired that was investigating that?

If Junior received ONE DOLLAR from Russia, the parasites in the lying agenda driven media would piss all over themselves yelling bribery, quid pro quo, and all of that.

I have so many of these losers on ignore..................
They completely ignore it.

I don’t think one lefty on the board has directly addressed this situation.

What they do is just ignore things that don’t fit their bullshit narrative.

Or they will say it’s a whataboutism

They don’t deal with facts, they have their story and they are sticking to it.

Do you think ANY of them have capitulated about being DEAD FUCKING WRONG ABOUT RUSSIAN COLLUSION?

Fuck no, they doubled down on OBSTRUCTION!

Then when that didn’t work, they moved onto UKRAINE.

They are cvnts, and they know it.

I know this is an old story, I just want to know. Don't have time to research every topic.

How did these intolerable losers address this? How is it that they explain away his son getting paid 83K per month for something he had no business getting?

Could you imagine if that was Donald bragging that he got a Ukraine prosecutor fired that was investigating that?

If Junior received ONE DOLLAR from Russia, the parasites in the lying agenda driven media would piss all over themselves yelling bribery, quid pro quo, and all of that.

I have so many of these losers on ignore..................

They're mostly unthinking bots run on programming out of the Stats and Starkey Agitprop and Internet Outreach Center at Media Matters

I know this is an old story, I just want to know. Don't have time to research every topic.

How did these intolerable losers address this? How is it that they explain away his son getting paid 83K per month for something he had no business getting?

Could you imagine if that was Donald bragging that he got a Ukraine prosecutor fired that was investigating that?

If Junior received ONE DOLLAR from Russia, the parasites in the lying agenda driven media would piss all over themselves yelling bribery, quid pro quo, and all of that.

I have so many of these losers on ignore..................

/——/ The leftards either ignore it or if push comes to shove, say you’re changing the subject, or he was doing his job getting a corrupt prosecutor fired, or saying it never happened and your eyes and ears are lying to you, or any number of half baked reasons.
They completely ignore it.

I don’t think one lefty on the board has directly addressed this situation.

What they do is just ignore things that don’t fit their bullshit narrative.

Or they will say it’s a whataboutism

They don’t deal with facts, they have their story and they are sticking to it.

Do you think ANY of them have capitulated about being DEAD FUCKING WRONG ABOUT RUSSIAN COLLUSION?

Fuck no, they doubled down on OBSTRUCTION!

Then when that didn’t work, they moved onto UKRAINE.

They are cvnts, and they know it.
Yeap, I knew I was justified to ignore them.
2 Timothy 3:3-5
They are unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good,treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God--having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

Yeap, I am justified.
Just watch this thread.

No lefties will come in here and say, “Yea, What Biden did is kind of fucked up.”

Not happening.
Just watch this thread.

No lefties will come in here and say, “Yea, What Biden did is kind of fucked up.”

Not happening.
Or they will say this is not about biden. This is about the president.......

Something to that effect.
Nope, not addressing it. No race card or nazi card to be able to fall back on with this topic. So, it will be just too hard to wriggle their way out of the blatant hypocrisy of the left wing traitorous media on display.
There is nothing wrong with quid quo pro. It is a cornerstone of everyday life. I give a merchant $100, he gives me a pair of shoes....quid quo pro

However, when an elected official demands personal favors for official aid, that quit quo pro is illegal
They often like to try to discredit the source of news stories that fuck up their bullshit narrative or call it fake news.

They can’t do that in this case. In this case, they would have to discuss facts and that is NOT FUCKING HAPPENING.

All throughout the 2016 campaign, HIllary said, “The rich have to pay their fair share.”

On this board, at least 50 times, I asked HIllary supporters, “Who are the rich and what is their fair share?”

Never got one reply, because they are cvnts, and they know it.
There is nothing wrong with quid quo pro. It is a cornerstone of everyday life. I give a merchant $100, he gives me a pair of shoes....quid quo pro

However, when an elected official demands personal favors for official aid, that quit quo pro is illegal
Yeap, something to that effect.

To sum it up.

It was perfectly ok for biden to do it but not ok for Trump to do it, and even though there is no proof Trump did do it, they still think the thing he has been proven not to have done ought to be impeached for the thing that was perfectly fine for biden to do.

Cause even though biden is an elected official at the time and represented the skinny marxist messiah elected official at the time, it was perfectly fine.

That, is the toad mind of the left.
There is nothing wrong with quid quo pro. It is a cornerstone of everyday life. I give a merchant $100, he gives me a pair of shoes....quid quo pro

However, when an elected official demands personal favors for official aid, that quit quo pro is illegal

Soooo, biden getting the prosecutor fired, who was investigating the corruption at the company his son was a sub boss of fits your description to a "T".

Thank you for the admission.
There is nothing wrong with quid quo pro. It is a cornerstone of everyday life. I give a merchant $100, he gives me a pair of shoes....quid quo pro

However, when an elected official demands personal favors for official aid, that quit quo pro is illegal

At least Biden's confession is on videotape
There is nothing wrong with quid quo pro. It is a cornerstone of everyday life. I give a merchant $100, he gives me a pair of shoes....quid quo pro

However, when an elected official demands personal favors for official aid, that quit quo pro is illegal
Like holding up a billion in aide until you fire a prosecutor looking into your son’s company?

I know this is an old story, I just want to know. Don't have time to research every topic.

How did these intolerable losers address this? How is it that they explain away his son getting paid 83K per month for something he had no business getting?

Could you imagine if that was Donald bragging that he got a Ukraine prosecutor fired that was investigating that?

If Junior received ONE DOLLAR from Russia, the parasites in the lying agenda driven media would piss all over themselves yelling bribery, quid pro quo, and all of that.

I have so many of these losers on ignore..................

They're mostly unthinking bots run on programming out of the Stats and Starkey Agitprop and Internet Outreach Center at Media Matters

So that's how so many of them come up with the same absurd talking points? Thank you.
There is nothing wrong with quid quo pro. It is a cornerstone of everyday life. I give a merchant $100, he gives me a pair of shoes....quid quo pro

However, when an elected official demands personal favors for official aid, that quit quo pro is illegal
/----/ Hey rightwinger, please add the full quote to your signature. It tells a different story than your edited version. He didn't ask for a personal favor, he asked for a favor for the country. Words mean things.
“I would like you to do us a favor, though, because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it,"

I know this is an old story, I just want to know. Don't have time to research every topic.

How did these intolerable losers address this? How is it that they explain away his son getting paid 83K per month for something he had no business getting?

Could you imagine if that was Donald bragging that he got a Ukraine prosecutor fired that was investigating that?

If Junior received ONE DOLLAR from Russia, the parasites in the lying agenda driven media would piss all over themselves yelling bribery, quid pro quo, and all of that.

I have so many of these losers on ignore..................

You don't want to know, but you do want to flame. bye

I know this is an old story, I just want to know. Don't have time to research every topic.

How did these intolerable losers address this? How is it that they explain away his son getting paid 83K per month for something he had no business getting?

Could you imagine if that was Donald bragging that he got a Ukraine prosecutor fired that was investigating that?

If Junior received ONE DOLLAR from Russia, the parasites in the lying agenda driven media would piss all over themselves yelling bribery, quid pro quo, and all of that.

I have so many of these losers on ignore..................

You don't want to know, but you do want to flame. bye


I know this is an old story, I just want to know. Don't have time to research every topic.

How did these intolerable losers address this? How is it that they explain away his son getting paid 83K per month for something he had no business getting?

Could you imagine if that was Donald bragging that he got a Ukraine prosecutor fired that was investigating that?

If Junior received ONE DOLLAR from Russia, the parasites in the lying agenda driven media would piss all over themselves yelling bribery, quid pro quo, and all of that.

I have so many of these losers on ignore..................

You don't want to know, but you do want to flame. bye

You're probably right. I'll have to admit for myself, it's hard to read the majority of you peoples hypocritical crap and lies.
Well that wasn’t tough to predict. :113:

The left will NEVER admit their side has ever done anything wrong ever.

Every single thing they have ever done is 100% correct and everything the Republicans have ever done it 100% wrong.

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