How have the leftists that yell "QUID PRO QUO" against Trump reacted to biden bragging about it?

Unclear how exactly the money was released.

Aid was held. Ukraine was asked to do his political errand. It’s corrupt.

Is that what the transcript said?

I didn’t think he asked Ukraine to investigate Biden for else they wouldn’t get $400m.

As we learned, this story goes far beyond the phone call. He’d been pestering Ukraine for months for these investigations, by himself and through his cronies. Then the aid was held up.

Is anyone going to wonder whether these two things are connected? It’s not credible to suggest they aren’t.

Pestering Ukraine to clean up their corruption before we give them $400 million of my money and your money?

“Clean up corruption” is quite a charitable way of framing what Trump was asking. It’s pretty clear the only “corruption” he was interested in was in reference to the Bidens. That’s just a little too convenient. Wouldn’t you say?

Seems to me the voters have a right to know if Biden was corrupt not only involving Ukraine but also with China. TRUMP did the country a service.

Investigations still need to be predicated on actual reasonable suspicion. There isn’t any when it comes to the Bidens.
Is that what the transcript said?

I didn’t think he asked Ukraine to investigate Biden for else they wouldn’t get $400m.

As we learned, this story goes far beyond the phone call. He’d been pestering Ukraine for months for these investigations, by himself and through his cronies. Then the aid was held up.

Is anyone going to wonder whether these two things are connected? It’s not credible to suggest they aren’t.

Pestering Ukraine to clean up their corruption before we give them $400 million of my money and your money?

“Clean up corruption” is quite a charitable way of framing what Trump was asking. It’s pretty clear the only “corruption” he was interested in was in reference to the Bidens. That’s just a little too convenient. Wouldn’t you say?

Seems to me the voters have a right to know if Biden was corrupt not only involving Ukraine but also with China. TRUMP did the country a service.

Investigations still need to be predicated on actual reasonable suspicion. There isn’t any when it comes to the Bidens.
VPOTUS son getting $2 million per year to serve on the board of a Ukrainian Petrol company with zero experience after Joe meets with Ukraine doesn’t seem suspicious? Really?
As we learned, this story goes far beyond the phone call. He’d been pestering Ukraine for months for these investigations, by himself and through his cronies. Then the aid was held up.

Is anyone going to wonder whether these two things are connected? It’s not credible to suggest they aren’t.

Pestering Ukraine to clean up their corruption before we give them $400 million of my money and your money?

“Clean up corruption” is quite a charitable way of framing what Trump was asking. It’s pretty clear the only “corruption” he was interested in was in reference to the Bidens. That’s just a little too convenient. Wouldn’t you say?

Seems to me the voters have a right to know if Biden was corrupt not only involving Ukraine but also with China. TRUMP did the country a service.

Investigations still need to be predicated on actual reasonable suspicion. There isn’t any when it comes to the Bidens.
VPOTUS son getting $2 million per year to serve on the board of a Ukrainian Petrol company with zero experience after Joe meets with Ukraine doesn’t seem suspicious? Really?

It is not illegal for the son of the Vice President to be paid to serve or a corporate board.
Pestering Ukraine to clean up their corruption before we give them $400 million of my money and your money?

“Clean up corruption” is quite a charitable way of framing what Trump was asking. It’s pretty clear the only “corruption” he was interested in was in reference to the Bidens. That’s just a little too convenient. Wouldn’t you say?

Seems to me the voters have a right to know if Biden was corrupt not only involving Ukraine but also with China. TRUMP did the country a service.

Investigations still need to be predicated on actual reasonable suspicion. There isn’t any when it comes to the Bidens.
VPOTUS son getting $2 million per year to serve on the board of a Ukrainian Petrol company with zero experience after Joe meets with Ukraine doesn’t seem suspicious? Really?

It is not illegal for the son of the Vice President to be paid to serve or a corporate board.

No, not in and of itself.

It’s not that simple, though, is it?
“Clean up corruption” is quite a charitable way of framing what Trump was asking. It’s pretty clear the only “corruption” he was interested in was in reference to the Bidens. That’s just a little too convenient. Wouldn’t you say?

Seems to me the voters have a right to know if Biden was corrupt not only involving Ukraine but also with China. TRUMP did the country a service.

Investigations still need to be predicated on actual reasonable suspicion. There isn’t any when it comes to the Bidens.
VPOTUS son getting $2 million per year to serve on the board of a Ukrainian Petrol company with zero experience after Joe meets with Ukraine doesn’t seem suspicious? Really?

It is not illegal for the son of the Vice President to be paid to serve or a corporate board.

No, not in and of itself.

It’s not that simple, though, is it?

It rarely is that simple. The fact that Biden is sitting on that board isn’t enough. You need more if you want a criminal investigation. The problem is, there isn’t any more.
Seems to me the voters have a right to know if Biden was corrupt not only involving Ukraine but also with China. TRUMP did the country a service.

Investigations still need to be predicated on actual reasonable suspicion. There isn’t any when it comes to the Bidens.
VPOTUS son getting $2 million per year to serve on the board of a Ukrainian Petrol company with zero experience after Joe meets with Ukraine doesn’t seem suspicious? Really?

It is not illegal for the son of the Vice President to be paid to serve or a corporate board.

No, not in and of itself.

It’s not that simple, though, is it?

It rarely is that simple. The fact that Biden is sitting on that board isn’t enough. You need more if you want a criminal investigation. The problem is, there isn’t any more.

Veep meeting Ukrainian officials and then his son gets a $2 million/ year job that he is not qualified for with a Ukrainian company.

Doesn’t seem fishy?

Pretend it’s Trump and his son Eric. Is it fishy now? Same exact scenario.
Investigations still need to be predicated on actual reasonable suspicion. There isn’t any when it comes to the Bidens.
VPOTUS son getting $2 million per year to serve on the board of a Ukrainian Petrol company with zero experience after Joe meets with Ukraine doesn’t seem suspicious? Really?

It is not illegal for the son of the Vice President to be paid to serve or a corporate board.

No, not in and of itself.

It’s not that simple, though, is it?

It rarely is that simple. The fact that Biden is sitting on that board isn’t enough. You need more if you want a criminal investigation. The problem is, there isn’t any more.

Veep meeting Ukrainian officials and then his son gets a $2 million/ year job that he is not qualified for with a Ukrainian company.

Doesn’t seem fishy?

Pretend it’s Trump and his son Eric. Is it fishy now? Same exact scenario.

“Fishy” doesn’t warrant a criminal investigation. What potential illegal act would you want investigated?
I would be interested in knowing How Hunter got a $2millon job he isn’t qualified for with a Ukrainian petroleum firm after his father, who is the VPOTUS, met with Ukrainian officials.
Unclear how exactly the money was released.

Aid was held. Ukraine was asked to do his political errand. It’s corrupt.

Is that what the transcript said?

I didn’t think he asked Ukraine to investigate Biden for else they wouldn’t get $400m.

As we learned, this story goes far beyond the phone call. He’d been pestering Ukraine for months for these investigations, by himself and through his cronies. Then the aid was held up.

Is anyone going to wonder whether these two things are connected? It’s not credible to suggest they aren’t.

Pestering Ukraine to clean up their corruption before we give them $400 million of my money and your money?

“Clean up corruption” is quite a charitable way of framing what Trump was asking. It’s pretty clear the only “corruption” he was interested in was in reference to the Bidens. That’s just a little too convenient. Wouldn’t you say?

Seems to me the voters have a right to know if Biden was corrupt not only involving Ukraine but also with China. TRUMP did the country a service.

Seems to me it was a plan to make it seem as if Joe was corrupt by simple being under investigation by another country. You see the President can't ask his AG to investigate a political rival based on nothing.

Substitute Biden for Clinton in all his campaign material, "Lock Him Up" instead of "Lock Her Up" in the famous Nuremberg Rallies. Just reuse the old stuff, no need to rewrite anything.
I would be interested in knowing How Hunter got a $2millon job he isn’t qualified for with a Ukrainian petroleum firm after his father, who is the VPOTUS, met with Ukrainian officials.

Shouldn't you start with what Berisma said about hiring him? It was for his high profile name to help counter all the corruption in the companies history, to help the company going forward. Does Trump have a lock on making money base on a family name? Really?
Is that what the transcript said?

I didn’t think he asked Ukraine to investigate Biden for else they wouldn’t get $400m.

As we learned, this story goes far beyond the phone call. He’d been pestering Ukraine for months for these investigations, by himself and through his cronies. Then the aid was held up.

Is anyone going to wonder whether these two things are connected? It’s not credible to suggest they aren’t.

Pestering Ukraine to clean up their corruption before we give them $400 million of my money and your money?

“Clean up corruption” is quite a charitable way of framing what Trump was asking. It’s pretty clear the only “corruption” he was interested in was in reference to the Bidens. That’s just a little too convenient. Wouldn’t you say?

Seems to me the voters have a right to know if Biden was corrupt not only involving Ukraine but also with China. TRUMP did the country a service.

Investigations still need to be predicated on actual reasonable suspicion. There isn’t any when it comes to the Bidens.

Sure there is and I would bet there is more reasonable suspicion to investigate the Biden's then there was to illegally spy on the TRUMP administration...keep in mind the level of surveillance on the TRUMP administration was comparable to what is used to spy on terrorist, and they came up with NOTHING!!!

There is nothing wrong with quid quo pro. It is a cornerstone of everyday life. I give a merchant $100, he gives me a pair of shoes....quid quo pro

However, when an elected official demands personal favors for official aid, that quit quo pro is illegal
/----/ Hey rightwinger, please add the full quote to your signature. It tells a different story than your edited version. He didn't ask for a personal favor, he asked for a favor for the country. Words mean things.
“I would like you to do us a favor, though, because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it,"
Trump actually Believes that HE alone, is Our Country.... :D

I know this is an old story, I just want to know. Don't have time to research every topic.

How did these intolerable losers address this? How is it that they explain away his son getting paid 83K per month for something he had no business getting?

Could you imagine if that was Donald bragging that he got a Ukraine prosecutor fired that was investigating that?

If Junior received ONE DOLLAR from Russia, the parasites in the lying agenda driven media would piss all over themselves yelling bribery, quid pro quo, and all of that.

I have so many of these losers on ignore..................

Who are you to say he had no business getting it? Members of boards of directors are often chosen for their name. Also Biden's experience in finance could be valuable to a company looking to expand overseas. The fact is that he just resigned from Burisma's board this year. 3 years after Joe Biden left office.

The fact is that Hunter Biden was never under investigation. The idea that Biden was trying to protect his son is wrong. The world community and Ukrainians knew that the prosecutor was corrupt and wanted him fired. A Ukrainian anti-corruption activist said it the best.

Daria Kaleniuk‏ @dkaleniuk
Replying to @OliverBullough
Thank you @OliverBullough - indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field. Prosecutor Shokin did not open the case on Zlochevskyi & Burisma. He dumped it. And he was fired for being corrupt and failing prosecution reform @kenvogel

12:52 PM - 2 May 2019

She clearly is calling out Trump supporters.
They completely ignore it.

I don’t think one lefty on the board has directly addressed this situation.

What they do is just ignore things that don’t fit their bullshit narrative.

Or they will say it’s a whataboutism

They don’t deal with facts, they have their story and they are sticking to it.

Do you think ANY of them have capitulated about being DEAD FUCKING WRONG ABOUT RUSSIAN COLLUSION?

Fuck no, they doubled down on OBSTRUCTION!

Then when that didn’t work, they moved onto UKRAINE.

They are cvnts, and they know it.

You completely ignore facts. You ignore anything that doesn't fit into your crazy narrative.

NO ONE WAS WRONG ABOUT RUSSIAN COLLUSION. Manafort gave internal polling data and other campaign information to a Russian business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence. It is not too hard to tell what he did with the information. That fact is completely ignored by Trump supporters.

Trump's attempts to pressure Ukraine to open a investigation of a political rival is a flagrant abuse of power. Trump supporters play word games with Trump's phone call when the investigation involves a orchestrated campaign that began months before the phone call and was run by Giuliani. No wonder he is refusing to testify.
There is nothing wrong with quid quo pro. It is a cornerstone of everyday life. I give a merchant $100, he gives me a pair of shoes....quid quo pro

However, when an elected official demands personal favors for official aid, that quit quo pro is illegal
When what you giving in the exchange belongs to the taxpayers, then you have committed a crime. That's what Biden did.
There is nothing wrong with quid quo pro. It is a cornerstone of everyday life. I give a merchant $100, he gives me a pair of shoes....quid quo pro

However, when an elected official demands personal favors for official aid, that quit quo pro is illegal

Soooo, biden getting the prosecutor fired, who was investigating the corruption at the company his son was a sub boss of fits your description to a "T".

Thank you for the admission.

There was no investigation of Burisma. It was closed before Biden came to Ukraine. That was the problem.
It was a good move. We have been trying to get Ukraine to clean up their act for a long time. Shokin was standing in the way of reforming Ukraine’s broken justice system.

So Joe had a quid pro quo for firing a corrupt prosecutor.

Trump should be able to hold back some aid while he determines if there is still corruption.

Trump doesn’t care if Ukraine is corrupt. He only cares that he injures Biden. Forcing a baseless investigation into your political opponents is itself corrupt.

You think Biden is going to win the primary?

He is performing rather poorly in the debates.

Doesn’t matter. He’s obviously a front runner for the nomination.

So you feel Trump delayed the $400 million to get dirt on Biden to hurt Biden for the 2020 election?

Ukraine got the $400 million and there was no investigation into Biden.

So maybe what you are saying is that Trump TRIED to do this, but was not successful?

It was released once it became public.
Yes, Trump tried to do this but was unsuccessful. It makes it no less corrupt.

I am just trying to figure out where you are coming from.

Didn’t he willingly release the $400 million? It’s not like he tried to rob a bank but was stopped in the parking lot by a guard.

Unclear how exactly the money was released.

Aid was held. Ukraine was asked to do his political errand. It’s corrupt.

Is that what the transcript said?

I didn’t think he asked Ukraine to investigate Biden for else they wouldn’t get $400m.

As we learned, this story goes far beyond the phone call. He’d been pestering Ukraine for months for these investigations, by himself and through his cronies. Then the aid was held up.

Is anyone going to wonder whether these two things are connected? It’s not credible to suggest they aren’t.

Pestering Ukraine to clean up their corruption before we give them $400 million of my money and your money?

Trump was not interested in corruption. He wanted a investigation of Biden.
Unclear how exactly the money was released.

Aid was held. Ukraine was asked to do his political errand. It’s corrupt.

Is that what the transcript said?

I didn’t think he asked Ukraine to investigate Biden for else they wouldn’t get $400m.

As we learned, this story goes far beyond the phone call. He’d been pestering Ukraine for months for these investigations, by himself and through his cronies. Then the aid was held up.

Is anyone going to wonder whether these two things are connected? It’s not credible to suggest they aren’t.

Pestering Ukraine to clean up their corruption before we give them $400 million of my money and your money?

“Clean up corruption” is quite a charitable way of framing what Trump was asking. It’s pretty clear the only “corruption” he was interested in was in reference to the Bidens. That’s just a little too convenient. Wouldn’t you say?

I thought Trump supported the incoming President of Ukraine who ran on trying to reduce corruption in Ukraine and the guy said he respected how Trump won as an outsider and they had dialogue.

I didn’t think Trumps interest in Ukraine just came out of the blue in order to damage Biden.

Now, what if it turns out the Joe and Hunter’s deal WAS corrupt?

Clearly he was trying to butter Trump up. That is the standard way to handle Trump. Trump apparently has had a long standing dispute with Ukraine.

A presidential loathing for Ukraine is at the heart of the impeachment inquiry

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