How have the leftists that yell "QUID PRO QUO" against Trump reacted to biden bragging about it?

Unclear how exactly the money was released.

Aid was held. Ukraine was asked to do his political errand. It’s corrupt.

Is that what the transcript said?

I didn’t think he asked Ukraine to investigate Biden for else they wouldn’t get $400m.

As we learned, this story goes far beyond the phone call. He’d been pestering Ukraine for months for these investigations, by himself and through his cronies. Then the aid was held up.

Is anyone going to wonder whether these two things are connected? It’s not credible to suggest they aren’t.

Pestering Ukraine to clean up their corruption before we give them $400 million of my money and your money?

“Clean up corruption” is quite a charitable way of framing what Trump was asking. It’s pretty clear the only “corruption” he was interested in was in reference to the Bidens. That’s just a little too convenient. Wouldn’t you say?

Seems to me the voters have a right to know if Biden was corrupt not only involving Ukraine but also with China. TRUMP did the country a service.

There has to be probable cause for opening a investigation. There is absolutely no reason for a investigation.
As we learned, this story goes far beyond the phone call. He’d been pestering Ukraine for months for these investigations, by himself and through his cronies. Then the aid was held up.

Is anyone going to wonder whether these two things are connected? It’s not credible to suggest they aren’t.

Pestering Ukraine to clean up their corruption before we give them $400 million of my money and your money?

“Clean up corruption” is quite a charitable way of framing what Trump was asking. It’s pretty clear the only “corruption” he was interested in was in reference to the Bidens. That’s just a little too convenient. Wouldn’t you say?

Seems to me the voters have a right to know if Biden was corrupt not only involving Ukraine but also with China. TRUMP did the country a service.

Investigations still need to be predicated on actual reasonable suspicion. There isn’t any when it comes to the Bidens.
VPOTUS son getting $2 million per year to serve on the board of a Ukrainian Petrol company with zero experience after Joe meets with Ukraine doesn’t seem suspicious? Really?

Hunter Biden got the gig before Biden came to Ukraine. There is nothing illegal about a US citizen making big money by sitting on a board of directors. Also the fact that Hunter Biden remained on the board after Joe Biden left office undermines your claim.
Investigations still need to be predicated on actual reasonable suspicion. There isn’t any when it comes to the Bidens.
VPOTUS son getting $2 million per year to serve on the board of a Ukrainian Petrol company with zero experience after Joe meets with Ukraine doesn’t seem suspicious? Really?

It is not illegal for the son of the Vice President to be paid to serve or a corporate board.

No, not in and of itself.

It’s not that simple, though, is it?

It rarely is that simple. The fact that Biden is sitting on that board isn’t enough. You need more if you want a criminal investigation. The problem is, there isn’t any more.

Veep meeting Ukrainian officials and then his son gets a $2 million/ year job that he is not qualified for with a Ukrainian company.

Doesn’t seem fishy?

Pretend it’s Trump and his son Eric. Is it fishy now? Same exact scenario.

Who says he is not qualified. Hunter Biden understands business finance and could bring that expertise to a company hoping to get bigger. Biden's son joined the board before Biden met with Ukrainian officials.
I would be interested in knowing How Hunter got a $2millon job he isn’t qualified for with a Ukrainian petroleum firm after his father, who is the VPOTUS, met with Ukrainian officials.

The trouble is that it never happened. Biden got the job before any meeting Joe Biden had with Ukrainian officials. Again what do you know about qualifications for sitting on a Board of Directors? Warren Buffet sat on the Board of Directors of Heinz. Is he qualified to be on the board?
Oh, they claim that Biden was merely acting in "the national interest" and was just doing his job! Yeah, and it's just a whopping, cosmic coincidence that what Biden wanted in exchange for not freezing the $1 billion in loan guarantees was that Ukraine fire the prosecutor who had opened the investigation into the Ukrainian company that had hired his loser, unqualified son for $50K per month.
There is nothing wrong with quid quo pro. It is a cornerstone of everyday life. I give a merchant $100, he gives me a pair of shoes....quid quo pro

However, when an elected official demands personal favors for official aid, that quit quo pro is illegal

Course that accusation is false. It comes from a belief that Trump is is bad and thus everything he does is bad.....despite the fact that most of what he does benefits everyone....not himself. Trump doesn't push policies that are designed to hurt people while benefiting a select few, like Democrats do.
I would be interested in knowing How Hunter got a $2millon job he isn’t qualified for with a Ukrainian petroleum firm after his father, who is the VPOTUS, met with Ukrainian officials.

Id be interested to know a lot of things that I don’t have a right to know. Hunter Biden’s employment is private information unless you have some evidence of illegality.
There is nothing wrong with quid quo pro. It is a cornerstone of everyday life. I give a merchant $100, he gives me a pair of shoes....quid quo pro

However, when an elected official demands personal favors for official aid, that quit quo pro is illegal

Course that accusation is false. It comes from a belief that Trump is is bad and thus everything he does is bad.....despite the fact that most of what he does benefits everyone....not himself. Trump doesn't push policies that are designed to hurt people while benefiting a select few, like Democrats do.

It comes from a belief that Trump was more interested in harming his opponent than he is in rooting out corruption in Ukraine, which I think is a rational position based on what we know.

Trump has many policies intended to benefit a select few. Consider his tariffs on items like steel. It benefits US steelworkers but everyone pays the premium.
I would be interested in knowing How Hunter got a $2millon job he isn’t qualified for with a Ukrainian petroleum firm after his father, who is the VPOTUS, met with Ukrainian officials.

Id be interested to know a lot of things that I don’t have a right to know. Hunter Biden’s employment is private information unless you have some evidence of illegality.

It’s not if Joe pulled strings to get Hunter a job with an overseas company.

You are being disingenuous, the potential conflict of interest is obvious.
I would be interested in knowing How Hunter got a $2millon job he isn’t qualified for with a Ukrainian petroleum firm after his father, who is the VPOTUS, met with Ukrainian officials.

Id be interested to know a lot of things that I don’t have a right to know. Hunter Biden’s employment is private information unless you have some evidence of illegality.

It’s not if Joe pulled strings to get Hunter a job with an overseas company.

You are being disingenuous, the potential conflict of interest is obvious.

A potential conflict of interest is obvious, I’ve never denied that. However, that does not make it illegal. You still need a reason to be able to launch a criminal investigation. The appearance of a conflict is not sufficient.
I would be interested in knowing How Hunter got a $2millon job he isn’t qualified for with a Ukrainian petroleum firm after his father, who is the VPOTUS, met with Ukrainian officials.

Id be interested to know a lot of things that I don’t have a right to know. Hunter Biden’s employment is private information unless you have some evidence of illegality.

It’s not if Joe pulled strings to get Hunter a job with an overseas company.

You are being disingenuous, the potential conflict of interest is obvious.

A potential conflict of interest is obvious, I’ve never denied that. However, that does not make it illegal. You still need a reason to be able to launch a criminal investigation. The appearance of a conflict is not sufficient.

No you don’t. We had a 3 year investigation of Trump based on nothing. Biden should be investigated.
I would be interested in knowing How Hunter got a $2millon job he isn’t qualified for with a Ukrainian petroleum firm after his father, who is the VPOTUS, met with Ukrainian officials.

Id be interested to know a lot of things that I don’t have a right to know. Hunter Biden’s employment is private information unless you have some evidence of illegality.

It’s not if Joe pulled strings to get Hunter a job with an overseas company.

You are being disingenuous, the potential conflict of interest is obvious.

A potential conflict of interest is obvious, I’ve never denied that. However, that does not make it illegal. You still need a reason to be able to launch a criminal investigation. The appearance of a conflict is not sufficient.

No you don’t. We had a 3 year investigation of Trump based on nothing. Biden should be investigated.

I don’t want to get side tracked on the basis of the Trump investigation, just to note that it is a rather different beast (specifically it started as a counterintelligence operation) and even now we have a year long investigation into why that investigation started, so it obviously does matter. In any event, two wrongs don’t make a right.

If you can launch arbitrary and baseless investigations into political opponents, then our justice system is just as corrupt as those we chastise (such as Russians and Ukrainian systems).
I would be interested in knowing How Hunter got a $2millon job he isn’t qualified for with a Ukrainian petroleum firm after his father, who is the VPOTUS, met with Ukrainian officials.

Id be interested to know a lot of things that I don’t have a right to know. Hunter Biden’s employment is private information unless you have some evidence of illegality.

It’s not if Joe pulled strings to get Hunter a job with an overseas company.

You are being disingenuous, the potential conflict of interest is obvious.

A potential conflict of interest is obvious, I’ve never denied that. However, that does not make it illegal. You still need a reason to be able to launch a criminal investigation. The appearance of a conflict is not sufficient.

No you don’t. We had a 3 year investigation of Trump based on nothing. Biden should be investigated.

I don’t want to get side tracked on the basis of the Trump investigation, just to note that it is a rather different beast (specifically it started as a counterintelligence operation) and even now we have a year long investigation into why that investigation started, so it obviously does matter. In any event, two wrongs don’t make a right.

If you can launch arbitrary and baseless investigations into political opponents, then our justice system is just as corrupt as those we chastise (such as Russians and Ukrainian systems).

The Mueller report proved it was all folly. Dec. 9th we will see is was launched from a fraud Dossier from a FOREIGN OPERATIVE.

Support for impeachment isn’t there, certainly the evidence isn’t there. Supposition and hearsay shouldn’t be enough to impeach.
Id be interested to know a lot of things that I don’t have a right to know. Hunter Biden’s employment is private information unless you have some evidence of illegality.

It’s not if Joe pulled strings to get Hunter a job with an overseas company.

You are being disingenuous, the potential conflict of interest is obvious.

A potential conflict of interest is obvious, I’ve never denied that. However, that does not make it illegal. You still need a reason to be able to launch a criminal investigation. The appearance of a conflict is not sufficient.

No you don’t. We had a 3 year investigation of Trump based on nothing. Biden should be investigated.

I don’t want to get side tracked on the basis of the Trump investigation, just to note that it is a rather different beast (specifically it started as a counterintelligence operation) and even now we have a year long investigation into why that investigation started, so it obviously does matter. In any event, two wrongs don’t make a right.

If you can launch arbitrary and baseless investigations into political opponents, then our justice system is just as corrupt as those we chastise (such as Russians and Ukrainian systems).

The Mueller report proved it was all folly. Dec. 9th we will see is was launched from a fraud Dossier from a FOREIGN OPERATIVE.

Support for impeachment isn’t there, certainly the evidence isn’t there. Supposition and hearsay shouldn’t be enough to impeach.

The Mueller report laid out the reasons for the investigation. In the end, it had little if anything to do with the dossier.

There’s far more evidence against Trump than against Biden. We actually have people connecting the dots with Trump. With Biden, there’s just two dots. No connections.
It’s not if Joe pulled strings to get Hunter a job with an overseas company.

You are being disingenuous, the potential conflict of interest is obvious.

A potential conflict of interest is obvious, I’ve never denied that. However, that does not make it illegal. You still need a reason to be able to launch a criminal investigation. The appearance of a conflict is not sufficient.

No you don’t. We had a 3 year investigation of Trump based on nothing. Biden should be investigated.

I don’t want to get side tracked on the basis of the Trump investigation, just to note that it is a rather different beast (specifically it started as a counterintelligence operation) and even now we have a year long investigation into why that investigation started, so it obviously does matter. In any event, two wrongs don’t make a right.

If you can launch arbitrary and baseless investigations into political opponents, then our justice system is just as corrupt as those we chastise (such as Russians and Ukrainian systems).

The Mueller report proved it was all folly. Dec. 9th we will see is was launched from a fraud Dossier from a FOREIGN OPERATIVE.

Support for impeachment isn’t there, certainly the evidence isn’t there. Supposition and hearsay shouldn’t be enough to impeach.

The Mueller report laid out the reasons for the investigation. In the end, it had little if anything to do with the dossier.

There’s far more evidence against Trump than against Biden. We actually have people connecting the dots with Trump. With Biden, there’s just two dots. No connections.

We will agree to disagree on this one.

It seems the Dems just want impeachment and are looking for any reason. The Pubs could have impeached Obama for Fast and Furious. Maybe they should have.
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A potential conflict of interest is obvious, I’ve never denied that. However, that does not make it illegal. You still need a reason to be able to launch a criminal investigation. The appearance of a conflict is not sufficient.

No you don’t. We had a 3 year investigation of Trump based on nothing. Biden should be investigated.

I don’t want to get side tracked on the basis of the Trump investigation, just to note that it is a rather different beast (specifically it started as a counterintelligence operation) and even now we have a year long investigation into why that investigation started, so it obviously does matter. In any event, two wrongs don’t make a right.

If you can launch arbitrary and baseless investigations into political opponents, then our justice system is just as corrupt as those we chastise (such as Russians and Ukrainian systems).

The Mueller report proved it was all folly. Dec. 9th we will see is was launched from a fraud Dossier from a FOREIGN OPERATIVE.

Support for impeachment isn’t there, certainly the evidence isn’t there. Supposition and hearsay shouldn’t be enough to impeach.

The Mueller report laid out the reasons for the investigation. In the end, it had little if anything to do with the dossier.

There’s far more evidence against Trump than against Biden. We actually have people connecting the dots with Trump. With Biden, there’s just two dots. No connections.

We will agree to disagree on this one.

It seems the Dems just want impeachment and are looking for any reason. They pubs could have impeached Obama for Fast and Furious. Maybe they should have.

How could they have impeached Obama for Fast and Furious?
How do Democrats react when Biden brags about using Hunter as a conduit for a kickback of US foreign aid?

It’s not if Joe pulled strings to get Hunter a job with an overseas company.

You are being disingenuous, the potential conflict of interest is obvious.

A potential conflict of interest is obvious, I’ve never denied that. However, that does not make it illegal. You still need a reason to be able to launch a criminal investigation. The appearance of a conflict is not sufficient.

No you don’t. We had a 3 year investigation of Trump based on nothing. Biden should be investigated.

I don’t want to get side tracked on the basis of the Trump investigation, just to note that it is a rather different beast (specifically it started as a counterintelligence operation) and even now we have a year long investigation into why that investigation started, so it obviously does matter. In any event, two wrongs don’t make a right.

If you can launch arbitrary and baseless investigations into political opponents, then our justice system is just as corrupt as those we chastise (such as Russians and Ukrainian systems).

The Mueller report proved it was all folly. Dec. 9th we will see is was launched from a fraud Dossier from a FOREIGN OPERATIVE.

Support for impeachment isn’t there, certainly the evidence isn’t there. Supposition and hearsay shouldn’t be enough to impeach.

The Mueller report laid out the reasons for the investigation. In the end, it had little if anything to do with the dossier.

There’s far more evidence against Trump than against Biden. We actually have people connecting the dots with Trump. With Biden, there’s just two dots. No connections.
A lot more evidence? Trump's son was given an 83k per month job for something he had no business getting? Trump openly bragged that he got the prosecutor fired that was investigating it?

Liberals are such losers.
Even if Biden was guilty, it would not make Trump innocent.

Trump is the President of the United States. He abused his power.

That's all there is to it.

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