How humiliating for liberals


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
Even from prison, with no freedom and absolutely nothing, this man displays innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. Meanwhile, all the completely free liberal can do is cry like little bitches that life is not fair and demand that government provide all of their wants & needs....

Convicted robber sells information to would-be snitches
A convicted armed robber has found a way to make money from behind bars -- by acting as an information broker for would-be snitches. The man pays his underworld connections for information about crimes, sells at a premium to fellow inmates, who in turn pass the information to prosecutors in the hope of having their sentences reduced. "[H]e's an entrepreneur ... Adam Smith would applaud that," says former federal prosecutor Robert McBurney.

Federal prisoners use snitching for personal gain
Yeah, there's an individual to admire, I have worked all my life, never been on welfare and never been to jail or harmed a living soul and you think I'm a scumbag.
This doesn't make sense... How is this related to people having a liberal perspective???

Some guy is making money by passing info from prison. =/= People wanting to make progress in politics for a better economy.
Yeah, there's an individual to admire, I have worked all my life, never been on welfare and never been to jail or harmed a living soul and you think I'm a scumbag.

What you want a pat on the back for being responsible, screw that, when are going to pay your fair share.
Anyone who thinks liberals are anti-rich, I have two words for you....

....George Soros.
Yeah, there's an individual to admire, I have worked all my life, never been on welfare and never been to jail or harmed a living soul and you think I'm a scumbag.

What you want a pat on the back for being responsible, screw that, when are going to pay your fair share.

Whenever the government stops tax cuts for all, including the ones throwing the biggest fit to avoid it.
Yeah, there's an individual to admire, I have worked all my life, never been on welfare and never been to jail or harmed a living soul and you think I'm a scumbag.

What you want a pat on the back for being responsible, screw that, when are going to pay your fair share.

Childless and single for years, I've paid plenty and I don't mind a bit.
Yeah, there's an individual to admire, I have worked all my life, never been on welfare and never been to jail or harmed a living soul and you think I'm a scumbag.

What you want a pat on the back for being responsible, screw that, when are going to pay your fair share.

Childless and single for years, I've paid plenty and I don't mind a bit.

But have you written any extra checks to your dear leader, the left pisses and moans about people following the law and crying they don't pay enough, yet none of you get that check book out to kick in a little extra yourself. Following the law is good for you, but when others do it you cry fowl. Hypocrite much.
Even from prison, with no freedom and absolutely nothing, this man displays innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. Meanwhile, all the completely free liberal can do is cry like little bitches that life is not fair and demand that government provide all of their wants & needs....

Convicted robber sells information to would-be snitches
A convicted armed robber has found a way to make money from behind bars -- by acting as an information broker for would-be snitches. The man pays his underworld connections for information about crimes, sells at a premium to fellow inmates, who in turn pass the information to prosecutors in the hope of having their sentences reduced. "[H]e's an entrepreneur ... Adam Smith would applaud that," says former federal prosecutor Robert McBurney.

Federal prisoners use snitching for personal gain

I rather be a free liberal paying my fair share than someone practicing vulture capitalism from a prison cell.
Yeah, there's an individual to admire, I have worked all my life, never been on welfare and never been to jail or harmed a living soul and you think I'm a scumbag.

You're right - I do. Because, even if everything you said is 100% true (and I'm going to take your word for it because I have no reason not too), you still support a side that believes in blaming others, taking no responsibility, and completely shredding the U.S. Constitution in favor of government handouts.
This doesn't make sense... How is this related to people having a liberal perspective???

Some guy is making money by passing info from prison. =/= People wanting to make progress in politics for a better economy.

Except that, you fail to acknowledge your side's idea of "progress" is to shred the Constitution, surrender freedom's, and control others all for government handouts.
Even from prison, with no freedom and absolutely nothing, this man displays innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. Meanwhile, all the completely free liberal can do is cry like little bitches that life is not fair and demand that government provide all of their wants & needs....

Convicted robber sells information to would-be snitches
A convicted armed robber has found a way to make money from behind bars -- by acting as an information broker for would-be snitches. The man pays his underworld connections for information about crimes, sells at a premium to fellow inmates, who in turn pass the information to prosecutors in the hope of having their sentences reduced. "[H]e's an entrepreneur ... Adam Smith would applaud that," says former federal prosecutor Robert McBurney.

Federal prisoners use snitching for personal gain

I rather be a free liberal paying my fair share than someone practicing vulture capitalism from a prison cell.

Let me get this straight, someone coming up with an idea to make money (under very restricted circumstances) is a "vulture", but the left living off the government and demanding that wealthy pay for them is not being a "vulture"??? :cuckoo:

I can only imagine the fairy tales you people tell yourselves to make yourselves feel better about your ideology....
Not seeing how this is humiliating for liberals.
The one thing that is humiliating for liberals, is the fact that we don't invest resources into media infrastructure, like conservatives do. How do liberals think, liberal ideology, proliferates? Prayer? Happenstance?

That's the one thing conservatives do better than liberals, creating the media infrastructure that allows them to get their message out 24/7.
Let me get this straight, someone coming up with an idea to make money (under very restricted circumstances) is a "vulture", but the left living off the government and demanding that wealthy pay for them is not being a "vulture"??? :cuckoo:

I can only imagine the fairy tales you people tell yourselves to make yourselves feel better about your ideology....
How bout rich people using my tax dollars to fill their coffers? Isn't that living off the government? Corporate welfare? Getting the government to pay for shit we don't need, just because its tied to their business?
This doesn't make sense... How is this related to people having a liberal perspective???

Some guy is making money by passing info from prison. =/= People wanting to make progress in politics for a better economy.

Except that, you fail to acknowledge your side's idea of "progress" is to shred the Constitution, surrender freedom's, and control others all for government handouts.

My idea for progress is to keep the constitution, regulate runs (not control), keep freedom in mind with security, and help this economy get off of handouts.

Like flight security for example. You don't have to fly. It's not your right to do so. You can drive, ride a boat, or buy your own fucking airplane.

The only "rights" I want to overturn is those of corporations to stop corporate personhood in politics and excersizing first amendment rights in the court of law. (faux news)

This would stop:
1. Lying
2. Using $$$ to lobby for laws in their favor
3. Political corruption
4. Having political puppets

They are a business, not a person.
Yeah, there's an individual to admire, I have worked all my life, never been on welfare and never been to jail or harmed a living soul and you think I'm a scumbag.

You're right - I do. Because, even if everything you said is 100% true (and I'm going to take your word for it because I have no reason not too), you still support a side that believes in blaming others, taking no responsibility, and completely shredding the U.S. Constitution in favor of government handouts.

Well, that's like yer opinion, man. I could just as well say you support all kinds of terrible things but in the end I would just be running my mouth like you.
Let me get this straight, someone coming up with an idea to make money (under very restricted circumstances) is a "vulture", but the left living off the government and demanding that wealthy pay for them is not being a "vulture"??? :cuckoo:

I can only imagine the fairy tales you people tell yourselves to make yourselves feel better about your ideology....
How bout rich people using my tax dollars to fill their coffers? Isn't that living off the government? Corporate welfare? Getting the government to pay for shit we don't need, just because its tied to their business?

Hey pal, what little actual "corporate welfare" exists is YOUR fault. It's your side that has shit and pissed on the Constitution while laughing, traded rights and freedoms for handouts, and grown the federal government into an unconstitutional monstrosity. If they are unconstitutionally bailing out Wall Street and GM, you guys have no one to blame but yourself...
Not seeing how this is humiliating for liberals.
The one thing that is humiliating for liberals, is the fact that we don't invest resources into media infrastructure, like conservatives do. How do liberals think, liberal ideology, proliferates? Prayer? Happenstance?

That's the one thing conservatives do better than liberals, creating the media infrastructure that allows them to get their message out 24/7.

Ya mean like MSLSD or Al Gore great misadventure, Not so Current TV, your problem when the left does invest in media infrastructure they usually go belly up. Oh I almost forgot, remind me again where Air America is broadcasting from. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
This doesn't make sense... How is this related to people having a liberal perspective???

Some guy is making money by passing info from prison. =/= People wanting to make progress in politics for a better economy.

Except that, you fail to acknowledge your side's idea of "progress" is to shred the Constitution, surrender freedom's, and control others all for government handouts.

My idea for progress is to keep the constitution, regulate runs (not control), keep freedom in mind with security, and help this economy get off of handouts.

Like flight security for example. You don't have to fly. It's not your right to do so. You can drive, ride a boat, or buy your own fucking airplane.

The only "rights" I want to overturn is those of corporations to stop corporate personhood in politics and excersizing first amendment rights in the court of law. (faux news)

This would stop:
1. Lying
2. Using $$$ to lobby for laws in their favor
3. Political corruption
4. Having political puppets

They are a business, not a person.

Well, I have to say, I agree with almost everything you said. If that's really how you feel, then why are you a liberal?

The part I do disagree with though is getting corporations out of Washington D.C. If the government would get the fuck out of the free market, I would agree with you 100%. But since the rise of liberalism in the early 1900's, when government started to own corporations like slaves (take their money, tell them what to do, how to do it, etc.), I feel corporations have EVERY right to fight back.

Get Washington out of business, I'll support getting business out of Washington. Yes, it really is that simple.

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