How is Barak Obama "far left"?

I've heard Obama being called "far left", "the most liberal senator in the senate", or any number of combinations and permutations of that phrase.

And yet, all I've seen from him is Bill Clinton-like moderation. President Obama is a middle of the road, moderate Democrat.

If you disagree with me, tell me why?

He was not the "most liberal" senator, but he was among them. The evidence he is “far left” comes from the “far left”. Go to this website: Americans for Democratic Action - Voting Records (They even have a questionnaire to find out how liberal you are)

Select the years 2005 and 2006 and look up Obama’s rating (2007 and 2008 do not give a good picture since he was absent during the presidential campaign and did not vote on many resolutions). He was given a 100% and a 95% respectively for these two years, meaning he voted with the Americans for Democratic Action position on every House resolution except for one.

Just to be fair, here is another site that examines more than just voting record and seems to be quite thorough. Barack Obama on the Issues

Based upon these two sites, he is clearly not a “middle of the road” Democrat. He is classified on this last site as a “hardcore Liberal”.
I think people should be forced to take a reading comprehension test before they make a thread
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And yet, still.

No one has actually posted any "far left" things that he's done.

Actually, according to your own standards, I did, you just chose to move the goalposts after I did.

The bullshit is strong with this one.


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I think he is trying so hard to appear moderate that he is losing focus. He is allowing his desire for GOP acceptance to overshadow his policy. Rather than fight for what he believes in, he sits on the sidelines and appears to be taking a moderate stance.

I do think he is an extremely intelligent President who weighs his decisions well, perhaps even too well. It will come to the point when his supposed "moderate" stance will appear a weakness. Politics can be very cruel to the weak.

I agree.
Rhetoric. Give me an example of what "far left" is, and show how Obama is that.

How about if you give me proof that he is a moderate democrat first, since that is the claim you made.


This isn't a logic problem - there's no "proof" of anything involved. I can give evidence though.

We're still in Iraq.
Obama doesn't support same-sex marriage.
Obama doesn't support single-payer or nationalized healthcare.
Obama hasn't taken anyone's guns.

Also (I wouldn't consider these things to be "far left", but still the rhetoric comes)

Obama isn't trying to institute Sharia law.
Conservatives aren't being rounded up in FEMA camps.

There's plenty more evidence, if you'd like I could continue.

Now, do you have any evidence that he is "far left"?

Your attempt is tortuous at best.

1. What is your inordinate fear of announcing that he and/or you, are 'far left'?

2. Why did you carefully choose these four hallmarks as necessary and proper to prove 'leftedness'?

3. Since I believe that you know that his left agenda is far more broader than the few items that you have listed, your honesty is now in question.

4. And even if he didn't perform the items that you have listed, incompetence is not an a defense against being labelled far-left.
I can't figure out why Republicans continue to say that. The Republican tax cuts for the rich plus all the tax shelters and tax breaks led to the largest redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top top 3% in the history of the world.

Why this war on the Middle class by Republicans? Go figure.

How on the hell is it a redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top 3%?

I am middle class, how are Republicans "at war" with me? :cuckoo:

Just take a look at insurance companies. Look at Cigna as an example. The CEO gets a 5 year compensation package of nearly a quarter billion dollars. They make nothing. They sell nothing. They simply stand between you and your doctor. They get money by skimming insurance policies. That's is a redistribution of wealth.

CEO pay: Redefining sky-high - Aug. 30, 2005

In 2001, the ratio of CEO-to-worker pay hit a peak of 525-to-1 In 1990, for instance, CEOs made about 107 times more than the average worker, while in 1982, the average CEO made only 42 times more.
"The question is, 'Did they earn it?'"

Republicans say YES YES YES YES!!!!

I hoped this helped. This is only a portion of the Republican supported MASSIVE REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH from the Middle Class to the top 3%. Part of their ongoing "war on the Middle Class".
I can't figure out why Republicans continue to say that. The Republican tax cuts for the rich plus all the tax shelters and tax breaks led to the largest redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top top 3% in the history of the world.

Why this war on the Middle class by Republicans? Go figure.

How on the hell is it a redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top 3%?

I am middle class, how are Republicans "at war" with me? :cuckoo:

Just take a look at insurance companies. Look at Cigna as an example. The CEO gets a 5 year compensation package of nearly a quarter billion dollars. They make nothing. They sell nothing. They simply stand between you and your doctor. They get money by skimming insurance policies. That's is a redistribution of wealth.

CEO pay: Redefining sky-high - Aug. 30, 2005

In 2001, the ratio of CEO-to-worker pay hit a peak of 525-to-1 In 1990, for instance, CEOs made about 107 times more than the average worker, while in 1982, the average CEO made only 42 times more.
"The question is, 'Did they earn it?'"

Republicans say YES YES YES YES!!!!

I hoped this helped. This is only a portion of the Republican supported MASSIVE REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH from the Middle Class to the top 3%. Part of their ongoing "war on the Middle Class".

That still fails to address how letting somebody keep their own money is redistribution of wealth.
It just sounds like sniveling to me.
Obama is presiding over the government takeover of the banking industry, financial institutions, and the american auto industry.

He is trying to institute greater government authority and power in areas such as health care choice.

he is trying to solve all our problems with defecit spending.

those things sound left wing to me (well the defecit spending is a sickness that infects both parties, but the other 2 are distinctly left wing)
I can't figure out why Republicans continue to say that. The Republican tax cuts for the rich plus all the tax shelters and tax breaks led to the largest redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top top 3% in the history of the world.

Why this war on the Middle class by Republicans? Go figure.

How on the hell is it a redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top 3%?

I am middle class, how are Republicans "at war" with me? :cuckoo:

Just take a look at insurance companies. Look at Cigna as an example. The CEO gets a 5 year compensation package of nearly a quarter billion dollars. They make nothing. They sell nothing. They simply stand between you and your doctor. They get money by skimming insurance policies. That's is a redistribution of wealth.

CEO pay: Redefining sky-high - Aug. 30, 2005

In 2001, the ratio of CEO-to-worker pay hit a peak of 525-to-1 In 1990, for instance, CEOs made about 107 times more than the average worker, while in 1982, the average CEO made only 42 times more.
"The question is, 'Did they earn it?'"

Republicans say YES YES YES YES!!!!

I hoped this helped. This is only a portion of the Republican supported MASSIVE REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH from the Middle Class to the top 3%. Part of their ongoing "war on the Middle Class".

"There is a great deal of misconception among the public regarding excessive versus appropriate nonprofit salaries. To equip donors in evaluating the appropriateness of an individual charity’s CEO compensation in relation to its location, size, mission and overall performance, Charity Navigator has conducted an annual study on nonprofit CEO pay. With an average salary of roughly $160,000, this year’s findings prove that the majority of CEOs are not excessively compensated. Access our report to determine if the paycheck of your favorite charity’s CEO is reasonable, inadequate or excessive."
Charity Navigator - 2009 CEO Compensation Study
That still fails to address how letting somebody keep their own money is redistribution of wealth.
It just sounds like sniveling to me.

Sounds like somebody just climaxed on the far wingnut right.

This isn't a logic problem - there's no "proof" of anything involved. I can give evidence though.

We're still in Iraq.
Obama doesn't support same-sex marriage.
Obama doesn't support single-payer or nationalized healthcare.
Obama hasn't taken anyone's guns.

Also (I wouldn't consider these things to be "far left", but still the rhetoric comes)

Obama isn't trying to institute Sharia law.
Conservatives aren't being rounded up in FEMA camps.

There's plenty more evidence, if you'd like I could continue.

Now, do you have any evidence that he is "far left"

So, according to your post, somebody that supports single-payer or nationalized health care would be far left.
Since that is your standard, here is your proof. Now shut up.
[ame=]YouTube - Obama on single payer health insurance[/ame]

No, supporting single-payr healthcare is not a "far left" litmus test

Goalposts moved!
I seem to remember that the OP was "How is Barak Obama far left"

Not "what has Barak Obama done that is far left".

*checks OP*

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I've heard Obama being called "far left", "the most liberal senator in the senate", or any number of combinations and permutations of that phrase.

And yet, all I've seen from him is Bill Clinton-like moderation. President Obama is a middle of the road, moderate Democrat.

If you disagree with me, tell me why?

The following are indicia of left-wing mentality:

1. Cuddles up to dictators and tyrants, while ignoring or casting aspersions at allies and democracies
Rhetorc, and bad rhetoric at that. Which dictators has he "cuddled up" to, and what do you mean by "cuddle up"?

2. Does not believe in American exceptionalism:
"I believe in American exceptionalism," Obama said on one of his trips to Europe, "just as I suspect that Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism."
Do you disagree that Brits more likely than not believe in British exceptionalism?

3. Wants to spread the wealth rather than celebrate success and entrepreneurship.
"The American Dream is not to make everyone level with everyone else, but to create the opportunity for all people to reach as high as their God-given potential allows. In this Nation, if you're born to be a mezzo soprano, or a master carpenter, or even an NFL quarterback, there ought not be anything standing in your way, not color, not creed, nor station in life."
Rhetoric. There's no way for you to know what Obama "wants" to do. Once again, has he spread any wealth?

APRIL 6, 1987
4. Attempts to shut down critics by using the power of the presidency.
This, from Orwell’s ‘1984’: “The two aims of the Party are to conquer the whole surface of the earth, and to extinguish once and for all the possibility of independent thought...When people ‘disappear’ no one is allowed to mention it, no one is mourned, no one person is important, only the Party and Big Brother are important.”
So, tell me again which critics of his he has "shut down"? What exactly has he done to "shut down" his critics?

5. Surrounds himself with ultra-left-wing and crack-pot advisors.(List is extensive)
Once again, just listing the talking points you heard on Glenn Beck don't actually make an argument.

6. Big government vs. small government.
a. Take-over of industry (-ies)
"Big government" doesn't mean anything when throughout American history, the government has only ever gotten bigger. By that argument, Ronald Reagan would be a far-left politician. Also, which industries are now controlled by the government?

7. Belief in disarmament for our country rather than a robust defense.
And that's just a lie.

8. Chooses as Supreme Court nominee, one who promised that her background will color her views of justice.
At the hearings of Justice Roberts, we see an interesting interplay that illuminates the differences between liberals and conservatives:
ROBERTS: I had someone ask me in this process -- I don’t remember who it was, but somebody asked me, you know, “Are you going to be on the side of the little guy?”

And you obviously want to give an immediate answer, but, as you reflect on it, if the Constitution says that the little guy should win, the little guy’s going to win in court before me. But if the Constitution says that the big guy should win, well, then the big guy’s going to win, because my obligation is to the Constitution. That’s the oath.

Everyone's view of justice is different - as you said, "colored" by their backrounds. That would be why there are 12 Supreme Court justices, not 1 - so different views can be heard.

Now, you still have yet to produce any actual actions that he has taken that point to him being "far left". And while you are welcome to whatever opinion you'd like, rhetoric and opinion don't equal facts.
I seem to remember that the OP was "How is Barak Obama far left"

Not "what has Barak Obama done that is far left".

*checks OP*


Sorry, you missed the field goal. We moved the goalposts again and you kicked the ball in the wrong direction.

Now go sit in the corner and say 3 hail Mary's and 4 yes we can's.

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