How is legalizing gay-marriage against freedom of religion?

God's Creation was perfect. Sin has had many centuries to mess things up. Gays were not created by God. They are something that evolved, and are an abomination to God. Anyone who is a practicing gay is going to hell. Period.

Why does god kill children with cancer?

Why does god kill children through starvation?

There is no hell to go to. Though homosexuality in the bible is no more sinful than eating shellfish, divorce, adultatory, and so on. So gays aren't going to 'burn' any more than the other 99% of Christians who have sinned.

Idiot. Participating in the gay lifestyle is more that just sinning. It is a complete rejection of the natural order and is an abomination. The Bible explicitly states that these people will not see the kingdom of God. Read the Bible. Educate yourself
I have read the bible, many different bibles in fact. Nonbelievers score higher than Evangelical Christians such as yourself in knowledge of the bible, and near equal to Jews and Mormons (if not more so).

It doesn't explicitly state anything in regards to gays being more likely hell bound than any other use, as abomination is used in reference to consuming certain foods as well.

Though, I figure that you believe (incorrectly) as well that Sodom and Gomarrah were not select cases. Even though it quite clearly refers to conduct towards the angels, and the general debauchery of the place - homosexuality was not the reason they were destroyed.

I have to disagree with you about that poll. A true Christian will know more about scripture than atheist. Anyone can call themselves a Christian, so the poll data could very well have included many who are Christians in name only. A true Christian is one reads and obeys the word of God. Also a true Christian would be better able to correctly interpret scripture. This is simply just another example of how polls are worthless.
Meh. If people can't recite and/or process what is actually in the bible, people can't claim 'I know more'.

PEW polls and many others have pointed out that agnostics/atheists/non believers know as much (if not more) than devout Christians.

Just on the basics that 'true Christians' are meant to know, 'true Christians' scored lower. Some Christians can't even name Moses or the ten commandments.
Why does god kill children with cancer?

Why does god kill children through starvation?

There is no hell to go to. Though homosexuality in the bible is no more sinful than eating shellfish, divorce, adultatory, and so on. So gays aren't going to 'burn' any more than the other 99% of Christians who have sinned.

Idiot. Participating in the gay lifestyle is more that just sinning. It is a complete rejection of the natural order and is an abomination. The Bible explicitly states that these people will not see the kingdom of God. Read the Bible. Educate yourself
I have read the bible, many different bibles in fact. Nonbelievers score higher than Evangelical Christians such as yourself in knowledge of the bible, and near equal to Jews and Mormons (if not more so).

It doesn't explicitly state anything in regards to gays being more likely hell bound than any other use, as abomination is used in reference to consuming certain foods as well.

Though, I figure that you believe (incorrectly) as well that Sodom and Gomarrah were not select cases. Even though it quite clearly refers to conduct towards the angels, and the general debauchery of the place - homosexuality was not the reason they were destroyed.

I have to disagree with you about that poll. A true Christian will know more about scripture than atheist. Anyone can call themselves a Christian, so the poll data could very well have included many who are Christians in name only. A true Christian is one reads and obeys the word of God. Also a true Christian would be better able to correctly interpret scripture. This is simply just another example of how polls are worthless.
Meh. If people can't recite and/or process what is actually in the bible, people can't claim 'I know more'.

PEW polls and many others have pointed out that agnostics/atheists/non believers know as much (if not more) than devout Christians.

Just on the basics that 'true Christians' are meant to know, 'true Christians' scored lower. Some Christians can't even name Moses or the ten commandments.

Yeah that explains all those comments about eating shellfish being a sin :)
There is no hell to go to. Though homosexuality in the bible is no more sinful than eating shellfish, divorce, adultatory, and so on. So gays aren't going to 'burn' any more than the other 99% of Christians who have sinned.
Idiot. Participating in the gay lifestyle is more that just sinning. It is a complete rejection of the natural order and is an abomination. The Bible explicitly states that these people will not see the kingdom of God. Read the Bible. Educate yourself
I have read the bible, many different bibles in fact. Nonbelievers score higher than Evangelical Christians such as yourself in knowledge of the bible, and near equal to Jews and Mormons (if not more so).

It doesn't explicitly state anything in regards to gays being more likely hell bound than any other use, as abomination is used in reference to consuming certain foods as well.

Though, I figure that you believe (incorrectly) as well that Sodom and Gomarrah were not select cases. Even though it quite clearly refers to conduct towards the angels, and the general debauchery of the place - homosexuality was not the reason they were destroyed.
I have to disagree with you about that poll. A true Christian will know more about scripture than atheist. Anyone can call themselves a Christian, so the poll data could very well have included many who are Christians in name only. A true Christian is one reads and obeys the word of God. Also a true Christian would be better able to correctly interpret scripture. This is simply just another example of how polls are worthless.
Meh. If people can't recite and/or process what is actually in the bible, people can't claim 'I know more'.

PEW polls and many others have pointed out that agnostics/atheists/non believers know as much (if not more) than devout Christians.

Just on the basics that 'true Christians' are meant to know, 'true Christians' scored lower. Some Christians can't even name Moses or the ten commandments.

Yeah that explains all those comments about eating shellfish being a sin :)
Shellfish being a sin depends on whether you believe in/follow Leviticus, not all do though.
Why does god kill children with cancer?

Why does god kill children through starvation?

There is no hell to go to. Though homosexuality in the bible is no more sinful than eating shellfish, divorce, adultatory, and so on. So gays aren't going to 'burn' any more than the other 99% of Christians who have sinned.

Idiot. Participating in the gay lifestyle is more that just sinning. It is a complete rejection of the natural order and is an abomination. The Bible explicitly states that these people will not see the kingdom of God. Read the Bible. Educate yourself
I have read the bible, many different bibles in fact. Nonbelievers score higher than Evangelical Christians such as yourself in knowledge of the bible, and near equal to Jews and Mormons (if not more so).

It doesn't explicitly state anything in regards to gays being more likely hell bound than any other use, as abomination is used in reference to consuming certain foods as well.

Though, I figure that you believe (incorrectly) as well that Sodom and Gomarrah were not select cases. Even though it quite clearly refers to conduct towards the angels, and the general debauchery of the place - homosexuality was not the reason they were destroyed.

I have to disagree with you about that poll. A true Christian will know more about scripture than atheist. Anyone can call themselves a Christian, so the poll data could very well have included many who are Christians in name only. A true Christian is one reads and obeys the word of God. Also a true Christian would be better able to correctly interpret scripture. This is simply just another example of how polls are worthless.
Meh. If people can't recite and/or process what is actually in the bible, people can't claim 'I know more'.

PEW polls and many others have pointed out that agnostics/atheists/non believers know as much (if not more) than devout Christians.

Just on the basics that 'true Christians' are meant to know, 'true Christians' scored lower. Some Christians can't even name Moses or the ten commandments.

Did you actually read what I posted? The poll data cannot be accurate because it most likely contains a number of people who are not devout christians. If you did the same test with Christian ministers, the atheists would get their asses handed to them. That's a fact.
Idiot. Participating in the gay lifestyle is more that just sinning. It is a complete rejection of the natural order and is an abomination. The Bible explicitly states that these people will not see the kingdom of God. Read the Bible. Educate yourself
I have read the bible, many different bibles in fact. Nonbelievers score higher than Evangelical Christians such as yourself in knowledge of the bible, and near equal to Jews and Mormons (if not more so).

It doesn't explicitly state anything in regards to gays being more likely hell bound than any other use, as abomination is used in reference to consuming certain foods as well.

Though, I figure that you believe (incorrectly) as well that Sodom and Gomarrah were not select cases. Even though it quite clearly refers to conduct towards the angels, and the general debauchery of the place - homosexuality was not the reason they were destroyed.
I have to disagree with you about that poll. A true Christian will know more about scripture than atheist. Anyone can call themselves a Christian, so the poll data could very well have included many who are Christians in name only. A true Christian is one reads and obeys the word of God. Also a true Christian would be better able to correctly interpret scripture. This is simply just another example of how polls are worthless.
Meh. If people can't recite and/or process what is actually in the bible, people can't claim 'I know more'.

PEW polls and many others have pointed out that agnostics/atheists/non believers know as much (if not more) than devout Christians.

Just on the basics that 'true Christians' are meant to know, 'true Christians' scored lower. Some Christians can't even name Moses or the ten commandments.

Yeah that explains all those comments about eating shellfish being a sin :)
Shellfish being a sin depends on whether you believe in/follow Leviticus, not all do though.

No it doesn't, the New Covenant did away with dietary laws.
I have read the bible, many different bibles in fact. Nonbelievers score higher than Evangelical Christians such as yourself in knowledge of the bible, and near equal to Jews and Mormons (if not more so).

It doesn't explicitly state anything in regards to gays being more likely hell bound than any other use, as abomination is used in reference to consuming certain foods as well.

Though, I figure that you believe (incorrectly) as well that Sodom and Gomarrah were not select cases. Even though it quite clearly refers to conduct towards the angels, and the general debauchery of the place - homosexuality was not the reason they were destroyed.
I have to disagree with you about that poll. A true Christian will know more about scripture than atheist. Anyone can call themselves a Christian, so the poll data could very well have included many who are Christians in name only. A true Christian is one reads and obeys the word of God. Also a true Christian would be better able to correctly interpret scripture. This is simply just another example of how polls are worthless.
Meh. If people can't recite and/or process what is actually in the bible, people can't claim 'I know more'.

PEW polls and many others have pointed out that agnostics/atheists/non believers know as much (if not more) than devout Christians.

Just on the basics that 'true Christians' are meant to know, 'true Christians' scored lower. Some Christians can't even name Moses or the ten commandments.

Yeah that explains all those comments about eating shellfish being a sin :)
Shellfish being a sin depends on whether you believe in/follow Leviticus, not all do though.

No it doesn't, the New Covenant did away with dietary laws.
True. But I still refuse to eat something that swims around in its own bathroom.
I have to disagree with you about that poll. A true Christian will know more about scripture than atheist. Anyone can call themselves a Christian, so the poll data could very well have included many who are Christians in name only. A true Christian is one reads and obeys the word of God. Also a true Christian would be better able to correctly interpret scripture. This is simply just another example of how polls are worthless.
Meh. If people can't recite and/or process what is actually in the bible, people can't claim 'I know more'.

PEW polls and many others have pointed out that agnostics/atheists/non believers know as much (if not more) than devout Christians.

Just on the basics that 'true Christians' are meant to know, 'true Christians' scored lower. Some Christians can't even name Moses or the ten commandments.

Yeah that explains all those comments about eating shellfish being a sin :)
Shellfish being a sin depends on whether you believe in/follow Leviticus, not all do though.

No it doesn't, the New Covenant did away with dietary laws.
True. But I still refuse to eat something that swims around in its own bathroom.

Mmmmm lobster is delicious. I'd have made a lousy Jew :)
I have read the bible, many different bibles in fact. Nonbelievers score higher than Evangelical Christians such as yourself in knowledge of the bible, and near equal to Jews and Mormons (if not more so).

It doesn't explicitly state anything in regards to gays being more likely hell bound than any other use, as abomination is used in reference to consuming certain foods as well.

Though, I figure that you believe (incorrectly) as well that Sodom and Gomarrah were not select cases. Even though it quite clearly refers to conduct towards the angels, and the general debauchery of the place - homosexuality was not the reason they were destroyed.
I have to disagree with you about that poll. A true Christian will know more about scripture than atheist. Anyone can call themselves a Christian, so the poll data could very well have included many who are Christians in name only. A true Christian is one reads and obeys the word of God. Also a true Christian would be better able to correctly interpret scripture. This is simply just another example of how polls are worthless.
Meh. If people can't recite and/or process what is actually in the bible, people can't claim 'I know more'.

PEW polls and many others have pointed out that agnostics/atheists/non believers know as much (if not more) than devout Christians.

Just on the basics that 'true Christians' are meant to know, 'true Christians' scored lower. Some Christians can't even name Moses or the ten commandments.

Yeah that explains all those comments about eating shellfish being a sin :)
Shellfish being a sin depends on whether you believe in/follow Leviticus, not all do though.

No it doesn't, the New Covenant did away with dietary laws.

Can't refute it can you? See you're proving your premise wrong, Christians do know the Bible better
I have read the bible, many different bibles in fact. Nonbelievers score higher than Evangelical Christians such as yourself in knowledge of the bible, and near equal to Jews and Mormons (if not more so).

It doesn't explicitly state anything in regards to gays being more likely hell bound than any other use, as abomination is used in reference to consuming certain foods as well.

Though, I figure that you believe (incorrectly) as well that Sodom and Gomarrah were not select cases. Even though it quite clearly refers to conduct towards the angels, and the general debauchery of the place - homosexuality was not the reason they were destroyed.
I have to disagree with you about that poll. A true Christian will know more about scripture than atheist. Anyone can call themselves a Christian, so the poll data could very well have included many who are Christians in name only. A true Christian is one reads and obeys the word of God. Also a true Christian would be better able to correctly interpret scripture. This is simply just another example of how polls are worthless.
Meh. If people can't recite and/or process what is actually in the bible, people can't claim 'I know more'.

PEW polls and many others have pointed out that agnostics/atheists/non believers know as much (if not more) than devout Christians.

Just on the basics that 'true Christians' are meant to know, 'true Christians' scored lower. Some Christians can't even name Moses or the ten commandments.

Yeah that explains all those comments about eating shellfish being a sin :)
Shellfish being a sin depends on whether you believe in/follow Leviticus, not all do though.

No it doesn't, the New Covenant did away with dietary laws.
I have read the bible, many different bibles in fact. Nonbelievers score higher than Evangelical Christians such as yourself in knowledge of the bible, and near equal to Jews and Mormons (if not more so).

It doesn't explicitly state anything in regards to gays being more likely hell bound than any other use, as abomination is used in reference to consuming certain foods as well.

Though, I figure that you believe (incorrectly) as well that Sodom and Gomarrah were not select cases. Even though it quite clearly refers to conduct towards the angels, and the general debauchery of the place - homosexuality was not the reason they were destroyed.
I have to disagree with you about that poll. A true Christian will know more about scripture than atheist. Anyone can call themselves a Christian, so the poll data could very well have included many who are Christians in name only. A true Christian is one reads and obeys the word of God. Also a true Christian would be better able to correctly interpret scripture. This is simply just another example of how polls are worthless.
Meh. If people can't recite and/or process what is actually in the bible, people can't claim 'I know more'.

PEW polls and many others have pointed out that agnostics/atheists/non believers know as much (if not more) than devout Christians.

Just on the basics that 'true Christians' are meant to know, 'true Christians' scored lower. Some Christians can't even name Moses or the ten commandments.

Yeah that explains all those comments about eating shellfish being a sin :)
Shellfish being a sin depends on whether you believe in/follow Leviticus, not all do though.

No it doesn't, the New Covenant did away with dietary laws.
In your opinion, though the hypocrisy is equating homosexuality as being more/less sinful than those dietary laws.
It doesn't

Then again, it does not seem that the lobby is done sith gaining marriage. Gays have marriage now and in the few states that have not recognized it yet the federal government is going to force them too.

Now it is all about forcing people that do not agree to accept it though. It is about creating a protected class. That is where you start stepping on rights.
I have to disagree with you about that poll. A true Christian will know more about scripture than atheist. Anyone can call themselves a Christian, so the poll data could very well have included many who are Christians in name only. A true Christian is one reads and obeys the word of God. Also a true Christian would be better able to correctly interpret scripture. This is simply just another example of how polls are worthless.
Meh. If people can't recite and/or process what is actually in the bible, people can't claim 'I know more'.

PEW polls and many others have pointed out that agnostics/atheists/non believers know as much (if not more) than devout Christians.

Just on the basics that 'true Christians' are meant to know, 'true Christians' scored lower. Some Christians can't even name Moses or the ten commandments.

Yeah that explains all those comments about eating shellfish being a sin :)
Shellfish being a sin depends on whether you believe in/follow Leviticus, not all do though.

No it doesn't, the New Covenant did away with dietary laws.

Can't refute it can you? See you're proving your premise wrong, Christians do know the Bible better
I am eating dinner. I don't eat shellfish. :p
I have to disagree with you about that poll. A true Christian will know more about scripture than atheist. Anyone can call themselves a Christian, so the poll data could very well have included many who are Christians in name only. A true Christian is one reads and obeys the word of God. Also a true Christian would be better able to correctly interpret scripture. This is simply just another example of how polls are worthless.
Meh. If people can't recite and/or process what is actually in the bible, people can't claim 'I know more'.

PEW polls and many others have pointed out that agnostics/atheists/non believers know as much (if not more) than devout Christians.

Just on the basics that 'true Christians' are meant to know, 'true Christians' scored lower. Some Christians can't even name Moses or the ten commandments.

Yeah that explains all those comments about eating shellfish being a sin :)
Shellfish being a sin depends on whether you believe in/follow Leviticus, not all do though.

No it doesn't, the New Covenant did away with dietary laws.
I have to disagree with you about that poll. A true Christian will know more about scripture than atheist. Anyone can call themselves a Christian, so the poll data could very well have included many who are Christians in name only. A true Christian is one reads and obeys the word of God. Also a true Christian would be better able to correctly interpret scripture. This is simply just another example of how polls are worthless.
Meh. If people can't recite and/or process what is actually in the bible, people can't claim 'I know more'.

PEW polls and many others have pointed out that agnostics/atheists/non believers know as much (if not more) than devout Christians.

Just on the basics that 'true Christians' are meant to know, 'true Christians' scored lower. Some Christians can't even name Moses or the ten commandments.

Yeah that explains all those comments about eating shellfish being a sin :)
Shellfish being a sin depends on whether you believe in/follow Leviticus, not all do though.

No it doesn't, the New Covenant did away with dietary laws.
In your opinion, though the hypocrisy is equating homosexuality as being more/less sinful than those dietary laws.

Homosexuality is a sin in both the Old and New Testaments. I thought you said you knew the Bible better than a Christian?
I have to disagree with you about that poll. A true Christian will know more about scripture than atheist. Anyone can call themselves a Christian, so the poll data could very well have included many who are Christians in name only. A true Christian is one reads and obeys the word of God. Also a true Christian would be better able to correctly interpret scripture. This is simply just another example of how polls are worthless.
Meh. If people can't recite and/or process what is actually in the bible, people can't claim 'I know more'.

PEW polls and many others have pointed out that agnostics/atheists/non believers know as much (if not more) than devout Christians.

Just on the basics that 'true Christians' are meant to know, 'true Christians' scored lower. Some Christians can't even name Moses or the ten commandments.

Yeah that explains all those comments about eating shellfish being a sin :)
Shellfish being a sin depends on whether you believe in/follow Leviticus, not all do though.

No it doesn't, the New Covenant did away with dietary laws.
I have to disagree with you about that poll. A true Christian will know more about scripture than atheist. Anyone can call themselves a Christian, so the poll data could very well have included many who are Christians in name only. A true Christian is one reads and obeys the word of God. Also a true Christian would be better able to correctly interpret scripture. This is simply just another example of how polls are worthless.
Meh. If people can't recite and/or process what is actually in the bible, people can't claim 'I know more'.

PEW polls and many others have pointed out that agnostics/atheists/non believers know as much (if not more) than devout Christians.

Just on the basics that 'true Christians' are meant to know, 'true Christians' scored lower. Some Christians can't even name Moses or the ten commandments.

Yeah that explains all those comments about eating shellfish being a sin :)
Shellfish being a sin depends on whether you believe in/follow Leviticus, not all do though.

No it doesn't, the New Covenant did away with dietary laws.
In your opinion, though the hypocrisy is equating homosexuality as being more/less sinful than those dietary laws.
It is more sinful. Practicing a gay lifestyle is willful sin. People who sin willfully are not Christians. Therefore, they are going to hell.
It doesn't

Then again, it does not seem that the lobby is done sith gaining marriage. Gays have marriage now and in the few states that have not recognized it yet the federal government is going to force them too.

Now it is all about forcing people that do not agree to accept it though. It is about creating a protected class. That is where you start stepping on rights.

No it's all about equal treatment under the law. Most states don't allow 15 year old 1st cousins to marry, but they ARE recognized in all 50 from the states that do allow them.
Meh. If people can't recite and/or process what is actually in the bible, people can't claim 'I know more'.

PEW polls and many others have pointed out that agnostics/atheists/non believers know as much (if not more) than devout Christians.

Just on the basics that 'true Christians' are meant to know, 'true Christians' scored lower. Some Christians can't even name Moses or the ten commandments.

Yeah that explains all those comments about eating shellfish being a sin :)
Shellfish being a sin depends on whether you believe in/follow Leviticus, not all do though.

No it doesn't, the New Covenant did away with dietary laws.
Meh. If people can't recite and/or process what is actually in the bible, people can't claim 'I know more'.

PEW polls and many others have pointed out that agnostics/atheists/non believers know as much (if not more) than devout Christians.

Just on the basics that 'true Christians' are meant to know, 'true Christians' scored lower. Some Christians can't even name Moses or the ten commandments.

Yeah that explains all those comments about eating shellfish being a sin :)
Shellfish being a sin depends on whether you believe in/follow Leviticus, not all do though.

No it doesn't, the New Covenant did away with dietary laws.
In your opinion, though the hypocrisy is equating homosexuality as being more/less sinful than those dietary laws.

Homosexuality is a sin in both the Old and New Testaments. I thought you said you knew the Bible better than a Christian?
Read what I said again, as I didn't say it wasn't a sin. In the English language more/less doesn't equal none.
Meh. If people can't recite and/or process what is actually in the bible, people can't claim 'I know more'.

PEW polls and many others have pointed out that agnostics/atheists/non believers know as much (if not more) than devout Christians.

Just on the basics that 'true Christians' are meant to know, 'true Christians' scored lower. Some Christians can't even name Moses or the ten commandments.

Yeah that explains all those comments about eating shellfish being a sin :)
Shellfish being a sin depends on whether you believe in/follow Leviticus, not all do though.

No it doesn't, the New Covenant did away with dietary laws.
Meh. If people can't recite and/or process what is actually in the bible, people can't claim 'I know more'.

PEW polls and many others have pointed out that agnostics/atheists/non believers know as much (if not more) than devout Christians.

Just on the basics that 'true Christians' are meant to know, 'true Christians' scored lower. Some Christians can't even name Moses or the ten commandments.

Yeah that explains all those comments about eating shellfish being a sin :)
Shellfish being a sin depends on whether you believe in/follow Leviticus, not all do though.

No it doesn't, the New Covenant did away with dietary laws.
In your opinion, though the hypocrisy is equating homosexuality as being more/less sinful than those dietary laws.
It is more sinful. Practicing a gay lifestyle is willful sin. People who sin willfully are not Christians. Therefore, they are going to hell.
In your opinion, though in reality it isn't in there as any more/less of a sin than divorce and adulatory.
Yeah that explains all those comments about eating shellfish being a sin :)
Shellfish being a sin depends on whether you believe in/follow Leviticus, not all do though.

No it doesn't, the New Covenant did away with dietary laws.
Yeah that explains all those comments about eating shellfish being a sin :)
Shellfish being a sin depends on whether you believe in/follow Leviticus, not all do though.

No it doesn't, the New Covenant did away with dietary laws.
In your opinion, though the hypocrisy is equating homosexuality as being more/less sinful than those dietary laws.

Homosexuality is a sin in both the Old and New Testaments. I thought you said you knew the Bible better than a Christian?
Read what I said again, as I didn't say it wasn't a sin. In the English language more/less doesn't equal none.

I know what you said and again the dietary laws are no longer a sin.....homosexuality is. :)
Do you agree somehow? Isn't the whole point of freedom of religion to be able to practice own religion (or not at all if atheists)? How is a gay-couple, who want equal freedom, marrying obstacle anybody's freedom to religion? It's not like legalizing gay marriage means making straight marriage illegal. conservatives argument against that is "it's against religion" is quite reasonable.
Your logic here is
Do you agree somehow? Isn't the whole point of freedom of religion to be able to practice own religion (or not at all if atheists)? How is a gay-couple, who want equal freedom, marrying obstacle anybody's freedom to religion? It's not like legalizing gay marriage means making straight marriage illegal. conservatives argument against that is "it's against religion" is quite reasonable.
Religion has basic freedoms. Homosexuality isn't mentioned ANYWHERE in the Constitution. Religion IS. You are under the presumption (as are a lot of other people) that a sexual dysfunction is in the same category as race or religion. It definitely isn't. How did you people get to that conclusion? Your argument is a thin tissue of misconceptions. I can't answer your "question' because it is not clear how homosexuals, (that have all the same constitutional rights NOW as anyone else), are being negatively affected by Religious freedom. You are making religion the whipping boy. I am agnostic, so I hold no bias towards religion here.
Do you agree somehow? Isn't the whole point of freedom of religion to be able to practice own religion (or not at all if atheists)? How is a gay-couple, who want equal freedom, marrying obstacle anybody's freedom to religion? It's not like legalizing gay marriage means making straight marriage illegal. conservatives argument against that is "it's against religion" is quite reasonable.

Its not against freedom of religion to legalize Gay Marriage. What is against freedom of religion is forcing someone to do business with someone they choose not to do business with because of a difference in religious beliefs. I should not have the US Federal Government on my back because I don't want to make a cake for a Gay couple. And if you harm my business on twitter or wherever else I should be able to sue your ass! That's freedom!
Shellfish being a sin depends on whether you believe in/follow Leviticus, not all do though.

No it doesn't, the New Covenant did away with dietary laws.
Shellfish being a sin depends on whether you believe in/follow Leviticus, not all do though.

No it doesn't, the New Covenant did away with dietary laws.
In your opinion, though the hypocrisy is equating homosexuality as being more/less sinful than those dietary laws.

Homosexuality is a sin in both the Old and New Testaments. I thought you said you knew the Bible better than a Christian?
Read what I said again, as I didn't say it wasn't a sin. In the English language more/less doesn't equal none.

I know what you said and again the dietary laws are no longer a sin.....homosexuality is. :)
Still your opinion. The book is still out on whether it truly was a blanket statement: In Mark 7 14-23 Jesus declares all foods clean . Does this statement nullify the Old Testament dietary law outlined in Leviticus 11

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