How is President Obama worse than President George W. Bush?

Like you put others on ignore? If you don't like what they say, you just put on ignore, no dialogue, don't have to deal with others opinions. Silly.

Of course. When folks cannot be respectful, civilized and conduct themselves with decorum, without being insulting and despicable, they are put on ignore, by me, with a quickness. Dialogue? Insults, demeaning, and name calling is not "dialogue".
Others opinions? You don't respect mine, why on Earth should I respect yours? Dialogue is a two way street, and you have a responsibility to engage honestly, as much as I do. Hello?

Like you claiming Democrats hardly ever lie, they just bring up rightwing lies? Was that honesty? I'll call you out on that crap.

I respect opinions but when people are condescending to me, then why should I be respectful, that two way street thing you bring up.
I didn't start the shit......but I sho' can finish it. I'm a liberal Democrat. Are they perfect? Far from it. But in my humble opinion, they are light years above and beyond any Republicans. What? Rocket science it is not.
Under Bush the WORST terrorist attack on US soil occurred.
Then he led the country down the path of TWO unnecessary wars.
Which led to damn near TOTAL financial collapse.

Obama kept us safe.
Leading the country out of the wars.
The economy has been steadily improving.
While the Republicans are CONSTANTLY attacking him and trying to sabotage his every move.

Obama is doing a BANG-UP job. This is why he got re-elected. :clap2:

yeah bang up..tell that to the millions without a job and now can only find part time jobs, who can hardly afford the gas prices to get to a job, poverty increasing, welfare exploding, credit downgraded, etc
Where was/is your vitriol for the bastard that GOT us to where we are?

I never got that from you nor folks who think like you.

You skipped right to hating Obama, and excused everything that the guy did before that got us here.

What gives?

Under Bush the WORST terrorist attack on US soil occurred.
Then he led the country down the path of TWO unnecessary wars.
Which led to damn near TOTAL financial collapse.

Obama kept us safe.
Leading the country out of the wars.
The economy has been steadily improving.
While the Republicans are CONSTANTLY attacking him and trying to sabotage his every move.

Obama is doing a BANG-UP job. This is why he got re-elected. :clap2:

he got re-elected Marc because like it has been for some time now.....he was running against another half asses individual....Bush should not have been re-elected and Obama should not have been.....
Of course Bush shouldn't have been re-elected, he made the situation worse. Not only that, but he actually did damage we saw at the time and that we're still reeling from.

Obama has improved the situation.

Yes, you may not like his politics, but he HAS improved the hand he was dealt.

I resent the comparison of the two.
don't matter if you vote for the left hand or the right hand, your still gona get fisted.
No, bitch, you won't. I'm placing you on ignore, quick, fast, and in a hurry. Bye.

Like you put others on ignore? If you don't like what they say, you just put on ignore, no dialogue, don't have to deal with others opinions. Silly.

Of course. When folks cannot be respectful, civilized and conduct themselves with decorum, without being insulting and despicable, they are put on ignore, by me, with a quickness. Dialogue? Insults, demeaning, and name calling is not "dialogue".
Others opinions? You don't respect mine, why on Earth should I respect yours? Dialogue is a two way street, and you have a responsibility to engage honestly, as much as I do. Hello?
yea its kinda like what he said to me here .....

Fuck you. Who the fuck do you think you are, telling me who and/or what I am. Fuck you. Piece of shit. Let me just spell it out for you. I don't believe that Democrats lie, ever....and if they do, it doesn't bother me. I think that all Republicans lie, always, and it bothers the fuck out of me. Do you get that? Do you need it any clearer? Now move the fuck on.

now you tell me if what said to him before this post warranted this kind of insulting and despicable,demeaning insulting behavior?.....i called him a Far Left Dipshit for saying its OK if the Democrats lie...........oh my..... how terrible...
Of course. When folks cannot be respectful, civilized and conduct themselves with decorum, without being insulting and despicable, they are put on ignore, by me, with a quickness. Dialogue? Insults, demeaning, and name calling is not "dialogue".
Others opinions? You don't respect mine, why on Earth should I respect yours? Dialogue is a two way street, and you have a responsibility to engage honestly, as much as I do. Hello?

Like you claiming Democrats hardly ever lie, they just bring up rightwing lies? Was that honesty? I'll call you out on that crap.

I respect opinions but when people are condescending to me, then why should I be respectful, that two way street thing you bring up.
I didn't start the shit......but I sho' can finish it. I'm a liberal Democrat. Are they perfect? Far from it. But in my humble opinion, they are light years above and beyond any Republicans. What? Rocket science it is not.

a few posts back he was "Moderate just slightly left" he is a Liberal Democrat.....
Under Bush the WORST terrorist attack on US soil occurred.
Then he led the country down the path of TWO unnecessary wars.
Which led to damn near TOTAL financial collapse.

Obama kept us safe.
Leading the country out of the wars.
The economy has been steadily improving.
While the Republicans are CONSTANTLY attacking him and trying to sabotage his every move.

Obama is doing a BANG-UP job. This is why he got re-elected. :clap2:

yeah bang up..tell that to the millions without a job and now can only find part time jobs, who can hardly afford the gas prices to get to a job, poverty increasing, welfare exploding, credit downgraded, etc
Where was/is your vitriol for the bastard that GOT us to where we are?

I never got that from you nor folks who think like you.

You skipped right to hating Obama, and excused everything that the guy did before that got us here.

What gives?

Under Bush the WORST terrorist attack on US soil occurred.
Then he led the country down the path of TWO unnecessary wars.
Which led to damn near TOTAL financial collapse.

Obama kept us safe.
Leading the country out of the wars.
The economy has been steadily improving.
While the Republicans are CONSTANTLY attacking him and trying to sabotage his every move.

Obama is doing a BANG-UP job. This is why he got re-elected. :clap2:

he got re-elected Marc because like it has been for some time now.....he was running against another half asses individual....Bush should not have been re-elected and Obama should not have been.....
Of course Bush shouldn't have been re-elected, he made the situation worse. Not only that, but he actually did damage we saw at the time and that we're still reeling from.

Obama has improved the situation.

Yes, you may not like his politics, but he HAS improved the hand he was dealt.

I resent the comparison of the two.
i don't....they both were and are piss poor leaders who have done nothing to bring this Country together......they both have no idea how to talk to people who don't agree with you.....when Clinton left.....there was a divide,not much different than when Bush1 can still see the other side and you just had to talk loud for them to hear each other.....when Bush jr left the divide was Chasm and now you needed Binoculars and a fog horn to see and hear the other its the fucking Grand Canyon and you need a Telescope and phone.....divided this Country will only go so far.....United there is nothing we cant do.....
President Obama seems much better to me. What do you think? Got any credible facts?
When you reach the point where you have to ask questions like this, then you know something with Pres. Obama is very, very wrong.

Actually, I'm asking the question because right-wingers have gone crazy since Obama was first elected - but I don't recall them similarly bashing Bush.

You mean Babs Bush's....

....special, little guy.

President Obama seems much better to me. What do you think? Got any credible facts?

I'm rounding here but the national debt was 5 trillion when Bush took office ten trillion when he left it is now at 16 trillion and could be 20 trillion by the time Obama leaves office. The Bush debt and current debt are credible facts the 20 trillion is a estimate but a pretty accurate one in my view.
Lakhota if you have to ask, then you're content with crap and I dont have all day...I'll give you one..

Governement spending (and hell that was Bush's biggest weakness)
yeah bang up..tell that to the millions without a job and now can only find part time jobs, who can hardly afford the gas prices to get to a job, poverty increasing, welfare exploding, credit downgraded, etc
Where was/is your vitriol for the bastard that GOT us to where we are?

I never got that from you nor folks who think like you.

You skipped right to hating Obama, and excused everything that the guy did before that got us here.

What gives?

he got re-elected Marc because like it has been for some time now.....he was running against another half asses individual....Bush should not have been re-elected and Obama should not have been.....
Of course Bush shouldn't have been re-elected, he made the situation worse. Not only that, but he actually did damage we saw at the time and that we're still reeling from.

Obama has improved the situation.

Yes, you may not like his politics, but he HAS improved the hand he was dealt.

I resent the comparison of the two.
i don't....they both were and are piss poor leaders who have done nothing to bring this Country together......they both have no idea how to talk to people who don't agree with you.....when Clinton left.....there was a divide,not much different than when Bush1 can still see the other side and you just had to talk loud for them to hear each other.....when Bush jr left the divide was Chasm and now you needed Binoculars and a fog horn to see and hear the other its the fucking Grand Canyon and you need a Telescope and phone.....divided this Country will only go so far.....United there is nothing we cant do.....

Couple of questions.
Which President was the Editor of Newsweek talking about...

Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to _______ on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

Now which president was Evan Thomas talking about when he said..

I mean in a way -------’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball,

What party received from
1,160 (85%) of 1,353 employees of ABC,CBS & NBC gave $1.02 million (88%) to .............. do you think they are stupid?
If you don't think they are stupid, then do you think they wanted the ............. to win?
If they want them to win would they put news favorable or unfavorable to ........ i.e. ............?
[continued] the war on terror.

Bail-outs like Bush did

More wasted stimulus money spent than Bush did.

Started more sub-wars with no timeline or constitutional authority.

Did a bigger, more costly and less successful health care power grab than Bush's Medicare part D.

Expanded off Bush's homeland security

Expanded upon Bush era tax cuts.

Spent more on military spending than Bush.

Gave us the NDAA.

Divided the country like no President has ever done before.

Went to a well known racist church for over 20 years.

Expanded the patriot act.

Got the country downgraded.

More people on food stamps than ever before

More people on welfare than ever before.

Less people able to get jobs out of college than ever before.

Attacking the second amendment for no fucking reason seeing all the attacks were illegal already.

Kills tens of thousands of innocents in other countries with wars and drones.

Takes every opportunity to attack Republicans (the other side/team) possible.

Has the FED's bailing out markets at 40 billion a month.

UE is rising yet again.

Guantanamo still open.

Pretty much every single thing you hated about Bush only expanded or is still there.

Obama only ended the Iraq war on the Bush timeline.... But tried to stay past it, was kicked out by the Iraq government, lol... Makes sense you think he is better than Bush.
What's in "bold", are valid; the others (on the list) are not.

But that's not the whole list!

Some others are:

  • Obama's "kill lists"
  • expanding warrrantless wiretaps
  • continuing renditions
  • better at hiding his more politician side from the public
  • better at acting like someone he's not
  • more likely to succeed in cuts to SS and Medicare
Granted, Bush was pretty bad, but Obama tops him in these areas as well...
Obama Is Worse than Bush In Favoring the Super-Elite, Bailing Out the Big Banks, Protecting Financial Criminals, Targeting Whistleblowers, Keeping Government Secrets, Trampling Our Liberties and Starting Military Conflicts In New Countries
But if there is one good thing you can take from this, is the difference between liberal reaction to Obama and conservative reaction to Bush. It took less than one term for Obama lose the left. This is evident by all the "young vote" no-shows in the 2010 mid-terms. Whereas, in contrast, there was no criticism of Bush policies (any policies) for almost 8 years in office until he was a virtual lame duck.
Lakhota if you have to ask, then you're content with crap and I dont have all day...I'll give you one..

Governement spending (and hell that was Bush's biggest weakness)

Government spending? As I've asked many times before: How much debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct/indirect result of Bush actions?
How is President Obama worse than President George W. Bush?

President George W. Bush was an intelligent man and knew what he was doing. President Owe Bama doesn't have a clue and is a complete dumb ass.

i wouldn't say that, bush was not very bright by any standards. obama is a pretty smart guy, just clueless on how to run a country.

Where are your FACTS regarding that?
Bush NEVER called a "corpsman" CORPSEMAN!
Bush Never said there were 57 states!
Bush with an MBA knew that if as Obama said.. we reduce health care cost by 1/10th of one percent we can reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term!"
A) Bush knows the difference between the DEFICIT and health care costs and there is NO correlation!
B) Bush knows as ANY except the math shrift Obama at $2.5 billion (1/10th of $2.5 trillion) reduction per year that is 1,600 "LONG TERM YEARS!

Bush would NEVER say these absolutely STUPID IGNORANT statements from Obama:
1) says "I'd like higher gas prices.." Well dummy we are getting them THANKS to your EPA adding 25 cents per gallon next year!
2) said:“Under my plan....electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.
3) said: So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
4)Told Brazil.."we'll be your best [oil] customer".
5) said "I favor single payer insurance".. meaning 1,400 insurance companies stop: paying $100 billion in Fed/state/local taxes as well as LOCAL property taxes.
400,000 employees let go collecting $6 billion in unemployment checks!
6) Bush being in the military as fighter pilot WOULD NEVER say that our military methodically planned and executed "air raids on villages killing civilians" Obama did!

So tell me HOW f...king bright does Obama have to be to make those kinds of statements???
To me Obama is worse the Chancy Garder played by Peter Sellers in "Being There" where idiots like you praised the idiotic statements the simpleton Chauncy made!
Obama is like the Emperor wearing no clothes but idiots like you are telling him oh such finery.. such great looking clothes.. when a little kid says "He's naked!"

You tell me how Obama with $5 trillion can still have 90 million people unemployed, more people on food stamps ever AND HE"S Proud of that!
Expanded the war on terror.

Bail-outs like Bush did

More wasted stimulus money spent than Bush did.

Started more sub-wars with no timeline or constitutional authority.

Did a bigger, more costly and less successful health care power grab than Bush's Medicare part D.

Expanded off Bush's homeland security

Expanded upon Bush era tax cuts.

Spent more on military spending than Bush.

Gave us the NDAA.

Divided the country like no President has ever done before.

Went to a well known racist church for over 20 years.

Expanded the patriot act.

Got the country downgraded.

More people on food stamps than ever before

More people on welfare than ever before.

Less people able to get jobs out of college than ever before.

Attacking the second amendment for no fucking reason seeing all the attacks were illegal already.

Kills tens of thousands of innocents in other countries with wars and drones.

Takes every opportunity to attack Republicans (the other side/team) possible.

Has the FED's bailing out markets at 40 billion a month.

UE is rising yet again.

Guantanamo still open.

Pretty much every single thing you hated about Bush only expanded or is still there.

Obama only ended the Iraq war on the Bush timeline.... But tried to stay past it, was kicked out by the Iraq government, lol... Makes sense you think he is better than Bush.

These charges are so stupid and easy to disprove. I will pick the easiest.

First, it was Republicans who screamed Gitmo should be closed and when Obama began to close it, it was Republicans using terrorist tactics screaming that Obama wanted to let dangerous people go into our streets and backyards. They turned Public Opinion against him so bad he had little choice but to keep it open. Because Republicans are scum. They just wanted to hurt him politically.

Then, the so-called "failed" stimulus was a huge success. More than a hundred Republican congressmen took hundreds of millions of dollars and created tens of thousands of jobs they took credit for after voting against it. A simple Google search and you can find their names, states, projects and how it helped the economy.

The nation is divided because Republicans are 90% white and the most racist party in American history and they are paying the price.

And the Bush era tax cuts? He was blackmailed. Even the conservative Christian Science Monitor wrote multiple articles about it.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

Unemployment benefits extended in tax-cut deal -

Obama couldn't let millions of Americans suffer, but Republicans can and want to.

Now, prove "let him die" and "feed the poor and they will breed" and "the apology to BP" and all the other things written about Republicans aren't true. Just kidding. We both know they ARE true.
I'm too lazy to go through your post piece by piece, so I'll just respond to these two comments.

The nation is divided because Republicans are 90% white and the most racist party in American history and they are paying the price.

Well, this is easy to disprove. Democrats supported slavery and the expansion of Jim Crowe laws; Republicans didn't. Democrats nominated a known segregationist for POTUS; Republicans didn't.

And the Bush era tax cuts? He was blackmailed. Even the conservative Christian Science Monitor wrote multiple articles about it.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

Unemployment benefits extended in tax-cut deal -

Obama couldn't let millions of Americans suffer, but Republicans can and want to.

The Democrats had a super majority in Congress in 2009. Why didn't they repeal the Bush tax cuts when they had the chance? They didn't even try.
I'm too lazy to go through your post piece by piece, so I'll just respond to these two comments.

The nation is divided because Republicans are 90% white and the most racist party in American history and they are paying the price.

Well, this is easy to disprove. Democrats supported slavery and the expansion of Jim Crowe laws; Republicans didn't. Democrats nominated a known segregationist for POTUS; Republicans didn't.

Truth is Republican party really never changed it has been the Democrat Party that has changed in the last 40 years. However it is the goal of the new left wing socialist party to make you believe otherwise because of the embarrassing history of the left. The Democrat Party would hold very little credibility on issues if it were not able to change Americans perspective view of the party. So since the late 60's the Democrat Party along with the willing left wing media have been on full campaign mode in convincing American's with a vail of misleading twisted facts. Even to this day the democrat party focuses most of its energy of points of political emotion rather than facts. It is much easier to pull on ones emotions rather than try to use logic in explaining their socialist views. This is how the Republican Party got such a bad name over the last 40 years. The problem was never the fact that the republican party "changed", it never really did, it was that they never really evolved in protecting their history and goal of preserving the constitution and freedom for all in their ability to pursue happiness.
In the course of our national historical development the United States of America has in many ways exhibited the diverse traits of a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The struggle between our two "selves" came most profoundly into focus a mere 85 years after the founding of this democracy "conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal"-- when we found ourselves "engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure". This Civil War had been precipitated when the author of those words, Abraham Lincoln, was elected first Republican President of the United States in the fall of 1860, and the southern bloc of slave states, which voted primarily Democratic, refused to accept this result, and instead claimed the right to secede from the Union the following spring. South Carolina, convinced that "a lady's sewing thimble will hold all the blood that will be shed" in any armed conflict with the Union (James McPherson, 'Battle Cry of Freedom'), was not only the first southern state to secede, but the first to commence hostilities as well when it fired upon the federal garrison at Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor after it refused to surrender, and the ensuing four years of Civil War would in fact claim nearly 700,000 lives on both sides.

Today the heartland of Lincoln's electoral base then-- the densely populated northeastern states which were to make up the bulk of the Union forces, also called the North in the war-- votes staunchly Democratic. Amazingly, the states which formed the Confederacy, also known in the war as the South, contain most of the hardcore base of the current GOP, which began as Lincoln's very own Republican Party. For a physical analogy to this astonishing "turn" of events, try this experiment-- hold a magnifying lens close to your eye and gaze through it at an object across the room. No amount of effort will put the object in focus, but at least it will appear right-side-up. Now slowly move the lens away from your eye, while keeping the same object in view, and suddenly you will lose sight of it in a chaos of blur and color; continue moving the lens until your arm is near fully extended, locate the object again if you can in the field of the lens, and somehow it has emerged from the confusion, somewhat larger and still unfocused but now has completely flipped upside down! And, with a good lens and a long enough arm, the inverted object can in fact be brought into clear focus, though it will remain upside down.

Just as there are complex laws of optics and mathematics to explain this physical phenomenon, so there is a complex, convoluted-- and indeed doubly convex-- history which explains how the Republicans became Democrats and the Democrats became Republicans between the end of the Civil War and the rise of the Civil Rights Movement a hundred years later in the 1950s and 60s. Remarkably, this process is still holding the rudder of our entire ship of state a full century and a half after that Civil War ended-- and that war was in large part itself a struggle over what this nation had really meant and stood for since the foundations of the Constitution in the late 18th century. So the only explanation which makes any sense at all as to why this astonishing and crucial cross-current of American history has been left so un-studied by our academics, so un-discussed on our street corners, and so un-taught in our schools is that ideologists in both parties have good reason to be embarrassed, mostly democrats, by certain aspects of this "flip-flop" and the process whereby the parties became what they are today. Nevertheless, this process will be seen as the crucial binding "thread", the unlocking "key", which must be understood if we are to follow the many political, economic, and social twists and turns which have occurred in this nation along the way.

What follows, therefore, is an attempt at as brief a synopsis as possible of that blurry, occasionally shameful and embarrassing, often confusing, certainly bipolar and perhaps even somewhat schizophrenic century of US history-- and to bring the present into clearer focus. Which to this day still isn't clear because of the ever evolving democrat party...........................

"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate...we can not consecrate...we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us-that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion-that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain-that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom-and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." ~ Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, November 19, 1863

Read more: When did republicans become democrats and democrats become republicans

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