How is President Obama worse than President George W. Bush?

Democratic lies don't actually matter, when we're the party in power

unfucking know what Poet? did not like it when the Republicans were lying to you......but yet its ok when your party is doing the lying to everyone i know why i cant stand both parties......because of the people who make them up....

The guy just admitted he's a brain dead Obama drone. Truth doesn't matter to him.
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Democratic lies don't actually matter, when we're the party in power

unfucking know what Poet? did not like it when the Republicans were lying to you......but yet its ok when your party is doing the lying to everyone i know why i cant stand both parties......because of the people who make them up....

The guy just admitted he's a brain Obama dead drone. Truth doesn't matter to him.

and he cant even be honest.....he saying he is a Moderate Lefty is like Dean saying he is just Left of Center......oh wait Dean did say that.....
You're serious?


Dead serious.

I know. That's why it's so funny!

Despite the lies told by Mitt Romney and the gaggle of Republicans, Dems gained seats in the Senate, the House, and maintained the White House. Obviously, the electorate responded to the truth, over mendacity.

ROFL! You must be joking. Every politicians knows that telling the voters the truth is the straightest road to electoral defeat.

That doesn't make any sense, whatsoever. Telling the truth is what got President Obama re-elected. Sorry if you don't like it.
you dont see it Poet because you are pretty Far Left......if i remember you said in another post here somewhere that you DESPISE all Republicans/Conservatives of ANY why would you acknowledge any of the Democrats lies? you what they say is pretty much what you it aint the truth of the matter.....i think they both lie as much as they can get away with.....

Not at all... I'm actually moderately left. And that's true, I do despise all Republicans, today. Democratic lies don't actually matter, when we're the party in power. Just like when Bush was in office, we bitched and moaned and it didn't matter. Now the shoe is on the other foot. Get over it. Try to compete in 2016, is your option, because given the wreckage of the Republican Party, 2014 seems a moot point. LOL

Democratic lies don't actually matter, when we're the party in power

unfucking know what Poet? did not like it when the Republicans were lying to you......but yet its ok when your party is doing the lying to everyone i know why i cant stand both parties......because of the people who make them up....

Find the motherfucking lies, or STFU. You talk like a crazy person. The Republicans are still lying and the truth is foreign to them. President Obama is president for the next 4 years, and Hilary Clinton is likely to follow him...get over it.
Not at all... I'm actually moderately left. And that's true, I do despise all Republicans, today. Democratic lies don't actually matter, when we're the party in power. Just like when Bush was in office, we bitched and moaned and it didn't matter. Now the shoe is on the other foot. Get over it. Try to compete in 2016, is your option, because given the wreckage of the Republican Party, 2014 seems a moot point. LOL

Democratic lies don't actually matter, when we're the party in power

unfucking know what Poet? did not like it when the Republicans were lying to you......but yet its ok when your party is doing the lying to everyone i know why i cant stand both parties......because of the people who make them up....

Find the motherfucking lies, or STFU. You talk like a crazy person. The Republicans are still lying and the truth is foreign to them. President Obama is president for the next 4 years, and Hilary Clinton is likely to follow him...get over it.

me find the mutherfucking lies?.....why? admitted they lie but it doesn't matter.....remember when you said that? let me remind you.....
Democratic lies don't actually matter, when we're the party in power
.......what lies were you talking about?.....maybe what you should think about Poet is why you don't give a fuck if your Party lies......and i am crazy?.....i give a fuck about the lies both parties tell to get what they want....people like you on both sides is what is tearing down this Fuckers don't give a shit if there are lies being told as long as YOUR party is doing the lying.......the thing about you and your fellows Poet.....your party is stringing your stupid ass's along.....and you and your people are to stupid to see it.....
Not at all... I'm actually moderately left. And that's true, I do despise all Republicans, today. Democratic lies don't actually matter, when we're the party in power. Just like when Bush was in office, we bitched and moaned and it didn't matter. Now the shoe is on the other foot. Get over it. Try to compete in 2016, is your option, because given the wreckage of the Republican Party, 2014 seems a moot point. LOL

Democratic lies don't actually matter, when we're the party in power

unfucking know what Poet? did not like it when the Republicans were lying to you......but yet its ok when your party is doing the lying to everyone i know why i cant stand both parties......because of the people who make them up....

Find the motherfucking lies, or STFU. You talk like a crazy person. The Republicans are still lying and the truth is foreign to them. President Obama is president for the next 4 years, and Hilary Clinton is likely to follow him...get over it.

Here are two lies I can think of right off the bat:

  1. No one making under $250K will have their taxes raised
  2. You'll be able to keep your current health insurance plan
Dead serious.

I know. That's why it's so funny!

Despite the lies told by Mitt Romney and the gaggle of Republicans, Dems gained seats in the Senate, the House, and maintained the White House. Obviously, the electorate responded to the truth, over mendacity.

ROFL! You must be joking. Every politicians knows that telling the voters the truth is the straightest road to electoral defeat.

That doesn't make any sense, whatsoever. Telling the truth is what got President Obama re-elected. Sorry if you don't like it.
Obamaturd has never told the truth. He got elected by nobody's who want free stuff and believed his bullshit.
Not at all... I'm actually moderately left. And that's true, I do despise all Republicans, today. Democratic lies don't actually matter, when we're the party in power. Just like when Bush was in office, we bitched and moaned and it didn't matter. Now the shoe is on the other foot. Get over it. Try to compete in 2016, is your option, because given the wreckage of the Republican Party, 2014 seems a moot point. LOL

Democratic lies don't actually matter, when we're the party in power

unfucking know what Poet? did not like it when the Republicans were lying to you......but yet its ok when your party is doing the lying to everyone i know why i cant stand both parties......because of the people who make them up....

Find the motherfucking lies, or STFU. You talk like a crazy person. The Republicans are still lying and the truth is foreign to them. President Obama is president for the next 4 years, and Hilary Clinton is likely to follow him...get over it.
Every lie from obamzturd? It would take too long. Start with obamacare and taxes, those two alone are good ones. IDIOT!!!!
Very telling attitude by the radical left. The guy just won the election and lefties are whining about how he "isn't worse" than George Bush.
President Obama seems much better to me. What do you think? Got any credible facts?

Obama speaks in whole, grammatically perfect sentences.

"W" did not nor could he, even with a teleprompter:

1. "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."—Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004

2. "I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family."—Greater Nashua, N.H., Chamber of Commerce, Jan. 27, 2000

3. "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"—Florence, S.C., Jan. 11, 2000

4. "Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB/GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across the country."—Poplar Bluff, Mo., Sept. 6, 2004

5. "Neither in French nor in English nor in Mexican."—declining to answer reporters' questions at the Summit of the Americas, Quebec City, Canada, April 21, 2001

I could go on. And on. And....
Most libtards can go on and on when lying out their sorry a holes.

Democratic lies don't actually matter, when we're the party in power

unfucking know what Poet? did not like it when the Republicans were lying to you......but yet its ok when your party is doing the lying to everyone i know why i cant stand both parties......because of the people who make them up....

Find the motherfucking lies, or STFU. You talk like a crazy person. The Republicans are still lying and the truth is foreign to them. President Obama is president for the next 4 years, and Hilary Clinton is likely to follow him...get over it.

me find the mutherfucking lies?.....why? admitted they lie but it doesn't matter.....remember when you said that? let me remind you.....
Democratic lies don't actually matter, when we're the party in power
.......what lies were you talking about?.....maybe what you should think about Poet is why you don't give a fuck if your Party lies......and i am crazy?.....i give a fuck about the lies both parties tell to get what they want....people like you on both sides is what is tearing down this Fuckers don't give a shit if there are lies being told as long as YOUR party is doing the lying.......the thing about you and your fellows Poet.....your party is stringing your stupid ass's along.....and you and your people are to stupid to see it.....

When you can write coherently, and understand the difference between "to" and "too", get back with me. Democrats, for the most part, don't lie. They don't have to....all they have to do is point to the lying right.
Find the motherfucking lies, or STFU. You talk like a crazy person. The Republicans are still lying and the truth is foreign to them. President Obama is president for the next 4 years, and Hilary Clinton is likely to follow him...get over it.

me find the mutherfucking lies?.....why? admitted they lie but it doesn't matter.....remember when you said that? let me remind you.....
Democratic lies don't actually matter, when we're the party in power
.......what lies were you talking about?.....maybe what you should think about Poet is why you don't give a fuck if your Party lies......and i am crazy?.....i give a fuck about the lies both parties tell to get what they want....people like you on both sides is what is tearing down this Fuckers don't give a shit if there are lies being told as long as YOUR party is doing the lying.......the thing about you and your fellows Poet.....your party is stringing your stupid ass's along.....and you and your people are to stupid to see it.....

When you can write coherently, and understand the difference between "to" and "too", get back with me. Democrats, for the most part, don't lie. They don't have to....all they have to do is point to the lying right.

So a lie, like Obama said to a joint session of Congress on September 9, 2009, when he said he would not add a dime to the federal deficit?

How about Obama lying by saying " fast and furious" started under the Bush administration.

How about Obama claiming under his tenure that US exports have doubled?

How about Obama's claim " I didn't raise taxes once."

Or how about this lie from Obama, "The vast majority of the money I got was from small donors all across the country.''

Or how about this Obama lie, "We've excluded lobbyists from policymaking jobs."

Do you want or need more because so far, I'm just using Obama but I can get tons of lies.
me find the mutherfucking lies?.....why? admitted they lie but it doesn't matter.....remember when you said that? let me remind you.....
Democratic lies don't actually matter, when we're the party in power
.......what lies were you talking about?.....maybe what you should think about Poet is why you don't give a fuck if your Party lies......and i am crazy?.....i give a fuck about the lies both parties tell to get what they want....people like you on both sides is what is tearing down this Fuckers don't give a shit if there are lies being told as long as YOUR party is doing the lying.......the thing about you and your fellows Poet.....your party is stringing your stupid ass's along.....and you and your people are to stupid to see it.....

When you can write coherently, and understand the difference between "to" and "too", get back with me. Democrats, for the most part, don't lie. They don't have to....all they have to do is point to the lying right.

So a lie, like Obama said to a joint session of Congress on September 9, 2009, when he said he would not add a dime to the federal deficit?

How about Obama lying by saying " fast and furious" started under the Bush administration.

How about Obama claiming under his tenure that US exports have doubled?

How about Obama's claim " I didn't raise taxes once."

Or how about this lie from Obama, "The vast majority of the money I got was from small donors all across the country.''

Or how about this Obama lie, "We've excluded lobbyists from policymaking jobs."

Do you want or need more because so far, I'm just using Obama but I can get tons of lies.

I have no idea what you're talking any event, it doesn't matter. Problem?
When you can write coherently, and understand the difference between "to" and "too", get back with me. Democrats, for the most part, don't lie. They don't have to....all they have to do is point to the lying right.

So a lie, like Obama said to a joint session of Congress on September 9, 2009, when he said he would not add a dime to the federal deficit?

How about Obama lying by saying " fast and furious" started under the Bush administration.

How about Obama claiming under his tenure that US exports have doubled?

How about Obama's claim " I didn't raise taxes once."

Or how about this lie from Obama, "The vast majority of the money I got was from small donors all across the country.''

Or how about this Obama lie, "We've excluded lobbyists from policymaking jobs."

Do you want or need more because so far, I'm just using Obama but I can get tons of lies.

I have no idea what you're talking any event, it doesn't matter. Problem?

You claim that democrats don't lie for the most part, they just point to the right. Here are samples of Obama straight out lying, not pointing to any lies on the right.

Now you claim, you have no reading comprehension.

It seems you have partisan blinders on.
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Find the motherfucking lies, or STFU. You talk like a crazy person. The Republicans are still lying and the truth is foreign to them. President Obama is president for the next 4 years, and Hilary Clinton is likely to follow him...get over it.

me find the mutherfucking lies?.....why? admitted they lie but it doesn't matter.....remember when you said that? let me remind you.....
Democratic lies don't actually matter, when we're the party in power
.......what lies were you talking about?.....maybe what you should think about Poet is why you don't give a fuck if your Party lies......and i am crazy?.....i give a fuck about the lies both parties tell to get what they want....people like you on both sides is what is tearing down this Fuckers don't give a shit if there are lies being told as long as YOUR party is doing the lying.......the thing about you and your fellows Poet.....your party is stringing your stupid ass's along.....and you and your people are to stupid to see it.....

When you can write coherently, and understand the difference between "to" and "too", get back with me. Democrats, for the most part, don't lie. They don't have to....all they have to do is point to the lying right.

now its for "the most part"....what will it be next time?......they only lie once in a while,like when they have are just another Far Left dipshit Poet....and don't give me this bullshit how you are a "Moderate" are not a Moderate Democrat....
me find the mutherfucking lies?.....why? admitted they lie but it doesn't matter.....remember when you said that? let me remind you.....
Democratic lies don't actually matter, when we're the party in power
.......what lies were you talking about?.....maybe what you should think about Poet is why you don't give a fuck if your Party lies......and i am crazy?.....i give a fuck about the lies both parties tell to get what they want....people like you on both sides is what is tearing down this Fuckers don't give a shit if there are lies being told as long as YOUR party is doing the lying.......the thing about you and your fellows Poet.....your party is stringing your stupid ass's along.....and you and your people are to stupid to see it.....

When you can write coherently, and understand the difference between "to" and "too", get back with me. Democrats, for the most part, don't lie. They don't have to....all they have to do is point to the lying right.

now its for "the most part"....what will it be next time?......they only lie once in a while,like when they have are just another Far Left dipshit Poet....and don't give me this bullshit how you are a "Moderate" are not a Moderate Democrat....

Fuck you. Who the fuck do you think you are, telling me who and/or what I am. Fuck you. Piece of shit. Let me just spell it out for you. I don't believe that Democrats lie, ever....and if they do, it doesn't bother me. I think that all Republicans lie, always, and it bothers the fuck out of me. Do you get that? Do you need it any clearer? Now move the fuck on.
So a lie, like Obama said to a joint session of Congress on September 9, 2009, when he said he would not add a dime to the federal deficit?

How about Obama lying by saying " fast and furious" started under the Bush administration.

How about Obama claiming under his tenure that US exports have doubled?

How about Obama's claim " I didn't raise taxes once."

Or how about this lie from Obama, "The vast majority of the money I got was from small donors all across the country.''

Or how about this Obama lie, "We've excluded lobbyists from policymaking jobs."

Do you want or need more because so far, I'm just using Obama but I can get tons of lies.

I have no idea what you're talking any event, it doesn't matter. Problem?

You claim that democrats don't lie for the most part, they just point to the right. Here are samples of Obama straight out lying, not pointing to any lies on the right.

Now you claim, you have no reading comprehension.

It seems you have partisan blinders on.

What the fuck if I do? My prerogative. And? So? Well? Get to steppin'.
You claim that democrats don't lie for the most part, they just point to the right. Here are samples of Obama straight out lying, not pointing to any lies on the right.

Now you claim, you have no reading comprehension.

It seems you have partisan blinders on.

What the fuck if I do? My prerogative. And? So? Well? Get to steppin'.

He was far too polite. I'll be more direct:

You're a scathing hypocrite and a congenital moron.

That clear it up for you?
You claim that democrats don't lie for the most part, they just point to the right. Here are samples of Obama straight out lying, not pointing to any lies on the right.

Now you claim, you have no reading comprehension.

It seems you have partisan blinders on.

What the fuck if I do? My prerogative. And? So? Well? Get to steppin'.

He was far too polite. I'll be more direct:

You're a scathing hypocrite and a congenital moron.

That clear it up for you?

Bitch, who are you, to just crash the conversation I was having with another forum member? I'll tell you.......less than zero. Sit the fuck down and shut up.

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