How is President Obama worse than President George W. Bush?

Expanded the war on terror.

Bail-outs like Bush did

More wasted stimulus money spent than Bush did.

Started more sub-wars with no timeline or constitutional authority.

Did a bigger, more costly and less successful health care power grab than Bush's Medicare part D.

Expanded off Bush's homeland security

Expanded upon Bush era tax cuts.

Spent more on military spending than Bush.

Gave us the NDAA.

Divided the country like no President has ever done before.

Went to a well known racist church for over 20 years.

Expanded the patriot act.

Got the country downgraded.

More people on food stamps than ever before

More people on welfare than ever before.

Less people able to get jobs out of college than ever before.

Attacking the second amendment for no fucking reason seeing all the attacks were illegal already.

Kills tens of thousands of innocents in other countries with wars and drones.

Takes every opportunity to attack Republicans (the other side/team) possible.

Has the FED's bailing out markets at 40 billion a month.

UE is rising yet again.

Guantanamo still open.

Pretty much every single thing you hated about Bush only expanded or is still there.

Obama only ended the Iraq war on the Bush timeline.... But tried to stay past it, was kicked out by the Iraq government, lol... Makes sense you think he is better than Bush.
Lets not forget, as Panetta testified to, he was MIA while four americans were being slaughtered in Benghazi.

He accused innocent cops of "acting stupidly", when he had zero facts, and then had to hold an embarrassing "beer summit" to try and smooth over his own fuck up.

He was publically, before the worlds eyes, in the White House, completely schooled by a true leader in Benjamin Netanyahu.

And on, and on, and on, and on.
i wouldn't say that, bush was not very bright by any standards. obama is a pretty smart guy, just clueless on how to run a country.

Bush's problem was he listened to the wrong people......the more slimy ones in his administration....

please be a real honest person and NAME " .the more slimy ones in his administration...."
ONE NAME! "Slimy"???

how about 3....Cheney,Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld.....
LaKunta you wont ever admit Democrats lie just as why even comment?

Well, the truth of the matter is that the Dems don't lie as much as Republicans.

You're serious?


Dead serious. Despite the lies told by Mitt Romney and the gaggle of Republicans, Dems gained seats in the Senate, the House, and maintained the White House. Obviously, the electorate responded to the truth, over mendacity.
If Obama lies - he's only an amateur compared to the master...

List Of George W. Bush Lies

LaKunta you wont ever admit Democrats lie just as why even comment?

Well, the truth of the matter is that the Dems don't lie as much as Republicans.

you dont see it Poet because you are pretty Far Left......if i remember you said in another post here somewhere that you DESPISE all Republicans/Conservatives of ANY why would you acknowledge any of the Democrats lies? you what they say is pretty much what you it aint the truth of the matter.....i think they both lie as much as they can get away with.....
Well, the truth of the matter is that the Dems don't lie as much as Republicans.

You're serious?


Dead serious. Despite the lies told by Mitt Romney and the gaggle of Republicans, Dems gained seats in the Senate, the House, and maintained the White House. Obviously, the electorate responded to the truth, over mendacity.

the Pendulum seems to swing both soon as the Democrats start fucking up....and they will.....then the Republicans start looking good.....then they will fuck up....and it goes the other way....
Another whiny thread about Obama from one of his cult members

they would like people to FORGET how Bush was treated for eight years by you protesting, marching, camping out in front of his house, storming Senate hearing with fake blood on their hands, etc, leftist trash

but here you go for your Dear Leader...waaa
LaKunta you wont ever admit Democrats lie just as why even comment?

Well, the truth of the matter is that the Dems don't lie as much as Republicans.

you dont see it Poet because you are pretty Far Left......if i remember you said in another post here somewhere that you DESPISE all Republicans/Conservatives of ANY why would you acknowledge any of the Democrats lies? you what they say is pretty much what you it aint the truth of the matter.....i think they both lie as much as they can get away with.....

Not at all... I'm actually moderately left. And that's true, I do despise all Republicans, today. Democratic lies don't actually matter, when we're the party in power. Just like when Bush was in office, we bitched and moaned and it didn't matter. Now the shoe is on the other foot. Get over it. Try to compete in 2016, is your option, because given the wreckage of the Republican Party, 2014 seems a moot point. LOL
Well, the truth of the matter is that the Dems don't lie as much as Republicans.

You're serious?


Dead serious.

I know. That's why it's so funny!

Despite the lies told by Mitt Romney and the gaggle of Republicans, Dems gained seats in the Senate, the House, and maintained the White House. Obviously, the electorate responded to the truth, over mendacity.

ROFL! You must be joking. Every politicians knows that telling the voters the truth is the straightest road to electoral defeat.
Well, the truth of the matter is that the Dems don't lie as much as Republicans.

you dont see it Poet because you are pretty Far Left......if i remember you said in another post here somewhere that you DESPISE all Republicans/Conservatives of ANY why would you acknowledge any of the Democrats lies? you what they say is pretty much what you it aint the truth of the matter.....i think they both lie as much as they can get away with.....

Not at all... I'm actually moderately left. And that's true, I do despise all Republicans, today. Democratic lies don't actually matter, when we're the party in power. Just like when Bush was in office, we bitched and moaned and it didn't matter. Now the shoe is on the other foot. Get over it. Try to compete in 2016, is your option, because given the wreckage of the Republican Party, 2014 seems a moot point. LOL

Democratic lies don't actually matter, when we're the party in power

unfucking know what Poet? did not like it when the Republicans were lying to you......but yet its ok when your party is doing the lying to everyone i know why i cant stand both parties......because of the people who make them up....
Democratic lies don't actually matter, when we're the party in power

this is unfortunately Obama's and the Democrats base of voter

gawd help this country
President Obama seems much better to me. What do you think? Got any credible facts?

Obama speaks in whole, grammatically perfect sentences.

"W" did not nor could he, even with a teleprompter:

1. "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."—Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004

2. "I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family."—Greater Nashua, N.H., Chamber of Commerce, Jan. 27, 2000

3. "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"—Florence, S.C., Jan. 11, 2000

4. "Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB/GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across the country."—Poplar Bluff, Mo., Sept. 6, 2004

5. "Neither in French nor in English nor in Mexican."—declining to answer reporters' questions at the Summit of the Americas, Quebec City, Canada, April 21, 2001

I could go on. And on. And....
These pathetic rightwing nuts are so out of the loop. If any of them had had an ounce of sense they would have nominated Jon Huntsman.

But to them it's all about money. And Romney had more money. Period, the end. (Suckers)
LaKunta you wont ever admit Democrats lie just as why even comment?

Well, the truth of the matter is that the Dems don't lie as much as Republicans.


proof you're a leftwing hack

Even if you take the dishonesty factor out of the equation, the thing is Dems don't promote stupid myths about rape, they don't advocate the use of transvaginal probes, and they stay the fuck out of our bedrooms. They don't have idiots like Rush Limbaugh and Karl Rove leading them around by their noses. That's enough for me, hack.
Well, the truth of the matter is that the Dems don't lie as much as Republicans.


proof you're a leftwing hack

Even if you take the dishonesty factor out of the equation, the thing is Dems don't promote stupid myths about rape, they don't advocate the use of transvaginal probes, and they stay the fuck out of our bedrooms. They don't have idiots like Rush Limbaugh and Karl Rove leading them around by their noses. That's enough for me, hack.
so what if we dont take the dishonesty factor out?....its ok for them to put a spin on everything to make the idiots out there think they are the way to go?....the Democrats lead people around by their noses just like the Republicans do.....and if you cant see that...take the ring out of your nose.....

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