How is the new communist Mayor in Chicago doing with crime?

I reject that notion.

For instance, when a lot of white immigrants came here - particularly the Irish, the Jews and the Italians - they had a high incidence of crime, because they were largely poor. It got so bad that Chicago had a war between the Irish and Italian gangsters that the Italians eventually won and outright controlled the city.

But this funny thing happened. Eventually, we decided that the Irish and the Italians and the Jews were "White Enough" to access the mainstream. Lost the accent, change your name to sound less ethnic.

My grandfather came here from Germany in 1925. He changed his name from Ludwig to Louis, and the way he pronounced the family last name (which is how we still pronounce it today.) But he was white enough to assimilate.

Blacks have never really been afforded that opportunity. Even after slavery was abolished, white people just found new ways to be shitty.

There are no "natural criminals", there are just people who do what they have to do to survive.
You have the morality of a full belly and a warm place to sleep.

Yes, it is. Which is why our media actually care when a crime happens there.

The way language is being mangled and manipulated, thought also follows and falls into the same dysfunctional state. You simplify outcomes by putting all the groups that suffered discrimination together as not deserving it.

Without being given anything by the WASP ruling class, the White ethnics made themselves useful and quit being degenerate, all on their own. The Aframs have not only been given special consideration that no other group was ever given, they continue to fail even with that. So it is illogical to equate their resulting status as coming from the same source.

No one decided that Irish and Italians were white enough they simply worked hard and succeeded and overcame those obstacles on their own.

Other minorities can do the same thing. Unless they are held down by woke notions of systemic ongoing racism and oppression which is nothing nore than a tired cliche.

It is welfare and constant whining about being victims of crimes of the past which is holding them back
Back Where They Belong

Aframs would wind up the same useless and violent way they are now without Liberal brainwashing. Conservative influencers are afraid of being called "racists' by their prep-school classmates, so they manufacture other excuses for the Aframs' behavior.

Either way, we have no obligation to help the hopelessly inferior.
What kind of a complete moron believes that some people have a “genetic tendency to destroy evolved humans”?
The Neanderthal Didn't Die Out; They Were Killed Off

Defending ourselves from savages has been a fact throughout history, especially during American history, and even during pre-history in Europe. The decadent multiculturalist ruling class has infected civilization with a Death Wish.
Um, nope. Quite the opposite

Again, your racism is amusing, because somewhere out there, there's a WASP who considers you inferior.

Occupy the Spectrum

The Conservative opposition would never dare say that Whites who are born rich (the connotation of "WASPs") are behind this race treason. So Whites should not be seduced by any entitled elitist who pretends to be on our side.

Your description of what I said as racist is a disgusting lie. What I said is factually cofrrect and was not directed at any race.

Criminality is a product of individal chocies it is not caused by outside influences.

DO NOT CALL ME a racist without evidence of which you have NONE you lying pig

You are an uneducated and very STUPID liar resorting to smears and false accusations when losing an argument you little trash bag
The Right Has Done Us Wrong, Too

When you object to be called "racist," you are giving race traitors credibility. There is nothing wrong with judging a race by its behavior. So that Commie Goon MLK was using a strawman with his "color of skin" nonsense. Aframs have always been judged on the content of their character.

Notice that no Right Wing pundit has analyzed the dishonest "I Have a Dream" speech as making racism sound like a simple-minded judgment merely based on superficial appearances. So the Right must be overthrown, too.
..... And the truth is your neighbor pays for infidelities and vices of the same class. Spoiled children from elites are the ones to go after. Knowing their true ways. Just to start.
Natural Republicans Like Hillary Rodham Took Over the Democratic Party in the 1960s

Unprivileged Whites were becoming too successful, so the hereditary ruling class decided to promote ferals, foreigners, and fairies to block our way. Those born in the 1% are the enemy; they must be deported back to the crumbling castles of Europe where they belong. Laws protecting birth privileges must be abolished.
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White people do face them

All people face obstacles and they are all subjective as in all see their own personal obstacles as worse than the other guy

If ANYONE of ANY color does not rise out of poverty it is their own individual fault. It is fact that poverty is a matter of bad personal choice,

We have NO such system. Your claim is NOT a fact it is strictly an ideological talking point,]

It is irrelevant and meaningless to Americans and American children. American ghettoes are caused and maintain by the very people on the left who write such tripe

Ghettos are caused by the ruling class ensuring that the “inferiors” are kept segregated from their “betters”. Hence the “Projects” and “redlining”.

When you have people stratified like that, it’s easy for authoritarians to just go in an murder them. The undesirables have already been rounded up. See Brazil and the Phillipines.

The Neanderthal Didn't Die Out; They Were Killed Off

Defending ourselves from savages has been a fact throughout history, especially during American history, and even during pre-history in Europe. The decadent multiculturalist ruling class has infected civilization with a Death Wish.

Well hopefully you racist savages will die off soon enough. Your children aren’t buying your racist bullshit.

We were prepared to live and let live but if you have to die, you to have to die.
Ghettos are caused by the ruling class ensuring that the “inferiors” are kept segregated from their “betters”. Hence the “Projects” and “redlining”.

When you have people stratified like that, it’s easy for authoritarians to just go in an murder them. The undesirables have already been rounded up. See Brazil and the Phillipines.

Well hopefully you racist savages will die off soon enough. Your children aren’t buying your racist bullshit.

We were prepared to live and let live but if you have to die, you to have to die.
Gee another braindead rant. LOL
Ghettos are caused by the ruling class ensuring that the “inferiors” are kept segregated from their “betters”. Hence the “Projects” and “redlining”.

When you have people stratified like that, it’s easy for authoritarians to just go in an murder them. The undesirables have already been rounded up. See Brazil and the Phillipines.

Well hopefully you racist savages will die off soon enough. Your children aren’t buying your racist bullshit.

We were prepared to live and let live but if you have to die, you to have to die.
partly true.

The ruling class are the wooke leftists who have created dependency for people in ghettoes and kept them there for years,

Stop making false accusations and smears, You are a liar and coward.

I habve said nothing racist and your accusations is a bullshiot lie proving you are weak stupid and wrong.
Ghettos are caused by the ruling class ensuring that the “inferiors” are kept segregated from their “betters”. Hence the “Projects” and “redlining”.

When you have people stratified like that, it’s easy for authoritarians to just go in an murder them. The undesirables have already been rounded up. See Brazil and the Phillipines.

Well hopefully you racist savages will die off soon enough. Your children aren’t buying your racist bullshit.

We were prepared to live and let live but if you have to die, you to have to die.
You're going to die too. Another deceased idiot is nothing to mourn.
The way language is being mangled and manipulated, thought also follows and falls into the same dysfunctional state. You simplify outcomes by putting all the groups that suffered discrimination together as not deserving it.

Without being given anything by the WASP ruling class, the White ethnics made themselves useful and quit being degenerate, all on their own. The Aframs have not only been given special consideration that no other group was ever given, they continue to fail even with that. So it is illogical to equate their resulting status as coming from the same source.

First, no one deserves discrimination.
Secondly, while white ethnics did encounter some discrimination, they suffered nowhere near what black people have and continue to do so. Special consideration, my ass. More like special abuse.

Jim Crow
Sundown Laws
Miscengation Laws

You can't undo 350 years of shitty behavior with 50 years of slightly less shitty behavior.

The Conservative opposition would never dare say that Whites who are born rich (the connotation of "WASPs") are behind this race treason. So Whites should not be seduced by any entitled elitist who pretends to be on our side.

Oh, I agree... the rich are not on your side.
They happily keep playing you off against each other.
And you are such a stupid dipshit that you keep falling for it.

A Koch Brother, a MAGAt and a Welfare Person go into a restaurant, and the Waiter brings out 12 cookies. the Koch Brother wolfs down 11 of them and says to the MAGAt, "That Welfare Person wants half your cookie!"

And you keep falling for it.

Oh, I agree... the rich are not on your side.
They happily keep playing you off against each other.
And you are such a stupid dipshit that you keep falling for it.

A Koch Brother, a MAGAt and a Welfare Person go into a restaurant, and the Waiter brings out 12 cookies. the Koch Brother wolfs down 11 of them and says to the MAGAt, "That Welfare Person wants half your cookie!"

And you keep falling for it.
The Self-Reliant Don't Desperately Seek for Leaders

The hereditary ruling class forces naturally incompatible races together; it doesn't brainwash Whites to believe they are incompatible with certain people when they aren't "really." It's a new trick from the regime. You can't deny it just because no Influencer, whether on the fake Right or the fake Left, has told you about what his Masters have scheming ever since other Whites defeated Fascism.

Besides, who said we can't be against both the undeserving rich and those who deserve to be poor? Around 1900, a great American writer, Jack London (inventor of the phrase, "Great White Hope) was against both toxic groups. Your analysis is smug, shallow, and unrealistic. It is subservient to decadent thought-control.

Both trickster sides control the government and all legal means to set things straight. But there are other ways we can get the cookies we deserve and prevent the rich parasites and the mooching, lazy poor from taking anything that rightfully belongs to those who work for it.
So it's kind of funny that you show a picture of a Zionist soldier here.

The Zionists show what a policy of "Keep your boot on their neck" looks like. They can't walk down the street without fear of being bombed. know... maybe instead of whining about crime, we should look at addressing it's underlying causes...

The root cause is that no one has the intestinal fortitude to send them home.
Never doubt me.

Now, it’s in a shop, with an estimated repair bill of $15,000.

“Everyone’s like ‘you have to call insurance.’ We did, and they’re like ‘you don’t have the package that covers mob insurance,’” he recalled with a sigh. “I thought (it was a joke). I didn’t realize I needed to check the ‘mob’ box.”

How long the fuck has he been in Chicago?
I'm not sure why I talk to you, because most of your writing indicates you are a couple tacos short of a combination platter.

But let's have a go.

The hereditary ruling class forces naturally incompatible races together; it doesn't brainwash Whites to believe they are incompatible with certain people when they aren't "really." It's a new trick from the regime. You can't deny it just because no Influencer, whether on the fake Right or the fake Left, has told you about what his Masters have scheming ever since other Whites defeated Fascism.

Why are races "naturally incompatable"? I mean, just because people like you and Hector wet your panties when a large black man gets close to you, doesn't mean the rest of us do.

I was in the Army for 11 years, worked with people of all races and backgrounds. It was probably the only true meritocracy I ever worked in.

Besides, who said we can't be against both the undeserving rich and those who deserve to be poor? Around 1900, a great American writer, Jack London (inventor of the phrase, "Great White Hope) was against both toxic groups. Your analysis is smug, shallow, and unrealistic. It is subservient to decadent thought-control.

Jack London was a product of his time.

His use of the term "Great white hope" was because a black man, Jack Johnson, was beating every white man who got into the ring with him, and this was unacceptable to racists at the time like London. So they all touted a guy name James Jefferies, who Johnson pretty much beat like a drum. Oh, yeah, after Jeffries got his ass kicked, white people all over the country started riots.

So you are kind of proving my point. We have a history of 400 years of finding ways to keep black people down, or screw them over.

Both trickster sides control the government and all legal means to set things straight. But there are other ways we can get the cookies we deserve and prevent the rich parasites and the mooching, lazy poor from taking anything that rightfully belongs to those who work for it.

Or we can just fairly distribute the cookies. In that scenario, everyone gets four cookies. That seem fair.
I'm not sure why I talk to you, because most of your writing indicates you are a couple tacos short of a combination platter.

But let's have a go.

The hereditary ruling class forces naturally incompatible races together; it doesn't brainwash Whites to believe they are incompatible with certain people when they aren't "really." It's a new trick from the regime. You can't deny it just because no Influencer, whether on the fake Right or the fake Left, has told you about what his Masters have scheming ever since other Whites defeated Fascism.

Why are races "naturally incompatable"? I mean, just because people like you and Hector wet your panties when a large black man gets close to you, doesn't mean the rest of us do.

I was in the Army for 11 years, worked with people of all races and backgrounds. It was probably the only true meritocracy I ever worked in.

Besides, who said we can't be against both the undeserving rich and those who deserve to be poor? Around 1900, a great American writer, Jack London (inventor of the phrase, "Great White Hope) was against both toxic groups. Your analysis is smug, shallow, and unrealistic. It is subservient to decadent thought-control.

Jack London was a product of his time.

His use of the term "Great white hope" was because a black man, Jack Johnson, was beating every white man who got into the ring with him, and this was unacceptable to racists at the time like London. So they all touted a guy name James Jefferies, who Johnson pretty much beat like a drum. Oh, yeah, after Jeffries got his ass kicked, white people all over the country started riots.

So you are kind of proving my point. We have a history of 400 years of finding ways to keep black people down, or screw them over.

Both trickster sides control the government and all legal means to set things straight. But there are other ways we can get the cookies we deserve and prevent the rich parasites and the mooching, lazy poor from taking anything that rightfully belongs to those who work for it.

Or we can just fairly distribute the cookies. In that scenario, everyone gets four cookies. That seem fair.
Why are races "naturally incompatible"?

I was in the Army for 11 years, worked with people of all races and backgrounds.

Jack London was a product of his time.

His use of the term "Great white hope" was because a black man, Jack Johnson, was beating every white man who got into the ring with him, and this was unacceptable to racists at the time like London. So they all touted a guy name James Jefferies, who Johnson pretty much beat like a drum. Oh, yeah, after Jeffries got his ass kicked, white people all over the country started riots.
Machiavelli Was a Lightweight Compared to Whoever Exposes the Real Schemes of Ruling Classes

The Left and Right influencers come from the same spoiled and sheltered class. So the whole Liberal agenda is designed to give their Conservative classmates talking points. It is a Bad Cop, Good Cop scenario. The Right hand does know what its Left hand is doing.
Machiavelli Was a Lightweight Compared to Whoever Exposes the Real Schemes of Ruling Classes

The Left and Right influencers come from the same spoiled and sheltered class. So the whole Liberal agenda is designed to give their Conservative classmates talking points. It is a Bad Cop, Good Cop scenario. The Right hand does know what its Left hand is doing.
Does your doctor know you are off your medications?

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