How is the new communist Mayor in Chicago doing with crime?

I reject that notion.

For instance, when a lot of white immigrants came here - particularly the Irish, the Jews and the Italians - they had a high incidence of crime, because they were largely poor. It got so bad that Chicago had a war between the Irish and Italian gangsters that the Italians eventually won and outright controlled the city.

But this funny thing happened. Eventually, we decided that the Irish and the Italians and the Jews were "White Enough" to access the mainstream. Lost the accent, change your name to sound less ethnic.

My grandfather came here from Germany in 1925. He changed his name from Ludwig to Louis, and the way he pronounced the family last name (which is how we still pronounce it today.) But he was white enough to assimilate.

Blacks have never really been afforded that opportunity. Even after slavery was abolished, white people just found new ways to be shitty.

Um, seriously, fuck off and die.

There are no "natural criminals", there are just people who do what they have to do to survive.
Somehow, if you ran into a life-ruin, and you were desperate enough, you'd resort to criminal activity.
You have the morality of a full belly and a warm place to sleep.

Yes, it is. Which is why our media actually cares when a crime happens there.

No one decided that irish and italians were white enough they simply worked hard and succeeded and overcame those obstacles on their own.

Other minorities can do the same thing. Unless they are held down by woke notions of systemic ongoing racism and oppression which is nothing nore than a tired cliche.

It is welfare and constant whining about being victims of crimes of the past which is holding them back
I reject that notion.

For instance, when a lot of white immigrants came here - particularly the Irish, the Jews and the Italians - they had a high incidence of crime, because they were largely poor. It got so bad that Chicago had a war between the Irish and Italian gangsters that the Italians eventually won and outright controlled the city.

But this funny thing happened. Eventually, we decided that the Irish and the Italians and the Jews were "White Enough" to access the mainstream. Lost the accent, change your name to sound less ethnic.

My grandfather came here from Germany in 1925. He changed his name from Ludwig to Louis, and the way he pronounced the family last name (which is how we still pronounce it today.) But he was white enough to assimilate.

Blacks have never really been afforded that opportunity. Even after slavery was abolished, white people just found new ways to be shitty.

Um, seriously, fuck off and die.

There are no "natural criminals", there are just people who do what they have to do to survive.
Somehow, if you ran into a life-ruin, and you were desperate enough, you'd resort to criminal activity.
You have the morality of a full belly and a warm place to sleep.

Yes, it is. Which is why our media actually cares when a crime happens there.

Most criminal are not trying to survive they are simply people who enjoy indulging their baser instincts/ Yes they are natural criminals
Some Genos Need to Be Cided

You twist phrases into illogically limited meanings. What if the 'underlying causes" turn out to be a genetic tendency to destroy evolved humans and their property out of a jealous hatred of those capable of building things, when the unfit are only capable of trashing things?

Another cause is world or national ruling classes not letting the people they exclude wipe out the unfit, or at least drive them out to No Man's Land, which is how the natural criminals got into the jungles and deserts in the first place.

What kind of a complete moron believes that some people have a “genetic tendency to destroy evolved humans”?

No one decided that irish and italians were white enough they simply worked hard and succeeded and overcame those obstacles on their own.

Um, nope. Quite the opposite

Other minorities can do the same thing. Unless they are held down by woke notions of systemic ongoing racism and oppression which is nothing nore than a tired cliche.

It is welfare and constant whining about being victims of crimes of the past which is holding them back

Nope, it's racism.


Most criminal are not trying to survive they are simply people who enjoy indulging their baser instincts/ Yes they are natural criminals

Again, your racism is amusing, because somewhere out there, there's a WASP who considers you inferior.
Um, nope. Quite the opposite

Nope, it's racism.

Again, your racism is amusing, because somewhere out there, there's a WASP who considers you inferior.

Wrong it is left win victim coddling and virtue signaling

Racism is trivial

You are now nothing more than a cheap fucking liar as I have demonstrated no racism of any kind
Like all poorly educated dumb fucking left wingers you have to resort to smears when losing an argument

Most criminal are not trying to survive they are simply people who enjoy indulging their baser instincts/ Yes they are natural criminals

That’s a bullshit racist lie. Most criminals are people who lack any kind of opportunities within their communities, or at home.

Criminality, like your racism and hate, is the product of the environment you were brought up in. Low-level human beings such as yourself always need someone to look down on and looking down on and vilify. Skin colour is so easy to spot.
Yep they simplty overcame obstacles no one made them white

You are ignorant of history and posting videos whichare STRICTLY fiction

Why should people of colour have to “overcome obstacles” that white people don’t even have to face, in order to be successful?

The hard truth is the only 2% will “overcome obstacles” and rise out of poverty.

You have a system that oppresses 98% of poor people and keeps them in poverty. You have a “zero tolerance” system that criminalizes young black men at a rate 7 times greater than white kids committing similar offences.

Instead of saying, “We need to find out why what we are currently doing isn’t working for 98% of poor people”, you’re blaming poor people for their poverty.

This is a Canadian publication but it’s bullet points all apply to poor American children as well. Especially around issues of poverty and abuse in the home. In terms of hunger and homelessness, these are even more applicable to children in poor American communities because of the “poor ghettos” in most US cities.

Why should people of colour have to “overcome obstacles” that white people don’t even have to face, in order to be successful?

The hard truth is the only 2% will “overcome obstacles” and rise out of poverty.

You have a system that oppresses 98% of poor people and keeps them in poverty. You have a “zero tolerance” system that criminalizes young black men at a rate 7 times greater than white kids committing similar offences.

Instead of saying, “We need to find out why what we are currently doing isn’t working for 98% of poor people”, you’re blaming poor people for their poverty.

This is a Canadian publication but it’s bullet points all apply to poor American children as well. Especially around issues of poverty and abuse in the home. In terms of hunger and homelessness, these are even more applicable to children in poor American communities because of the “poor ghettos” in most US cities.

White people do face them

All people face obstacles and they are all subjective as in all see their own personal obstacles as worse than the other guy

If ANYONE of ANY color does not rise out of poverty it is their own individual fault. It is fact that poverty is a matter of bad personal choice,

We have NO such system. Your claim is NOT a fact it is strictly an ideological talking point,]

It is irrelevant and meaningless to Americans and American children. American ghettoes are caused and maintain by the very people on the left who write such tripe
That’s a bullshit racist lie. Most criminals are people who lack any kind of opportunities within their communities, or at home.

Criminality, like your racism and hate, is the product of the environment you were brought up in. Low-level human beings such as yourself always need someone to look down on and looking down on and vilify. Skin colour is so easy to spot.

Your description of what I said as racist is a disgusting lie. What I said is factually cofrrect and was not directed at any race.

Criminality is a product of individal chocies it is not caused by outside influences.

DO NOT CALL ME a racist without evidence of which you have NONE you lying pig

You are an uneducated and very STUPID liar resorting to smears and false accusations when losing an argument you little trash bag
Yep they simplty overcame obstacles no one made them white

You are ignorant of history and posting videos whichare STRICTLY fiction

Seems to me that lady did her research about discrimination in the past.

As I've said elsewhere, my Grandfather came here from Germany, and while Germans were considered "Whiter" than Italians and Irish, they were still not WASPs. He changed his first name from Ludwig to Louis and how he pronounced the family name (which we are still doing today.) America has always been a racial heirarchy and still is.

Other White People
Native Americans

That's the pecking order. It shouldn't be, but it is.

Wrong it is left win victim coddling and virtue signaling

Racism is trivial

Check your privilege.

You are now nothing more than a cheap fucking liar as I have demonstrated no racism of any kind
Like all poorly educated dumb fucking left wingers you have to resort to smears when losing an argument
I'm a realist. I know that this society treats black people differently, from the rejection of resumes with black names to the police officer who pulls black drivers over on a
So it's kind of funny that you show a picture of a Zionist soldier here.

The Zionists show what a policy of "Keep your boot on their neck" looks like. They can't walk down the street without fear of being bombed. know... maybe instead of whining about crime, we should look at addressing it's underlying causes...
look we werent going to mention these poor tools have voted democrat for many decades....little wonder their lives are shit
look we werent going to mention these poor tools have voted democrat for many decades....little wonder their lives are shit

The people who vote Democratic know that Republicans want to yank the programs that help them to give tax breaks for rich people.

We all know that Supply Side is a lie, but you keep falling for it.
Seems to me that lady did her research about discrimination in the past.

As I've said elsewhere, my Grandfather came here from Germany, and while Germans were considered "Whiter" than Italians and Irish, they were still not WASPs. He changed his first name from Ludwig to Louis and how he pronounced the family name (which we are still doing today.) America has always been a racial heirarchy and still is.

Other White People
Native Americans

That's the pecking order. It shouldn't be, but it is.

Check your privilege.

I'm a realist. I know that this society treats black people differently, from the rejection of resumes with black names to the police officer who pulls black drivers over on a
and black memebers of their society enjoy shooting other black members of their societiy
The people who vote Democratic know that Republicans want to yank the programs that help them to give tax breaks for rich people.

We all know that Supply Side is a lie, but you keep falling for it.
on the other hand people from communist nations are swarming over our border looking for a better life
Seems to me that lady did her research about discrimination in the past.

As I've said elsewhere, my Grandfather came here from Germany, and while Germans were considered "Whiter" than Italians and Irish, they were still not WASPs. He changed his first name from Ludwig to Louis and how he pronounced the family name (which we are still doing today.) America has always been a racial heirarchy and still is.

Other White People
Native Americans

That's the pecking order. It shouldn't be, but it is.

Check your privilege.

I'm a realist. I know that this society treats black people differently, from the rejection of resumes with black names to the police officer who pulls black drivers over on a
He was considered German
The pecking order is a manfuctured creation you dreamed u[.

I have no priviledge

You are not a realist you are an ignoramous running off of an ideoology.

society is a vague idea it treats no one in any way
He was considered German
The pecking order is a manfuctured creation you dreamed u[.

Nope, it's realism. I know that even with all I've accomplished, I don't have the privileges of a WASP. But I have more privileges than other races.

I have no priviledge
Sure you do. When you are accustomed to privilege, equality seems like oppression.
You are not a realist you are an ignoramous running off of an ideoology.

The very fact you can't acknowledge the inequities prove they exist.

society is a vague idea it treats no one in any way
Of course it does. Check your privilege.
Nope, it's realism. I know that even with all I've accomplished, I don't have the privileges of a WASP. But I have more privileges than other races.

Sure you do. When you are accustomed to privilege, equality seems like oppression.

The very fact you can't acknowledge the inequities prove they exist.

Of course it does. Check your privilege.
The privilege checks are not just what you typed. They are for all different types of employment as just one example. They are for all types of employment and how people are hired as another. They are for who pays for it. And the truth is your neighbor pays for infidelities and vices of the same class. Spoiled children from elites are the ones to go after. Knowing their true ways. Just to start.
Nope, it's realism. I know that even with all I've accomplished, I don't have the privileges of a WASP. But I have more privileges than other races.

Sure you do. When you are accustomed to privilege, equality seems like oppression.

The very fact you can't acknowledge the inequities prove they exist.

Of course it does. Check your privilege.
I have no privilege.

Equality does not exist, Privilege exists but nhot the way you describe. I have none to check

You are not a realist you are a knee jerk ideologue

No it does not and I have none to check


Well done Chi town!
Stupid idiot people in Chicago booted out a progressive idiot for increasing crime and then voted in someone with even more progressive ideas. Didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how that would turn out.

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