How is this NOT Treason?

I'm old enough to remember when that word was never used, except in referring to Benedict Arnold.
Now, everything is treasonous! lolz
That was before we had a President send an angry mob to the Capitol just because he lost an election.
Yea, how is it “treason” if an enemy is calling you to tell you they are launching a show attack?

Your guy Gen. Milley said he would call China to warn them if we were attack them. Now is that not treason on his behalf? Or are you trying to argue that would treason on China’s side? LOL.
ClowntheHawk. Milley called to say we were not going to attack them. that is not treason.

You have always have had words elude you.
Notice slack-jawed faggot Synthaholic can’t answer the question. Does he support going to war with Iran or not for the attack on the base during President Trump?

3 soldiers died under Biden, not President Trump.

So which is it? Bomb Iran or no?
Democrats aren't Americans. They are globalist surfs that serve the WEF. They want a war between Iran and America because they think it will kill a lot of white people. It's really that simple.
Let me get this straight. The guy who didn't start any news wars is a psycho, but the ones who have started dozens of wars to enrich the military-industrial complex are the well socialized ones.
He was fighting wars, yes, he is a psycho, and you are clown with down's to support him.
Yea, how is it “treason” if an enemy is calling you to tell you they are launching a show attack?
I am not agreeing with OP, however, if Trump knew an attack was coming, yet he did not order an evacuation, and this resulted in personnel injuries, then he has betrayed the soldiers.

Also, the fact that a foreign nation would warn him in advance of an attack is also kind of sketchy. It makes me wonder what his relationship with that country is. Is he at war with them, or is he not? If he's not at war with them, why did they try to attack a US base? And if he is at war with them, why did they give him a heads up about an attack? It just makes little sense.

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